let cCAMLtoTKindex (* Don't put explicit typing *) = function | `Num x -> TkToken (string_of_int x) | `Active -> TkToken "active" | `End -> TkToken "end" | `Last -> TkToken "last" | `None -> TkToken "none" | `Insert -> TkToken "insert" | `Selfirst -> TkToken "sel.first" | `Sellast -> TkToken "sel.last" | `At n -> TkToken ("@" ^ string_of_int n) | `Atxy (x,y) -> TkToken ("@" ^ string_of_int x ^ "," ^ string_of_int y) | `Anchor -> TkToken "anchor" | `Pattern s -> TkToken s | `Linechar (l,c) -> TkToken (string_of_int l ^ "." ^ string_of_int c) | `Mark s -> TkToken s | `Tagfirst t -> TkToken (t ^ ".first") | `Taglast t -> TkToken (t ^ ".last") | `Window (w : any widget) -> cCAMLtoTKwidget w | `Image s -> TkToken s let cCAMLtoTKcanvas_index = (cCAMLtoTKindex : canvas_index -> tkArgs) let cCAMLtoTKentry_index = (cCAMLtoTKindex : entry_index -> tkArgs) let cCAMLtoTKlistbox_index = (cCAMLtoTKindex : listbox_index -> tkArgs) let cCAMLtoTKmenu_index = (cCAMLtoTKindex : menu_index -> tkArgs) let cCAMLtoTKtext_index = (cCAMLtoTKindex : text_index -> tkArgs) (* Assume returned values are only numerical and l.c *) let cTKtoCAMLtext_index s = try let p = String.index s '.' in `Linechar (int_of_string (String.sub s ~pos:0 ~len:p), int_of_string (String.sub s ~pos:(p + 1) ~len:(String.length s - p - 1))) with Not_found -> raise (Invalid_argument ("TKtoCAMLtext_index: " ^ s)) let cTKtoCAMLlistbox_index s = try `Num (int_of_string s) with _ -> raise (Invalid_argument ("TKtoCAMLlistbox_index: " ^ s))