/***********************************************************************/ /* */ /* OCaml */ /* */ /* Developed by Jacob Navia, based on code by J-M Geffroy and X Leroy */ /* */ /* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et */ /* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed */ /* under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with */ /* the special exception on linking described in file ../../LICENSE. */ /* */ /***********************************************************************/ #include #include "caml/mlvalues.h" #include "caml/alloc.h" #include "caml/fail.h" #include "libgraph.h" #include "caml/custom.h" #include "caml/memory.h" HDC gcMetaFile; int grdisplay_mode; int grremember_mode; GR_WINDOW grwindow; static void GetCurrentPosition(HDC hDC,POINT *pt) { MoveToEx(hDC,0,0,pt); MoveToEx(hDC,pt->x,pt->y,0); } static value gr_draw_or_fill_arc(value vx, value vy, value vrx, value vry, value vstart, value vend, BOOL fill); CAMLprim value caml_gr_plot(value vx, value vy) { int x = Int_val(vx); int y = Int_val(vy); gr_check_open(); if(grremember_mode) SetPixel(grwindow.gcBitmap, x, Wcvt(y),grwindow.CurrentColor); if(grdisplay_mode) { SetPixel(grwindow.gc, x, Wcvt(y),grwindow.CurrentColor); } return Val_unit; } CAMLprim value caml_gr_moveto(value vx, value vy) { grwindow.grx = Int_val(vx); grwindow.gry = Int_val(vy); if(grremember_mode) MoveToEx(grwindow.gcBitmap,grwindow.grx,Wcvt(grwindow.gry),0); if (grdisplay_mode) MoveToEx(grwindow.gc,grwindow.grx,Wcvt(grwindow.gry),0); return Val_unit; } CAMLprim value caml_gr_current_x(value unit) { return Val_int(grwindow.grx); } CAMLprim value caml_gr_current_y(value unit) { return Val_int(grwindow.gry); } CAMLprim value caml_gr_lineto(value vx, value vy) { int x = Int_val(vx); int y = Int_val(vy); gr_check_open(); SelectObject(grwindow.gc,grwindow.CurrentPen); SelectObject(grwindow.gcBitmap,grwindow.CurrentPen); if (grremember_mode) LineTo(grwindow.gcBitmap,x,Wcvt(y)); if (grdisplay_mode) LineTo(grwindow.gc, x, Wcvt(y)); grwindow.grx = x; grwindow.gry = y; return Val_unit; } CAMLprim value caml_gr_draw_rect(value vx, value vy, value vw, value vh) { int x, y, w, h; POINT pt[5]; x=Int_val(vx); y=Wcvt(Int_val(vy)); w=Int_val(vw); h=Int_val(vh); pt[0].x = x; pt[0].y = y - h; pt[1].x = x + w; pt[1].y = y - h; pt[2].x = x + w; pt[2].y = y; pt[3].x = x; pt[3].y = y; pt[4].x = x; pt[4].y = y - h; if (grremember_mode) { Polyline(grwindow.gcBitmap,pt, 5); } if (grdisplay_mode) { Polyline(grwindow.gc,pt, 5); } return Val_unit; } CAMLprim value caml_gr_draw_text(value text,value x) { POINT pt; int oldmode = SetBkMode(grwindow.gc,TRANSPARENT); SetBkMode(grwindow.gcBitmap,TRANSPARENT); SetTextAlign(grwindow.gcBitmap, TA_UPDATECP|TA_BOTTOM); SetTextAlign(grwindow.gc, TA_UPDATECP|TA_BOTTOM); if (grremember_mode) { TextOut(grwindow.gcBitmap,0,0,(char *)text,x); } if(grdisplay_mode) { TextOut(grwindow.gc,0,0,(char *)text,x); } GetCurrentPosition(grwindow.gc,&pt); grwindow.grx = pt.x; grwindow.gry = grwindow.height - pt.y; SetBkMode(grwindow.gc,oldmode); SetBkMode(grwindow.gcBitmap,oldmode); return Val_unit; } CAMLprim value caml_gr_fill_rect(value vx, value vy, value vw, value vh) { int x = Int_val(vx); int y = Int_val(vy); int w = Int_val(vw); int h = Int_val(vh); RECT rc; gr_check_open(); rc.left = x; rc.top = Wcvt(y); rc.right = x+w; rc.bottom = Wcvt(y)-h; if (grdisplay_mode) FillRect(grwindow.gc,&rc,grwindow.CurrentBrush); if (grremember_mode) FillRect(grwindow.gcBitmap,&rc,grwindow.CurrentBrush); return Val_unit; } CAMLprim value caml_gr_sound(value freq, value vdur) { Beep(freq,vdur); return Val_unit; } CAMLprim value caml_gr_point_color(value vx, value vy) { int x = Int_val(vx); int y = Int_val(vy); COLORREF rgb; unsigned long b,g,r; gr_check_open(); rgb = GetPixel(grwindow.gcBitmap,x,Wcvt(y)); b = (unsigned long)((rgb & 0xFF0000) >> 16); g = (unsigned long)((rgb & 0x00FF00) >> 8); r = (unsigned long)(rgb & 0x0000FF); return Val_long((r<<16) + (g<<8) + b); } CAMLprim value caml_gr_circle(value x,value y,value radius) { int left,top,right,bottom; gr_check_open(); left = x - radius/2; top = Wcvt(y) - radius/2; right = left+radius; bottom = top+radius; Ellipse(grwindow.gcBitmap,left,top,right,bottom); return Val_unit; } CAMLprim value caml_gr_set_window_title(value text) { SetWindowText(grwindow.hwnd,(char *)text); return Val_unit; } CAMLprim value caml_gr_draw_arc(value *argv, int argc) { return gr_draw_or_fill_arc(argv[0], argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], argv[5], FALSE); } CAMLprim value caml_gr_draw_arc_nat(vx, vy, vrx, vry, vstart, vend) { return gr_draw_or_fill_arc(vx, vy, vrx, vry, vstart, vend, FALSE); } CAMLprim value caml_gr_set_line_width(value vwidth) { int width = Int_val(vwidth); HPEN oldPen,newPen; gr_check_open(); oldPen = grwindow.CurrentPen; newPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID,width,grwindow.CurrentColor); SelectObject(grwindow.gcBitmap,newPen); SelectObject(grwindow.gc,newPen); DeleteObject(oldPen); grwindow.CurrentPen = newPen; return Val_unit; } CAMLprim value caml_gr_set_color(value vcolor) { HBRUSH oldBrush, newBrush; LOGBRUSH lb; LOGPEN pen; HPEN newPen; int color = Long_val(vcolor); int r = (color & 0xFF0000) >> 16, g = (color & 0x00FF00) >> 8 , b = color & 0x0000FF; COLORREF c = RGB(r,g,b); memset(&lb,0,sizeof(lb)); memset(&pen,0,sizeof(LOGPEN)); gr_check_open(); GetObject(grwindow.CurrentPen,sizeof(LOGPEN),&pen); pen.lopnColor = c; newPen = CreatePenIndirect(&pen); SelectObject(grwindow.gcBitmap,newPen); SelectObject(grwindow.gc,newPen); DeleteObject(grwindow.CurrentPen); grwindow.CurrentPen = newPen; SetTextColor(grwindow.gc,c); SetTextColor(grwindow.gcBitmap,c); oldBrush = grwindow.CurrentBrush; lb.lbStyle = BS_SOLID; lb.lbColor = c; newBrush = CreateBrushIndirect(&lb); SelectObject(grwindow.gc,newBrush); SelectObject(grwindow.gcBitmap,newBrush); DeleteObject(oldBrush); grwindow.CurrentBrush = newBrush; grwindow.CurrentColor = c; return Val_unit; } static value gr_draw_or_fill_arc(value vx, value vy, value vrx, value vry, value vstart, value vend, BOOL fill) { int x, y, r_x, r_y, start, end; int x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4; double cvt = 3.141592653/180.0; r_x = Int_val(vrx); r_y = Int_val(vry); if ((r_x < 0) || (r_y < 0)) invalid_argument("draw_arc: radius must be positive"); x = Int_val(vx); y = Int_val(vy); start = Int_val(vstart); end = Int_val(vend); // Upper-left corner of bounding rect. x1= x - r_x; y1= y + r_y; // Lower-right corner of bounding rect. x2= x + r_x; y2= y - r_y; // Starting point x3=x + (int)(100.0*cos(cvt*start)); y3=y + (int)(100.0*sin(cvt*start)); // Ending point x4=x + (int)(100.0*cos(cvt*end)); y4=y + (int)(100.0*sin(cvt*end)); if (grremember_mode) { SelectObject(grwindow.gcBitmap,grwindow.CurrentPen); SelectObject(grwindow.gcBitmap,grwindow.CurrentBrush); if( fill ) Pie(grwindow.gcBitmap,x1, Wcvt(y1), x2, Wcvt(y2), x3, Wcvt(y3), x4, Wcvt(y4)); else Arc(grwindow.gcBitmap,x1, Wcvt(y1), x2, Wcvt(y2), x3, Wcvt(y3), x4, Wcvt(y4)); } if( grdisplay_mode ) { SelectObject(grwindow.gc,grwindow.CurrentPen); SelectObject(grwindow.gc,grwindow.CurrentBrush); if (fill) Pie(grwindow.gc,x1, Wcvt(y1), x2, Wcvt(y2), x3, Wcvt(y3), x4, Wcvt(y4)); else Arc(grwindow.gc,x1, Wcvt(y1), x2, Wcvt(y2), x3, Wcvt(y3), x4, Wcvt(y4)); } return Val_unit; } CAMLprim value caml_gr_show_bitmap(value filename,int x,int y) { AfficheBitmap(filename,grwindow.gcBitmap,x,Wcvt(y)); AfficheBitmap(filename,grwindow.gc,x,Wcvt(y)); return Val_unit; } CAMLprim value caml_gr_get_mousex(value unit) { POINT pt; GetCursorPos(&pt); MapWindowPoints(HWND_DESKTOP,grwindow.hwnd,&pt,1); return pt.x; } CAMLprim value caml_gr_get_mousey(value unit) { POINT pt; GetCursorPos(&pt); MapWindowPoints(HWND_DESKTOP,grwindow.hwnd,&pt,1); return grwindow.height - pt.y - 1; } static void gr_font(char *fontname) { HFONT hf = CreationFont(fontname); if (hf && hf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { HFONT oldFont = SelectObject(grwindow.gc,hf); SelectObject(grwindow.gcBitmap,hf); DeleteObject(grwindow.CurrentFont); grwindow.CurrentFont = hf; } } CAMLprim value caml_gr_set_font(value fontname) { gr_check_open(); gr_font(String_val(fontname)); return Val_unit; } CAMLprim value caml_gr_set_text_size (value sz) { return Val_unit; } CAMLprim value caml_gr_draw_char(value chr) { char str[1]; gr_check_open(); str[0] = Int_val(chr); caml_gr_draw_text((value)str, 1); return Val_unit; } CAMLprim value caml_gr_draw_string(value str) { gr_check_open(); caml_gr_draw_text(str, string_length(str)); return Val_unit; } CAMLprim value caml_gr_text_size(value str) { SIZE extent; value res; mlsize_t len = string_length(str); if (len > 32767) len = 32767; GetTextExtentPoint(grwindow.gc,String_val(str), len,&extent); res = alloc_tuple(2); Field(res, 0) = Val_long(extent.cx); Field(res, 1) = Val_long(extent.cy); return res; } CAMLprim value caml_gr_fill_poly(value vect) { int n_points, i; POINT *p,*poly; n_points = Wosize_val(vect); if (n_points < 3) gr_fail("fill_poly: not enough points",0); poly = (POINT *)malloc(n_points*sizeof(POINT)); p = poly; for( i = 0; i < n_points; i++ ){ p->x = Int_val(Field(Field(vect,i),0)); p->y = Wcvt(Int_val(Field(Field(vect,i),1))); p++; } if (grremember_mode) { SelectObject(grwindow.gcBitmap,grwindow.CurrentBrush); Polygon(grwindow.gcBitmap,poly,n_points); } if (grdisplay_mode) { SelectObject(grwindow.gcBitmap,grwindow.CurrentBrush); Polygon(grwindow.gc,poly,n_points); } free(poly); return Val_unit; } CAMLprim value caml_gr_fill_arc(value *argv, int argc) { return gr_draw_or_fill_arc(argv[0], argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], argv[5], TRUE); } CAMLprim value caml_gr_fill_arc_nat(vx, vy, vrx, vry, vstart, vend) { return gr_draw_or_fill_arc(vx, vy, vrx, vry, vstart, vend, TRUE); } // Image primitives struct image { int w; int h; HBITMAP data; HBITMAP mask; }; #define Width(i) (((struct image *)Data_custom_val(i))->w) #define Height(i) (((struct image *)Data_custom_val(i))->h) #define Data(i) (((struct image *)Data_custom_val(i))->data) #define Mask(i) (((struct image *)Data_custom_val(i))->mask) #define Max_image_mem 500000 static void finalize_image (value i) { DeleteObject (Data(i)); if (Mask(i) != NULL) DeleteObject(Mask(i)); } static struct custom_operations image_ops = { "_image", finalize_image, custom_compare_default, custom_hash_default, custom_serialize_default, custom_deserialize_default, custom_compare_ext_default }; CAMLprim value caml_gr_create_image(value vw, value vh) { HBITMAP cbm; value res; int w = Int_val(vw); int h = Int_val(vh); if (w < 0 || h < 0) gr_fail("create_image: width and height must be positive",0); cbm = CreateCompatibleBitmap(grwindow.gc, w, h); if (cbm == NULL) gr_fail("create_image: cannot create bitmap", 0); res = alloc_custom(&image_ops, sizeof(struct image), w * h, Max_image_mem); if (res) { Width (res) = w; Height (res) = h; Data (res) = cbm; Mask (res) = NULL; } return res; } CAMLprim value caml_gr_blit_image (value i, value x, value y) { HBITMAP oldBmp = SelectObject(grwindow.tempDC,Data(i)); int xsrc = Int_val(x); int ysrc = Wcvt(Int_val(y) + Height(i) - 1); BitBlt(grwindow.tempDC,0, 0, Width(i), Height(i), grwindow.gcBitmap, xsrc, ysrc, SRCCOPY); SelectObject(grwindow.tempDC,oldBmp); return Val_unit; } CAMLprim value caml_gr_draw_image(value i, value x, value y) { HBITMAP oldBmp; int xdst = Int_val(x); int ydst = Wcvt(Int_val(y)+Height(i)-1); if (Mask(i) == NULL) { if (grremember_mode) { oldBmp = SelectObject(grwindow.tempDC,Data(i)); BitBlt(grwindow.gcBitmap,xdst, ydst, Width(i), Height(i), grwindow.tempDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); SelectObject(grwindow.tempDC,oldBmp); } if (grdisplay_mode) { oldBmp = SelectObject(grwindow.tempDC,Data(i)); BitBlt(grwindow.gc,xdst, ydst, Width(i), Height(i), grwindow.tempDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); SelectObject(grwindow.tempDC,oldBmp); } } else { if (grremember_mode) { oldBmp = SelectObject(grwindow.tempDC,Mask(i)); BitBlt(grwindow.gcBitmap,xdst, ydst, Width(i), Height(i), grwindow.tempDC, 0, 0, SRCAND); SelectObject(grwindow.tempDC,Data(i)); BitBlt(grwindow.gcBitmap,xdst, ydst, Width(i), Height(i), grwindow.tempDC, 0, 0, SRCPAINT); SelectObject(grwindow.tempDC,oldBmp); } if (grdisplay_mode) { oldBmp = SelectObject(grwindow.tempDC,Mask(i)); BitBlt(grwindow.gc,xdst, ydst, Width(i), Height(i), grwindow.tempDC, 0, 0, SRCAND); SelectObject(grwindow.tempDC,Data(i)); BitBlt(grwindow.gc,xdst, ydst, Width(i), Height(i), grwindow.tempDC, 0, 0, SRCPAINT); SelectObject(grwindow.tempDC,oldBmp); } } return Val_unit; } CAMLprim value caml_gr_make_image(value matrix) { int width, height,has_transp,i,j; value img; HBITMAP oldBmp; height = Wosize_val(matrix); if (height == 0) { width = 0; } else { width = Wosize_val(Field(matrix, 0)); for (i = 1; i < height; i++) { if (width != (int) Wosize_val(Field(matrix, i))) gr_fail("make_image: non-rectangular matrix",0); } } Begin_roots1(matrix) img = caml_gr_create_image(Val_int(width), Val_int(height)); End_roots(); has_transp = 0; oldBmp = SelectObject(grwindow.tempDC,Data(img)); for (i = 0; i < height; i++) { for (j = 0; j < width; j++) { int col = Long_val (Field (Field (matrix, i), j)); if (col == -1){ has_transp = 1; SetPixel(grwindow.tempDC,j, i, 0); } else { int red = (col >> 16) & 0xFF; int green = (col >> 8) & 0xFF; int blue = col & 0xFF; SetPixel(grwindow.tempDC,j, i, RGB(red, green, blue)); } } } SelectObject(grwindow.tempDC,oldBmp); if (has_transp) { HBITMAP cbm; cbm = CreateCompatibleBitmap(grwindow.gc, width, height); Mask(img) = cbm; oldBmp = SelectObject(grwindow.tempDC,Mask(img)); for (i = 0; i < height; i++) { for (j = 0; j < width; j++) { int col = Long_val (Field (Field (matrix, i), j)); SetPixel(grwindow.tempDC,j, i, col == -1 ? 0xFFFFFF : 0); } } SelectObject(grwindow.tempDC,oldBmp); } return img; } static value alloc_int_vect(mlsize_t size) { value res; mlsize_t i; if (size == 0) return Atom(0); if (size <= Max_young_wosize) { res = alloc(size, 0); } else { res = alloc_shr(size, 0); } for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { Field(res, i) = Val_long(0); } return res; } CAMLprim value caml_gr_dump_image (value img) { int height = Height(img); int width = Width(img); value matrix = Val_unit; int i, j; HBITMAP oldBmp; Begin_roots2(img, matrix) matrix = alloc_int_vect (height); for (i = 0; i < height; i++) { modify (&Field (matrix, i), alloc_int_vect (width)); } End_roots(); oldBmp = SelectObject(grwindow.tempDC,Data(img)); for (i = 0; i < height; i++) { for (j = 0; j < width; j++) { int col = GetPixel(grwindow.tempDC,j, i); int blue = (col >> 16) & 0xFF; int green = (col >> 8) & 0xFF; int red = col & 0xFF; Field(Field(matrix, i), j) = Val_long((red << 16) + (green << 8) + blue); } } SelectObject(grwindow.tempDC,oldBmp); if (Mask(img) != NULL) { oldBmp = SelectObject(grwindow.tempDC,Mask(img)); for (i = 0; i < height; i++) { for (j = 0; j < width; j++) { if (GetPixel(grwindow.tempDC,j, i) != 0) Field(Field(matrix, i), j) = Val_long(-1); } } SelectObject(grwindow.tempDC,oldBmp); } return matrix; }