(* Queues *) (* This module implements queues (FIFOs), with in-place modification. *) type 'a t (* The type of queues containing elements of type ['a]. *) exception Empty (* Raised when [take] is applied to an empty queue. *) val new: unit -> 'a t (* Return a new queue, initially empty. *) val add: 'a -> 'a t -> unit (* [add x q] adds the element [x] at the end of the queue [q]. *) val take: 'a t -> 'a (* [take q] removes and returns the first element in queue [q], or raises [Empty] if the queue is empty. *) val peek: 'a t -> 'a (* [peek q] returns the first element in queue [q], without removing it from the queue, or raises [Empty] if the queue is empty. *) val clear : 'a t -> unit (* Discard all elements from a queue. *) val length: 'a t -> int (* Return the number of elements in a queue. *) val iter: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> unit (* [iter f q] applies [f] in turn to all elements of [q], from the least recently entered to the most recently entered. The queue itself is unchanged. *)