(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* Objective Caml *) (* *) (* Pierre Weis, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 2002 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with *) (* the special exception on linking described in file ../LICENSE. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) (* The run-time library for scanners. *) (* Scanning buffers. *) module type SCANNING = sig type scanbuf;; val stdib : scanbuf;; (* The scanning buffer reading from [stdin]. [stdib] is equivalent to [Scanning.from_channel stdin]. *) val next_char : scanbuf -> char;; (* [Scanning.next_char ib] advance the scanning buffer for one character. If no more character can be read, sets a end of file condition and returns '\000'. *) val invalidate_current_char : scanbuf -> unit;; (* [Scanning.invalidate_current_char ib] mark the current_char as already scanned. *) val peek_char : scanbuf -> char;; (* [Scanning.peek_char ib] returns the current char available in the buffer or read one if necessary (when the current character is already scanned). If no character can be read, sets an end of file condition and returns '\000'. *) val checked_peek_char : scanbuf -> char;; (* Same as above but always returns a valid char or fails: instead of returning a null char when the reading method of the input buffer has reached an end of file, the function raises exception [End_of_file]. *) val store_char : scanbuf -> char -> int -> int;; (* [Scanning.store_char ib c lim] adds [c] to the token buffer of the scanning buffer. It also advances the scanning buffer for one character and returns [lim - 1], indicating the new limit for the length of the current token. *) val skip_char : scanbuf -> int -> int;; (* [Scanning.skip_char ib lim] ignores the current character. *) val ignore_char : scanbuf -> int -> int;; (* [Scanning.ignore_char ib lim] ignores the current character and decrements the limit. *) val token : scanbuf -> string;; (* [Scanning.token ib] returns the string stored into the token buffer of the scanning buffer: it returns the token matched by the format. *) val reset_token : scanbuf -> unit;; (* [Scanning.reset_token ib] resets the token buffer of the given scanning buffer. *) val char_count : scanbuf -> int;; (* [Scanning.char_count ib] returns the number of characters read so far from the given buffer. *) val line_count : scanbuf -> int;; (* [Scanning.line_count ib] returns the number of new line characters read so far from the given buffer. *) val token_count : scanbuf -> int;; (* [Scanning.token_count ib] returns the number of tokens read so far from [ib]. *) val eof : scanbuf -> bool;; (* [Scanning.eof ib] returns the end of input condition of the given buffer. *) val end_of_input : scanbuf -> bool;; (* [Scanning.end_of_input ib] tests the end of input condition of the given buffer (if no char has ever been read, an attempt to read one is performed). *) val beginning_of_input : scanbuf -> bool;; (* [Scanning.beginning_of_input ib] tests the beginning of input condition of the given buffer. *) val name_of_input : scanbuf -> string;; (* [Scanning.name_of_input ib] returns the name of the character source for input buffer [ib]. *) val from_string : string -> scanbuf;; val from_channel : in_channel -> scanbuf;; val from_file : string -> scanbuf;; val from_file_bin : string -> scanbuf;; val from_function : (unit -> char) -> scanbuf;; end;; module Scanning : SCANNING = struct (* The run-time library for scanf. *) type file_name = string;; type scanbuf = { mutable eof : bool; mutable current_char : char; mutable current_char_is_valid : bool; mutable char_count : int; mutable line_count : int; mutable token_count : int; mutable get_next_char : unit -> char; tokbuf : Buffer.t; file_name : file_name; };; let null_char = '\000';; (* Reads a new character from input buffer. Next_char never fails, even in case of end of input: it then simply sets the end of file condition. *) let next_char ib = try let c = ib.get_next_char () in ib.current_char <- c; ib.current_char_is_valid <- true; ib.char_count <- succ ib.char_count; if c == '\n' then ib.line_count <- succ ib.line_count; c with | End_of_file -> let c = null_char in ib.current_char <- c; ib.current_char_is_valid <- false; ib.eof <- true; c;; let peek_char ib = if ib.current_char_is_valid then ib.current_char else next_char ib;; (* Returns a valid current char for the input buffer. In particular no irrelevant null character (as set by [next_char] in case of end of input) is returned, since [End_of_file] is raised when [next_char] sets the end of file condition while trying to read a new character. *) let checked_peek_char ib = let c = peek_char ib in if ib.eof then raise End_of_file; c;; let end_of_input ib = ignore (peek_char ib); ib.eof;; let eof ib = ib.eof;; let beginning_of_input ib = ib.char_count = 0;; let name_of_input ib = ib.file_name;; let char_count ib = ib.char_count;; let line_count ib = ib.line_count;; let reset_token ib = Buffer.reset ib.tokbuf;; let invalidate_current_char ib = ib.current_char_is_valid <- false;; let token ib = let tokbuf = ib.tokbuf in let tok = Buffer.contents tokbuf in Buffer.clear tokbuf; ib.token_count <- succ ib.token_count; tok;; let token_count ib = ib.token_count;; let skip_char ib max = invalidate_current_char ib; max;; let ignore_char ib max = skip_char ib (max - 1);; let store_char ib c max = Buffer.add_char ib.tokbuf c; ignore_char ib max;; let default_token_buffer_size = 1024;; let create fname next = { eof = false; current_char = '\000'; current_char_is_valid = false; char_count = 0; line_count = 0; token_count = 0; get_next_char = next; tokbuf = Buffer.create default_token_buffer_size; file_name = fname; };; let from_string s = let i = ref 0 in let len = String.length s in let next () = if !i >= len then raise End_of_file else let c = s.[!i] in incr i; c in create "string input" next;; let from_function = create "function input";; (* Scan from an input channel. *) (* The input channel [ic] may not be allocated in this library, hence it may be shared (two functions of the user's program may successively read from it). Furthermore, the user may define more than one scanning buffer reading from the same [ic] channel. However, we cannot prevent the scanning mechanism to use one lookahead character, if needed by the semantics of format string specifications (e.g. a trailing ``skip space'' specification in the format string); in this case, the mandatory lookahead character is read from the channel and stored into the scanning buffer for further reading. This implies that multiple functions alternatively scanning the same [ic] channel will miss characters from time to time, due to unnoticed look ahead characters, silently read from [ic] (hence no more available for reading) and retained inside the scanning buffer to ensure the correct incremental scanning of the same scanning buffer. This phenomenon is even worse if one defines more than one scanning buffer reading from the same input channel [ic]. We have no simple way to circumvent this problem (unless the scanning buffer allocation is a memo function that never allocates two different scanning buffers for the same input channel, orelse the input channel API offers a ``consider this char as unread'' procedure to keep back the lookahead character as available in the input channel for further reading). Hence, we do bufferize characters to create a scanning buffer from an input channel in order to preserve the same semantics as other from_* functions above: two successive calls to the scanner will work appropriately, since the bufferized character (if any) will be retained inside the scanning buffer from a call to the next one. Otherwise, if we do not bufferize characters, we will loose the clearly correct scanning behaviour even for the simple regular case, when we scan the (possibly shared) channel [ic] using a unique function, while not gaining anything for multiple functions reading from [ic] or multiple allocation of scanning buffers reading from the same [ic]. As mentioned above, a more ambitious fix could be to change the input channel API or to have a memo scanning buffer allocation for reading from input channel not allocated from within Scanf's input buffer creation functions. *) (* Perform bufferized input to improve efficiency. *) let file_buffer_size = ref 1024;; (* To close a channel at end of input. *) let scan_close_at_end ic = close_in ic; raise End_of_file;; let from_ic scan_close_ic fname ic = let len = !file_buffer_size in let buf = String.create len in let i = ref 0 in let lim = ref 0 in let eof = ref false in let next () = if !i < !lim then begin let c = buf.[!i] in incr i; c end else if !eof then raise End_of_file else begin lim := input ic buf 0 len; if !lim = 0 then begin eof := true; scan_close_ic ic end else begin i := 1; buf.[0] end end in create fname next;; let from_ic_close_at_end = from_ic scan_close_at_end;; let from_file fname = from_ic_close_at_end fname (open_in fname);; let from_file_bin fname = from_ic_close_at_end fname (open_in_bin fname);; let scan_raise_at_end ic = raise End_of_file;; let from_channel = from_ic scan_raise_at_end "input channel";; (* The scanning buffer reading from [stdin]. One could try to define stdib as a scanning buffer reading a character at a time (no bufferization at all), but unfortunately the toplevel interaction would be wrong. This is due to some kind of ``race condition'' when reading from stdin, since the interactive compiler and scanf will simultaneously read the material they need from stdin; then, confusion will result from what should be read by the toplevel and what should be read by scanf. This is even more complicated by the one character lookahead that scanf is sometimes obliged to maintain: the lookahead character will be available for the next (scanf) entry, seamingly coming from nowhere. Also no End_of_file is raised when reading from stdin: if not enough characters have been read, we simply ask to read more. *) let stdib = from_ic scan_raise_at_end "stdin" stdin;; end;; (* Formatted input functions. *) type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) scanner = ('a, Scanning.scanbuf, 'b, 'c, 'a -> 'd, 'd) format6 -> 'c;; external string_to_format : string -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 = "%identity";; (* Reporting errors. *) exception Scan_failure of string;; let bad_input s = raise (Scan_failure s);; let bad_input_char c = bad_input (String.make 1 c);; let bad_input_escape c = bad_input (Printf.sprintf "illegal escape character %C" c);; let scanf_bad_input ib = function | Scan_failure s | Failure s -> let i = Scanning.char_count ib in bad_input (Printf.sprintf "scanf: bad input at char number %i: %s" i s) | x -> raise x;; module Sformat = Printf.CamlinternalPr.Sformat;; module Tformat = Printf.CamlinternalPr.Tformat;; let bad_conversion fmt i c = invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "scanf: bad conversion %%%c, at char number %i \ in format string ``%s''" c i (Sformat.to_string fmt));; let incomplete_format fmt = invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "scanf: premature end of format string ``%s''" (Sformat.to_string fmt));; let bad_float () = bad_input "no dot or exponent part found in float token";; let format_mismatch_err fmt1 fmt2 = Printf.sprintf "format read ``%s'' does not match specification ``%s''" fmt1 fmt2;; let format_mismatch fmt1 fmt2 ib = scanf_bad_input ib (Scan_failure (format_mismatch_err fmt1 fmt2));; (* Checking that 2 format string are type compatible. *) let compatible_format_type fmt1 fmt2 = Tformat.summarize_format_type (string_to_format fmt1) = Tformat.summarize_format_type (string_to_format fmt2);; (* Checking that [c] is indeed in the input, then skips it. In this case, the character c has been explicitely specified in the format as being mandatory in the input; hence we should fail with End_of_file in case of end_of_input. That's why we use checked_peek_char here. *) let check_char ib c = let ci = Scanning.checked_peek_char ib in if ci != c then bad_input (Printf.sprintf "looking for %C, found %C" c ci) else Scanning.invalidate_current_char ib;; (* Checks that the current char is indeed one of the stopper characters, then skips it. Be careful that if ib has no more character this procedure should just do nothing (since %s@c defaults to the entire rest of the buffer, when no character c can be found in the input). *) let ignore_stoppers stps ib = if stps <> [] && not (Scanning.eof ib) then let ci = Scanning.peek_char ib in if List.memq ci stps then Scanning.invalidate_current_char ib else let sr = String.concat "" (List.map (String.make 1) stps) in bad_input (Printf.sprintf "looking for one of range %S, found %C" sr ci);; (* Extracting tokens from ouput token buffer. *) let token_char ib = (Scanning.token ib).[0];; let token_string = Scanning.token;; let token_bool ib = match Scanning.token ib with | "true" -> true | "false" -> false | s -> bad_input ("invalid boolean " ^ s);; (* Extract an integer literal token. Since the functions Pervasives.*int*_of_string do not accept a leading +, we skip it if necessary. *) let token_int_literal conv ib = let tok = match conv with | 'd' | 'i' | 'u' -> Scanning.token ib | 'o' -> "0o" ^ Scanning.token ib | 'x' | 'X' -> "0x" ^ Scanning.token ib | 'b' -> "0b" ^ Scanning.token ib | _ -> assert false in let l = String.length tok in if l = 0 || tok.[0] <> '+' then tok else String.sub tok 1 (l - 1);; (* All the functions that convert a string to a number raise the exception Failure when the conversion is not possible. This exception is then trapped in kscanf. *) let token_int conv ib = int_of_string (token_int_literal conv ib);; let token_float ib = float_of_string (Scanning.token ib);; (* To scan native ints, int32 and int64 integers. We cannot access to conversions to/from strings for those types, Nativeint.of_string, Int32.of_string, and Int64.of_string, since those modules are not available to Scanf. However, we can bind and use the corresponding primitives that are available in the runtime. *) external nativeint_of_string : string -> nativeint = "caml_nativeint_of_string";; external int32_of_string : string -> int32 = "caml_int32_of_string";; external int64_of_string : string -> int64 = "caml_int64_of_string";; let token_nativeint conv ib = nativeint_of_string (token_int_literal conv ib);; let token_int32 conv ib = int32_of_string (token_int_literal conv ib);; let token_int64 conv ib = int64_of_string (token_int_literal conv ib);; (* Scanning numbers. *) (* Digits scanning functions suppose that one character has been checked and is available, since they return at end of file with the currently found token selected. The digits scanning functions scan a possibly empty sequence of digits, (hence a successful scanning from one of those functions does not imply that the token is a well-formed number: to get a true number, it is mandatory to check that at least one digit is available before calling a digit scanning function). *) (* The decimal case is treated especially for optimization purposes. *) let rec scan_decimal_digits max ib = if max = 0 then max else let c = Scanning.peek_char ib in if Scanning.eof ib then max else match c with | '0' .. '9' as c -> let max = Scanning.store_char ib c max in scan_decimal_digits max ib | '_' -> let max = Scanning.ignore_char ib max in scan_decimal_digits max ib | _ -> max;; let scan_decimal_digits_plus max ib = let c = Scanning.checked_peek_char ib in match c with | '0' .. '9' -> let max = Scanning.store_char ib c max in scan_decimal_digits max ib | c -> bad_input_char c;; let scan_digits_plus digitp max ib = (* To scan numbers from other bases, we use a predicate argument to scan_digits. *) let rec scan_digits max = if max = 0 then max else let c = Scanning.peek_char ib in if Scanning.eof ib then max else match c with | c when digitp c -> let max = Scanning.store_char ib c max in scan_digits max | '_' -> let max = Scanning.ignore_char ib max in scan_digits max | _ -> max in let c = Scanning.checked_peek_char ib in if digitp c then let max = Scanning.store_char ib c max in scan_digits max else bad_input_char c;; let is_binary_digit = function | '0' .. '1' -> true | _ -> false;; let scan_binary_int = scan_digits_plus is_binary_digit;; let is_octal_digit = function | '0' .. '7' -> true | _ -> false;; let scan_octal_int = scan_digits_plus is_octal_digit;; let is_hexa_digit = function | '0' .. '9' | 'a' .. 'f' | 'A' .. 'F' -> true | _ -> false;; let scan_hexadecimal_int = scan_digits_plus is_hexa_digit;; (* Scan a decimal integer. *) let scan_unsigned_decimal_int = scan_decimal_digits_plus;; let scan_sign max ib = let c = Scanning.checked_peek_char ib in match c with | '+' -> Scanning.store_char ib c max | '-' -> Scanning.store_char ib c max | c -> max;; let scan_optionally_signed_decimal_int max ib = let max = scan_sign max ib in scan_unsigned_decimal_int max ib;; (* Scan an unsigned integer that could be given in any (common) basis. If digits are prefixed by one of 0x, 0X, 0o, or 0b, the number is assumed to be written respectively in hexadecimal, hexadecimal, octal, or binary. *) let scan_unsigned_int max ib = match Scanning.checked_peek_char ib with | '0' as c -> let max = Scanning.store_char ib c max in if max = 0 then max else let c = Scanning.peek_char ib in if Scanning.eof ib then max else begin match c with | 'x' | 'X' -> scan_hexadecimal_int (Scanning.store_char ib c max) ib | 'o' -> scan_octal_int (Scanning.store_char ib c max) ib | 'b' -> scan_binary_int (Scanning.store_char ib c max) ib | c -> scan_decimal_digits max ib end | c -> scan_unsigned_decimal_int max ib;; let scan_optionally_signed_int max ib = let max = scan_sign max ib in scan_unsigned_int max ib;; let scan_int_conv conv max ib = match conv with | 'b' -> scan_binary_int max ib | 'd' -> scan_optionally_signed_decimal_int max ib | 'i' -> scan_optionally_signed_int max ib | 'o' -> scan_octal_int max ib | 'u' -> scan_unsigned_decimal_int max ib | 'x' | 'X' -> scan_hexadecimal_int max ib | c -> assert false;; (* Scanning floating point numbers. *) (* Fractional part is optional and can be reduced to 0 digits. *) let scan_frac_part max ib = if max = 0 then max else let c = Scanning.peek_char ib in if Scanning.eof ib then max else match c with | '0' .. '9' as c -> scan_decimal_digits (Scanning.store_char ib c max) ib | _ -> max;; (* Exp part is optional and can be reduced to 0 digits. *) let scan_exp_part max ib = if max = 0 then max else let c = Scanning.peek_char ib in if Scanning.eof ib then max else match c with | 'e' | 'E' as c -> scan_optionally_signed_decimal_int (Scanning.store_char ib c max) ib | _ -> max;; (* Scan the integer part of a floating point number, (not using the Caml lexical convention since the integer part can be empty): an optional sign, followed by a possibly empty sequence of decimal digits (e.g. -.1). *) let scan_int_part max ib = let max = scan_sign max ib in scan_decimal_digits max ib;; let scan_float max ib = let max = scan_int_part max ib in if max = 0 then max else let c = Scanning.peek_char ib in if Scanning.eof ib then max else match c with | '.' -> let max = Scanning.store_char ib c max in let max = scan_frac_part max ib in scan_exp_part max ib | c -> scan_exp_part max ib;; let scan_Float max ib = let max = scan_optionally_signed_decimal_int max ib in if max = 0 then bad_float () else let c = Scanning.peek_char ib in if Scanning.eof ib then bad_float () else match c with | '.' -> let max = Scanning.store_char ib c max in let max = scan_frac_part max ib in scan_exp_part max ib | 'e' | 'E' -> scan_exp_part max ib | c -> bad_float ();; (* Scan a regular string: stops when encountering a space or one of the characters in stp. It also stops when the maximum number of characters has been read.*) let scan_string stp max ib = let rec loop max = if max = 0 then max else let c = Scanning.peek_char ib in if Scanning.eof ib then max else if stp == [] then match c with | ' ' | '\t' | '\n' | '\r' -> max | c -> loop (Scanning.store_char ib c max) else if List.memq c stp then Scanning.skip_char ib max else loop (Scanning.store_char ib c max) in loop max;; (* Scan a char: peek strictly one character in the input, whatsoever. *) let scan_char max ib = Scanning.store_char ib (Scanning.checked_peek_char ib) max;; let char_for_backslash = function | 'n' -> '\010' | 'r' -> '\013' | 'b' -> '\008' | 't' -> '\009' | c -> c;; (* The integer value corresponding to the facial value of a valid decimal digit character. *) let int_value_of_char c = int_of_char c - 48;; let char_for_decimal_code c0 c1 c2 = let c = 100 * int_value_of_char c0 + 10 * int_value_of_char c1 + int_value_of_char c2 in if c < 0 || c > 255 then bad_input (Printf.sprintf "bad char \\%c%c%c" c0 c1 c2) else char_of_int c;; (* Called when encountering '\\' as starter of a char. Stops before the corresponding '\''. *) let scan_backslash_char max ib = if max = 0 then bad_input "a char" else let c = Scanning.peek_char ib in if Scanning.eof ib then bad_input "a char" else match c with | '\\' | '\'' | '"' | 'n' | 't' | 'b' | 'r' (* '"' helping Emacs *) -> Scanning.store_char ib (char_for_backslash c) max | '0' .. '9' as c -> let get_digit () = let c = Scanning.next_char ib in match c with | '0' .. '9' as c -> c | c -> bad_input_escape c in let c0 = c in let c1 = get_digit () in let c2 = get_digit () in Scanning.store_char ib (char_for_decimal_code c0 c1 c2) (max - 2) | c -> bad_input_char c;; let scan_Char max ib = let rec loop s max = if max = 0 then bad_input "a char" else let c = Scanning.checked_peek_char ib in if Scanning.eof ib then bad_input "a char" else match c, s with | '\'', 3 -> loop 2 (Scanning.ignore_char ib max) | '\'', 1 -> Scanning.ignore_char ib max | '\\', 2 -> loop 1 (scan_backslash_char (Scanning.ignore_char ib max) ib) | c, 2 -> loop 1 (Scanning.store_char ib c max) | c, _ -> bad_input_escape c in loop 3 max;; let scan_String max ib = let rec loop s max = if max = 0 then bad_input "a string" else let c = Scanning.checked_peek_char ib in if Scanning.eof ib then bad_input "a string" else match c, s with | '"', true (* '"' helping Emacs *) -> loop false (Scanning.ignore_char ib max) | '"', false (* '"' helping Emacs *) -> Scanning.ignore_char ib max | '\\', false -> skip_spaces true (Scanning.ignore_char ib max) | c, false -> loop false (Scanning.store_char ib c max) | c, _ -> bad_input_char c and skip_spaces s max = if max = 0 then bad_input "a string" else let c = Scanning.checked_peek_char ib in if Scanning.eof ib then bad_input "a string" else match c, s with | '\n', true | ' ', false -> skip_spaces false (Scanning.ignore_char ib max) | '\\', false -> loop false max | c, false -> loop false (Scanning.store_char ib c max) | _, _ -> loop false (scan_backslash_char (max - 1) ib) in loop true max;; let scan_bool max ib = if max < 4 then bad_input "a boolean" else let c = Scanning.checked_peek_char ib in if Scanning.eof ib then bad_input "a boolean" else let m = match c with | 't' -> 4 | 'f' -> 5 | _ -> bad_input "a boolean" in scan_string [] (min max m) ib;; (* Reading char sets in %[...] conversions. *) type char_set = | Pos_set of string (* Positive (regular) set. *) | Neg_set of string (* Negative (complementary) set. *);; (* Char sets are read as sub-strings in the format string. *) let read_char_set fmt i = let lim = Sformat.length fmt - 1 in let rec find_in_set j = if j > lim then incomplete_format fmt else match Sformat.get fmt j with | ']' -> j | c -> find_in_set (succ j) and find_set i = if i > lim then incomplete_format fmt else match Sformat.get fmt i with | ']' -> find_in_set (succ i) | c -> find_in_set i in if i > lim then incomplete_format fmt else match Sformat.get fmt i with | '^' -> let i = succ i in let j = find_set i in j, Neg_set (Sformat.sub fmt (Sformat.index_of_int i) (j - i)) | _ -> let j = find_set i in j, Pos_set (Sformat.sub fmt (Sformat.index_of_int i) (j - i));; (* Char sets are now represented as bitvects that are represented as byte strings. *) (* Bit manipulations into bytes. *) let set_bit_of_byte byte idx b = (b lsl idx) lor (byte land (* mask idx *) (lnot (1 lsl idx)));; let get_bit_of_byte byte idx = (byte lsr idx) land 1;; (* Bit manipulations in vectors of bytes represented as strings. *) let set_bit_of_range r c b = let idx = c land 0x7 in let ydx = c lsr 3 in let byte = r.[ydx] in r.[ydx] <- char_of_int (set_bit_of_byte (int_of_char byte) idx b);; let get_bit_of_range r c = let idx = c land 0x7 in let ydx = c lsr 3 in let byte = r.[ydx] in get_bit_of_byte (int_of_char byte) idx;; (* Char sets represented as bitvects represented as fixed length byte strings. *) (* Create a full or empty set of chars. *) let make_range bit = let c = char_of_int (if bit = 0 then 0 else 0xFF) in String.make 32 c;; (* Test is a char belongs to a set of chars. *) let get_char_in_range r c = get_bit_of_range r (int_of_char c);; let bit_not b = (lnot b) land 1;; (* Build the bit vector corresponding to the set of characters that belongs to the string argument [set]. (In the Scanf module [set] is always a sub-string of the format). *) let make_char_bit_vect bit set = let r = make_range (bit_not bit) in let lim = String.length set - 1 in let rec loop bit rp i = if i <= lim then match set.[i] with | '-' when rp -> (* if i = 0 then rp is false (since the initial call is loop bit false 0). Hence i >= 1 and the following is safe. *) let c1 = set.[i - 1] in let i = succ i in if i > lim then loop bit false (i - 1) else let c2 = set.[i] in for j = int_of_char c1 to int_of_char c2 do set_bit_of_range r j bit done; loop bit false (succ i) | c -> set_bit_of_range r (int_of_char set.[i]) bit; loop bit true (succ i) in loop bit false 0; r;; (* Compute the predicate on chars corresponding to a char set. *) let make_pred bit set stp = let r = make_char_bit_vect bit set in List.iter (fun c -> set_bit_of_range r (int_of_char c) (bit_not bit)) stp; (fun c -> get_char_in_range r c);; let make_setp stp char_set = match char_set with | Pos_set set -> begin match String.length set with | 0 -> (fun c -> 0) | 1 -> let p = set.[0] in (fun c -> if c == p then 1 else 0) | 2 -> let p1 = set.[0] and p2 = set.[1] in (fun c -> if c == p1 || c == p2 then 1 else 0) | 3 -> let p1 = set.[0] and p2 = set.[1] and p3 = set.[2] in if p2 = '-' then make_pred 1 set stp else (fun c -> if c == p1 || c == p2 || c == p3 then 1 else 0) | n -> make_pred 1 set stp end | Neg_set set -> begin match String.length set with | 0 -> (fun c -> 1) | 1 -> let p = set.[0] in (fun c -> if c != p then 1 else 0) | 2 -> let p1 = set.[0] and p2 = set.[1] in (fun c -> if c != p1 && c != p2 then 1 else 0) | 3 -> let p1 = set.[0] and p2 = set.[1] and p3 = set.[2] in if p2 = '-' then make_pred 0 set stp else (fun c -> if c != p1 && c != p2 && c != p3 then 1 else 0) | n -> make_pred 0 set stp end;; let setp_table = Hashtbl.create 7;; let add_setp stp char_set setp = let char_set_tbl = try Hashtbl.find setp_table char_set with | Not_found -> let char_set_tbl = Hashtbl.create 3 in Hashtbl.add setp_table char_set char_set_tbl; char_set_tbl in Hashtbl.add char_set_tbl stp setp;; let find_setp stp char_set = try Hashtbl.find (Hashtbl.find setp_table char_set) stp with | Not_found -> let setp = make_setp stp char_set in add_setp stp char_set setp; setp;; let scan_chars_in_char_set stp char_set max ib = let rec loop_pos1 cp1 max = if max = 0 then max else let c = Scanning.peek_char ib in if Scanning.eof ib then max else if c == cp1 then loop_pos1 cp1 (Scanning.store_char ib c max) else max and loop_pos2 cp1 cp2 max = if max = 0 then max else let c = Scanning.peek_char ib in if Scanning.eof ib then max else if c == cp1 || c == cp2 then loop_pos2 cp1 cp2 (Scanning.store_char ib c max) else max and loop_pos3 cp1 cp2 cp3 max = if max = 0 then max else let c = Scanning.peek_char ib in if Scanning.eof ib then max else if c == cp1 || c == cp2 || c == cp3 then loop_pos3 cp1 cp2 cp3 (Scanning.store_char ib c max) else max and loop_neg1 cp1 max = if max = 0 then max else let c = Scanning.peek_char ib in if Scanning.eof ib then max else if c != cp1 then loop_neg1 cp1 (Scanning.store_char ib c max) else max and loop_neg2 cp1 cp2 max = if max = 0 then max else let c = Scanning.peek_char ib in if Scanning.eof ib then max else if c != cp1 && c != cp2 then loop_neg2 cp1 cp2 (Scanning.store_char ib c max) else max and loop_neg3 cp1 cp2 cp3 max = if max = 0 then max else let c = Scanning.peek_char ib in if Scanning.eof ib then max else if c != cp1 && c != cp2 && c != cp3 then loop_neg3 cp1 cp2 cp3 (Scanning.store_char ib c max) else max and loop setp max = if max = 0 then max else let c = Scanning.peek_char ib in if Scanning.eof ib then max else if setp c == 1 then loop setp (Scanning.store_char ib c max) else max in let max = match char_set with | Pos_set set -> begin match String.length set with | 0 -> loop (fun c -> 0) max | 1 -> loop_pos1 set.[0] max | 2 -> loop_pos2 set.[0] set.[1] max | 3 when set.[1] != '-' -> loop_pos3 set.[0] set.[1] set.[2] max | n -> loop (find_setp stp char_set) max end | Neg_set set -> begin match String.length set with | 0 -> loop (fun c -> 1) max | 1 -> loop_neg1 set.[0] max | 2 -> loop_neg2 set.[0] set.[1] max | 3 when set.[1] != '-' -> loop_neg3 set.[0] set.[1] set.[2] max | n -> loop (find_setp stp char_set) max end in ignore_stoppers stp ib; max;; let get_count t ib = match t with | 'l' -> Scanning.line_count ib | 'n' -> Scanning.char_count ib | _ -> Scanning.token_count ib;; let rec skip_whites ib = let c = Scanning.peek_char ib in if not (Scanning.eof ib) then begin match c with | ' ' | '\t' | '\n' | '\r' -> Scanning.invalidate_current_char ib; skip_whites ib | _ -> () end;; let list_iter_i f l = let rec loop i = function | [] -> () | [x] -> f i x (* Tail calling [f] *) | x :: xs -> f i x; loop (succ i) xs in loop 0 l;; (* The [kscanf] main scanning function. It takes as arguments: - an input buffer [ib] from which to read characters, - an error handling function [ef], - a format [fmt] that specifies what to read in the input, - and a function [f] to pass the tokens read to. Then [kscanf] scans the format and the buffer in parallel to find out tokens as specified by the format; when it founds one token, it converts it as specified, remembers the converted value as a future argument to the function [f], and continues scanning. If the entire scanning succeeds (i.e. the format string has been exhausted and the buffer has provided tokens according to the format string), the tokens are applied to [f]. If the scanning or some conversion fails, the main scanning function aborts and applies the scanning buffer and a string that explains the error to the error handling function [ef] (the error continuation). *) let ascanf sc fmt = let ac = Tformat.ac_of_format fmt in match ac.Tformat.ac_rdrs with | 0 -> Obj.magic (fun f -> sc fmt [||] f) | 1 -> Obj.magic (fun x f -> sc fmt [| Obj.repr x |] f) | 2 -> Obj.magic (fun x y f -> sc fmt [| Obj.repr x; Obj.repr y; |] f) | 3 -> Obj.magic (fun x y z f -> sc fmt [| Obj.repr x; Obj.repr y; Obj.repr z; |] f) | nargs -> let rec loop i args = if i >= nargs then let a = Array.make nargs (Obj.repr 0) in list_iter_i (fun i arg -> a.(nargs - i - 1) <- arg) args; Obj.magic (fun f -> sc fmt a f) else Obj.magic (fun x -> loop (succ i) (x :: args)) in loop 0 [];; let scan_format ib ef fmt v f = let lim = Sformat.length fmt - 1 in let limr = Array.length v - 1 in let return v = Obj.magic v () in let delay f x () = f x in let stack f = delay (return f) in let no_stack f x = f in let rec scan_fmt ir f i = if i > lim then f else match Sformat.get fmt i with | ' ' -> skip_whites ib; scan_fmt ir f (succ i) | '%' -> if i > lim then incomplete_format fmt else scan_conversion false max_int ir f (succ i) | '@' -> let i = succ i in if i > lim then incomplete_format fmt else begin check_char ib (Sformat.get fmt i); scan_fmt ir f (succ i) end | c -> check_char ib c; scan_fmt ir f (succ i) and scan_conversion skip max ir f i = let stack = if skip then no_stack else stack in match Sformat.get fmt i with | '%' as conv -> check_char ib conv; scan_fmt ir f (succ i) | 's' -> let i, stp = scan_fmt_stoppers (succ i) in let _x = scan_string stp max ib in scan_fmt ir (stack f (token_string ib)) (succ i) | 'S' -> let _x = scan_String max ib in scan_fmt ir (stack f (token_string ib)) (succ i) | '[' (* ']' *) -> let i, char_set = read_char_set fmt (succ i) in let i, stp = scan_fmt_stoppers (succ i) in let _x = scan_chars_in_char_set stp char_set max ib in scan_fmt ir (stack f (token_string ib)) (succ i) | 'c' when max = 0 -> let c = Scanning.checked_peek_char ib in scan_fmt ir (stack f c) (succ i) | 'c' | 'C' as conv -> if max <> 1 && max <> max_int then bad_conversion fmt i conv else let _x = if conv = 'c' then scan_char max ib else scan_Char max ib in scan_fmt ir (stack f (token_char ib)) (succ i) | 'd' | 'i' | 'o' | 'u' | 'x' | 'X' as conv -> let _x = scan_int_conv conv max ib in scan_fmt ir (stack f (token_int conv ib)) (succ i) | 'N' as conv -> scan_fmt ir (stack f (get_count conv ib)) (succ i) | 'f' | 'e' | 'E' | 'g' | 'G' -> let _x = scan_float max ib in scan_fmt ir (stack f (token_float ib)) (succ i) | 'F' -> let _x = scan_Float max ib in scan_fmt ir (stack f (token_float ib)) (succ i) | 'B' | 'b' -> let _x = scan_bool max ib in scan_fmt ir (stack f (token_bool ib)) (succ i) | 'r' -> if ir > limr then assert false else let token = Obj.magic v.(ir) ib in scan_fmt (succ ir) (stack f token) (succ i) | 'l' | 'n' | 'L' as conv -> let i = succ i in if i > lim then scan_fmt ir (stack f (get_count conv ib)) i else begin match Sformat.get fmt i with (* This is in fact an integer conversion (e.g. %ld, %ni, or %Lo). *) | 'd' | 'i' | 'o' | 'u' | 'x' | 'X' as conv -> let _x = scan_int_conv conv max ib in (* Look back to the character that triggered the integer conversion (this character is either 'l', 'n' or 'L'), to find the conversion to apply to the integer token read. *) begin match Sformat.get fmt (i - 1) with | 'l' -> scan_fmt ir (stack f (token_int32 conv ib)) (succ i) | 'n' -> scan_fmt ir (stack f (token_nativeint conv ib)) (succ i) | _ -> scan_fmt ir (stack f (token_int64 conv ib)) (succ i) end (* This is not an integer conversion, but a regular %l, %n or %L. *) | _ -> scan_fmt ir (stack f (get_count conv ib)) i end | '!' -> if Scanning.end_of_input ib then scan_fmt ir f (succ i) else bad_input "end of input not found" | '_' -> if i > lim then incomplete_format fmt else scan_conversion true max ir f (succ i) | '0' .. '9' as conv -> let rec read_width accu i = if i > lim then accu, i else match Sformat.get fmt i with | '0' .. '9' as c -> let accu = 10 * accu + int_value_of_char c in read_width accu (succ i) | _ -> accu, i in let max, i = read_width (int_value_of_char conv) (succ i) in if i > lim then incomplete_format fmt else begin match Sformat.get fmt i with | '.' -> let p, i = read_width 0 (succ i) in scan_conversion skip (succ (max + p)) ir f i | _ -> scan_conversion skip max ir f i end | '(' | '{' as conv (* ')' '}' *) -> let i = succ i in let j = Tformat.sub_format incomplete_format bad_conversion conv fmt i in let mf = Sformat.sub fmt (Sformat.index_of_int i) (j - 2 - i) in let _x = scan_String max ib in let rf = token_string ib in if not (compatible_format_type rf mf) then format_mismatch rf mf ib else if conv = '{' (* '}' *) then scan_fmt ir (stack f rf) j else let nf = scan_fmt ir (Obj.magic rf) 0 in scan_fmt ir (stack f nf) j | c -> bad_conversion fmt i c and scan_fmt_stoppers i = if i > lim then i - 1, [] else match Sformat.get fmt i with | '@' when i < lim -> let i = succ i in i, [Sformat.get fmt i] | '@' when i = lim -> incomplete_format fmt | _ -> i - 1, [] in Scanning.reset_token ib; let v = try scan_fmt 0 (fun () -> f) 0 with | (Scan_failure _ | Failure _ | End_of_file) as exc -> stack (delay ef ib) exc in return v;; let mkscanf ib ef fmt = let sc = scan_format ib ef in ascanf sc fmt;; let kscanf ib ef fmt = mkscanf ib ef fmt;; let bscanf ib = kscanf ib scanf_bad_input;; let fscanf ic = bscanf (Scanning.from_channel ic);; let sscanf s = bscanf (Scanning.from_string s);; let scanf fmt = bscanf Scanning.stdib fmt;; let bscanf_format ib fmt f = let fmt = Sformat.unsafe_to_string fmt in let fmt1 = ignore (scan_String max_int ib); token_string ib in if not (compatible_format_type fmt1 fmt) then format_mismatch fmt1 fmt ib else f (string_to_format fmt1);; let sscanf_format s fmt f = bscanf_format (Scanning.from_string s) fmt f;; let quote_string s = let b = Buffer.create (String.length s + 2) in Buffer.add_char b '\"'; Buffer.add_string b s; Buffer.add_char b '\"'; Buffer.contents b;; let format_from_string s fmt = sscanf_format (quote_string s) fmt (fun x -> x);;