(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* MLTk, Tcl/Tk interface of Objective Caml *) (* *) (* Francois Rouaix, Francois Pessaux, Jun Furuse and Pierre Weis *) (* projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* Jacques Garrigue, Kyoto University RIMS *) (* *) (* Copyright 2002 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique and Kyoto University. All rights reserved. *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU Library *) (* General Public License, with the special exception on linking *) (* described in file LICENSE found in the Objective Caml source tree. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) (* A Tetris game for LablTk *) (* written by Jun P. Furuse *) open StdLabels open Tk exception Done type falling_block = { mutable pattern: int array list; mutable bcolor: int; mutable x: int; mutable y: int; mutable d: int; mutable alive: bool } let stop_a_bit = 300 let field_width = 10 let field_height = 20 let colors = [| `Color "red"; `Color "yellow"; `Color "blue"; `Color "orange"; `Color "magenta"; `Color "green"; `Color "cyan" |] (* Put here your favorite image files *) let backgrounds = [ "Lambda2.back.gif" ] (* blocks *) let block_size = 16 let cell_border = 2 let blocks = [ [ [|"0000"; "0000"; "1111"; "0000" |]; [|"0010"; "0010"; "0010"; "0010" |]; [|"0000"; "0000"; "1111"; "0000" |]; [|"0010"; "0010"; "0010"; "0010" |] ]; [ [|"0000"; "0110"; "0110"; "0000" |]; [|"0000"; "0110"; "0110"; "0000" |]; [|"0000"; "0110"; "0110"; "0000" |]; [|"0000"; "0110"; "0110"; "0000" |] ]; [ [|"0000"; "0111"; "0100"; "0000" |]; [|"0000"; "0110"; "0010"; "0010" |]; [|"0000"; "0010"; "1110"; "0000" |]; [|"0100"; "0100"; "0110"; "0000" |] ]; [ [|"0000"; "0100"; "0111"; "0000" |]; [|"0000"; "0110"; "0100"; "0100" |]; [|"0000"; "1110"; "0010"; "0000" |]; [|"0010"; "0010"; "0110"; "0000" |] ]; [ [|"0000"; "1100"; "0110"; "0000" |]; [|"0010"; "0110"; "0100"; "0000" |]; [|"0000"; "1100"; "0110"; "0000" |]; [|"0010"; "0110"; "0100"; "0000" |] ]; [ [|"0000"; "0011"; "0110"; "0000" |]; [|"0100"; "0110"; "0010"; "0000" |]; [|"0000"; "0011"; "0110"; "0000" |]; [|"0000"; "0100"; "0110"; "0010" |] ]; [ [|"0000"; "0000"; "1110"; "0100" |]; [|"0000"; "0100"; "1100"; "0100" |]; [|"0000"; "0100"; "1110"; "0000" |]; [|"0000"; "0100"; "0110"; "0100" |] ] ] let line_empty = int_of_string "0b1110000000000111" let line_full = int_of_string "0b1111111111111111" let decode_block dvec = let btoi d = int_of_string ("0b"^d) in Array.map ~f:btoi dvec class cell t1 t2 t3 ~canvas ~x ~y = object val mutable color = 0 method get = color method set ~color:col = if color = col then () else if color <> 0 && col = 0 then begin Canvas.move canvas t1 ~x:(- block_size * (x + 1) -10 - cell_border * 2) ~y:(- block_size * (y + 1) -10 - cell_border * 2); Canvas.move canvas t2 ~x:(- block_size * (x + 1) -10 - cell_border * 2) ~y:(- block_size * (y + 1) -10 - cell_border * 2); Canvas.move canvas t3 ~x:(- block_size * (x + 1) -10 - cell_border * 2) ~y:(- block_size * (y + 1) -10 - cell_border * 2) end else begin Canvas.configure_rectangle canvas t2 ~fill: colors.(col - 1) ~outline: colors.(col - 1); Canvas.configure_rectangle canvas t1 ~fill: `Black ~outline: `Black; Canvas.configure_rectangle canvas t3 ~fill: (`Color "light gray") ~outline: (`Color "light gray"); if color = 0 && col <> 0 then begin Canvas.move canvas t1 ~x: (block_size * (x+1)+10+ cell_border*2) ~y: (block_size * (y+1)+10+ cell_border*2); Canvas.move canvas t2 ~x: (block_size * (x+1)+10+ cell_border*2) ~y: (block_size * (y+1)+10+ cell_border*2); Canvas.move canvas t3 ~x: (block_size * (x+1)+10+ cell_border*2) ~y: (block_size * (y+1)+10+ cell_border*2) end end; color <- col end let cell_get (c, cf) x y = cf.(y).(x) #get let cell_set (c, cf) ~x ~y ~color = if x >= 0 && y >= 0 && Array.length cf > y && Array.length cf.(y) > x then let cur = cf.(y).(x) in if cur#get = color then () else cur#set ~color let create_base_matrix ~cols ~rows = let m = Array.create_matrix ~dimx:rows ~dimy:cols (0,0) in for x = 0 to cols - 1 do for y = 0 to rows - 1 do m.(y).(x) <- (x,y) done done; m let init fw = let scorev = Textvariable.create () and linev = Textvariable.create () and levv = Textvariable.create () and namev = Textvariable.create () in let f = Frame.create fw ~borderwidth: 2 in let c = Canvas.create f ~width: (block_size * 10) ~height: (block_size * 20) ~borderwidth: cell_border ~relief: `Sunken ~background: `Black and r = Frame.create f and r' = Frame.create f in let nl = Label.create r ~text: "Next" ~font: "variable" in let nc = Canvas.create r ~width: (block_size * 4) ~height: (block_size * 4) ~borderwidth: cell_border ~relief: `Sunken ~background: `Black in let scl = Label.create r ~text: "Score" ~font: "variable" in let sc = Label.create r ~textvariable: scorev ~font: "variable" in let lnl = Label.create r ~text: "Lines" ~font: "variable" in let ln = Label.create r ~textvariable: linev ~font: "variable" in let levl = Label.create r ~text: "Level" ~font: "variable" in let lev = Label.create r ~textvariable: levv ~font: "variable" in let newg = Button.create r ~text: "New Game" ~font: "variable" in pack [f]; pack [coe c; coe r; coe r'] ~side: `Left ~fill: `Y; pack [coe nl; coe nc] ~side: `Top; pack [coe scl; coe sc; coe lnl; coe ln; coe levl; coe lev; coe newg] ~side: `Top; let cells_src = create_base_matrix ~cols:field_width ~rows:field_height in let cells = Array.map cells_src ~f: (Array.map ~f: begin fun (x,y) -> let t1 = Canvas.create_rectangle c ~x1:(-block_size - 8) ~y1:(-block_size - 8) ~x2:(-9) ~y2:(-9) and t2 = Canvas.create_rectangle c ~x1:(-block_size - 10) ~y1:(-block_size - 10) ~x2:(-11) ~y2:(-11) and t3 = Canvas.create_rectangle c ~x1:(-block_size - 12) ~y1:(-block_size - 12) ~x2:(-13) ~y2:(-13) in Canvas.raise c t1; Canvas.raise c t2; Canvas.lower c t3; new cell ~canvas:c ~x ~y t1 t2 t3 end) in let nexts_src = create_base_matrix ~cols:4 ~rows:4 in let nexts = Array.map nexts_src ~f: (Array.map ~f: begin fun (x,y) -> let t1 = Canvas.create_rectangle nc ~x1:(-block_size - 8) ~y1:(-block_size - 8) ~x2:(-9) ~y2:(-9) and t2 = Canvas.create_rectangle nc ~x1:(-block_size - 10) ~y1:(-block_size - 10) ~x2:(-11) ~y2:(-11) and t3 = Canvas.create_rectangle nc ~x1:(-block_size - 12) ~y1:(-block_size - 12) ~x2:(-13) ~y2:(-13) in Canvas.raise nc t1; Canvas.raise nc t2; Canvas.lower nc t3; new cell ~canvas:nc ~x ~y t1 t2 t3 end) in let game_over () = () in (* What a mess ! *) [ coe f; coe c; coe r; coe nl; coe nc; coe scl; coe sc; coe levl; coe lev; coe lnl; coe ln ], newg, (c, cells), (nc, nexts), scorev, linev, levv, game_over let draw_block field ~color ~block ~x ~y = for iy = 0 to 3 do let base = ref 1 in let xd = block.(iy) in for ix = 0 to 3 do if xd land !base <> 0 then cell_set field ~x:(ix + x) ~y:(iy + y) ~color; base := !base lsl 1 done done let timer_ref = (ref None : Timer.t option ref) (* I know, this should be timer ref, but I'm not sure what should be the initial value ... *) let remove_timer () = match !timer_ref with None -> () | Some t -> Timer.remove t (* ; prerr_endline "removed!" *) let do_after ~ms ~callback = timer_ref := Some (Timer.add ~ms ~callback) let copy_block c = { pattern= !c.pattern; bcolor= !c.bcolor; x= !c.x; y= !c.y; d= !c.d; alive= !c.alive } let _ = let top = openTk () in let lb = Label.create top and fw = Frame.create top in let set_message s = Label.configure lb ~text:s in pack [coe lb; coe fw] ~side: `Top; let score = ref 0 in let line = ref 0 in let level = ref 0 in let time = ref 1000 in let blocks = List.map ~f:(List.map ~f:decode_block) blocks in let field = Array.create 26 0 in let widgets, button, cell_field, next_field, scorev, linev, levv, game_over = init fw in let canvas = fst cell_field in let init_field () = for i = 0 to 25 do field.(i) <- line_empty done; field.(23) <- line_full; for i = 0 to 19 do for j = 0 to 9 do cell_set cell_field ~x:j ~y:i ~color:0 done done; for i = 0 to 3 do for j = 0 to 3 do cell_set next_field ~x:j ~y:i ~color:0 done done in let draw_falling_block fb = draw_block cell_field ~color: fb.bcolor ~block: (List.nth fb.pattern fb.d) ~x: (fb.x - 3) ~y: (fb.y - 3) and erase_falling_block fb = draw_block cell_field ~color: 0 ~block: (List.nth fb.pattern fb.d) ~x: (fb.x - 3) ~y: (fb.y - 3) in let stone fb = for i=0 to 3 do let cur = field.(i + fb.y) in field.(i + fb.y) <- cur lor ((List.nth fb.pattern fb.d).(i) lsl fb.x) done; for i=0 to 2 do field.(i) <- line_empty done and clear fb = let l = ref 0 in for i = 0 to 3 do if i + fb.y >= 3 && i + fb.y <= 22 then if field.(i + fb.y) = line_full then begin incr l; field.(i + fb.y) <- line_empty; for j = 0 to 9 do cell_set cell_field ~x:j ~y:(i + fb.y - 3) ~color:0 done end done; !l and fall_lines () = let eye = ref 22 (* bottom *) and cur = ref 22 (* bottom *) in try while !eye >= 3 do while field.(!eye) = line_empty do decr eye; if !eye = 2 then raise Done done; field.(!cur) <- field.(!eye); for j = 0 to 9 do cell_set cell_field ~x:j ~y:(!cur-3) ~color:(cell_get cell_field j (!eye-3)) done; decr eye; decr cur done with Done -> (); for i = 3 to !cur do field.(i) <- line_empty; for j = 0 to 9 do cell_set cell_field ~x:j ~y:(i-3) ~color:0 done done in let next = ref 42 (* THE ANSWER *) and current = ref { pattern= [[|0;0;0;0|]]; bcolor=0; x=0; y=0; d=0; alive= false} in let draw_next () = draw_block next_field ~color: (!next+1) ~block: (List.hd (List.nth blocks !next)) ~x: 0 ~y: 0 and erase_next () = draw_block next_field ~color: 0 ~block: (List.hd (List.nth blocks !next)) ~x: 0 ~y: 0 in let set_nextblock () = current := { pattern= (List.nth blocks !next); bcolor= !next+1; x=6; y= 1; d= 0; alive= true}; erase_next (); next := Random.int 7; draw_next () in let death_check fb = try for i=0 to 3 do let cur = field.(i + fb.y) in if cur land ((List.nth fb.pattern fb.d).(i) lsl fb.x) <> 0 then raise Done done; false with Done -> true in let try_to_move m = if !current.alive then let sub m = if death_check m then false else begin erase_falling_block !current; draw_falling_block m; current := m; true end in if sub m then true else begin m.x <- m.x + 1; if sub m then true else begin m.x <- m.x - 2; sub m end end else false in let image_load = let i = Canvas.create_image canvas ~x: (block_size * 5 + block_size / 2) ~y: (block_size * 10 + block_size / 2) ~anchor: `Center in Canvas.lower canvas i; let img = Imagephoto.create () in fun file -> try Imagephoto.configure img ~file: file; Canvas.configure_image canvas i ~image: img with _ -> begin Printf.eprintf "%s : No such image...\n" file; flush stderr end in let add_score l = let pline = !line in if l <> 0 then begin line := !line + l; score := !score + l * l; set_message (Printf.sprintf "%d pts" (1 lsl ((l - 1) * 2))) end; Textvariable.set linev (string_of_int !line); Textvariable.set scorev (string_of_int !score); if !line /10 <> pline /10 then (* update the background every 10 lines. *) begin let num_image = List.length backgrounds - 1 in let n = !line/10 in let n = if n > num_image then num_image else n in let file = List.nth backgrounds n in image_load file; incr level; Textvariable.set levv (string_of_int !level) end in let rec newblock () = set_message "TETRIS"; set_nextblock (); draw_falling_block !current; if death_check !current then begin !current.alive <- false; set_message "GAME OVER"; game_over () end else begin time := 1100 - (!level / 4 * 300) - ((!level mod 4) * 200); if !time < 60 - !level * 3 then time := 60 - !level * 3; do_after ~ms:stop_a_bit ~callback:loop end and loop () = let m = copy_block current in m.y <- m.y + 1; if death_check m then begin !current.alive <- false; stone !current; do_after ~ms:stop_a_bit ~callback: begin fun () -> let l = clear !current in if l > 0 then do_after ~ms:stop_a_bit ~callback: begin fun () -> fall_lines (); add_score l; do_after ~ms:stop_a_bit ~callback:newblock end else newblock () end end else begin erase_falling_block !current; draw_falling_block m; current := m; do_after ~ms:!time ~callback:loop end in let bind_game w = bind w ~events:[`KeyPress] ~fields:[`KeySymString] ~action: begin fun e -> match e.ev_KeySymString with | "h" -> let m = copy_block current in m.x <- m.x - 1; ignore (try_to_move m) | "j" -> let m = copy_block current in m.d <- m.d + 1; if m.d = List.length m.pattern then m.d <- 0; ignore (try_to_move m) | "k" -> let m = copy_block current in m.d <- m.d - 1; if m.d < 0 then m.d <- List.length m.pattern - 1; ignore (try_to_move m) | "l" -> let m = copy_block current in m.x <- m.x + 1; ignore (try_to_move m) | "m" -> remove_timer (); loop () | "space" -> if !current.alive then begin let m = copy_block current and n = copy_block current in while m.y <- m.y + 1; if death_check m then false else begin n.y <- m.y; true end do () done; erase_falling_block !current; draw_falling_block n; current := n; remove_timer (); loop () end | _ -> () end in let game_init () = (* Game Initialization *) set_message "Initializing ..."; remove_timer (); image_load (List.hd backgrounds); time := 1000; score := 0; line := 0; level := 1; add_score 0; init_field (); next := Random.int 7; set_message "Welcome to TETRIS"; set_nextblock (); draw_falling_block !current; do_after ~ms:!time ~callback:loop in (* As an applet, it was required... *) (* List.iter f: bind_game widgets; *) bind_game top; Button.configure button ~command: game_init; game_init () let _ = Printexc.print mainLoop ()