/***********************************************************************/ /* */ /* OCaml */ /* */ /* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt */ /* */ /* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et */ /* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed */ /* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. */ /* */ /***********************************************************************/ /* The parser definition */ %{ open Location open Asttypes open Longident open Parsetree open Ast_helper let mktyp d = Typ.mk ~loc:(symbol_rloc()) d let mkpat d = Pat.mk ~loc:(symbol_rloc()) d let mkexp d = Exp.mk ~loc:(symbol_rloc()) d let mkmty d = Mty.mk ~loc:(symbol_rloc()) d let mksig d = Sig.mk ~loc:(symbol_rloc()) d let mkmod d = Mod.mk ~loc:(symbol_rloc()) d let mkstr d = Str.mk ~loc:(symbol_rloc()) d let mkclass d = Cl.mk ~loc:(symbol_rloc()) d let mkcty d = Cty.mk ~loc:(symbol_rloc()) d let mkctf d = Ctf.mk ~loc:(symbol_rloc()) d let mkcf d = Cf.mk ~loc:(symbol_rloc()) d let mkrhs rhs pos = mkloc rhs (rhs_loc pos) let mkoption d = let loc = {d.ptyp_loc with loc_ghost = true} in Typ.mk ~loc (Ptyp_constr(mkloc (Ldot (Lident "*predef*", "option")) loc,[d])) let reloc_pat x = { x with ppat_loc = symbol_rloc () };; let reloc_exp x = { x with pexp_loc = symbol_rloc () };; let mkoperator name pos = let loc = rhs_loc pos in Exp.mk ~loc (Pexp_ident(mkloc (Lident name) loc)) let mkpatvar name pos = Pat.mk ~loc:(rhs_loc pos) (Ppat_var (mkrhs name pos)) (* Ghost expressions and patterns: expressions and patterns that do not appear explicitly in the source file they have the loc_ghost flag set to true. Then the profiler will not try to instrument them and the -annot option will not try to display their type. Every grammar rule that generates an element with a location must make at most one non-ghost element, the topmost one. How to tell whether your location must be ghost: A location corresponds to a range of characters in the source file. If the location contains a piece of code that is syntactically valid (according to the documentation), and corresponds to the AST node, then the location must be real; in all other cases, it must be ghost. *) let ghexp d = Exp.mk ~loc:(symbol_gloc ()) d let ghpat d = Pat.mk ~loc:(symbol_gloc ()) d let ghtyp d = Typ.mk ~loc:(symbol_gloc ()) d let ghloc d = { txt = d; loc = symbol_gloc () } let ghunit () = ghexp (Pexp_construct (mknoloc (Lident "()"), None)) let mkinfix arg1 name arg2 = mkexp(Pexp_apply(mkoperator name 2, ["", arg1; "", arg2])) let neg_float_string f = if String.length f > 0 && f.[0] = '-' then String.sub f 1 (String.length f - 1) else "-" ^ f let mkuminus name arg = match name, arg.pexp_desc with | "-", Pexp_constant(Const_int n) -> mkexp(Pexp_constant(Const_int(-n))) | "-", Pexp_constant(Const_int32 n) -> mkexp(Pexp_constant(Const_int32(Int32.neg n))) | "-", Pexp_constant(Const_int64 n) -> mkexp(Pexp_constant(Const_int64(Int64.neg n))) | "-", Pexp_constant(Const_nativeint n) -> mkexp(Pexp_constant(Const_nativeint(Nativeint.neg n))) | ("-" | "-."), Pexp_constant(Const_float f) -> mkexp(Pexp_constant(Const_float(neg_float_string f))) | _ -> mkexp(Pexp_apply(mkoperator ("~" ^ name) 1, ["", arg])) let mkuplus name arg = let desc = arg.pexp_desc in match name, desc with | "+", Pexp_constant(Const_int _) | "+", Pexp_constant(Const_int32 _) | "+", Pexp_constant(Const_int64 _) | "+", Pexp_constant(Const_nativeint _) | ("+" | "+."), Pexp_constant(Const_float _) -> mkexp desc | _ -> mkexp(Pexp_apply(mkoperator ("~" ^ name) 1, ["", arg])) let mkexp_cons consloc args loc = Exp.mk ~loc (Pexp_construct(mkloc (Lident "::") consloc, Some args)) let mkpat_cons consloc args loc = Pat.mk ~loc (Ppat_construct(mkloc (Lident "::") consloc, Some args)) let rec mktailexp nilloc = function [] -> let loc = { nilloc with loc_ghost = true } in let nil = { txt = Lident "[]"; loc = loc } in Exp.mk ~loc (Pexp_construct (nil, None)) | e1 :: el -> let exp_el = mktailexp nilloc el in let loc = {loc_start = e1.pexp_loc.loc_start; loc_end = exp_el.pexp_loc.loc_end; loc_ghost = true} in let arg = Exp.mk ~loc (Pexp_tuple [e1; exp_el]) in mkexp_cons {loc with loc_ghost = true} arg loc let rec mktailpat nilloc = function [] -> let loc = { nilloc with loc_ghost = true } in let nil = { txt = Lident "[]"; loc = loc } in Pat.mk ~loc (Ppat_construct (nil, None)) | p1 :: pl -> let pat_pl = mktailpat nilloc pl in let loc = {loc_start = p1.ppat_loc.loc_start; loc_end = pat_pl.ppat_loc.loc_end; loc_ghost = true} in let arg = Pat.mk ~loc (Ppat_tuple [p1; pat_pl]) in mkpat_cons {loc with loc_ghost = true} arg loc let mkstrexp e attrs = { pstr_desc = Pstr_eval (e, attrs); pstr_loc = e.pexp_loc } let mkexp_constraint e (t1, t2) = match t1, t2 with | Some t, None -> ghexp(Pexp_constraint(e, t)) | _, Some t -> ghexp(Pexp_coerce(e, t1, t)) | None, None -> assert false let array_function str name = ghloc (Ldot(Lident str, (if !Clflags.fast then "unsafe_" ^ name else name))) let syntax_error () = raise Syntaxerr.Escape_error let unclosed opening_name opening_num closing_name closing_num = raise(Syntaxerr.Error(Syntaxerr.Unclosed(rhs_loc opening_num, opening_name, rhs_loc closing_num, closing_name))) let expecting pos nonterm = raise Syntaxerr.(Error(Expecting(rhs_loc pos, nonterm))) let not_expecting pos nonterm = raise Syntaxerr.(Error(Not_expecting(rhs_loc pos, nonterm))) let bigarray_function str name = ghloc (Ldot(Ldot(Lident "Bigarray", str), name)) let bigarray_untuplify = function { pexp_desc = Pexp_tuple explist; pexp_loc = _ } -> explist | exp -> [exp] let bigarray_get arr arg = let get = if !Clflags.fast then "unsafe_get" else "get" in match bigarray_untuplify arg with [c1] -> mkexp(Pexp_apply(ghexp(Pexp_ident(bigarray_function "Array1" get)), ["", arr; "", c1])) | [c1;c2] -> mkexp(Pexp_apply(ghexp(Pexp_ident(bigarray_function "Array2" get)), ["", arr; "", c1; "", c2])) | [c1;c2;c3] -> mkexp(Pexp_apply(ghexp(Pexp_ident(bigarray_function "Array3" get)), ["", arr; "", c1; "", c2; "", c3])) | coords -> mkexp(Pexp_apply(ghexp(Pexp_ident(bigarray_function "Genarray" "get")), ["", arr; "", ghexp(Pexp_array coords)])) let bigarray_set arr arg newval = let set = if !Clflags.fast then "unsafe_set" else "set" in match bigarray_untuplify arg with [c1] -> mkexp(Pexp_apply(ghexp(Pexp_ident(bigarray_function "Array1" set)), ["", arr; "", c1; "", newval])) | [c1;c2] -> mkexp(Pexp_apply(ghexp(Pexp_ident(bigarray_function "Array2" set)), ["", arr; "", c1; "", c2; "", newval])) | [c1;c2;c3] -> mkexp(Pexp_apply(ghexp(Pexp_ident(bigarray_function "Array3" set)), ["", arr; "", c1; "", c2; "", c3; "", newval])) | coords -> mkexp(Pexp_apply(ghexp(Pexp_ident(bigarray_function "Genarray" "set")), ["", arr; "", ghexp(Pexp_array coords); "", newval])) let lapply p1 p2 = if !Clflags.applicative_functors then Lapply(p1, p2) else raise (Syntaxerr.Error(Syntaxerr.Applicative_path (symbol_rloc()))) let exp_of_label lbl pos = mkexp (Pexp_ident(mkrhs (Lident(Longident.last lbl)) pos)) let pat_of_label lbl pos = mkpat (Ppat_var (mkrhs (Longident.last lbl) pos)) let check_variable vl loc v = if List.mem v vl then raise Syntaxerr.(Error(Variable_in_scope(loc,v))) let varify_constructors var_names t = let rec loop t = let desc = match t.ptyp_desc with | Ptyp_any -> Ptyp_any | Ptyp_var x -> check_variable var_names t.ptyp_loc x; Ptyp_var x | Ptyp_arrow (label,core_type,core_type') -> Ptyp_arrow(label, loop core_type, loop core_type') | Ptyp_tuple lst -> Ptyp_tuple (List.map loop lst) | Ptyp_constr( { txt = Lident s }, []) when List.mem s var_names -> Ptyp_var s | Ptyp_constr(longident, lst) -> Ptyp_constr(longident, List.map loop lst) | Ptyp_object (lst, o) -> Ptyp_object (List.map (fun (s, t) -> (s, loop t)) lst, o) | Ptyp_class (longident, lst) -> Ptyp_class (longident, List.map loop lst) | Ptyp_alias(core_type, string) -> check_variable var_names t.ptyp_loc string; Ptyp_alias(loop core_type, string) | Ptyp_variant(row_field_list, flag, lbl_lst_option) -> Ptyp_variant(List.map loop_row_field row_field_list, flag, lbl_lst_option) | Ptyp_poly(string_lst, core_type) -> List.iter (check_variable var_names t.ptyp_loc) string_lst; Ptyp_poly(string_lst, loop core_type) | Ptyp_package(longident,lst) -> Ptyp_package(longident,List.map (fun (n,typ) -> (n,loop typ) ) lst) | Ptyp_extension (s, arg) -> Ptyp_extension (s, arg) in {t with ptyp_desc = desc} and loop_row_field = function | Rtag(label,flag,lst) -> Rtag(label,flag,List.map loop lst) | Rinherit t -> Rinherit (loop t) in loop t let wrap_type_annotation newtypes core_type body = let exp = mkexp(Pexp_constraint(body,core_type)) in let exp = List.fold_right (fun newtype exp -> mkexp (Pexp_newtype (newtype, exp))) newtypes exp in (exp, ghtyp(Ptyp_poly(newtypes,varify_constructors newtypes core_type))) let wrap_exp_attrs body (ext, attrs) = (* todo: keep exact location for the entire attribute *) let body = {body with pexp_attributes = attrs @ body.pexp_attributes} in match ext with | None -> body | Some id -> ghexp(Pexp_extension (id, PStr [mkstrexp body []])) let mkexp_attrs d attrs = wrap_exp_attrs (mkexp d) attrs %} /* Tokens */ %token AMPERAMPER %token AMPERSAND %token AND %token AS %token ASSERT %token BACKQUOTE %token BANG %token BAR %token BARBAR %token BARRBRACKET %token BEGIN %token CHAR %token CLASS %token COLON %token COLONCOLON %token COLONEQUAL %token COLONGREATER %token COMMA %token CONSTRAINT %token DO %token DONE %token DOT %token DOTDOT %token DOWNTO %token ELSE %token END %token EOF %token EQUAL %token EXCEPTION %token EXTERNAL %token FALSE %token FLOAT %token FOR %token FUN %token FUNCTION %token FUNCTOR %token GREATER %token GREATERRBRACE %token GREATERRBRACKET %token IF %token IN %token INCLUDE %token INFIXOP0 %token INFIXOP1 %token INFIXOP2 %token INFIXOP3 %token INFIXOP4 %token INHERIT %token INITIALIZER %token INT %token INT32 %token INT64 %token LABEL %token LAZY %token LBRACE %token LBRACELESS %token LBRACKET %token LBRACKETBAR %token LBRACKETLESS %token LBRACKETGREATER %token LBRACKETPERCENT %token LBRACKETPERCENTPERCENT %token LESS %token LESSMINUS %token LET %token LIDENT %token LPAREN %token LBRACKETAT %token LBRACKETATAT %token MATCH %token METHOD %token MINUS %token MINUSDOT %token MINUSGREATER %token MODULE %token MUTABLE %token NATIVEINT %token NEW %token OBJECT %token OF %token OPEN %token OPTLABEL %token OR /* %token PARSER */ %token PERCENT %token PLUS %token PLUSDOT %token PREFIXOP %token PRIVATE %token QUESTION %token QUOTE %token RBRACE %token RBRACKET %token REC %token RPAREN %token SEMI %token SEMISEMI %token SHARP %token SIG %token STAR %token STRING %token STRUCT %token THEN %token TILDE %token TO %token TRUE %token TRY %token TYPE %token UIDENT %token UNDERSCORE %token VAL %token VIRTUAL %token WHEN %token WHILE %token WITH %token COMMENT /* Precedences and associativities. Tokens and rules have precedences. A reduce/reduce conflict is resolved in favor of the first rule (in source file order). A shift/reduce conflict is resolved by comparing the precedence and associativity of the token to be shifted with those of the rule to be reduced. By default, a rule has the precedence of its rightmost terminal (if any). When there is a shift/reduce conflict between a rule and a token that have the same precedence, it is resolved using the associativity: if the token is left-associative, the parser will reduce; if right-associative, the parser will shift; if non-associative, the parser will declare a syntax error. We will only use associativities with operators of the kind x * x -> x for example, in the rules of the form expr: expr BINOP expr in all other cases, we define two precedences if needed to resolve conflicts. The precedences must be listed from low to high. */ %nonassoc IN %nonassoc below_SEMI %nonassoc SEMI /* below EQUAL ({lbl=...; lbl=...}) */ %nonassoc LET /* above SEMI ( ...; let ... in ...) */ %nonassoc below_WITH %nonassoc FUNCTION WITH /* below BAR (match ... with ...) */ %nonassoc AND /* above WITH (module rec A: SIG with ... and ...) */ %nonassoc THEN /* below ELSE (if ... then ...) */ %nonassoc ELSE /* (if ... then ... else ...) */ %nonassoc LESSMINUS /* below COLONEQUAL (lbl <- x := e) */ %right COLONEQUAL /* expr (e := e := e) */ %nonassoc AS %left BAR /* pattern (p|p|p) */ %nonassoc below_COMMA %left COMMA /* expr/expr_comma_list (e,e,e) */ %right MINUSGREATER /* core_type2 (t -> t -> t) */ %right OR BARBAR /* expr (e || e || e) */ %right AMPERSAND AMPERAMPER /* expr (e && e && e) */ %nonassoc below_EQUAL %left INFIXOP0 EQUAL LESS GREATER /* expr (e OP e OP e) */ %right INFIXOP1 /* expr (e OP e OP e) */ %nonassoc below_LBRACKETAT %nonassoc LBRACKETAT %nonassoc LBRACKETATAT %nonassoc LBRACKETPERCENT %nonassoc LBRACKETPERCENTPERCENT %right COLONCOLON /* expr (e :: e :: e) */ %left INFIXOP2 PLUS PLUSDOT MINUS MINUSDOT /* expr (e OP e OP e) */ %left PERCENT INFIXOP3 STAR /* expr (e OP e OP e) */ %right INFIXOP4 /* expr (e OP e OP e) */ %nonassoc prec_unary_minus prec_unary_plus /* unary - */ %nonassoc prec_constant_constructor /* cf. simple_expr (C versus C x) */ %nonassoc prec_constr_appl /* above AS BAR COLONCOLON COMMA */ %nonassoc below_SHARP %nonassoc SHARP /* simple_expr/toplevel_directive */ %nonassoc below_DOT %nonassoc DOT /* Finally, the first tokens of simple_expr are above everything else. */ %nonassoc BACKQUOTE BANG BEGIN CHAR FALSE FLOAT INT INT32 INT64 LBRACE LBRACELESS LBRACKET LBRACKETBAR LIDENT LPAREN NEW NATIVEINT PREFIXOP STRING TRUE UIDENT /* Entry points */ %start implementation /* for implementation files */ %type implementation %start interface /* for interface files */ %type interface %start toplevel_phrase /* for interactive use */ %type toplevel_phrase %start use_file /* for the #use directive */ %type use_file %start parse_core_type %type parse_core_type %start parse_expression %type parse_expression %start parse_pattern %type parse_pattern %% /* Entry points */ implementation: structure EOF { $1 } ; interface: signature EOF { $1 } ; toplevel_phrase: top_structure SEMISEMI { Ptop_def $1 } | toplevel_directive SEMISEMI { $1 } | EOF { raise End_of_file } ; top_structure: str_attribute top_structure { $1 :: $2 } | seq_expr post_item_attributes { [mkstrexp $1 $2] } | top_structure_tail { $1 } ; top_structure_tail: /* empty */ { [] } | structure_item top_structure_tail { $1 :: $2 } ; use_file: use_file_tail { $1 } | seq_expr post_item_attributes use_file_tail { Ptop_def[mkstrexp $1 $2] :: $3 } ; use_file_tail: EOF { [] } | SEMISEMI EOF { [] } | SEMISEMI seq_expr post_item_attributes use_file_tail { Ptop_def[mkstrexp $2 $3] :: $4 } | SEMISEMI structure_item use_file_tail { Ptop_def[$2] :: $3 } | SEMISEMI toplevel_directive use_file_tail { $2 :: $3 } | structure_item use_file_tail { Ptop_def[$1] :: $2 } | toplevel_directive use_file_tail { $1 :: $2 } ; parse_core_type: core_type EOF { $1 } ; parse_expression: seq_expr EOF { $1 } ; parse_pattern: pattern EOF { $1 } ; /* Module expressions */ module_expr: mod_longident { mkmod(Pmod_ident (mkrhs $1 1)) } | STRUCT structure END { mkmod(Pmod_structure($2)) } | STRUCT structure error { unclosed "struct" 1 "end" 3 } | FUNCTOR LPAREN UIDENT COLON module_type RPAREN MINUSGREATER module_expr { mkmod(Pmod_functor(mkrhs $3 3, Some $5, $8)) } | FUNCTOR LPAREN RPAREN MINUSGREATER module_expr { mkmod(Pmod_functor(mkrhs "()" 3, None, $5)) } | module_expr LPAREN module_expr RPAREN { mkmod(Pmod_apply($1, $3)) } | module_expr LPAREN RPAREN { mkmod(Pmod_apply($1, mkmod (Pmod_structure []))) } | module_expr LPAREN module_expr error { unclosed "(" 2 ")" 4 } | LPAREN module_expr COLON module_type RPAREN { mkmod(Pmod_constraint($2, $4)) } | LPAREN module_expr COLON module_type error { unclosed "(" 1 ")" 5 } | LPAREN module_expr RPAREN { $2 } | LPAREN module_expr error { unclosed "(" 1 ")" 3 } | LPAREN VAL expr RPAREN { mkmod(Pmod_unpack $3) } | LPAREN VAL expr COLON package_type RPAREN { mkmod(Pmod_unpack( ghexp(Pexp_constraint($3, ghtyp(Ptyp_package $5))))) } | LPAREN VAL expr COLON package_type COLONGREATER package_type RPAREN { mkmod(Pmod_unpack( ghexp(Pexp_coerce($3, Some(ghtyp(Ptyp_package $5)), ghtyp(Ptyp_package $7))))) } | LPAREN VAL expr COLONGREATER package_type RPAREN { mkmod(Pmod_unpack( ghexp(Pexp_coerce($3, None, ghtyp(Ptyp_package $5))))) } | LPAREN VAL expr COLON error { unclosed "(" 1 ")" 5 } | LPAREN VAL expr COLONGREATER error { unclosed "(" 1 ")" 5 } | LPAREN VAL expr error { unclosed "(" 1 ")" 4 } | module_expr attribute { Mod.attr $1 $2 } | extension { mkmod(Pmod_extension $1) } ; structure: str_attribute structure { $1 :: $2 } | seq_expr post_item_attributes structure_tail { mkstrexp $1 $2 :: $3 } | structure_tail { $1 } ; structure_tail: /* empty */ { [] } | SEMISEMI structure { $2 } | structure_item structure_tail { $1 :: $2 } ; str_attribute: post_item_attribute { mkstr(Pstr_attribute $1) } ; structure_item: LET ext_attributes rec_flag let_bindings { match $4 with [ {pvb_pat = { ppat_desc = Ppat_any; ppat_loc = _ }; pvb_expr = exp; pvb_attributes = attrs}] -> let exp = wrap_exp_attrs exp $2 in mkstr(Pstr_eval (exp, attrs)) | l -> begin match $2 with | None, [] -> mkstr(Pstr_value($3, List.rev l)) | Some _, _ -> not_expecting 2 "extension" | None, _ :: _ -> not_expecting 2 "attribute" end } | EXTERNAL val_ident COLON core_type EQUAL primitive_declaration post_item_attributes { mkstr (Pstr_primitive (Val.mk (mkrhs $2 2) $4 ~prim:$6 ~attrs:$7 ~loc:(symbol_rloc ()))) } | TYPE type_declarations { mkstr(Pstr_type (List.rev $2) ) } | EXCEPTION exception_declaration { mkstr(Pstr_exception $2) } | EXCEPTION UIDENT EQUAL constr_longident post_item_attributes { mkstr(Pstr_exn_rebind(mkrhs $2 2, mkloc $4 (rhs_loc 4), $5)) } | MODULE module_binding { mkstr(Pstr_module $2) } | MODULE REC module_bindings { mkstr(Pstr_recmodule(List.rev $3)) } | MODULE TYPE ident post_item_attributes { mkstr(Pstr_modtype (Mtd.mk (mkrhs $3 3) ~attrs:$4)) } | MODULE TYPE ident EQUAL module_type post_item_attributes { mkstr(Pstr_modtype (Mtd.mk (mkrhs $3 3) ~typ:$5 ~attrs:$6)) } | OPEN override_flag mod_longident post_item_attributes { mkstr(Pstr_open ($2, mkrhs $3 3, $4)) } | CLASS class_declarations { mkstr(Pstr_class (List.rev $2)) } | CLASS TYPE class_type_declarations { mkstr(Pstr_class_type (List.rev $3)) } | INCLUDE module_expr post_item_attributes { mkstr(Pstr_include ($2, $3)) } | item_extension post_item_attributes { mkstr(Pstr_extension ($1, $2)) } ; module_binding_body: EQUAL module_expr { $2 } | COLON module_type EQUAL module_expr { mkmod(Pmod_constraint($4, $2)) } | LPAREN UIDENT COLON module_type RPAREN module_binding_body { mkmod(Pmod_functor(mkrhs $2 2, Some $4, $6)) } | LPAREN RPAREN module_binding_body { mkmod(Pmod_functor(mkrhs "()" 1, None, $3)) } ; module_bindings: module_binding { [$1] } | module_bindings AND module_binding { $3 :: $1 } ; module_binding: UIDENT module_binding_body post_item_attributes { Mb.mk (mkrhs $1 1) $2 ~attrs:$3 } ; /* Module types */ module_type: mty_longident { mkmty(Pmty_ident (mkrhs $1 1)) } | SIG signature END { mkmty(Pmty_signature $2) } | SIG signature error { unclosed "sig" 1 "end" 3 } | FUNCTOR LPAREN UIDENT COLON module_type RPAREN MINUSGREATER module_type %prec below_WITH { mkmty(Pmty_functor(mkrhs $3 3, Some $5, $8)) } | FUNCTOR LPAREN RPAREN MINUSGREATER module_type %prec below_WITH { mkmty(Pmty_functor(mkrhs "()" 2, None, $5)) } | module_type WITH with_constraints { mkmty(Pmty_with($1, List.rev $3)) } | MODULE TYPE OF module_expr %prec below_LBRACKETAT { mkmty(Pmty_typeof $4) } | LPAREN MODULE mod_longident RPAREN { mkmty (Pmty_alias (mkrhs $3 3)) } | LPAREN module_type RPAREN { $2 } | LPAREN module_type error { unclosed "(" 1 ")" 3 } | extension { mkmty(Pmty_extension $1) } | module_type attribute { Mty.attr $1 $2 } ; signature: sig_attribute signature { $1 :: $2 } | signature_tail { $1 } ; signature_tail: /* empty */ { [] } | SEMISEMI signature { $2 } | signature_item signature_tail { $1 :: $2 } ; sig_attribute: post_item_attribute { mksig(Psig_attribute $1) } ; signature_item: VAL val_ident COLON core_type post_item_attributes { mksig(Psig_value (Val.mk (mkrhs $2 2) $4 ~attrs:$5 ~loc:(symbol_rloc()))) } | EXTERNAL val_ident COLON core_type EQUAL primitive_declaration post_item_attributes { mksig(Psig_value (Val.mk (mkrhs $2 2) $4 ~prim:$6 ~attrs:$7 ~loc:(symbol_rloc()))) } | TYPE type_declarations { mksig(Psig_type (List.rev $2)) } | EXCEPTION exception_declaration { mksig(Psig_exception $2) } | MODULE UIDENT module_declaration post_item_attributes { mksig(Psig_module (Md.mk (mkrhs $2 2) $3 ~attrs:$4)) } | MODULE UIDENT EQUAL mod_longident post_item_attributes { mksig(Psig_module (Md.mk (mkrhs $2 2) (Mty.alias ~loc:(rhs_loc 4) (mkrhs $4 4)) ~attrs:$5)) } | MODULE REC module_rec_declarations { mksig(Psig_recmodule (List.rev $3)) } | MODULE TYPE ident post_item_attributes { mksig(Psig_modtype (Mtd.mk (mkrhs $3 3) ~attrs:$4)) } | MODULE TYPE ident EQUAL module_type post_item_attributes { mksig(Psig_modtype (Mtd.mk (mkrhs $3 3) ~typ:$5 ~attrs:$6)) } | OPEN override_flag mod_longident post_item_attributes { mksig(Psig_open ($2, mkrhs $3 3, $4)) } | INCLUDE module_type post_item_attributes %prec below_WITH { mksig(Psig_include ($2, $3)) } | CLASS class_descriptions { mksig(Psig_class (List.rev $2)) } | CLASS TYPE class_type_declarations { mksig(Psig_class_type (List.rev $3)) } | item_extension post_item_attributes { mksig(Psig_extension ($1, $2)) } ; module_declaration: COLON module_type { $2 } | LPAREN UIDENT COLON module_type RPAREN module_declaration { mkmty(Pmty_functor(mkrhs $2 2, Some $4, $6)) } | LPAREN RPAREN module_declaration { mkmty(Pmty_functor(mkrhs "()" 1, None, $3)) } ; module_rec_declarations: module_rec_declaration { [$1] } | module_rec_declarations AND module_rec_declaration { $3 :: $1 } ; module_rec_declaration: UIDENT COLON module_type post_item_attributes { Md.mk (mkrhs $1 1) $3 ~attrs:$4 } ; /* Class expressions */ class_declarations: class_declarations AND class_declaration { $3 :: $1 } | class_declaration { [$1] } ; class_declaration: virtual_flag class_type_parameters LIDENT class_fun_binding post_item_attributes { Ci.mk (mkrhs $3 3) $4 ~virt:$1 ~params:$2 ~attrs:$5 ~loc:(symbol_rloc ()) } ; class_fun_binding: EQUAL class_expr { $2 } | COLON class_type EQUAL class_expr { mkclass(Pcl_constraint($4, $2)) } | labeled_simple_pattern class_fun_binding { let (l,o,p) = $1 in mkclass(Pcl_fun(l, o, p, $2)) } ; class_type_parameters: /*empty*/ { [] } | LBRACKET type_parameter_list RBRACKET { List.rev $2 } ; class_fun_def: labeled_simple_pattern MINUSGREATER class_expr { let (l,o,p) = $1 in mkclass(Pcl_fun(l, o, p, $3)) } | labeled_simple_pattern class_fun_def { let (l,o,p) = $1 in mkclass(Pcl_fun(l, o, p, $2)) } ; class_expr: class_simple_expr { $1 } | FUN class_fun_def { $2 } | class_simple_expr simple_labeled_expr_list { mkclass(Pcl_apply($1, List.rev $2)) } | LET rec_flag let_bindings IN class_expr { mkclass(Pcl_let ($2, List.rev $3, $5)) } | class_expr attribute { Cl.attr $1 $2 } | extension { mkclass(Pcl_extension $1) } ; class_simple_expr: LBRACKET core_type_comma_list RBRACKET class_longident { mkclass(Pcl_constr(mkloc $4 (rhs_loc 4), List.rev $2)) } | class_longident { mkclass(Pcl_constr(mkrhs $1 1, [])) } | OBJECT class_structure END { mkclass(Pcl_structure($2)) } | OBJECT class_structure error { unclosed "object" 1 "end" 3 } | LPAREN class_expr COLON class_type RPAREN { mkclass(Pcl_constraint($2, $4)) } | LPAREN class_expr COLON class_type error { unclosed "(" 1 ")" 5 } | LPAREN class_expr RPAREN { $2 } | LPAREN class_expr error { unclosed "(" 1 ")" 3 } ; class_structure: class_self_pattern class_fields { Cstr.mk $1 (List.rev $2) } ; class_self_pattern: LPAREN pattern RPAREN { reloc_pat $2 } | LPAREN pattern COLON core_type RPAREN { mkpat(Ppat_constraint($2, $4)) } | /* empty */ { ghpat(Ppat_any) } ; class_fields: /* empty */ { [] } | class_fields class_field { $2 :: $1 } ; class_field: | INHERIT override_flag class_expr parent_binder { mkcf (Pcf_inherit ($2, $3, $4)) } | VAL value { mkcf (Pcf_val $2) } | METHOD method_ { mkcf (Pcf_method $2) } | CONSTRAINT constrain_field { mkcf (Pcf_constraint $2) } | INITIALIZER seq_expr { mkcf (Pcf_initializer $2) } | class_field post_item_attribute { Cf.attr $1 $2 } | item_extension { mkcf(Pcf_extension $1) } ; parent_binder: AS LIDENT { Some $2 } | /* empty */ { None } ; value: /* TODO: factorize these rules (also with method): */ override_flag MUTABLE VIRTUAL label COLON core_type { if $1 = Override then syntax_error (); mkloc $4 (rhs_loc 4), Mutable, Cfk_virtual $6 } | VIRTUAL mutable_flag label COLON core_type { mkrhs $3 3, $2, Cfk_virtual $5 } | override_flag mutable_flag label EQUAL seq_expr { mkrhs $3 3, $2, Cfk_concrete ($1, $5) } | override_flag mutable_flag label type_constraint EQUAL seq_expr { let e = mkexp_constraint $6 $4 in mkrhs $3 3, $2, Cfk_concrete ($1, e) } ; method_: /* TODO: factorize those rules... */ override_flag PRIVATE VIRTUAL label COLON poly_type { if $1 = Override then syntax_error (); mkloc $4 (rhs_loc 4), Private, Cfk_virtual $6 } | override_flag VIRTUAL private_flag label COLON poly_type { if $1 = Override then syntax_error (); mkloc $4 (rhs_loc 4), $3, Cfk_virtual $6 } | override_flag private_flag label strict_binding { mkloc $3 (rhs_loc 3), $2, Cfk_concrete ($1, ghexp(Pexp_poly ($4, None))) } | override_flag private_flag label COLON poly_type EQUAL seq_expr { mkloc $3 (rhs_loc 3), $2, Cfk_concrete ($1, ghexp(Pexp_poly($7, Some $5))) } | override_flag private_flag label COLON TYPE lident_list DOT core_type EQUAL seq_expr { let exp, poly = wrap_type_annotation $6 $8 $10 in mkloc $3 (rhs_loc 3), $2, Cfk_concrete ($1, ghexp(Pexp_poly(exp, Some poly))) } ; /* Class types */ class_type: class_signature { $1 } | QUESTION LIDENT COLON simple_core_type_or_tuple_no_attr MINUSGREATER class_type { mkcty(Pcty_arrow("?" ^ $2 , mkoption $4, $6)) } | OPTLABEL simple_core_type_or_tuple_no_attr MINUSGREATER class_type { mkcty(Pcty_arrow("?" ^ $1, mkoption $2, $4)) } | LIDENT COLON simple_core_type_or_tuple_no_attr MINUSGREATER class_type { mkcty(Pcty_arrow($1, $3, $5)) } | simple_core_type_or_tuple_no_attr MINUSGREATER class_type { mkcty(Pcty_arrow("", $1, $3)) } | class_type attribute { Cty.attr $1 $2 } | extension { mkcty(Pcty_extension $1) } ; class_signature: LBRACKET core_type_comma_list RBRACKET clty_longident { mkcty(Pcty_constr (mkloc $4 (rhs_loc 4), List.rev $2)) } | clty_longident { mkcty(Pcty_constr (mkrhs $1 1, [])) } | OBJECT class_sig_body END { mkcty(Pcty_signature $2) } | OBJECT class_sig_body error { unclosed "object" 1 "end" 3 } ; class_sig_body: class_self_type class_sig_fields { Csig.mk $1 (List.rev $2) } ; class_self_type: LPAREN core_type RPAREN { $2 } | /* empty */ { mktyp(Ptyp_any) } ; class_sig_fields: /* empty */ { [] } | class_sig_fields class_sig_field { $2 :: $1 } ; class_sig_field: INHERIT class_signature { mkctf (Pctf_inherit $2) } | VAL value_type { mkctf (Pctf_val $2) } | METHOD private_virtual_flags label COLON poly_type { let (p, v) = $2 in mkctf (Pctf_method ($3, p, v, $5)) } | CONSTRAINT constrain_field { mkctf (Pctf_constraint $2) } | class_sig_field post_item_attribute { Ctf.attr $1 $2 } | item_extension { mkctf(Pctf_extension $1) } ; value_type: VIRTUAL mutable_flag label COLON core_type { $3, $2, Virtual, $5 } | MUTABLE virtual_flag label COLON core_type { $3, Mutable, $2, $5 } | label COLON core_type { $1, Immutable, Concrete, $3 } ; constrain: core_type EQUAL core_type { $1, $3, symbol_rloc() } ; constrain_field: core_type EQUAL core_type { $1, $3 } ; class_descriptions: class_descriptions AND class_description { $3 :: $1 } | class_description { [$1] } ; class_description: virtual_flag class_type_parameters LIDENT COLON class_type post_item_attributes { Ci.mk (mkrhs $3 3) $5 ~virt:$1 ~params:$2 ~attrs:$6 ~loc:(symbol_rloc ()) } ; class_type_declarations: class_type_declarations AND class_type_declaration { $3 :: $1 } | class_type_declaration { [$1] } ; class_type_declaration: virtual_flag class_type_parameters LIDENT EQUAL class_signature post_item_attributes { Ci.mk (mkrhs $3 3) $5 ~virt:$1 ~params:$2 ~attrs:$6 ~loc:(symbol_rloc ()) } ; /* Core expressions */ seq_expr: | expr %prec below_SEMI { $1 } | expr SEMI { reloc_exp $1 } | expr SEMI seq_expr { mkexp(Pexp_sequence($1, $3)) } ; labeled_simple_pattern: QUESTION LPAREN label_let_pattern opt_default RPAREN { ("?" ^ fst $3, $4, snd $3) } | QUESTION label_var { ("?" ^ fst $2, None, snd $2) } | OPTLABEL LPAREN let_pattern opt_default RPAREN { ("?" ^ $1, $4, $3) } | OPTLABEL pattern_var { ("?" ^ $1, None, $2) } | TILDE LPAREN label_let_pattern RPAREN { (fst $3, None, snd $3) } | TILDE label_var { (fst $2, None, snd $2) } | LABEL simple_pattern { ($1, None, $2) } | simple_pattern { ("", None, $1) } ; pattern_var: LIDENT { mkpat(Ppat_var (mkrhs $1 1)) } | UNDERSCORE { mkpat Ppat_any } ; opt_default: /* empty */ { None } | EQUAL seq_expr { Some $2 } ; label_let_pattern: label_var { $1 } | label_var COLON core_type { let (lab, pat) = $1 in (lab, mkpat(Ppat_constraint(pat, $3))) } ; label_var: LIDENT { ($1, mkpat(Ppat_var (mkrhs $1 1))) } ; let_pattern: pattern { $1 } | pattern COLON core_type { mkpat(Ppat_constraint($1, $3)) } ; expr: simple_expr %prec below_SHARP { $1 } | simple_expr simple_labeled_expr_list { mkexp(Pexp_apply($1, List.rev $2)) } | LET ext_attributes rec_flag let_bindings IN seq_expr { mkexp_attrs (Pexp_let($3, List.rev $4, $6)) $2 } | LET MODULE ext_attributes UIDENT module_binding_body IN seq_expr { mkexp_attrs (Pexp_letmodule(mkrhs $4 4, $5, $7)) $3 } | LET OPEN override_flag ext_attributes mod_longident IN seq_expr { mkexp_attrs (Pexp_open($3, mkrhs $5 5, $7)) $4 } | FUNCTION ext_attributes opt_bar match_cases { mkexp_attrs (Pexp_function(List.rev $4)) $2 } | FUN ext_attributes labeled_simple_pattern fun_def { let (l,o,p) = $3 in mkexp_attrs (Pexp_fun(l, o, p, $4)) $2 } | FUN ext_attributes LPAREN TYPE LIDENT RPAREN fun_def { mkexp_attrs (Pexp_newtype($5, $7)) $2 } | MATCH ext_attributes seq_expr WITH opt_bar match_cases { mkexp_attrs (Pexp_match($3, List.rev $6)) $2 } | TRY ext_attributes seq_expr WITH opt_bar match_cases { mkexp_attrs (Pexp_try($3, List.rev $6)) $2 } | TRY ext_attributes seq_expr WITH error { syntax_error() } | expr_comma_list %prec below_COMMA { mkexp(Pexp_tuple(List.rev $1)) } | constr_longident simple_expr %prec below_SHARP { mkexp(Pexp_construct(mkrhs $1 1, Some $2)) } | name_tag simple_expr %prec below_SHARP { mkexp(Pexp_variant($1, Some $2)) } | IF ext_attributes seq_expr THEN expr ELSE expr { mkexp_attrs(Pexp_ifthenelse($3, $5, Some $7)) $2 } | IF ext_attributes seq_expr THEN expr { mkexp_attrs (Pexp_ifthenelse($3, $5, None)) $2 } | WHILE ext_attributes seq_expr DO seq_expr DONE { mkexp_attrs (Pexp_while($3, $5)) $2 } | FOR ext_attributes pattern EQUAL seq_expr direction_flag seq_expr DO seq_expr DONE { mkexp_attrs(Pexp_for($3, $5, $7, $6, $9)) $2 } | expr COLONCOLON expr { mkexp_cons (rhs_loc 2) (ghexp(Pexp_tuple[$1;$3])) (symbol_rloc()) } | LPAREN COLONCOLON RPAREN LPAREN expr COMMA expr RPAREN { mkexp_cons (rhs_loc 2) (ghexp(Pexp_tuple[$5;$7])) (symbol_rloc()) } | expr INFIXOP0 expr { mkinfix $1 $2 $3 } | expr INFIXOP1 expr { mkinfix $1 $2 $3 } | expr INFIXOP2 expr { mkinfix $1 $2 $3 } | expr INFIXOP3 expr { mkinfix $1 $2 $3 } | expr INFIXOP4 expr { mkinfix $1 $2 $3 } | expr PLUS expr { mkinfix $1 "+" $3 } | expr PLUSDOT expr { mkinfix $1 "+." $3 } | expr MINUS expr { mkinfix $1 "-" $3 } | expr MINUSDOT expr { mkinfix $1 "-." $3 } | expr STAR expr { mkinfix $1 "*" $3 } | expr PERCENT expr { mkinfix $1 "%" $3 } | expr EQUAL expr { mkinfix $1 "=" $3 } | expr LESS expr { mkinfix $1 "<" $3 } | expr GREATER expr { mkinfix $1 ">" $3 } | expr OR expr { mkinfix $1 "or" $3 } | expr BARBAR expr { mkinfix $1 "||" $3 } | expr AMPERSAND expr { mkinfix $1 "&" $3 } | expr AMPERAMPER expr { mkinfix $1 "&&" $3 } | expr COLONEQUAL expr { mkinfix $1 ":=" $3 } | subtractive expr %prec prec_unary_minus { mkuminus $1 $2 } | additive expr %prec prec_unary_plus { mkuplus $1 $2 } | simple_expr DOT label_longident LESSMINUS expr { mkexp(Pexp_setfield($1, mkrhs $3 3, $5)) } | simple_expr DOT LPAREN seq_expr RPAREN LESSMINUS expr { mkexp(Pexp_apply(ghexp(Pexp_ident(array_function "Array" "set")), ["",$1; "",$4; "",$7])) } | simple_expr DOT LBRACKET seq_expr RBRACKET LESSMINUS expr { mkexp(Pexp_apply(ghexp(Pexp_ident(array_function "String" "set")), ["",$1; "",$4; "",$7])) } | simple_expr DOT LBRACE expr RBRACE LESSMINUS expr { bigarray_set $1 $4 $7 } | label LESSMINUS expr { mkexp(Pexp_setinstvar(mkrhs $1 1, $3)) } | ASSERT ext_attributes simple_expr %prec below_SHARP { mkexp_attrs (Pexp_assert $3) $2 } | LAZY ext_attributes simple_expr %prec below_SHARP { mkexp_attrs (Pexp_lazy $3) $2 } | OBJECT ext_attributes class_structure END { mkexp_attrs (Pexp_object $3) $2 } | OBJECT ext_attributes class_structure error { unclosed "object" 1 "end" 3 } | expr attribute { Exp.attr $1 $2 } ; simple_expr: val_longident { mkexp(Pexp_ident (mkrhs $1 1)) } | constant { mkexp(Pexp_constant $1) } | constr_longident %prec prec_constant_constructor { mkexp(Pexp_construct(mkrhs $1 1, None)) } | name_tag %prec prec_constant_constructor { mkexp(Pexp_variant($1, None)) } | LPAREN seq_expr RPAREN { reloc_exp $2 } | LPAREN seq_expr error { unclosed "(" 1 ")" 3 } | BEGIN ext_attributes seq_expr END { wrap_exp_attrs (reloc_exp $3) $2 (* check location *) } | BEGIN ext_attributes END { mkexp_attrs (Pexp_construct (mkloc (Lident "()") (symbol_rloc ()), None)) $2 } | BEGIN ext_attributes seq_expr error { unclosed "begin" 1 "end" 3 } | LPAREN seq_expr type_constraint RPAREN { mkexp_constraint $2 $3 } | simple_expr DOT label_longident { mkexp(Pexp_field($1, mkrhs $3 3)) } | mod_longident DOT LPAREN seq_expr RPAREN { mkexp(Pexp_open(Fresh, mkrhs $1 1, $4)) } | mod_longident DOT LPAREN seq_expr error { unclosed "(" 3 ")" 5 } | simple_expr DOT LPAREN seq_expr RPAREN { mkexp(Pexp_apply(ghexp(Pexp_ident(array_function "Array" "get")), ["",$1; "",$4])) } | simple_expr DOT LPAREN seq_expr error { unclosed "(" 3 ")" 5 } | simple_expr DOT LBRACKET seq_expr RBRACKET { mkexp(Pexp_apply(ghexp(Pexp_ident(array_function "String" "get")), ["",$1; "",$4])) } | simple_expr DOT LBRACKET seq_expr error { unclosed "[" 3 "]" 5 } | simple_expr DOT LBRACE expr RBRACE { bigarray_get $1 $4 } | simple_expr DOT LBRACE expr_comma_list error { unclosed "{" 3 "}" 5 } | LBRACE record_expr RBRACE { let (exten, fields) = $2 in mkexp (Pexp_record(fields, exten)) } | LBRACE record_expr error { unclosed "{" 1 "}" 3 } | LBRACKETBAR expr_semi_list opt_semi BARRBRACKET { mkexp (Pexp_array(List.rev $2)) } | LBRACKETBAR expr_semi_list opt_semi error { unclosed "[|" 1 "|]" 4 } | LBRACKETBAR BARRBRACKET { mkexp (Pexp_array []) } | LBRACKET expr_semi_list opt_semi RBRACKET { reloc_exp (mktailexp (rhs_loc 4) (List.rev $2)) } | LBRACKET expr_semi_list opt_semi error { unclosed "[" 1 "]" 4 } | PREFIXOP simple_expr { mkexp(Pexp_apply(mkoperator $1 1, ["",$2])) } | BANG simple_expr { mkexp(Pexp_apply(mkoperator "!" 1, ["",$2])) } | NEW ext_attributes class_longident { mkexp_attrs (Pexp_new(mkrhs $3 3)) $2 } | LBRACELESS field_expr_list opt_semi GREATERRBRACE { mkexp (Pexp_override(List.rev $2)) } | LBRACELESS field_expr_list opt_semi error { unclosed "{<" 1 ">}" 4 } | LBRACELESS GREATERRBRACE { mkexp (Pexp_override [])} | simple_expr SHARP label { mkexp(Pexp_send($1, $3)) } | LPAREN MODULE module_expr RPAREN { mkexp (Pexp_pack $3) } | LPAREN MODULE module_expr COLON package_type RPAREN { mkexp (Pexp_constraint (ghexp (Pexp_pack $3), ghtyp (Ptyp_package $5))) } | LPAREN MODULE module_expr COLON error { unclosed "(" 1 ")" 5 } | extension { mkexp (Pexp_extension $1) } ; simple_labeled_expr_list: labeled_simple_expr { [$1] } | simple_labeled_expr_list labeled_simple_expr { $2 :: $1 } ; labeled_simple_expr: simple_expr %prec below_SHARP { ("", $1) } | label_expr { $1 } ; label_expr: LABEL simple_expr %prec below_SHARP { ($1, $2) } | TILDE label_ident { $2 } | QUESTION label_ident { ("?" ^ fst $2, snd $2) } | OPTLABEL simple_expr %prec below_SHARP { ("?" ^ $1, $2) } ; label_ident: LIDENT { ($1, mkexp(Pexp_ident(mkrhs (Lident $1) 1))) } ; let_bindings: let_binding { [$1] } | let_bindings AND let_binding { $3 :: $1 } ; lident_list: LIDENT { [$1] } | LIDENT lident_list { $1 :: $2 } ; let_binding: let_binding_ post_item_attributes { let (p, e) = $1 in Vb.mk ~attrs:$2 p e } ; let_binding_: val_ident fun_binding { (mkpatvar $1 1, $2) } | val_ident COLON typevar_list DOT core_type EQUAL seq_expr { (ghpat(Ppat_constraint(mkpatvar $1 1, ghtyp(Ptyp_poly(List.rev $3,$5)))), $7) } | val_ident COLON TYPE lident_list DOT core_type EQUAL seq_expr { let exp, poly = wrap_type_annotation $4 $6 $8 in (ghpat(Ppat_constraint(mkpatvar $1 1, poly)), exp) } | pattern EQUAL seq_expr { ($1, $3) } | simple_pattern_not_ident COLON core_type EQUAL seq_expr { (ghpat(Ppat_constraint($1, $3)), $5) } ; fun_binding: strict_binding { $1 } | type_constraint EQUAL seq_expr { mkexp_constraint $3 $1 } ; strict_binding: EQUAL seq_expr { $2 } | labeled_simple_pattern fun_binding { let (l, o, p) = $1 in ghexp(Pexp_fun(l, o, p, $2)) } | LPAREN TYPE LIDENT RPAREN fun_binding { mkexp(Pexp_newtype($3, $5)) } ; match_cases: match_case { [$1] } | match_cases BAR match_case { $3 :: $1 } ; match_case: pattern MINUSGREATER seq_expr { Exp.case $1 $3 } | pattern WHEN seq_expr MINUSGREATER seq_expr { Exp.case $1 ~guard:$3 $5 } ; fun_def: MINUSGREATER seq_expr { $2 } /* Cf #5939: we used to accept (fun p when e0 -> e) */ | labeled_simple_pattern fun_def { let (l,o,p) = $1 in ghexp(Pexp_fun(l, o, p, $2)) } | LPAREN TYPE LIDENT RPAREN fun_def { mkexp(Pexp_newtype($3, $5)) } ; expr_comma_list: expr_comma_list COMMA expr { $3 :: $1 } | expr COMMA expr { [$3; $1] } ; record_expr: simple_expr WITH lbl_expr_list { (Some $1, $3) } | lbl_expr_list { (None, $1) } ; lbl_expr_list: lbl_expr { [$1] } | lbl_expr SEMI lbl_expr_list { $1 :: $3 } | lbl_expr SEMI { [$1] } ; lbl_expr: label_longident EQUAL expr { (mkrhs $1 1,$3) } | label_longident { (mkrhs $1 1, exp_of_label $1 1) } ; field_expr_list: label EQUAL expr { [mkrhs $1 1,$3] } | field_expr_list SEMI label EQUAL expr { (mkrhs $3 3, $5) :: $1 } ; expr_semi_list: expr { [$1] } | expr_semi_list SEMI expr { $3 :: $1 } ; type_constraint: COLON core_type { (Some $2, None) } | COLON core_type COLONGREATER core_type { (Some $2, Some $4) } | COLONGREATER core_type { (None, Some $2) } | COLON error { syntax_error() } | COLONGREATER error { syntax_error() } ; /* Patterns */ pattern: simple_pattern { $1 } | pattern AS val_ident { mkpat(Ppat_alias($1, mkrhs $3 3)) } | pattern AS error { expecting 3 "identifier" } | pattern_comma_list %prec below_COMMA { mkpat(Ppat_tuple(List.rev $1)) } | constr_longident pattern %prec prec_constr_appl { mkpat(Ppat_construct(mkrhs $1 1, Some $2)) } | name_tag pattern %prec prec_constr_appl { mkpat(Ppat_variant($1, Some $2)) } | pattern COLONCOLON pattern { mkpat_cons (rhs_loc 2) (ghpat(Ppat_tuple[$1;$3])) (symbol_rloc()) } | pattern COLONCOLON error { expecting 3 "pattern" } | LPAREN COLONCOLON RPAREN LPAREN pattern COMMA pattern RPAREN { mkpat_cons (rhs_loc 2) (ghpat(Ppat_tuple[$5;$7])) (symbol_rloc()) } | LPAREN COLONCOLON RPAREN LPAREN pattern COMMA pattern error { unclosed "(" 4 ")" 8 } | pattern BAR pattern { mkpat(Ppat_or($1, $3)) } | pattern BAR error { expecting 3 "pattern" } | LAZY simple_pattern { mkpat(Ppat_lazy $2) } | pattern attribute { Pat.attr $1 $2 } ; simple_pattern: val_ident %prec below_EQUAL { mkpat(Ppat_var (mkrhs $1 1)) } | simple_pattern_not_ident { $1 } ; simple_pattern_not_ident: | UNDERSCORE { mkpat(Ppat_any) } | signed_constant { mkpat(Ppat_constant $1) } | signed_constant DOTDOT signed_constant { mkpat(Ppat_interval ($1, $3)) } | constr_longident { mkpat(Ppat_construct(mkrhs $1 1, None)) } | name_tag { mkpat(Ppat_variant($1, None)) } | SHARP type_longident { mkpat(Ppat_type (mkrhs $2 2)) } | LBRACE lbl_pattern_list RBRACE { let (fields, closed) = $2 in mkpat(Ppat_record(fields, closed)) } | LBRACE lbl_pattern_list error { unclosed "{" 1 "}" 3 } | LBRACKET pattern_semi_list opt_semi RBRACKET { reloc_pat (mktailpat (rhs_loc 4) (List.rev $2)) } | LBRACKET pattern_semi_list opt_semi error { unclosed "[" 1 "]" 4 } | LBRACKETBAR pattern_semi_list opt_semi BARRBRACKET { mkpat(Ppat_array(List.rev $2)) } | LBRACKETBAR BARRBRACKET { mkpat(Ppat_array []) } | LBRACKETBAR pattern_semi_list opt_semi error { unclosed "[|" 1 "|]" 4 } | LPAREN pattern RPAREN { reloc_pat $2 } | LPAREN pattern error { unclosed "(" 1 ")" 3 } | LPAREN pattern COLON core_type RPAREN { mkpat(Ppat_constraint($2, $4)) } | LPAREN pattern COLON core_type error { unclosed "(" 1 ")" 5 } | LPAREN pattern COLON error { expecting 4 "type" } | LPAREN MODULE UIDENT RPAREN { mkpat(Ppat_unpack (mkrhs $3 3)) } | LPAREN MODULE UIDENT COLON package_type RPAREN { mkpat(Ppat_constraint(mkpat(Ppat_unpack (mkrhs $3 3)), ghtyp(Ptyp_package $5))) } | LPAREN MODULE UIDENT COLON package_type error { unclosed "(" 1 ")" 6 } | extension { mkpat(Ppat_extension $1) } ; pattern_comma_list: pattern_comma_list COMMA pattern { $3 :: $1 } | pattern COMMA pattern { [$3; $1] } | pattern COMMA error { expecting 3 "pattern" } ; pattern_semi_list: pattern { [$1] } | pattern_semi_list SEMI pattern { $3 :: $1 } ; lbl_pattern_list: lbl_pattern { [$1], Closed } | lbl_pattern SEMI { [$1], Closed } | lbl_pattern SEMI UNDERSCORE opt_semi { [$1], Open } | lbl_pattern SEMI lbl_pattern_list { let (fields, closed) = $3 in $1 :: fields, closed } ; lbl_pattern: label_longident EQUAL pattern { (mkrhs $1 1,$3) } | label_longident { (mkrhs $1 1, pat_of_label $1 1) } ; /* Primitive declarations */ primitive_declaration: STRING { [fst $1] } | STRING primitive_declaration { fst $1 :: $2 } ; /* Type declarations */ type_declarations: type_declaration { [$1] } | type_declarations AND type_declaration { $3 :: $1 } ; type_declaration: optional_type_parameters LIDENT type_kind constraints post_item_attributes { let (kind, priv, manifest) = $3 in Type.mk (mkrhs $2 2) ~params:$1 ~cstrs:(List.rev $4) ~kind ~priv ?manifest ~attrs:$5 ~loc:(symbol_rloc()) } ; constraints: constraints CONSTRAINT constrain { $3 :: $1 } | /* empty */ { [] } ; type_kind: /*empty*/ { (Ptype_abstract, Public, None) } | EQUAL core_type { (Ptype_abstract, Public, Some $2) } | EQUAL PRIVATE core_type { (Ptype_abstract, Private, Some $3) } | EQUAL constructor_declarations { (Ptype_variant(List.rev $2), Public, None) } | EQUAL PRIVATE constructor_declarations { (Ptype_variant(List.rev $3), Private, None) } | EQUAL private_flag BAR constructor_declarations { (Ptype_variant(List.rev $4), $2, None) } | EQUAL private_flag LBRACE label_declarations opt_semi RBRACE { (Ptype_record(List.rev $4), $2, None) } | EQUAL core_type EQUAL private_flag opt_bar constructor_declarations { (Ptype_variant(List.rev $6), $4, Some $2) } | EQUAL core_type EQUAL private_flag LBRACE label_declarations opt_semi RBRACE { (Ptype_record(List.rev $6), $4, Some $2) } ; optional_type_parameters: /*empty*/ { [] } | optional_type_parameter { [$1] } | LPAREN optional_type_parameter_list RPAREN { List.rev $2 } ; optional_type_parameter: type_variance QUOTE ident { Some (mkrhs $3 3), $1 } | type_variance UNDERSCORE { None, $1 } ; optional_type_parameter_list: optional_type_parameter { [$1] } | optional_type_parameter_list COMMA optional_type_parameter { $3 :: $1 } ; type_parameters: /*empty*/ { [] } | type_parameter { [$1] } | LPAREN type_parameter_list RPAREN { List.rev $2 } ; type_parameter: type_variance QUOTE ident { mkrhs $3 3, $1 } ; type_variance: /* empty */ { Invariant } | PLUS { Covariant } | MINUS { Contravariant } ; type_parameter_list: type_parameter { [$1] } | type_parameter_list COMMA type_parameter { $3 :: $1 } ; constructor_declarations: constructor_declaration { [$1] } | constructor_declarations BAR constructor_declaration { $3 :: $1 } ; constructor_declaration: | constr_ident attributes generalized_constructor_arguments { let args,res = $3 in Type.constructor (mkrhs $1 1) ~args ?res ~loc:(symbol_rloc()) ~attrs:$2 } ; exception_declaration: | constructor_declaration post_item_attributes { let cd = $1 in {cd with pcd_attributes = cd.pcd_attributes @ $2} } ; generalized_constructor_arguments: /*empty*/ { ([],None) } | OF core_type_list { (List.rev $2,None) } | COLON core_type_list MINUSGREATER simple_core_type { (List.rev $2,Some $4) } | COLON simple_core_type { ([],Some $2) } ; label_declarations: label_declaration { [$1] } | label_declarations SEMI label_declaration { $3 :: $1 } ; label_declaration: mutable_flag label attributes COLON poly_type { Type.field (mkrhs $2 2) $5 ~mut:$1 ~attrs:$3 ~loc:(symbol_rloc()) } ; /* "with" constraints (additional type equations over signature components) */ with_constraints: with_constraint { [$1] } | with_constraints AND with_constraint { $3 :: $1 } ; with_constraint: TYPE type_parameters label_longident with_type_binder core_type constraints { Pwith_type (mkrhs $3 3, (Type.mk (mkrhs (Longident.last $3) 3) ~params:(List.map (fun (x, v) -> Some x, v) $2) ~cstrs:(List.rev $6) ~manifest:$5 ~priv:$4 ~loc:(symbol_rloc()))) } /* used label_longident instead of type_longident to disallow functor applications in type path */ | TYPE type_parameters label COLONEQUAL core_type { Pwith_typesubst (Type.mk (mkrhs $3 3) ~params:(List.map (fun (x, v) -> Some x, v) $2) ~manifest:$5 ~loc:(symbol_rloc())) } | MODULE mod_longident EQUAL mod_ext_longident { Pwith_module (mkrhs $2 2, mkrhs $4 4) } | MODULE UIDENT COLONEQUAL mod_ext_longident { Pwith_modsubst (mkrhs $2 2, mkrhs $4 4) } ; with_type_binder: EQUAL { Public } | EQUAL PRIVATE { Private } ; /* Polymorphic types */ typevar_list: QUOTE ident { [$2] } | typevar_list QUOTE ident { $3 :: $1 } ; poly_type: core_type { $1 } | typevar_list DOT core_type { mktyp(Ptyp_poly(List.rev $1, $3)) } ; /* Core types */ core_type: core_type2 { $1 } | core_type2 AS QUOTE ident { mktyp(Ptyp_alias($1, $4)) } ; core_type2: simple_core_type_or_tuple { $1 } | QUESTION LIDENT COLON core_type2 MINUSGREATER core_type2 { mktyp(Ptyp_arrow("?" ^ $2 , mkoption $4, $6)) } | OPTLABEL core_type2 MINUSGREATER core_type2 { mktyp(Ptyp_arrow("?" ^ $1 , mkoption $2, $4)) } | LIDENT COLON core_type2 MINUSGREATER core_type2 { mktyp(Ptyp_arrow($1, $3, $5)) } | core_type2 MINUSGREATER core_type2 { mktyp(Ptyp_arrow("", $1, $3)) } ; simple_core_type: simple_core_type2 %prec below_SHARP { $1 } | LPAREN core_type_comma_list RPAREN %prec below_SHARP { match $2 with [sty] -> sty | _ -> raise Parse_error } | simple_core_type attribute { Typ.attr $1 $2 } ; simple_core_type_no_attr: simple_core_type2 %prec below_SHARP { $1 } | LPAREN core_type_comma_list RPAREN %prec below_SHARP { match $2 with [sty] -> sty | _ -> raise Parse_error } ; simple_core_type2: QUOTE ident { mktyp(Ptyp_var $2) } | UNDERSCORE { mktyp(Ptyp_any) } | type_longident { mktyp(Ptyp_constr(mkrhs $1 1, [])) } | simple_core_type2 type_longident { mktyp(Ptyp_constr(mkrhs $2 2, [$1])) } | LPAREN core_type_comma_list RPAREN type_longident { mktyp(Ptyp_constr(mkrhs $4 4, List.rev $2)) } | LESS meth_list GREATER { let (f, c) = $2 in mktyp(Ptyp_object (f, c)) } | LESS GREATER { mktyp(Ptyp_object ([], Closed)) } | SHARP class_longident { mktyp(Ptyp_class(mkrhs $2 2, [])) } | simple_core_type2 SHARP class_longident { mktyp(Ptyp_class(mkrhs $3 3, [$1])) } | LPAREN core_type_comma_list RPAREN SHARP class_longident { mktyp(Ptyp_class(mkrhs $5 5, List.rev $2)) } | LBRACKET tag_field RBRACKET { mktyp(Ptyp_variant([$2], Closed, None)) } /* PR#3835: this is not LR(1), would need lookahead=2 | LBRACKET simple_core_type RBRACKET { mktyp(Ptyp_variant([$2], Closed, None)) } */ | LBRACKET BAR row_field_list RBRACKET { mktyp(Ptyp_variant(List.rev $3, Closed, None)) } | LBRACKET row_field BAR row_field_list RBRACKET { mktyp(Ptyp_variant($2 :: List.rev $4, Closed, None)) } | LBRACKETGREATER opt_bar row_field_list RBRACKET { mktyp(Ptyp_variant(List.rev $3, Open, None)) } | LBRACKETGREATER RBRACKET { mktyp(Ptyp_variant([], Open, None)) } | LBRACKETLESS opt_bar row_field_list RBRACKET { mktyp(Ptyp_variant(List.rev $3, Closed, Some [])) } | LBRACKETLESS opt_bar row_field_list GREATER name_tag_list RBRACKET { mktyp(Ptyp_variant(List.rev $3, Closed, Some (List.rev $5))) } | LPAREN MODULE package_type RPAREN { mktyp(Ptyp_package $3) } | extension { mktyp (Ptyp_extension $1) } ; package_type: mty_longident { (mkrhs $1 1, []) } | mty_longident WITH package_type_cstrs { (mkrhs $1 1, $3) } ; package_type_cstr: TYPE label_longident EQUAL core_type { (mkrhs $2 2, $4) } ; package_type_cstrs: package_type_cstr { [$1] } | package_type_cstr AND package_type_cstrs { $1::$3 } ; row_field_list: row_field { [$1] } | row_field_list BAR row_field { $3 :: $1 } ; row_field: tag_field { $1 } | simple_core_type { Rinherit $1 } ; tag_field: name_tag OF opt_ampersand amper_type_list { Rtag ($1, $3, List.rev $4) } | name_tag { Rtag ($1, true, []) } ; opt_ampersand: AMPERSAND { true } | /* empty */ { false } ; amper_type_list: core_type { [$1] } | amper_type_list AMPERSAND core_type { $3 :: $1 } ; name_tag_list: name_tag { [$1] } | name_tag_list name_tag { $2 :: $1 } ; simple_core_type_or_tuple: simple_core_type %prec below_LBRACKETAT { $1 } | simple_core_type STAR core_type_list { mktyp(Ptyp_tuple($1 :: List.rev $3)) } ; simple_core_type_or_tuple_no_attr: simple_core_type_no_attr { $1 } | simple_core_type_no_attr STAR core_type_list_no_attr { mktyp(Ptyp_tuple($1 :: List.rev $3)) } ; core_type_comma_list: core_type { [$1] } | core_type_comma_list COMMA core_type { $3 :: $1 } ; core_type_list: simple_core_type %prec below_LBRACKETAT { [$1] } | core_type_list STAR simple_core_type { $3 :: $1 } ; core_type_list_no_attr: simple_core_type_no_attr { [$1] } | core_type_list STAR simple_core_type_no_attr { $3 :: $1 } ; meth_list: field SEMI meth_list { let (f, c) = $3 in ($1 :: f, c) } | field opt_semi { [$1], Closed } | DOTDOT { [], Open } ; field: label COLON poly_type /* ok */ { ($1, $3) } ; label: LIDENT { $1 } ; /* Constants */ constant: INT { Const_int $1 } | CHAR { Const_char $1 } | STRING { let (s, d) = $1 in Const_string (s, d) } | FLOAT { Const_float $1 } | INT32 { Const_int32 $1 } | INT64 { Const_int64 $1 } | NATIVEINT { Const_nativeint $1 } ; signed_constant: constant { $1 } | MINUS INT { Const_int(- $2) } | MINUS FLOAT { Const_float("-" ^ $2) } | MINUS INT32 { Const_int32(Int32.neg $2) } | MINUS INT64 { Const_int64(Int64.neg $2) } | MINUS NATIVEINT { Const_nativeint(Nativeint.neg $2) } | PLUS INT { Const_int $2 } | PLUS FLOAT { Const_float $2 } | PLUS INT32 { Const_int32 $2 } | PLUS INT64 { Const_int64 $2 } | PLUS NATIVEINT { Const_nativeint $2 } ; /* Identifiers and long identifiers */ ident: UIDENT { $1 } | LIDENT { $1 } ; val_ident: LIDENT { $1 } | LPAREN operator RPAREN { $2 } | LPAREN operator error { unclosed "(" 1 ")" 3 } | LPAREN error { expecting 2 "operator" } | LPAREN MODULE error { expecting 3 "module-expr" } ; operator: PREFIXOP { $1 } | INFIXOP0 { $1 } | INFIXOP1 { $1 } | INFIXOP2 { $1 } | INFIXOP3 { $1 } | INFIXOP4 { $1 } | BANG { "!" } | PLUS { "+" } | PLUSDOT { "+." } | MINUS { "-" } | MINUSDOT { "-." } | STAR { "*" } | EQUAL { "=" } | LESS { "<" } | GREATER { ">" } | OR { "or" } | BARBAR { "||" } | AMPERSAND { "&" } | AMPERAMPER { "&&" } | COLONEQUAL { ":=" } | PERCENT { "%" } ; constr_ident: UIDENT { $1 } /* | LBRACKET RBRACKET { "[]" } */ | LPAREN RPAREN { "()" } | COLONCOLON { "::" } /* | LPAREN COLONCOLON RPAREN { "::" } */ | FALSE { "false" } | TRUE { "true" } ; val_longident: val_ident { Lident $1 } | mod_longident DOT val_ident { Ldot($1, $3) } ; constr_longident: mod_longident %prec below_DOT { $1 } | LBRACKET RBRACKET { Lident "[]" } | LPAREN RPAREN { Lident "()" } | FALSE { Lident "false" } | TRUE { Lident "true" } ; label_longident: LIDENT { Lident $1 } | mod_longident DOT LIDENT { Ldot($1, $3) } ; type_longident: LIDENT { Lident $1 } | mod_ext_longident DOT LIDENT { Ldot($1, $3) } ; mod_longident: UIDENT { Lident $1 } | mod_longident DOT UIDENT { Ldot($1, $3) } ; mod_ext_longident: UIDENT { Lident $1 } | mod_ext_longident DOT UIDENT { Ldot($1, $3) } | mod_ext_longident LPAREN mod_ext_longident RPAREN { lapply $1 $3 } ; mty_longident: ident { Lident $1 } | mod_ext_longident DOT ident { Ldot($1, $3) } ; clty_longident: LIDENT { Lident $1 } | mod_ext_longident DOT LIDENT { Ldot($1, $3) } ; class_longident: LIDENT { Lident $1 } | mod_longident DOT LIDENT { Ldot($1, $3) } ; /* Toplevel directives */ toplevel_directive: SHARP ident { Ptop_dir($2, Pdir_none) } | SHARP ident STRING { Ptop_dir($2, Pdir_string (fst $3)) } | SHARP ident INT { Ptop_dir($2, Pdir_int $3) } | SHARP ident val_longident { Ptop_dir($2, Pdir_ident $3) } | SHARP ident FALSE { Ptop_dir($2, Pdir_bool false) } | SHARP ident TRUE { Ptop_dir($2, Pdir_bool true) } ; /* Miscellaneous */ name_tag: BACKQUOTE ident { $2 } ; rec_flag: /* empty */ { Nonrecursive } | REC { Recursive } ; direction_flag: TO { Upto } | DOWNTO { Downto } ; private_flag: /* empty */ { Public } | PRIVATE { Private } ; mutable_flag: /* empty */ { Immutable } | MUTABLE { Mutable } ; virtual_flag: /* empty */ { Concrete } | VIRTUAL { Virtual } ; private_virtual_flags: /* empty */ { Public, Concrete } | PRIVATE { Private, Concrete } | VIRTUAL { Public, Virtual } | PRIVATE VIRTUAL { Private, Virtual } | VIRTUAL PRIVATE { Private, Virtual } ; override_flag: /* empty */ { Fresh } | BANG { Override } ; opt_bar: /* empty */ { () } | BAR { () } ; opt_semi: | /* empty */ { () } | SEMI { () } ; subtractive: | MINUS { "-" } | MINUSDOT { "-." } ; additive: | PLUS { "+" } | PLUSDOT { "+." } ; /* Attributes and extensions */ single_attr_id: LIDENT { $1 } | UIDENT { $1 } | AND { "and" } | AS { "as" } | ASSERT { "assert" } | BEGIN { "begin" } | CLASS { "class" } | CONSTRAINT { "constraint" } | DO { "do" } | DONE { "done" } | DOWNTO { "downto" } | ELSE { "else" } | END { "end" } | EXCEPTION { "exception" } | EXTERNAL { "external" } | FALSE { "false" } | FOR { "for" } | FUN { "fun" } | FUNCTION { "function" } | FUNCTOR { "functor" } | IF { "if" } | IN { "in" } | INCLUDE { "include" } | INHERIT { "inherit" } | INITIALIZER { "initializer" } | LAZY { "lazy" } | LET { "let" } | MATCH { "match" } | METHOD { "method" } | MODULE { "module" } | MUTABLE { "mutable" } | NEW { "new" } | OBJECT { "object" } | OF { "of" } | OPEN { "open" } | OR { "or" } | PRIVATE { "private" } | REC { "rec" } | SIG { "sig" } | STRUCT { "struct" } | THEN { "then" } | TO { "to" } | TRUE { "true" } | TRY { "try" } | TYPE { "type" } | VAL { "val" } | VIRTUAL { "virtual" } | WHEN { "when" } | WHILE { "while" } | WITH { "with" } /* mod/land/lor/lxor/lsl/lsr/asr are not supported for now */ ; attr_id: single_attr_id { mkloc $1 (symbol_rloc()) } | single_attr_id DOT attr_id { mkloc ($1 ^ "." ^ $3.txt) (symbol_rloc())} ; attribute: LBRACKETAT attr_id payload RBRACKET { ($2, $3) } ; post_item_attribute: LBRACKETATAT attr_id payload RBRACKET { ($2, $3) } ; post_item_attributes: /* empty */ { [] } | post_item_attribute post_item_attributes { $1 :: $2 } ; attributes: /* empty */{ [] } | attribute attributes { $1 :: $2 } ; ext_attributes: /* empty */ { None, [] } | attribute attributes { None, $1 :: $2 } | PERCENT attr_id attributes { Some $2, $3 } ; extension: LBRACKETPERCENT attr_id payload RBRACKET { ($2, $3) } ; item_extension: LBRACKETPERCENTPERCENT attr_id payload RBRACKET { ($2, $3) } ; payload: structure { PStr $1 } | COLON core_type { PTyp $2 } | QUESTION pattern { PPat ($2, None) } | QUESTION pattern WHEN seq_expr { PPat ($2, Some $4) } ; %%