(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with *) (* the special exception on linking described in file ../LICENSE. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) open Printf;; let printers = ref [] let locfmt = format_of_string "File \"%s\", line %d, characters %d-%d: %s";; let field x i = let f = Obj.field x i in if not (Obj.is_block f) then sprintf "%d" (Obj.magic f : int) (* can also be a char *) else if Obj.tag f = Obj.string_tag then sprintf "%S" (Obj.magic f : string) else if Obj.tag f = Obj.double_tag then string_of_float (Obj.magic f : float) else "_" ;; let rec other_fields x i = if i >= Obj.size x then "" else sprintf ", %s%s" (field x i) (other_fields x (i+1)) ;; let fields x = match Obj.size x with | 0 -> "" | 1 -> "" | 2 -> sprintf "(%s)" (field x 1) | n -> sprintf "(%s%s)" (field x 1) (other_fields x 2) ;; let to_string x = let rec conv = function | hd :: tl -> (match try hd x with _ -> None with | Some s -> s | None -> conv tl) | [] -> match x with | Out_of_memory -> "Out of memory" | Stack_overflow -> "Stack overflow" | Match_failure(file, line, char) -> sprintf locfmt file line char (char+5) "Pattern matching failed" | Assert_failure(file, line, char) -> sprintf locfmt file line char (char+6) "Assertion failed" | Undefined_recursive_module(file, line, char) -> sprintf locfmt file line char (char+6) "Undefined recursive module" | _ -> let x = Obj.repr x in let constructor = (Obj.magic (Obj.field (Obj.field x 0) 0) : string) in constructor ^ (fields x) in conv !printers let print fct arg = try fct arg with x -> eprintf "Uncaught exception: %s\n" (to_string x); flush stderr; raise x let catch fct arg = try fct arg with x -> flush stdout; eprintf "Uncaught exception: %s\n" (to_string x); exit 2 type raw_backtrace external get_raw_backtrace: unit -> raw_backtrace = "caml_get_exception_raw_backtrace" type loc_info = | Known_location of bool (* is_raise *) * string (* filename *) * int (* line number *) * int (* start char *) * int (* end char *) | Unknown_location of bool (*is_raise*) (* to avoid warning *) let _ = [Known_location (false, "", 0, 0, 0); Unknown_location false] type backtrace = loc_info array external convert_raw_backtrace: raw_backtrace -> backtrace option = "caml_convert_raw_backtrace" let format_loc_info pos li = let is_raise = match li with | Known_location(is_raise, _, _, _, _) -> is_raise | Unknown_location(is_raise) -> is_raise in let info = if is_raise then if pos = 0 then "Raised at" else "Re-raised at" else if pos = 0 then "Raised by primitive operation at" else "Called from" in match li with | Known_location(is_raise, filename, lineno, startchar, endchar) -> sprintf "%s file \"%s\", line %d, characters %d-%d" info filename lineno startchar endchar | Unknown_location(is_raise) -> sprintf "%s unknown location" info let print_exception_backtrace outchan backtrace = match backtrace with | None -> fprintf outchan "(Program not linked with -g, cannot print stack backtrace)\n" | Some a -> for i = 0 to Array.length a - 1 do if a.(i) <> Unknown_location true then fprintf outchan "%s\n" (format_loc_info i a.(i)) done let print_raw_backtrace outchan raw_backtrace = print_exception_backtrace outchan (convert_raw_backtrace raw_backtrace) (* confusingly named: prints the global current backtrace *) let print_backtrace outchan = print_raw_backtrace outchan (get_raw_backtrace ()) let backtrace_to_string backtrace = match backtrace with | None -> "(Program not linked with -g, cannot print stack backtrace)\n" | Some a -> let b = Buffer.create 1024 in for i = 0 to Array.length a - 1 do if a.(i) <> Unknown_location true then bprintf b "%s\n" (format_loc_info i a.(i)) done; Buffer.contents b let raw_backtrace_to_string raw_backtrace = backtrace_to_string (convert_raw_backtrace raw_backtrace) (* confusingly named: returns the *string* corresponding to the global current backtrace *) let get_backtrace () = (* we could use the caml_get_exception_backtrace primitive here, but we hope to deprecate it so it's better to just compose the raw stuff *) backtrace_to_string (convert_raw_backtrace (get_raw_backtrace ())) external record_backtrace: bool -> unit = "caml_record_backtrace" external backtrace_status: unit -> bool = "caml_backtrace_status" let register_printer fn = printers := fn :: !printers