#if !macintosh #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include struct regexp_struct { final_fun finalization; struct re_pattern_buffer re; }; typedef struct regexp_struct * regexp; static void free_regexp(expr) regexp expr; { regfree(&(expr->re)); } static regexp alloc_regexp() { value res = /* Finalized values must be alloc'd in the major heap */ alloc_shr(sizeof(struct regexp_struct) / sizeof(value), Final_tag); Final_fun(res) = (final_fun) free_regexp; return (regexp) res; } #define RE_SYNTAX RE_SYNTAX_EMACS static char * case_fold_table = NULL; value str_compile_regexp(src, fold) /* ML */ value src, fold; { regexp expr; char * msg; Push_roots(root, 1); root[0] = src; expr = alloc_regexp(); src = root[0]; Pop_roots(); re_syntax_options = RE_SYNTAX; if (Bool_val(fold) && case_fold_table == NULL) { int i; case_fold_table = stat_alloc(256); for (i = 0; i <= 255; i++) case_fold_table[i] = i; for (i = 'A'; i <= 'Z'; i++) case_fold_table[i] = i + 32; for (i = 192; i <= 214; i++) case_fold_table[i] = i + 32; for (i = 216; i <= 222; i++) case_fold_table[i] = i + 32; } expr->re.translate = Bool_val(fold) ? case_fold_table : NULL; expr->re.fastmap = stat_alloc(256); expr->re.buffer = NULL; expr->re.allocated = 0; msg = (char *) re_compile_pattern(String_val(src), string_length(src), &(expr->re)); if (msg != NULL) failwith(msg); re_compile_fastmap(&(expr->re)); expr->re.regs_allocated = REGS_FIXED; return (value) expr; } static regoff_t start_regs[10], end_regs[10]; static struct re_registers match_regs = { 10, start_regs, end_regs }; value str_string_match(expr, text, pos) /* ML */ regexp expr; value text, pos; { switch (re_match(&(expr->re), String_val(text), string_length(text), Int_val(pos), &match_regs)) { case -2: invalid_argument("Str.string_match"); case -1: return Val_false; default: return Val_true; } } value str_search_forward(expr, text, pos) /* ML */ regexp expr; value text, pos; { int len = string_length(text); int start = Int_val(pos); int res = re_search(&(expr->re), String_val(text), len, start, len-start, &match_regs); switch(res) { case -2: invalid_argument("Str.search_forward"); case -1: raise_not_found(); default: return Val_int(res); } } value str_search_backward(expr, text, pos) /* ML */ regexp expr; value text, pos; { int len = string_length(text); int start = Int_val(pos); int res = re_search(&(expr->re), String_val(text), len, start, -start-1, &match_regs); switch(res) { case -2: invalid_argument("Str.search_backward"); case -1: raise_not_found(); default: return Val_int(res); } } value str_beginning_group(ngroup) /* ML */ value ngroup; { return Val_int(start_regs[Int_val(ngroup)]); } value str_end_group(ngroup) /* ML */ value ngroup; { return Val_int(end_regs[Int_val(ngroup)]); } value str_replacement_text(repl, orig) /* ML */ value repl, orig; { value res; mlsize_t len, n; char * p, * q; int c; len = 0; p = String_val(repl); n = string_length(repl); while (n > 0) { c = *p++; n--; if(c != '\\') len++; else { if (n == 0) failwith("Str.replace: illegal backslash sequence"); c = *p++; n--; switch (c) { case '\\': len++; break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': c -= '0'; len += end_regs[c] - start_regs[c]; break; default: len += 2; break; } } } { Push_roots(r, 2); r[0] = orig; r[1] = repl; res = alloc_string(len); orig = r[0]; repl = r[1]; Pop_roots(); } p = String_val(repl); q = String_val(res); n = string_length(repl); while (n > 0) { c = *p++; n--; if(c != '\\') *q++ = c; else { c = *p++; n--; switch (c) { case '\\': *q++ = '\\'; break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': c -= '0'; len = end_regs[c] - start_regs[c]; bcopy(&Byte(orig, start_regs[c]), q, len); q += len; break; default: *q++ = '\\'; *q++ = c; break; } } } return res; }