/***********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Objective Caml */ /* */ /* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt */ /* */ /* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et */ /* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed */ /* under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License. */ /* */ /***********************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ #include #include #include "unixsupport.h" #ifdef HAS_SOCKETS #include #include #include #include "socketaddr.h" #ifndef SO_DEBUG #define SO_DEBUG (-1) #endif #ifndef SO_BROADCAST #define SO_BROADCAST (-1) #endif #ifndef SO_REUSEADDR #define SO_REUSEADDR (-1) #endif #ifndef SO_KEEPALIVE #define SO_KEEPALIVE (-1) #endif #ifndef SO_DONTROUTE #define SO_DONTROUTE (-1) #endif #ifndef SO_OOBINLINE #define SO_OOBINLINE (-1) #endif #ifndef SO_ACCEPTCONN #define SO_ACCEPTCONN (-1) #endif #ifndef SO_SNDBUF #define SO_SNDBUF (-1) #endif #ifndef SO_RCVBUF #define SO_RCVBUF (-1) #endif #ifndef SO_ERROR #define SO_ERROR (-1) #endif #ifndef SO_TYPE #define SO_TYPE (-1) #endif #ifndef SO_RCVLOWAT #define SO_RCVLOWAT (-1) #endif #ifndef SO_SNDLOWAT #define SO_SNDLOWAT (-1) #endif #ifndef SO_LINGER #define SO_LINGER (-1) #endif #ifndef SO_RCVTIMEO #define SO_RCVTIMEO (-1) #endif #ifndef SO_SNDTIMEO #define SO_SNDTIMEO (-1) #endif static int sockopt_bool[] = { SO_DEBUG, SO_BROADCAST, SO_REUSEADDR, SO_KEEPALIVE, SO_DONTROUTE, SO_OOBINLINE, SO_ACCEPTCONN }; static int sockopt_int[] = { SO_SNDBUF, SO_RCVBUF, SO_ERROR, SO_TYPE, SO_RCVLOWAT, SO_SNDLOWAT }; static int sockopt_optint[] = { SO_LINGER }; static int sockopt_float[] = { SO_RCVTIMEO, SO_SNDTIMEO }; value getsockopt_int(int *sockopt, value socket, value level, value option) { int optval; socklen_param_type optsize; optsize = sizeof(optval); if (getsockopt(Int_val(socket), Int_val(level), sockopt[Int_val(option)], (void *) &optval, &optsize) == -1) uerror("getsockopt", Nothing); return Val_int(optval); } value setsockopt_int(int *sockopt, value socket, value level, value option, value status) { int optval = Int_val(status); if (setsockopt(Int_val(socket), Int_val(level), sockopt[Int_val(option)], (void *) &optval, sizeof(optval)) == -1) uerror("setsockopt", Nothing); return Val_unit; } value unix_getsockopt_bool(value socket, value option) { /* ML */ return getsockopt_int(sockopt_bool, socket, Val_int(SOL_SOCKET), option); } value unix_setsockopt_bool(value socket, value option, value status) /* ML */ { return setsockopt_int(sockopt_bool, socket, Val_int(SOL_SOCKET), option, status); } value unix_getsockopt_int(value socket, value option) { /* ML */ return getsockopt_int(sockopt_int, socket, Val_int(SOL_SOCKET), option); } value unix_setsockopt_int(value socket, value option, value status) /* ML */ { return setsockopt_int(sockopt_int, socket, Val_int(SOL_SOCKET), option, status); } value getsockopt_optint(int *sockopt, value socket, value level, value option) { struct linger optval; socklen_param_type optsize; value res = Val_int(0); /* None */ optsize = sizeof(optval); if (getsockopt(Int_val(socket), Int_val(level), sockopt[Int_val(option)], (void *) &optval, &optsize) == -1) uerror("getsockopt_optint", Nothing); if (optval.l_onoff != 0) { res = alloc_small(1, 0); Field(res, 0) = Val_int(optval.l_linger); } return res; } value setsockopt_optint(int *sockopt, value socket, value level, value option, value status) { struct linger optval; optval.l_onoff = Is_block (status); if (optval.l_onoff) optval.l_linger = Int_val (Field (status, 0)); if (setsockopt(Int_val(socket), Int_val(level), sockopt[Int_val(option)], (void *) &optval, sizeof(optval)) == -1) uerror("setsockopt_optint", Nothing); return Val_unit; } value unix_getsockopt_optint(value socket, value option) /* ML */ { return getsockopt_optint(sockopt_optint, socket, Val_int(SOL_SOCKET), option); } value unix_setsockopt_optint(value socket, value option, value status) /* ML */ { return setsockopt_optint(sockopt_optint, socket, Val_int(SOL_SOCKET), option, status); } value getsockopt_float(int *sockopt, value socket, value level, value option) { struct timeval tv; socklen_param_type optsize; optsize = sizeof(tv); if (getsockopt(Int_val(socket), Int_val(level), sockopt[Int_val(option)], (void *) &tv, &optsize) == -1) uerror("getsockopt_float", Nothing); return copy_double((double) tv.tv_sec + (double) tv.tv_usec / 1e6); } value setsockopt_float(int *sockopt, value socket, value level, value option, value status) { struct timeval tv; double tv_f; tv_f = Double_val(status); tv.tv_sec = (int)tv_f; tv.tv_usec = (int) (1e6 * (tv_f - tv.tv_sec)); if (setsockopt(Int_val(socket), Int_val(level), sockopt[Int_val(option)], (void *) &tv, sizeof(tv)) == -1) uerror("setsockopt_float", Nothing); return Val_unit; } value unix_getsockopt_float(value socket, value option) /* ML */ { return getsockopt_float(sockopt_float, socket, Val_int(SOL_SOCKET), option); } value unix_setsockopt_float(value socket, value option, value status) /* ML */ { return setsockopt_float(sockopt_float, socket, Val_int(SOL_SOCKET), option, status); } #else value unix_getsockopt(value socket, value option) { invalid_argument("getsockopt not implemented"); } value unix_setsockopt(value socket, value option, value status) { invalid_argument("setsockopt not implemented"); } value unix_getsockopt_int(value socket, value option) { invalid_argument("getsockopt_int not implemented"); } value unix_setsockopt_int(value socket, value option, value status) { invalid_argument("setsockopt_int not implemented"); } value unix_getsockopt_optint(value socket, value option) { invalid_argument("getsockopt_optint not implemented"); } value unix_setsockopt_optint(value socket, value option, value status) { invalid_argument("setsockopt_optint not implemented"); } value unix_getsockopt_float(value socket, value option) { invalid_argument("getsockopt_float not implemented"); } value unix_setsockopt_float(value socket, value option, value status) { invalid_argument("setsockopt_float not implemented"); } #endif