(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 2004 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with *) (* the special exception on linking described in file ../LICENSE. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) type shape = | Function | Lazy | Class | Module of shape array | Value of Obj.t let rec init_mod loc shape = match shape with | Function -> let pad1 = 1 and pad2 = 2 and pad3 = 3 and pad4 = 4 and pad5 = 5 and pad6 = 6 and pad7 = 7 and pad8 = 8 in Obj.repr(fun _ -> ignore pad1; ignore pad2; ignore pad3; ignore pad4; ignore pad5; ignore pad6; ignore pad7; ignore pad8; raise (Undefined_recursive_module loc)) | Lazy -> Obj.repr (lazy (raise (Undefined_recursive_module loc))) | Class -> Obj.repr (CamlinternalOO.dummy_class loc) | Module comps -> Obj.repr (Array.map (init_mod loc) comps) | Value v -> v let overwrite o n = assert (Obj.size o >= Obj.size n); for i = 0 to Obj.size n - 1 do Obj.set_field o i (Obj.field n i) done let rec update_mod shape o n = match shape with | Function -> if Obj.tag n = Obj.closure_tag && Obj.size n <= Obj.size o then begin overwrite o n; Obj.truncate o (Obj.size n) (* PR #4008 *) end else overwrite o (Obj.repr (fun x -> (Obj.obj n : _ -> _) x)) | Lazy -> if Obj.tag n = Obj.lazy_tag then Obj.set_field o 0 (Obj.field n 0) else if Obj.tag n = Obj.forward_tag then begin (* PR#4316 *) Obj.set_tag o Obj.forward_tag; Obj.set_field o 0 (Obj.field n 0) end else begin (* forwarding pointer was shortcut by GC *) Obj.set_tag o Obj.forward_tag; Obj.set_field o 0 n end | Class -> assert (Obj.tag n = 0 && Obj.size n = 4); overwrite o n | Module comps -> assert (Obj.tag n = 0 && Obj.size n >= Array.length comps); for i = 0 to Array.length comps - 1 do update_mod comps.(i) (Obj.field o i) (Obj.field n i) done | Value v -> overwrite o n