(*************************************************************************) (* *) (* Objective Caml LablTk library *) (* *) (* Jacques Garrigue, Kyoto University RIMS *) (* *) (* Copyright 1999 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique and Kyoto University. All rights reserved. *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU Library *) (* General Public License. *) (* *) (*************************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) open Tk open Jg_tk open Mytypes open Longident open Types open Typedtree open Env open Searchpos open Searchid let list_modules ~path = List.fold_left path ~init:[] ~f: begin fun modules dir -> let l = List.filter (Useunix.get_files_in_directory dir) ~f:(fun x -> Filename.check_suffix x ".cmi") in let l = List.map l ~f: begin fun x -> String.capitalize (Filename.chop_suffix x ".cmi") end in List.fold_left l ~init:modules ~f:(fun modules item -> if List.mem item modules then modules else item :: modules) end let reset_modules box = Listbox.delete box ~first:(`Num 0) ~last:`End; module_list := Sort.list ~order:(<) (list_modules ~path:!Config.load_path); Listbox.insert box ~index:`End ~texts:!module_list; Jg_box.recenter box ~index:(`Num 0) let view_symbol ~kind ~env ?path id = let name = match id with Lident x -> x | Ldot (_, x) -> x | _ -> match kind with Pvalue | Ptype | Plabel -> "z" | _ -> "Z" in match kind with Pvalue -> let path, vd = lookup_value id env in view_signature_item ~path ~env [Tsig_value (Ident.create name, vd)] | Ptype -> view_type_id id ~env | Plabel -> let ld = lookup_label id env in begin match ld.lbl_res.desc with Tconstr (path, _, _) -> view_type_decl path ~env | _ -> () end | Pconstructor -> let cd = lookup_constructor id env in begin match cd.cstr_res.desc with Tconstr (cpath, _, _) -> if Path.same cpath Predef.path_exn then view_signature ~title:(string_of_longident id) ~env ?path [Tsig_exception (Ident.create name, cd.cstr_args)] else view_type_decl cpath ~env | _ -> () end | Pmodule -> view_module_id id ~env | Pmodtype -> view_modtype_id id ~env | Pclass -> view_class_id id ~env | Pcltype -> view_cltype_id id ~env let choose_symbol ~title ~env ?signature ?path l = if match path with None -> false | Some path -> is_shown_module path then () else let tl = Jg_toplevel.titled title in Jg_bind.escape_destroy tl; top_widgets := coe tl :: !top_widgets; let buttons = Frame.create tl in let all = Button.create buttons ~text:"Show all" ~padx:20 and ok = Jg_button.create_destroyer tl ~parent:buttons and detach = Button.create buttons ~text:"Detach" and edit = Button.create buttons ~text:"Impl" and intf = Button.create buttons ~text:"Intf" in let l = Sort.list l ~order: (fun (li1, _) (li2,_) -> string_of_longident li1 < string_of_longident li2) in let nl = List.map l ~f: begin fun (li, k) -> string_of_longident li ^ " (" ^ string_of_kind k ^ ")" end in let fb = Frame.create tl in let box = new Jg_multibox.c fb ~cols:3 ~texts:nl ~maxheight:3 ~width:21 in box#init; box#bind_kbd ~events:[`KeyPressDetail"Escape"] ~action:(fun _ ~index -> destroy tl; break ()); if List.length nl > 9 then ignore (Jg_multibox.add_scrollbar box); Jg_multibox.add_completion box ~action: begin fun pos -> let li, k = List.nth l pos in let path = match path, li with None, Ldot (lip, _) -> begin try Some (fst (lookup_module lip env)) with Not_found -> None end | _ -> path in view_symbol li ~kind:k ~env ?path end; pack [buttons] ~side:`Bottom ~fill:`X; pack [fb] ~side:`Top ~fill:`Both ~expand:true; begin match signature with None -> pack [ok] ~fill:`X ~expand:true | Some signature -> Button.configure all ~command: begin fun () -> view_signature signature ~title ~env ?path end; pack [ok; all] ~side:`Right ~fill:`X ~expand:true end; begin match path with None -> () | Some path -> let frame = Frame.create tl in pack [frame] ~side:`Bottom ~fill:`X; add_shown_module path ~widgets:{ mw_frame = frame; mw_detach = detach; mw_edit = edit; mw_intf = intf } end let search_which = ref "itself" let search_symbol () = if !module_list = [] then module_list := Sort.list ~order:(<) (list_modules ~path:!Config.load_path); let tl = Jg_toplevel.titled "Search symbol" in Jg_bind.escape_destroy tl; let ew = Entry.create tl ~width:30 in let choice = Frame.create tl and which = Textvariable.create ~on:tl () in let itself = Radiobutton.create choice ~text:"Itself" ~variable:which ~value:"itself" and extype = Radiobutton.create choice ~text:"Exact type" ~variable:which ~value:"exact" and iotype = Radiobutton.create choice ~text:"Included type" ~variable:which ~value:"iotype" and buttons = Frame.create tl in let search = Button.create buttons ~text:"Search" ~command: begin fun () -> search_which := Textvariable.get which; let text = Entry.get ew in try if text = "" then () else let l = match !search_which with "itself" -> search_string_symbol text | "iotype" -> search_string_type text ~mode:`included | "exact" -> search_string_type text ~mode:`exact | _ -> assert false in if l <> [] then choose_symbol ~title:"Choose symbol" ~env:!start_env l with Searchid.Error (s,e) -> Entry.selection_clear ew; Entry.selection_range ew ~start:(`Num s) ~stop:(`Num e); Entry.xview_index ew ~index:(`Num s) end and ok = Jg_button.create_destroyer tl ~parent:buttons ~text:"Cancel" in Focus.set ew; Jg_bind.return_invoke ew ~button:search; Textvariable.set which !search_which; pack [itself; extype; iotype] ~side:`Left ~anchor:`W; pack [search; ok] ~side:`Left ~fill:`X ~expand:true; pack [coe ew; coe choice; coe buttons] ~side:`Top ~fill:`X ~expand:true let view_defined modlid ~env = try match lookup_module modlid env with path, Tmty_signature sign -> let ident_of_decl = function Tsig_value (id, _) -> Lident (Ident.name id), Pvalue | Tsig_type (id, _) -> Lident (Ident.name id), Ptype | Tsig_exception (id, _) -> Ldot (modlid, Ident.name id), Pconstructor | Tsig_module (id, _) -> Lident (Ident.name id), Pmodule | Tsig_modtype (id, _) -> Lident (Ident.name id), Pmodtype | Tsig_class (id, _) -> Lident (Ident.name id), Pclass | Tsig_cltype (id, _) -> Lident (Ident.name id), Pcltype in let rec iter_sign sign idents = match sign with [] -> List.rev idents | decl :: rem -> let rem = match decl, rem with Tsig_class _, cty :: ty1 :: ty2 :: rem -> rem | Tsig_cltype _, ty1 :: ty2 :: rem -> rem | _, rem -> rem in iter_sign rem (ident_of_decl decl :: idents) in let l = iter_sign sign [] in choose_symbol l ~title:(string_of_path path) ~signature:sign ~env:(open_signature path sign env) ~path | _ -> () with Not_found -> () | Env.Error err -> let tl, tw, finish = Jg_message.formatted ~title:"Error!" () in Env.report_error Format.std_formatter err; finish () let close_all_views () = List.iter !top_widgets ~f:(fun tl -> try destroy tl with Protocol.TkError _ -> ()); top_widgets := [] let shell_counter = ref 1 let default_shell = ref "ocaml" let start_shell () = let tl = Jg_toplevel.titled "Start New Shell" in Wm.transient_set tl ~master:Widget.default_toplevel; let input = Frame.create tl and buttons = Frame.create tl in let ok = Button.create buttons ~text:"Ok" and cancel = Jg_button.create_destroyer tl ~parent:buttons ~text:"Cancel" and labels = Frame.create input and entries = Frame.create input in let l1 = Label.create labels ~text:"Command:" and l2 = Label.create labels ~text:"Title:" and e1 = Jg_entry.create entries ~command:(fun _ -> Button.invoke ok) and e2 = Jg_entry.create entries ~command:(fun _ -> Button.invoke ok) and names = List.map ~f:fst (Shell.get_all ()) in Entry.insert e1 ~index:`End ~text:!default_shell; let shell_name () = "Shell #" ^ string_of_int !shell_counter in while List.mem (shell_name ()) names do incr shell_counter done; Entry.insert e2 ~index:`End ~text:(shell_name ()); Button.configure ok ~command:(fun () -> if not (List.mem (Entry.get e2) names) then begin default_shell := Entry.get e1; Shell.f ~prog:!default_shell ~title:(Entry.get e2); destroy tl end); pack [l1;l2] ~side:`Top ~anchor:`W; pack [e1;e2] ~side:`Top ~fill:`X ~expand:true; pack [labels;entries] ~side:`Left ~fill:`X ~expand:true; pack [ok;cancel] ~side:`Left ~fill:`X ~expand:true; pack [input;buttons] ~side:`Top ~fill:`X ~expand:true let f ?(dir=Unix.getcwd()) ?on () = let tl = match on with None -> let tl = Jg_toplevel.titled "Module viewer" in ignore (Jg_bind.escape_destroy tl); coe tl | Some top -> Wm.title_set top "OCamlBrowser"; Wm.iconname_set top "OCamlBrowser"; let tl = Frame.create top in pack [tl] ~expand:true ~fill:`Both; coe tl in let menus = Frame.create tl ~name:"menubar" in let filemenu = new Jg_menu.c "File" ~parent:menus and modmenu = new Jg_menu.c "Modules" ~parent:menus in let fmbox, mbox, msb = Jg_box.create_with_scrollbar tl in Jg_box.add_completion mbox ~nocase:true ~action: begin fun index -> view_defined (Lident (Listbox.get mbox ~index)) ~env:!start_env end; Setpath.add_update_hook (fun () -> reset_modules mbox); let ew = Entry.create tl in let buttons = Frame.create tl in let search = Button.create buttons ~text:"Search" ~pady:1 ~command: begin fun () -> let s = Entry.get ew in let is_type = ref false and is_long = ref false in for i = 0 to String.length s - 2 do if s.[i] = '-' & s.[i+1] = '>' then is_type := true; if s.[i] = '.' then is_long := true done; let l = if !is_type then try search_string_type ~mode:`included s with Searchid.Error (start,stop) -> Entry.icursor ew ~index:(`Num start); [] else if !is_long then search_string_symbol s else search_pattern_symbol s in match l with [] -> () | [lid,kind] when !is_long -> view_symbol lid ~kind ~env:!start_env | _ -> choose_symbol ~title:"Choose symbol" ~env:!start_env l end and close = Button.create buttons ~text:"Close all" ~pady:1 ~command:close_all_views in (* bindings *) Jg_bind.enter_focus ew; Jg_bind.return_invoke ew ~button:search; bind close ~events:[`Modified([`Double], `ButtonPressDetail 1)] ~action:(fun _ -> destroy tl); (* File menu *) filemenu#add_command "Open..." ~command:(fun () -> !editor_ref ~opendialog:true ()); filemenu#add_command "Editor..." ~command:(fun () -> !editor_ref ()); filemenu#add_command "Shell..." ~command:start_shell; filemenu#add_command "Quit" ~command:(fun () -> destroy tl); (* modules menu *) modmenu#add_command "Path editor..." ~command:(fun () -> Setpath.set ~dir); modmenu#add_command "Reset cache" ~command:(fun () -> reset_modules mbox; Env.reset_cache ()); modmenu#add_command "Search symbol..." ~command:search_symbol; pack [filemenu#button; modmenu#button] ~side:`Left ~ipadx:5 ~anchor:`W; pack [menus] ~side:`Top ~fill:`X; pack [close; search] ~fill:`X ~side:`Right ~expand:true; pack [coe buttons; coe ew] ~fill:`X ~side:`Bottom; pack [msb] ~side:`Right ~fill:`Y; pack [mbox] ~side:`Left ~fill:`Both ~expand:true; pack [fmbox] ~fill:`Both ~expand:true ~side:`Top; reset_modules mbox