(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* Caml Special Light *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 1995 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* Automatique. Distributed only by permission. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) type token = Kwd of string | Ident of string | Int of int | Float of float | String of string | Char of char (* The string buffering machinery *) let initial_buffer = String.create 32 let buffer = ref initial_buffer let bufpos = ref 0 let reset_buffer () = buffer := initial_buffer; bufpos := 0 let store c = if !bufpos >= String.length !buffer then begin let newbuffer = String.create (2 * !bufpos) in String.blit !buffer 0 newbuffer 0 !bufpos; buffer := newbuffer end; String.set !buffer !bufpos c; incr bufpos let get_string () = let s = String.sub !buffer 0 !bufpos in buffer := initial_buffer; s (* The lexer *) let make_lexer keywords = let kwd_table = Hashtbl.create 17 in List.iter (fun s -> Hashtbl.add kwd_table s (Kwd s)) keywords; let ident_or_keyword id = try Hashtbl.find kwd_table id with Not_found -> Ident id and keyword_or_error c = let s = String.make 1 c in try Hashtbl.find kwd_table s with Not_found -> raise(Stream.Parse_error("Illegal character " ^ s)) in let rec next_token = parser [< ' ' '|'\010'|'\013'|'\009'|'\026'|'\012'; s >] -> next_token s | [< ' 'A'..'Z'|'a'..'z'|'\192'..'\255' as c; s>] -> reset_buffer(); store c; ident s | [< ' '!'|'%'|'&'|'$'|'#'|'+'|'/'|':'|'<'|'='|'>'|'?'|'@'|'\\'| '~'|'^'|'|'|'*' as c; s >] -> reset_buffer(); store c; ident2 s | [< ' '0'..'9' as c; s>] -> reset_buffer(); store c; number s | [< ' '\''; c = char; ' '\'' >] -> Some(Char c) | [< ' '"' (* '"' *); s >] -> reset_buffer(); Some(String(string s)) | [< ' '-'; s >] -> neg_number s | [< ' '('; s >] -> maybe_comment s | [< ' c >] -> Some(keyword_or_error c) | [< >] -> None and ident = parser [< ' 'A'..'Z'|'a'..'z'|'\192'..'\255'|'0'..'9'|'_'|'\'' as c; s>] -> store c; ident s | [< >] -> Some(ident_or_keyword(get_string())) and ident2 = parser [< ' '!'|'%'|'&'|'$'|'#'|'+'|'-'|'/'|':'|'<'|'='|'>'|'?'|'@'|'\\'| '~'|'^'|'|'|'*' as c; s >] -> store c; ident2 s | [< >] -> Some(ident_or_keyword(get_string())) and neg_number = parser [< ' '0'..'9' as c; s >] -> reset_buffer(); store '-'; store c; number s | [< s >] -> reset_buffer(); store '-'; ident2 s and number = parser [< ' '0'..'9' as c; s >] -> store c; number s | [< ' '.'; s >] -> store '.'; decimal_part s | [< ' 'e'|'E'; s >] -> store 'E'; exponent_part s | [< >] -> Some(Int(int_of_string(get_string()))) and decimal_part = parser [< ' '0'..'9' as c; s >] -> store c; decimal_part s | [< ' 'e'|'E'; s >] -> store 'E'; exponent_part s | [< >] -> Some(Float(float_of_string(get_string()))) and exponent_part = parser [< ' '+'|'-' as c; s >] -> store c; end_exponent_part s | [< s >] -> end_exponent_part s and end_exponent_part = parser [< ' '0'..'9' as c; s >] -> store c; end_exponent_part s | [< >] -> Some(Float(float_of_string(get_string()))) and string = parser [< ' '"' (* '"' *) >] -> get_string() | [< ' '\\'; c = escape; s >] -> store c; string s | [< ' c; s >] -> store c; string s and char = parser [< ' '\\'; c = escape >] -> c | [< ' c >] -> c and escape = parser [< ' 'n' >] -> '\n' | [< ' 'r' >] -> '\r' | [< ' 't' >] -> '\t' | [< ' '0'..'9' as c1; ' '0'..'9' as c2; ' '0'..'9' as c3 >] -> Char.chr((Char.code c1 - 48) * 100 + (Char.code c2 - 48) * 10 + (Char.code c3)) | [< ' c >] -> c and maybe_comment = parser [< ' '*'; s >] -> comment s; next_token s | [< >] -> Some(keyword_or_error '(') and comment = parser [< ' '('; s >] -> maybe_nested_comment s | [< ' '*'; s >] -> maybe_end_comment s | [< ' c; s >] -> comment s and maybe_nested_comment = parser [< ' '*'; s >] -> comment s; comment s | [< ' c; s >] -> comment s and maybe_end_comment = parser [< ' ')' >] -> () | [< ' c; s >] -> comment s in fun input -> Stream.from (fun count -> next_token input)