(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* MLTk, Tcl/Tk interface of OCaml *) (* *) (* Francois Rouaix, Francois Pessaux, Jun Furuse and Pierre Weis *) (* projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* Jacques Garrigue, Kyoto University RIMS *) (* *) (* Copyright 2002 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique and Kyoto University. All rights reserved. *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU Library *) (* General Public License, with the special exception on linking *) (* described in file LICENSE found in the OCaml source tree. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) open StdLabels open Tables (* CONFIGURE *) (* if you set it true, ImagePhoto and ImageBitmap will annoy you... *) let safetype = true let labeloff ~at l = match l with "", t -> t | l, t -> raise (Failure ("labeloff: " ^ l ^ " at " ^ at)) let labltk_labelstring l = if l = "" then l else if l.[0] = '?' then l ^ ":" else "~" ^ l ^ ":" let camltk_labelstring l = if l = "" then l else if l.[0] = '?' then l ^ ":" else "" let labelstring l = if !Flags.camltk then camltk_labelstring l else labltk_labelstring l let labltk_typelabel l = if l = "" then l else l ^ ":" let camltk_typelabel l = if l = "" then l else if l.[0] = '?' then l ^ ":" else "" let typelabel l = if !Flags.camltk then camltk_typelabel l else labltk_typelabel l let forbidden = [ "class"; "type"; "in"; "from"; "to" ] let nicknames = [ "class", "clas"; "type", "typ" ] let small = String.lowercase let gettklabel fc = match fc.template with ListArg( StringArg s :: _ ) -> let s = small s in if s = "" then s else let s = if s.[0] = '-' then String.sub s ~pos:1 ~len:(String.length s - 1) else s in begin if List.mem s forbidden then try List.assoc s nicknames with Not_found -> small fc.var_name else s end | _ -> raise (Failure "gettklabel") let count ~item:x l = let count = ref 0 in List.iter ~f:(fun y -> if x = y then incr count) l; !count (* Extract all types from a template *) let rec types_of_template = function StringArg _ -> [] | TypeArg (l, t) -> [l, t] | ListArg l -> List.flatten (List.map ~f:types_of_template l) | OptionalArgs (l, tl, _) -> begin match List.flatten (List.map ~f:types_of_template tl) with ["", t] -> ["?" ^ l, t] | [_, _] -> raise (Failure "0 label required") | _ -> raise (Failure "0 or more than 1 args in for optionals") end (* * Pretty print a type * used to write ML type definitions *) let ppMLtype ?(any=false) ?(return=false) ?(def=false) ?(counter=ref 0) = let rec ppMLtype = function Unit -> "unit" | Int -> "int" | Float -> "float" | Bool -> "bool" | Char -> "char" | String -> "string" (* new *) | List (Subtype (sup, sub)) -> if !Flags.camltk then "(* " ^ sub ^ " *) " ^ sup ^ " list" else begin if return then sub ^ "_" ^ sup ^ " list" else begin try let typdef = Hashtbl.find types_table sup in let fcl = List.assoc sub typdef.subtypes in let tklabels = List.map ~f:gettklabel fcl in let l = List.map fcl ~f: begin fun fc -> "?" ^ begin let p = gettklabel fc in if count ~item:p tklabels > 1 then small fc.var_name else p end ^ ":" ^ let l = types_of_template fc.template in match l with [] -> "unit" | [lt] -> ppMLtype (labeloff lt ~at:"ppMLtype") | l -> "(" ^ String.concat ~sep:"*" (List.map l ~f:(fun lt -> ppMLtype (labeloff lt ~at:"ppMLtype"))) ^ ")" end in String.concat ~sep:" ->\n" l with Not_found -> Printf.eprintf "ppMLtype %s/%s\n" sup sub; exit (-1) end end | List ty -> (ppMLtype ty) ^ " list" | Product tyl -> "(" ^ String.concat ~sep:" * " (List.map ~f:ppMLtype tyl) ^ ")" | Record tyl -> String.concat ~sep:" * " (List.map tyl ~f:(fun (l, t) -> typelabel l ^ ppMLtype t)) | Subtype ("widget", sub) -> if !Flags.camltk then "(* " ^ sub ^" *) widget" else sub ^ " widget" | UserDefined "widget" -> if !Flags.camltk then "widget" else begin if any then "any widget" else let c = String.make 1 (Char.chr(Char.code 'a' + !counter)) in incr counter; "'" ^ c ^ " widget" end | UserDefined s -> if !Flags.camltk then s else begin (* a bit dirty hack for ImageBitmap and ImagePhoto *) try let typdef = Hashtbl.find types_table s in if typdef.variant then if return then try "[>" ^ String.concat ~sep:"|" (List.map typdef.constructors ~f: begin fun c -> "`" ^ c.var_name ^ (match types_of_template c.template with [] -> "" | l -> " of " ^ ppMLtype (Product (List.map l ~f:(labeloff ~at:"ppMLtype UserDefined")))) end) ^ "]" with Not_found -> prerr_endline ("ppMLtype " ^ s ^ " ?"); s else if not def && List.length typdef.constructors > 1 then "[< " ^ s ^ "]" else s else s with Not_found -> s end | Subtype (s, s') -> if !Flags.camltk then "(* " ^ s' ^ " *) " ^ s else s' ^ "_" ^ s | Function (Product tyl) -> raise (Failure "Function (Product tyl) ? ppMLtype") | Function (Record tyl) -> "(" ^ String.concat ~sep:" -> " (List.map tyl ~f:(fun (l, t) -> typelabel l ^ ppMLtype t)) ^ " -> unit)" | Function ty -> "(" ^ (ppMLtype ty) ^ " -> unit)" | As (t, s) -> if !Flags.camltk then ppMLtype t else s in ppMLtype (* Produce a documentation version of a template *) let rec ppTemplate = function StringArg s -> s | TypeArg (l, t) -> "<" ^ ppMLtype t ^ ">" | ListArg l -> "{" ^ String.concat ~sep:" " (List.map ~f:ppTemplate l) ^ "}" | OptionalArgs (l, tl, d) -> "?" ^ l ^ "{" ^ String.concat ~sep:" " (List.map ~f:ppTemplate tl) ^ "}[<" ^ String.concat ~sep:" " (List.map ~f:ppTemplate d) ^ ">]" let doc_of_template = function ListArg l -> String.concat ~sep:" " (List.map ~f:ppTemplate l) | t -> ppTemplate t (* * Type definitions *) (* Write an ML constructor *) let write_constructor ~w {ml_name = mlconstr; template = t} = w mlconstr; begin match types_of_template t with [] -> () | l -> w " of "; w (ppMLtype ~any:true (Product (List.map l ~f:(labeloff ~at:"write_constructor")))) end; w " (* tk option: "; w (doc_of_template t); w " *)" (* Write a rhs type decl *) let write_constructors ~w = function [] -> fatal_error "empty type" | x :: l -> write_constructor ~w x; List.iter l ~f: begin fun x -> w "\n | "; write_constructor ~w x end (* Write an ML variant *) let write_variant ~w {var_name = varname; template = t} = w "`"; w varname; begin match types_of_template t with [] -> () | l -> w " of "; w (ppMLtype ~any:true ~def:true (Product (List.map l ~f:(labeloff ~at:"write_variant")))) end; w " (* tk option: "; w (doc_of_template t); w " *)" let write_variants ~w = function [] -> fatal_error "empty variants" | l -> List.iter l ~f: begin fun x -> w "\n | "; write_variant ~w x end (* Definition of a type *) let labltk_write_type ~intf:w ~impl:w' name ~def:typdef = (* Only needed if no subtypes, otherwise use optionals *) if typdef.subtypes = [] then begin w "(* Variant type *)\n"; w ("type " ^ name ^ " = ["); write_variants ~w (sort_components typdef.constructors); w "\n]\n\n" end (* CamlTk: List of constructors, for runtime subtyping *) let write_constructor_set ~w ~sep = function | [] -> fatal_error "empty type" | x::l -> w ("C" ^ x.ml_name); List.iter l ~f: (function x -> w sep; w ("C" ^ x.ml_name)) (* CamlTk: Definition of a type *) let camltk_write_type ~intf:w ~impl:w' name ~def:typdef = (* Put markers for extraction *) w "(* type *)\n"; w ("type " ^ name ^ " =\n"); w " | "; write_constructors ~w (sort_components typdef.constructors); w "\n(* /type *)\n\n"; (* Dynamic Subtyping *) if typdef.subtypes <> [] then begin (* The set of its constructors *) if name = "options" then begin w "(* type *)\n"; w ("type "^name^"_constrs =\n\t") end else begin (* added some prefix to avoid being picked up in documentation *) w ("(* no doc *) type "^name^"_constrs =\n") end; w " | "; write_constructor_set ~w:w ~sep: "\n | " (sort_components typdef.constructors); w "\n\n"; (* The set of all constructors *) w' ("let "^name^"_any_table = ["); write_constructor_set ~w:w' ~sep:"; " (sort_components typdef.constructors); w' ("]\n\n"); (* The subset of constructors for each subtype *) List.iter ~f:(function (s,l) -> w' ("let "^name^"_"^s^"_table = ["); write_constructor_set ~w:w' ~sep:"; " (sort_components l); w' ("]\n\n")) typdef.subtypes end let write_type ~intf:w ~impl:w' name ~def:typdef = (if !Flags.camltk then camltk_write_type else labltk_write_type) ~intf:w ~impl:w' name ~def:typdef (************************************************************) (* Converters *) (************************************************************) let rec converterTKtoCAML ~arg = function | Int -> "int_of_string " ^ arg | Float -> "float_of_string " ^ arg | Bool -> "(match " ^ arg ^ " with\n\ | \"1\" -> true\n\ | \"0\" -> false\n\ | s -> Pervasives.raise (Invalid_argument (\"cTKtoCAMLbool\" ^ s)))" | Char -> "String.get " ^ arg ^ " 0" | String -> arg | UserDefined s -> "cTKtoCAML" ^ s ^ " " ^ arg | Subtype ("widget", s') when not !Flags.camltk -> String.concat ~sep:" " ["(Obj.magic (cTKtoCAMLwidget "; arg; ") :"; s'; "widget)"] | Subtype (s, s') -> if !Flags.camltk then "cTKtoCAML" ^ s ^ " " ^ arg else "cTKtoCAML" ^ s' ^ "_" ^ s ^ " " ^ arg | List ty -> begin match type_parser_arity ty with OneToken -> String.concat ~sep:" " ["(List.map (function x ->"; converterTKtoCAML ~arg:"x" ty; ")"; arg; ")"] | MultipleToken -> String.concat ~sep:" " ["iterate_converter (function x ->"; converterTKtoCAML ~arg:"x" ty; ")"; arg; ")"] end | As (ty, _) -> converterTKtoCAML ~arg ty | t -> prerr_endline ("ERROR with " ^ arg ^ " " ^ ppMLtype t); fatal_error "converterTKtoCAML" (*******************************) (* Wrappers *) (*******************************) let varnames ~prefix n = let rec var i = if i > n then [] else (prefix ^ string_of_int i) :: var (succ i) in var 1 (* * generate wrapper source for callbacks * transform a function ... -> unit in a function : unit -> unit * using primitives arg_ ... from the protocol * Warning: sequentiality is important in generated code * TODO: remove arg_ stuff and process lists directly ? *) let rec wrapper_code ~name ty = match ty with Unit -> "(fun _ -> " ^ name ^ " ())" | As (ty, _) -> wrapper_code ~name ty | ty -> "(fun args ->\n " ^ begin match ty with Product tyl -> raise (Failure "Product -> record was done. ???") | Record tyl -> (* variables for each component of the product *) let vnames = varnames ~prefix:"a" (List.length tyl) in (* getting the arguments *) let readarg = List.map2 vnames tyl ~f: begin fun v (l, ty) -> match type_parser_arity ty with OneToken -> "let (" ^ v ^ ", args) = " ^ converterTKtoCAML ~arg:"(List.hd args)" ty ^ ", List.tl args in\n " | MultipleToken -> "let (" ^ v ^ ", args) = " ^ converterTKtoCAML ~arg:"args" ty ^ " in\n " end in String.concat ~sep:"" readarg ^ name ^ " " ^ String.concat ~sep:" " (List.map2 ~f:(fun v (l, _) -> if !Flags.camltk then v else labelstring l ^ v) vnames tyl) (* all other types are read in one operation *) | List ty -> name ^ "(" ^ converterTKtoCAML ~arg:"args" ty ^ ")" | String -> name ^ "(" ^ converterTKtoCAML ~arg:"(List.hd args)" ty ^ ")" | ty -> begin match type_parser_arity ty with OneToken -> name ^ "(" ^ converterTKtoCAML ~arg:"(List.hd args)" ty ^ ")" | MultipleToken -> "let (v, _) = " ^ converterTKtoCAML ~arg:"args" ty ^ " in\n " ^ name ^ " v" end end ^ ")" (*************************************************************) (* Parsers *) (* are required only for values returned by commands and *) (* functions (table is computed by the parser) *) (* Tuples/Lists are Ok if they don't contain strings *) (* they will be returned as list of strings *) (* Can we generate a "parser" ? -> all constructors are unit and at most one int and one string, with null constr *) type parser_pieces = { mutable zeroary : (string * string) list ; (* kw string, ml name *) mutable intpar : string list; (* one at most, mlname *) mutable stringpar : string list (* idem *) } type mini_parser = NoParser | ParserPieces of parser_pieces let can_generate_parser constructors = let pp = {zeroary = []; intpar = []; stringpar = []} in if List.for_all constructors ~f: begin fun c -> let vname = if !Flags.camltk then c.ml_name else c.var_name in match c.template with ListArg [StringArg s] -> pp.zeroary <- (s, vname) :: pp.zeroary; true | ListArg [TypeArg(_, Int)] | ListArg[TypeArg(_, Float)] -> if pp.intpar <> [] then false else (pp.intpar <- [vname]; true) | ListArg [TypeArg(_, String)] -> if pp.stringpar <> [] then false else (pp.stringpar <- [vname]; true) | _ -> false end then ParserPieces pp else NoParser (* We can generate parsers only for simple types *) (* we should avoid multiple walks *) let labltk_write_TKtoCAML ~w name ~def:typdef = if typdef.parser_arity = MultipleToken then prerr_string ("You must write cTKtoCAML" ^ name ^ " : string list ->" ^ name ^ " * string list\n") else let write ~consts ~name = match can_generate_parser consts with NoParser -> prerr_string ("You must write cTKtoCAML" ^ name ^ " : string ->" ^ name ^ "\n") | ParserPieces pp -> w ("let cTKtoCAML" ^ name ^ " n =\n"); (* First check integer *) if pp.intpar <> [] then begin w (" try `" ^ List.hd pp.intpar ^ " (int_of_string n)\n"); w (" with _ ->\n") end; w (" match n with\n"); List.iter pp.zeroary ~f: begin fun (tk, ml) -> w " | \""; w tk; w "\" -> `"; w ml; w "\n" end; let final = if pp.stringpar <> [] then "n -> `" ^ List.hd pp.stringpar ^ " n" else "s -> Pervasives.raise (Invalid_argument (\"cTKtoCAML" ^ name ^ ": \" ^ s))" in w " | "; w final; w "\n\n" in begin write ~name ~consts:typdef.constructors; List.iter typdef.subtypes ~f: begin fun (subname, consts) -> write ~name:(subname ^ "_" ^ name) ~consts end end let camltk_write_TKtoCAML ~w name ~def:typdef = if typdef.parser_arity = MultipleToken then prerr_string ("You must write cTKtoCAML" ^ name ^ " : string list ->" ^ name ^ " * string list\n") else let write ~consts ~name = match can_generate_parser consts with NoParser -> prerr_string ("You must write cTKtoCAML" ^ name ^ " : string ->" ^ name ^ "\n") | ParserPieces pp -> w ("let cTKtoCAML" ^ name ^ " n =\n"); (* First check integer *) if pp.intpar <> [] then begin w (" try " ^ List.hd pp.intpar ^ " (int_of_string n)\n"); w (" with _ ->\n") end; w (" match n with\n"); List.iter pp.zeroary ~f: begin fun (tk, ml) -> w " | \""; w tk; w "\" -> "; w ml; w "\n" end; let final = if pp.stringpar <> [] then "n -> " ^ List.hd pp.stringpar ^ " n" else "s -> Pervasives.raise (Invalid_argument (\"cTKtoCAML" ^ name ^ ": \" ^ s))" in w " | "; w final; w "\n\n" in begin write ~name ~consts:typdef.constructors; List.iter typdef.subtypes ~f: begin fun (subname, consts) -> write ~name:(subname ^ "_" ^ name) ~consts end end let write_TKtoCAML ~w name ~def:typdef = (if !Flags.camltk then camltk_write_TKtoCAML else labltk_write_TKtoCAML) ~w name ~def: typdef (******************************) (* Converters *) (******************************) (* Produce an in-lined converter Caml -> Tk for simple types *) (* the converter is a function of type: -> string *) let rec converterCAMLtoTK ~context_widget argname ty = match ty with Int -> "TkToken (string_of_int " ^ argname ^ ")" | Float -> "TkToken (Printf.sprintf \"%g\" " ^ argname ^ ")" | Bool -> "if " ^ argname ^ " then TkToken \"1\" else TkToken \"0\"" | Char -> "TkToken (Char.escaped " ^ argname ^ ")" | String -> "TkToken " ^ argname | As (ty, _) -> converterCAMLtoTK ~context_widget argname ty | UserDefined s -> let name = "cCAMLtoTK" ^ s ^ " " in let args = argname in let args = if !Flags.camltk then begin if is_subtyped s then (* unconstraint subtype *) s ^ "_any_table " ^ args else args end else args in let args = if requires_widget_context s then context_widget ^ " " ^ args else args in name ^ args | Subtype ("widget", s') -> if !Flags.camltk then let name = "cCAMLtoTKwidget " in let args = "widget_"^s'^"_table "^argname in let args = if requires_widget_context "widget" then context_widget^" "^args else args in name^args else begin let name = "cCAMLtoTKwidget " in let args = "(" ^ argname ^ " : " ^ s' ^ " widget)" in name ^ args end | Subtype (s, s') -> let name = if !Flags.camltk then "cCAMLtoTK" ^ s ^ " " else "cCAMLtoTK" ^ s' ^ "_" ^ s ^ " " in let args = if !Flags.camltk then begin s^"_"^s'^"_table "^argname end else begin if safetype then "(" ^ argname ^ " : [< " ^ s' ^ "_" ^ s ^ "])" else argname end in let args = if requires_widget_context s then context_widget ^ " " ^ args else args in name ^ args | Product tyl -> let vars = varnames ~prefix:"z" (List.length tyl) in String.concat ~sep:" " ("let" :: String.concat ~sep:"," vars :: "=" :: argname :: "in TkTokenList [" :: String.concat ~sep:"; " (List.map2 vars tyl ~f:(converterCAMLtoTK ~context_widget)) :: ["]"]) | List ty -> (* Just added for Imagephoto.put *) String.concat ~sep:" " [(if !Flags.camltk then "TkQuote (TkTokenList (List.map (fun y -> " else "TkQuote (TkTokenList (List.map ~f:(fun y -> "); converterCAMLtoTK ~context_widget "y" ty; ")"; argname; "))"] | Function _ -> fatal_error "unexpected function type in converterCAMLtoTK" | Unit -> fatal_error "unexpected unit type in converterCAMLtoTK" | Record _ -> fatal_error "unexpected product type in converterCAMLtoTK" (* * Produce a list of arguments from a template * The idea here is to avoid allocation as much as possible * *) let code_of_template ~context_widget ?func:(funtemplate=false) template = let catch_opts = ref ("", "") in (* class name and first option *) let variables = ref [] in let variables2 = ref [] in let varcnter = ref 0 in let optionvar = ref None in let newvar1 l = match !optionvar with Some v -> optionvar := None; v | None -> incr varcnter; let v = "v" ^ (string_of_int !varcnter) in variables := (l, v) :: !variables; v in let newvar2 l = match !optionvar with Some v -> optionvar := None; v | None -> incr varcnter; let v = "v" ^ (string_of_int !varcnter) in variables2 := (l, v) :: !variables2; v in let newvar = ref newvar1 in let rec coderec = function StringArg s -> "TkToken \"" ^ s ^ "\"" | TypeArg (_, List (Subtype (sup, sub))) when not !Flags.camltk -> begin try let typdef = Hashtbl.find types_table sup in let classdef = List.assoc sub typdef.subtypes in let lbl = gettklabel (List.hd classdef) in catch_opts := (sub ^ "_" ^ sup, lbl); newvar := newvar2; "TkTokenList opts" with Not_found -> raise (Failure (Printf.sprintf "type %s(%s) not found" sup sub)); end | TypeArg (l, List ty) -> (if !Flags.camltk then "TkTokenList (List.map (function x -> " else "TkTokenList (List.map ~f:(function x -> ") ^ converterCAMLtoTK ~context_widget "x" ty ^ ") " ^ !newvar l ^ ")" | TypeArg (l, Function tyarg) -> "let id = register_callback " ^ context_widget ^ " ~callback: " ^ wrapper_code ~name:(!newvar l) tyarg ^ " in TkToken (\"camlcb \" ^ id)" | TypeArg (l, ty) -> converterCAMLtoTK ~context_widget (!newvar l) ty | ListArg l -> "TkQuote (TkTokenList [" ^ String.concat ~sep:";\n " (List.map ~f:coderec l) ^ "])" | OptionalArgs (l, tl, d) -> let nv = !newvar ("?" ^ l) in optionvar := Some nv; (* Store *) let argstr = String.concat ~sep:"; " (List.map ~f:coderec tl) in let defstr = String.concat ~sep:"; " (List.map ~f:coderec d) in "TkTokenList (match " ^ nv ^ " with\n" ^ " | Some " ^ nv ^ " -> [" ^ argstr ^ "]\n" ^ " | None -> [" ^ defstr ^ "])" in let code = if funtemplate then match template with ListArg l -> "[|" ^ String.concat ~sep:";\n " (List.map ~f:coderec l) ^ "|]" | _ -> "[|" ^ coderec template ^ "|]" else match template with ListArg [x] -> coderec x | ListArg l -> "TkTokenList [" ^ String.concat ~sep:";\n " (List.map ~f:coderec l) ^ "]" | _ -> coderec template in code, List.rev !variables, List.rev !variables2, !catch_opts (* * Converters for user defined types *) (* For each case of a concrete type *) let labltk_write_clause ~w ~context_widget comp = let warrow () = w " -> " in w "`"; w comp.var_name; let code, variables, variables2, (co, _) = code_of_template ~context_widget comp.template in (* no subtype I think ... *) if co <> "" then raise (Failure "write_clause subtype ?"); begin match variables with | [] -> warrow() | [x] -> w " "; w (labeloff x ~at:"write_clause"); warrow() | l -> w " ( "; w (String.concat ~sep:", " (List.map ~f:(labeloff ~at:"write_clause") l)); w ")"; warrow() end; w code let camltk_write_clause ~w ~context_widget ~subtype comp = let warrow () = w " -> "; if subtype then w ("chk_sub \""^comp.ml_name^"\" table C" ^ comp.ml_name ^ "; ") in w comp.ml_name; (* we use ml_name, not var_name, specialized for labltk *) let code, variables, variables2, (co, _) = code_of_template ~context_widget comp.template in (* no subtype I think ... *) if co <> "" then raise (Failure "write_clause subtype ?"); begin match variables with | [] -> warrow() | [x] -> w " "; w (labeloff x ~at:"write_clause"); warrow() | l -> w " ( "; w (String.concat ~sep:", " (List.map ~f:(labeloff ~at:"write_clause") l)); w ")"; warrow() end; w code let write_clause ~w ~context_widget ~subtype comp = if !Flags.camltk then camltk_write_clause ~w ~context_widget ~subtype comp else labltk_write_clause ~w ~context_widget comp (* The full converter *) let write_CAMLtoTK ~w ~def:typdef ?safetype:(st = true) name = let write_one name constrs = let subtype = typdef.subtypes <> [] in w ("let cCAMLtoTK" ^ name); let context_widget = if typdef.requires_widget_context then begin w " w"; "w" end else "dummy" in if !Flags.camltk && subtype then w " table"; if st then begin w " : "; if typdef.variant then w ("[< " ^ name ^ "]") else w name; w " -> tkArgs " end; w (" = function"); List.iter constrs ~f:(fun c -> w "\n | "; write_clause ~w ~context_widget ~subtype c); w "\n\n\n" in let constrs = typdef.constructors in if !Flags.camltk then write_one name constrs else begin (* Only needed if no subtypes, otherwise use optionals *) if typdef.subtypes == [] then write_one name constrs else List.iter constrs ~f: begin fun fc -> let code, vars, _, (co, _) = code_of_template ~context_widget:"dummy" fc.template in if co <> "" then fatal_error "optionals in optionals"; let vars = List.map ~f:snd vars in w "let ccCAMLtoTK"; w name; w "_"; w (small fc.ml_name); w " ("; w (String.concat ~sep:", " vars); w ") =\n "; w code; w "\n\n" end end (* Tcl does not really return "lists". It returns sp separated tokens *) let rec write_result_parsing ~w = function List String -> w "(splitlist res)" | List ty -> if !Flags.camltk then w (" List.map " ^ converterTKtoCAML ~arg:"(splitlist res)" ty) else w (" List.map ~f: " ^ converterTKtoCAML ~arg:"(splitlist res)" ty) | Product tyl -> raise (Failure "Product -> record was done. ???") | Record tyl -> (* of course all the labels are "" *) let rnames = varnames ~prefix:"r" (List.length tyl) in w " let l = splitlist res in"; w ("\n if List.length l <> " ^ string_of_int (List.length tyl)); w ("\n then Pervasives.raise (TkError (\"unexpected result: \" ^ res))"); w ("\n else "); List.iter2 rnames tyl ~f: begin fun r (l, ty) -> if l <> "" then raise (Failure "lables in return type!!!"); w (" let " ^ r ^ ", l = "); begin match type_parser_arity ty with OneToken -> w (converterTKtoCAML ~arg:"(List.hd l)" ty); w (", List.tl l") | MultipleToken -> w (converterTKtoCAML ~arg:"l" ty) end; w (" in\n") end; w (String.concat ~sep:", " rnames) | String -> w (converterTKtoCAML ~arg:"res" String) | As (ty, _) -> write_result_parsing ~w ty | ty -> match type_parser_arity ty with OneToken -> w (converterTKtoCAML ~arg:"res" ty) | MultipleToken -> w (converterTKtoCAML ~arg:"(splitlist res)" ty) let labltk_write_function ~w def = w ("let " ^ def.ml_name); (* a bit approximative *) let context_widget = match def.template with ListArg (TypeArg(_, UserDefined("widget")) :: _) -> "v1" | ListArg (TypeArg(_, Subtype("widget", _)) :: _) -> "v1" | _ -> "dummy" in let code, variables, variables2, (co, lbl) = code_of_template ~func:true ~context_widget def.template in (* Arguments *) let uv, lv, ov = let rec replace_args ~u ~l ~o = function [] -> u, l, o | ("", x) :: ls -> replace_args ~u:(x :: u) ~l ~o ls | (p, _ as x) :: ls when p.[0] = '?' -> replace_args ~u ~l ~o:(x :: o) ls | x :: ls -> replace_args ~u ~l:(x :: l) ~o ls in replace_args ~u:[] ~l:[] ~o:[] (List.rev (variables @ variables2)) in let has_opts = (ov <> [] || co <> "") in if not has_opts then List.iter uv ~f:(fun x -> w " "; w x); List.iter (lv@ov) ~f:(fun (l, v) -> w " "; w (labelstring l); w v); if co <> "" then begin if lv = [] && ov = [] then w (" ?" ^ lbl ^ ":eta"); w " =\n"; w (co ^ "_optionals"); if lv = [] && ov = [] then w (" ?" ^ lbl ^ ":eta"); w " (fun opts"; if uv = [] then w " ()" else if has_opts then List.iter uv ~f:(fun x -> w " "; w x); w " ->\n" end else begin if (ov <> [] || lv = []) && uv = [] then w " ()" else if has_opts then List.iter uv ~f:(fun x -> w " "; w x); w " =\n" end; begin match def.result with | Unit | As (Unit, _) -> w "tkCommand "; w code | ty -> w "let res = tkEval "; w code ; w " in \n"; write_result_parsing ~w ty end; if co <> "" then w ")"; w "\n\n" let camltk_write_function ~w def = w ("let " ^ def.ml_name); (* a bit approximative *) let context_widget = match def.template with ListArg (TypeArg(_, UserDefined("widget")) :: _) -> "v1" | ListArg (TypeArg(_, Subtype("widget", _)) :: _) -> "v1" | _ -> "dummy" in let code, variables, variables2, (co, lbl) = code_of_template ~func:true ~context_widget def.template in (* Arguments *) let uv, ov = let rec replace_args ~u ~o = function [] -> u, o | ("", x) :: ls -> replace_args ~u:(x :: u) ~o ls | (p, _ as x) :: ls when p.[0] = '?' -> replace_args ~u ~o:(x :: o) ls | (_,x) :: ls -> replace_args ~u:(x::u) ~o ls in replace_args ~u:[] ~o:[] (List.rev (variables @ variables2)) in let has_opts = ov <> [] (* (ov <> [] || co <> "") *) in if not has_opts then List.iter uv ~f:(fun x -> w " "; w x); List.iter ov ~f:(fun (l, v) -> w " "; w (labelstring l); w v); begin if uv = [] then w " ()" else if has_opts then List.iter uv ~f:(fun x -> w " "; w x); w " =\n" end; begin match def.result with | Unit | As (Unit, _) -> w "tkCommand "; w code | ty -> w "let res = tkEval "; w code ; w " in \n"; write_result_parsing ~w ty end; w "\n\n" (* w ("let " ^ def.ml_name); (* a bit approximative *) let context_widget = match def.template with ListArg (TypeArg(_, UserDefined("widget")) :: _) -> "v1" | ListArg (TypeArg(_, Subtype("widget", _)) :: _) -> "v1" | _ -> "dummy" in let code, variables, variables2, (co, lbl) = code_of_template ~func:true ~context_widget def.template in let variables = variables @ variables2 in (* Arguments *) begin match variables with [] -> w " () =\n" | l -> let has_normal_argument = ref false in List.iter (fun (l,x) -> w " "; if l <> "" then if l.[0] = '?' then w (l ^ ":") else has_normal_argument := true else has_normal_argument := true; w x) l; if not !has_normal_argument then w " ()"; w " =\n" end; begin match def.result with | Unit | As (Unit, _) -> w "tkCommand "; w code | ty -> w "let res = tkEval "; w code ; w " in \n"; write_result_parsing ~w ty end; w "\n\n" *) let write_function ~w def = if !Flags.camltk then camltk_write_function ~w def else labltk_write_function ~w def ;; let labltk_write_create ~w clas = w ("let create ?name =\n"); w (" " ^ clas ^ "_options_optionals (fun opts parent ->\n"); w (" let w = new_atom \"" ^ clas ^ "\" ~parent ?name in\n"); w " tkCommand [|"; w ("TkToken \"" ^ clas ^ "\";\n"); w (" TkToken (Widget.name w);\n"); w (" TkTokenList opts |];\n"); w (" w)\n\n\n") let camltk_write_create ~w clas = w ("let create ?name parent options =\n"); w (" let w = new_atom \"" ^ clas ^ "\" ~parent ?name in\n"); w " tkCommand [|"; w ("TkToken \"" ^ clas ^ "\";\n"); w (" TkToken (Widget.name w);\n"); w (" TkTokenList (List.map (function x -> "^ converterCAMLtoTK "w" "x" (Subtype("options",clas)) ^ ") options)\n"); w (" |];\n"); w (" w\n\n") let camltk_write_named_create ~w clas = w ("let create_named parent name options =\n"); w (" let w = new_atom \"" ^ clas ^ "\" ~parent ~name in\n"); w " tkCommand [|"; w ("TkToken \"" ^ clas ^ "\";\n"); w (" TkToken (Widget.name w);\n"); w (" TkTokenList (List.map (function x -> "^ converterCAMLtoTK "w" "x" (Subtype("options",clas)) ^ ") options)\n"); w (" |];\n"); w (" w\n\n") (* Search Path. *) let search_path = ref ["."] (* taken from utils/misc.ml *) let find_in_path path name = if not (Filename.is_implicit name) then if Sys.file_exists name then name else raise Not_found else begin let rec try_dir = function [] -> raise Not_found | dir :: rem -> let fullname = Filename.concat dir name in if Sys.file_exists fullname then fullname else try_dir rem in try_dir path end (* builtin-code: the file (without suffix) is in .template... *) (* not efficient, but hell *) let write_external ~w def = match def.template with | StringArg fname -> begin try let realname = find_in_path !search_path (fname ^ ".ml") in let ic = open_in_bin realname in try let code_list = Ppparse.parse_channel ic in close_in ic; List.iter (Ppexec.exec (fun _ -> ()) w) (if !Flags.camltk then Code.Define "CAMLTK" :: code_list else code_list ); with | Ppparse.Error s -> close_in ic; raise (Compiler_Error (Printf.sprintf "Preprocess error: %s" s)) with | Not_found -> raise (Compiler_Error ("can't find external file: " ^ fname)) end | _ -> raise (Compiler_Error "invalid external definition") let write_catch_optionals ~w clas ~def:typdef = if typdef.subtypes = [] then () else List.iter typdef.subtypes ~f: begin fun (subclass, classdefs) -> w ("let " ^ subclass ^ "_" ^ clas ^ "_optionals f = fun\n"); let tklabels = List.map ~f:gettklabel classdefs in let l = List.map classdefs ~f: begin fun fc -> (* let code, vars, _, (co, _) = code_of_template ~context_widget:"dummy" fc.template in if co <> "" then fatal_error "optionals in optionals"; *) let p = gettklabel fc in (if count ~item:p tklabels > 1 then small fc.var_name else p), small fc.ml_name end in let p = List.map l ~f:(fun (si, _) -> " ?" ^ si) in let v = List.map l ~f: begin fun (si, s) -> "(maycons ccCAMLtoTK" ^ clas ^ "_" ^ s ^ " " ^ si end in w (String.concat ~sep:"\n" p); w " ->\n"; w " f "; w (String.concat ~sep:"\n " v); w "\n []"; w (String.make (List.length v) ')'); w "\n\n" end