(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* Objective Caml *) (* *) (* Damien Doligez, projet Para, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with *) (* the special exception on linking described in file ../LICENSE. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) type key = string type doc = string type usage_msg = string type anon_fun = (string -> unit) type spec = | Unit of (unit -> unit) (* Call the function with unit argument *) | Bool of (bool -> unit) (* Call the function with a bool argument *) | Set of bool ref (* Set the reference to true *) | Clear of bool ref (* Set the reference to false *) | String of (string -> unit) (* Call the function with a string argument *) | Set_string of string ref (* Set the reference to the string argument *) | Int of (int -> unit) (* Call the function with an int argument *) | Set_int of int ref (* Set the reference to the int argument *) | Float of (float -> unit) (* Call the function with a float argument *) | Set_float of float ref (* Set the reference to the float argument *) | Tuple of spec list (* Take several arguments according to the spec list *) | Symbol of string list * (string -> unit) (* Take one of the symbols as argument and call the function with the symbol. *) | Rest of (string -> unit) (* Stop interpreting keywords and call the function with each remaining argument *) exception Bad of string exception Help of string type error = | Unknown of string | Wrong of string * string * string (* option, actual, expected *) | Missing of string | Message of string exception Stop of error;; (* used internally *) open Printf let rec assoc3 x l = match l with | [] -> raise Not_found | (y1, y2, y3) :: t when y1 = x -> y2 | _ :: t -> assoc3 x t ;; let make_symlist prefix sep suffix l = match l with | [] -> "" | h::t -> (List.fold_left (fun x y -> x ^ sep ^ y) (prefix ^ h) t) ^ suffix ;; let print_spec buf (key, spec, doc) = match spec with | Symbol (l, _) -> bprintf buf " %s %s %s\n" key (make_symlist "{" "|" "}" l) doc | _ -> bprintf buf " %s %s\n" key doc ;; let usage_b buf speclist errmsg = bprintf buf "%s\n" errmsg; List.iter (print_spec buf) speclist; try ignore (assoc3 "-help" speclist) with Not_found -> bprintf buf " -help Display this list of options\n"; try ignore (assoc3 "--help" speclist) with Not_found -> bprintf buf " --help Display this list of options\n"; ;; let usage speclist errmsg = let b = Buffer.create 200 in usage_b b speclist errmsg; eprintf "%s" (Buffer.contents b); ;; let current = ref 0;; let parse_argv ?(current=current) argv speclist anonfun errmsg = let l = Array.length argv in let b = Buffer.create 200 in let initpos = !current in let stop error = let progname = if initpos < l then argv.(initpos) else "(?)" in begin match error with | Unknown "-help" -> () | Unknown "--help" -> () | Unknown s -> bprintf b "%s: unknown option `%s'.\n" progname s | Missing s -> bprintf b "%s: option `%s' needs an argument.\n" progname s | Wrong (opt, arg, expected) -> bprintf b "%s: wrong argument `%s'; option `%s' expects %s.\n" progname arg opt expected | Message s -> bprintf b "%s: %s.\n" progname s end; usage_b b speclist errmsg; if error = Unknown "-help" || error = Unknown "--help" then raise (Help (Buffer.contents b)) else raise (Bad (Buffer.contents b)) in incr current; while !current < l do let s = argv.(!current) in if String.length s >= 1 && String.get s 0 = '-' then begin let action = try assoc3 s speclist with Not_found -> stop (Unknown s) in begin try let rec treat_action = function | Unit f -> f (); | Bool f -> let arg = argv.(!current + 1) in begin try f (bool_of_string arg) with Invalid_argument "bool_of_string" -> raise (Stop (Wrong (s, arg, "a boolean"))) end; incr current; | Set r -> r := true; | Clear r -> r := false; | String f when !current + 1 < l -> f argv.(!current + 1); incr current; | Symbol (symb, f) when !current + 1 < l -> let arg = argv.(!current + 1) in if List.mem arg symb then begin f argv.(!current + 1); incr current; end else begin raise (Stop (Wrong (s, arg, "one of: " ^ (make_symlist "" " " "" symb)))) end | Set_string r when !current + 1 < l -> r := argv.(!current + 1); incr current; | Int f when !current + 1 < l -> let arg = argv.(!current + 1) in begin try f (int_of_string arg) with Failure "int_of_string" -> raise (Stop (Wrong (s, arg, "an integer"))) end; incr current; | Set_int r when !current + 1 < l -> let arg = argv.(!current + 1) in begin try r := (int_of_string arg) with Failure "int_of_string" -> raise (Stop (Wrong (s, arg, "an integer"))) end; incr current; | Float f when !current + 1 < l -> let arg = argv.(!current + 1) in begin try f (float_of_string arg); with Failure "float_of_string" -> raise (Stop (Wrong (s, arg, "a float"))) end; incr current; | Set_float r when !current + 1 < l -> let arg = argv.(!current + 1) in begin try r := (float_of_string arg); with Failure "float_of_string" -> raise (Stop (Wrong (s, arg, "a float"))) end; incr current; | Tuple specs -> List.iter treat_action specs; | Rest f -> while !current < l - 1 do f argv.(!current + 1); incr current; done; | _ -> raise (Stop (Missing s)) in treat_action action with Bad m -> stop (Message m); | Stop e -> stop e; end; incr current; end else begin (try anonfun s with Bad m -> stop (Message m)); incr current; end; done; ;; let parse l f msg = try parse_argv Sys.argv l f msg; with | Bad msg -> eprintf "%s" msg; exit 2; | Help msg -> printf "%s" msg; exit 0; ;;