# This file lists all standard library modules. -*- Makefile -*-
# It is used in particular to know what to expunge in toplevels.
# $Id$

  arg \
  array \
  arrayLabels \
  buffer \
  callback \
  camlinternalLazy \
  camlinternalMod \
  camlinternalOO \
  char \
  complex \
  digest \
  filename \
  format \
  gc \
  genlex \
  hashtbl \
  int32 \
  int64 \
  lazy \
  lexing \
  list \
  listLabels \
  map \
  marshal \
  moreLabels \
  nativeint \
  obj \
  oo \
  parsing \
  pervasives \
  printexc \
  printf \
  queue \
  random \
  scanf \
  set \
  sort \
  stack \
  stdLabels \
  stream \
  string \
  stringLabels \
  sys \