(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* Daniel de Rauglaudre, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 1997 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with *) (* the special exception on linking described in file ../LICENSE. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* The fields of type t are not mutable to preserve polymorphism of the empty stream. This is type safe because the empty stream is never patched. *) type 'a t = { count : int; data : 'a data } and 'a data = Sempty | Scons of 'a * 'a data | Sapp of 'a data * 'a data | Slazy of 'a data Lazy.t | Sgen of 'a gen | Sbuffio of buffio and 'a gen = { mutable curr : 'a option option; func : int -> 'a option } and buffio = { ic : in_channel; buff : string; mutable len : int; mutable ind : int } ;; exception Failure;; exception Error of string;; external count : 'a t -> int = "%field0";; external set_count : 'a t -> int -> unit = "%setfield0";; let set_data (s : 'a t) (d : 'a data) = Obj.set_field (Obj.repr s) 1 (Obj.repr d) ;; let fill_buff b = b.len <- input b.ic b.buff 0 (String.length b.buff); b.ind <- 0 ;; let rec get_data count d = match d with (* Returns either Sempty or Scons(a, _) even when d is a generator or a buffer. In those cases, the item a is seen as extracted from the generator/buffer. The count parameter is used for calling `Sgen-functions'. *) Sempty | Scons (_, _) -> d | Sapp (d1, d2) -> begin match get_data count d1 with Scons (a, d11) -> Scons (a, Sapp (d11, d2)) | Sempty -> get_data count d2 | _ -> assert false end | Sgen {curr = Some None; func = _ } -> Sempty | Sgen ({curr = Some(Some a); func = f} as g) -> g.curr <- None; Scons(a, d) | Sgen g -> begin match g.func count with None -> g.curr <- Some(None); Sempty | Some a -> Scons(a, d) (* Warning: anyone using g thinks that an item has been read *) end | Sbuffio b -> if b.ind >= b.len then fill_buff b; if b.len == 0 then Sempty else let r = Obj.magic (String.unsafe_get b.buff b.ind) in (* Warning: anyone using g thinks that an item has been read *) b.ind <- succ b.ind; Scons(r, d) | Slazy f -> get_data count (Lazy.force f) ;; let rec peek s = (* consult the first item of s *) match s.data with Sempty -> None | Scons (a, _) -> Some a | Sapp (_, _) -> begin match get_data s.count s.data with Scons(a, _) as d -> set_data s d; Some a | Sempty -> None | _ -> assert false end | Slazy f -> set_data s (Lazy.force f); peek s | Sgen {curr = Some a} -> a | Sgen g -> let x = g.func s.count in g.curr <- Some x; x | Sbuffio b -> if b.ind >= b.len then fill_buff b; if b.len == 0 then begin set_data s Sempty; None end else Some (Obj.magic (String.unsafe_get b.buff b.ind)) ;; let rec junk s = match s.data with Scons (_, d) -> set_count s (succ s.count); set_data s d | Sgen ({curr = Some _} as g) -> set_count s (succ s.count); g.curr <- None | Sbuffio b -> set_count s (succ s.count); b.ind <- succ b.ind | _ -> match peek s with None -> () | Some _ -> junk s ;; let rec nget n s = if n <= 0 then [], s.data, 0 else match peek s with Some a -> junk s; let (al, d, k) = nget (pred n) s in a :: al, Scons (a, d), succ k | None -> [], s.data, 0 ;; let npeek n s = let (al, d, len) = nget n s in set_count s (s.count - len); set_data s d; al ;; let next s = match peek s with Some a -> junk s; a | None -> raise Failure ;; let empty s = match peek s with Some _ -> raise Failure | None -> () ;; let iter f strm = let rec do_rec () = match peek strm with Some a -> junk strm; ignore(f a); do_rec () | None -> () in do_rec () ;; (* Stream building functions *) let from f = {count = 0; data = Sgen {curr = None; func = f}};; let of_list l = {count = 0; data = List.fold_right (fun x l -> Scons (x, l)) l Sempty} ;; let of_string s = let count = ref 0 in from (fun _ -> (* We cannot use the index passed by the [from] function directly because it returns the current stream count, with absolutely no guarantee that it will start from 0. For example, in the case of [Stream.icons 'c' (Stream.from_string "ab")], the first access to the string will be made with count [1] already. *) let c = !count in if c < String.length s then (incr count; Some s.[c]) else None) ;; let of_channel ic = {count = 0; data = Sbuffio {ic = ic; buff = String.create 4096; len = 0; ind = 0}} ;; (* Stream expressions builders *) let iapp i s = {count = 0; data = Sapp (i.data, s.data)};; let icons i s = {count = 0; data = Scons (i, s.data)};; let ising i = {count = 0; data = Scons (i, Sempty)};; let lapp f s = {count = 0; data = Slazy (lazy(Sapp ((f ()).data, s.data)))} ;; let lcons f s = {count = 0; data = Slazy (lazy(Scons (f (), s.data)))};; let lsing f = {count = 0; data = Slazy (lazy(Scons (f (), Sempty)))};; let sempty = {count = 0; data = Sempty};; let slazy f = {count = 0; data = Slazy (lazy(f ()).data)};; (* For debugging use *) let rec dump f s = print_string "{count = "; print_int s.count; print_string "; data = "; dump_data f s.data; print_string "}"; print_newline () and dump_data f = function Sempty -> print_string "Sempty" | Scons (a, d) -> print_string "Scons ("; f a; print_string ", "; dump_data f d; print_string ")" | Sapp (d1, d2) -> print_string "Sapp ("; dump_data f d1; print_string ", "; dump_data f d2; print_string ")" | Slazy _ -> print_string "Slazy" | Sgen _ -> print_string "Sgen" | Sbuffio b -> print_string "Sbuffio" ;;