(*************************************************************************) (* *) (* Objective Caml LablTk library *) (* *) (* Francois Rouaix, Francois Pessaux and Jun Furuse *) (* projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* Jacques Garrigue, Kyoto University RIMS *) (* *) (* Copyright 1999 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique and Kyoto University. All rights reserved. *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU Library *) (* General Public License. *) (* *) (*************************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) open Widget (* Lower level interface *) exception TkError of string (* Raised by the communication functions *) val debug : bool ref (* When set to true, displays approximation of intermediate Tcl code *) type tkArgs = TkToken of string | TkTokenList of tkArgs list (* to be expanded *) | TkQuote of tkArgs (* mapped to Tcl list *) (* Misc *) external splitlist : string -> string list = "camltk_splitlist" val add_destroy_hook : (any widget -> unit) -> unit (* Opening, closing, and mainloop *) val openTk : ?display:string -> ?clas:string -> unit -> toplevel widget val closeTk : unit -> unit val mainLoop : unit -> unit (* Direct evaluation of tcl code *) val tkEval : tkArgs array -> string val tkCommand : tkArgs array -> unit (* Returning a value from a Tcl callback *) val tkreturn: string -> unit (* Callbacks: this is private *) type cbid type callback_buffer = string list (* Buffer for reading callback arguments *) val callback_naming_table : (cbid, callback_buffer -> unit) Hashtbl.t val callback_memo_table : (any widget, cbid) Hashtbl.t (* Exported for debug purposes only. Don't use them unless you know what you are doing *) val new_function_id : unit -> cbid val string_of_cbid : cbid -> string val register_callback : 'a widget -> callback:(callback_buffer -> unit) -> string (* Callback support *) val clear_callback : cbid -> unit (* Remove a given callback from the table *) val remove_callbacks : 'a widget -> unit (* Clean up callbacks associated to widget. Must be used only when the Destroy event is bind by the user and masks the default Destroy event binding *) val cTKtoCAMLwidget : string -> any widget val cCAMLtoTKwidget : 'a widget -> tkArgs val register : string -> callback:(callback_buffer -> unit) -> unit (*-*) val prerr_cbid : cbid -> unit