(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 1997 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* Auxiliary type for reporting syntax errors *) open Format type error = Unclosed of Location.t * string * Location.t * string | Expecting of Location.t * string | Not_expecting of Location.t * string | Applicative_path of Location.t | Variable_in_scope of Location.t * string | Other of Location.t exception Error of error exception Escape_error let report_error ppf = function | Unclosed(opening_loc, opening, closing_loc, closing) -> if !Location.input_name = "//toplevel//" && Location.highlight_locations ppf opening_loc closing_loc then fprintf ppf "Syntax error: '%s' expected, \ the highlighted '%s' might be unmatched" closing opening else begin fprintf ppf "%aSyntax error: '%s' expected@." Location.print_error closing_loc closing; fprintf ppf "%aThis '%s' might be unmatched" Location.print_error opening_loc opening end | Expecting (loc, nonterm) -> fprintf ppf "%a@[Syntax error: %s expected.@]" Location.print_error loc nonterm | Not_expecting (loc, nonterm) -> fprintf ppf "%a@[Syntax error: %s not expected.@]" Location.print_error loc nonterm | Applicative_path loc -> fprintf ppf "%aSyntax error: applicative paths of the form F(X).t \ are not supported when the option -no-app-func is set." Location.print_error loc | Variable_in_scope (loc, var) -> fprintf ppf "%a@[In this scoped type, variable '%s@ \ is reserved for the local type %s.@]" Location.print_error loc var var | Other loc -> fprintf ppf "%aSyntax error" Location.print_error loc let location_of_error = function | Unclosed(l,_,_,_) | Applicative_path l | Variable_in_scope(l,_) | Other l | Not_expecting (l, _) | Expecting (l, _) -> l