(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* MLTk, Tcl/Tk interface of OCaml *) (* *) (* Francois Rouaix, Francois Pessaux, Jun Furuse and Pierre Weis *) (* projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* Jacques Garrigue, Kyoto University RIMS *) (* *) (* Copyright 2002 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique and Kyoto University. All rights reserved. *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU Library *) (* General Public License, with the special exception on linking *) (* described in file LICENSE found in the OCaml source tree. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) open Tables;; open Format;; let escape_string s = let more = ref 0 in for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do match s.[i] with | '\\' | '"' -> incr more | _ -> () done; if !more = 0 then s else let res = String.create (String.length s + !more) in let j = ref 0 in for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do let c = s.[i] in match c with | '\\' | '"' -> res.[!j] <- '\\'; incr j; res.[!j] <- c; incr j | _ -> res.[!j] <- c; incr j done; res;; let escape_char c = if c = '\'' then "\\'" else String.make 1 c;; let print_quoted_string s = printf "\"%s\"" (escape_string s);; let print_quoted_char c = printf "'%s'" (escape_char c);; let print_quoted_int i = if i < 0 then printf "(%d)" i else printf "%d" i;; let print_quoted_float f = if f <= 0.0 then printf "(%f)" f else printf "%f" f;; (* Iterators *) let print_list f l = printf "@[<1>["; let rec pl = function | [] -> printf "@;<0 -1>]@]" | [x] -> f x; pl [] | x :: xs -> f x; printf ";@ "; pl xs in pl l;; let print_array f v = printf "@[<2>[|"; let l = Array.length v in if l >= 1 then f v.(0); if l >= 2 then for i = 1 to l - 1 do printf ";@ "; f v.(i) done; printf "@;<0 -1>|]@]";; let print_option f = function | None -> print_string "None" | Some x -> printf "@[<1>Some@ "; f x; printf "@]";; let print_bool = function | true -> print_string "true" | _ -> print_string "false";; let print_poly x = print_string "";; (* Types of the description language *) let rec print_mltype = function | Unit -> printf "Unit" | Int -> printf "Int" | Float -> printf "Float" | Bool -> printf "Bool" | Char -> printf "Char" | String -> printf "String" | List m -> printf "@[<1>(%s@ " "List"; print_mltype m; printf ")@]" | Product l_m -> printf "@[<1>(%s@ " "Product"; print_list print_mltype l_m; printf ")@]" | Record l_t_s_m -> printf "@[<1>(%s@ " "Record"; print_list (function (s, m) -> printf "@[<1>("; print_quoted_string s; printf ",@ "; print_mltype m; printf ")@]") l_t_s_m; printf ")@]" | UserDefined s -> printf "@[<1>(%s@ " "UserDefined"; print_quoted_string s; printf ")@]" | Subtype (s, s0) -> printf "@[<1>(%s@ " "Subtype"; printf "@[<1>("; print_quoted_string s; printf ",@ "; print_quoted_string s0; printf ")@]"; printf ")@]" | Function m -> printf "@[<1>(%s@ " "Function"; print_mltype m; printf ")@]" | As (m, s) -> printf "@[<1>(%s@ " "As"; printf "@[<1>("; print_mltype m; printf ",@ "; print_quoted_string s; printf ")@]"; printf ")@]";; let rec print_template = function | StringArg s -> printf "@[<1>(%s@ " "StringArg"; print_quoted_string s; printf ")@]" | TypeArg (s, m) -> printf "@[<1>(%s@ " "TypeArg"; printf "@[<1>("; print_quoted_string s; printf ",@ "; print_mltype m; printf ")@]"; printf ")@]" | ListArg l_t -> printf "@[<1>(%s@ " "ListArg"; print_list print_template l_t; printf ")@]" | OptionalArgs (s, l_t, l_t0) -> printf "@[<1>(%s@ " "OptionalArgs"; printf "@[<1>("; print_quoted_string s; printf ",@ "; print_list print_template l_t; printf ",@ "; print_list print_template l_t0; printf ")@]"; printf ")@]";; (* Sorts of components *) let rec print_component_type = function | Constructor -> printf "Constructor" | Command -> printf "Command" | External -> printf "External";; (* Full definition of a component *) let rec print_fullcomponent = function {component = c; ml_name = s; var_name = s0; template = t; result = m; safe = b; } -> printf "@[<1>{"; printf "@[<1>component =@ "; print_component_type c; printf ";@]@ "; printf "@[<1>ml_name =@ "; print_quoted_string s; printf ";@]@ "; printf "@[<1>var_name =@ "; print_quoted_string s0; printf ";@]@ "; printf "@[<1>template =@ "; print_template t; printf ";@]@ "; printf "@[<1>result =@ "; print_mltype m; printf ";@]@ "; printf "@[<1>safe =@ "; print_bool b; printf ";@]@ "; printf "@,}@]";; (* components are given either in full or abbreviated *) let rec print_component = function | Full f -> printf "@[<1>(%s@ " "Full"; print_fullcomponent f; printf ")@]" | Abbrev s -> printf "@[<1>(%s@ " "Abbrev"; print_quoted_string s; printf ")@]";; (* A type definition *) (* requires_widget_context: the converter of the type MUST be passed an additional argument of type Widget. *) let rec print_parser_arity = function | OneToken -> printf "OneToken" | MultipleToken -> printf "MultipleToken";; let rec print_type_def = function {parser_arity = p; constructors = l_f; subtypes = l_t_s_l_f; requires_widget_context = b; variant = b0; } -> printf "@[<1>{"; printf "@[<1>parser_arity =@ "; print_parser_arity p; printf ";@]@ "; printf "@[<1>constructors =@ "; print_list print_fullcomponent l_f; printf ";@]@ "; printf "@[<1>subtypes =@ "; print_list (function (s, l_f0) -> printf "@[<1>("; print_quoted_string s; printf ",@ "; print_list print_fullcomponent l_f0; printf ")@]") l_t_s_l_f; printf ";@]@ "; printf "@[<1>requires_widget_context =@ "; print_bool b; printf ";@]@ "; printf "@[<1>variant =@ "; print_bool b0; printf ";@]@ "; printf "@,}@]";; let rec print_module_type = function | Widget -> printf "Widget" | Family -> printf "Family";; let rec print_module_def = function {module_type = m; commands = l_f; externals = l_f0; } -> printf "@[<1>{"; printf "@[<1>module_type =@ "; print_module_type m; printf ";@]@ "; printf "@[<1>commands =@ "; print_list print_fullcomponent l_f; printf ";@]@ "; printf "@[<1>externals =@ "; print_list print_fullcomponent l_f0; printf ";@]@ "; printf "@,}@]";;