(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* Damien Doligez, projet Gallium, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 2014 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with *) (* the special exception on linking described in file ../LICENSE. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* String operations, based on byte sequence operations *) external length : string -> int = "%string_length" external get : string -> int -> char = "%string_safe_get" external set : bytes -> int -> char -> unit = "%string_safe_set" external create : int -> bytes = "caml_create_string" external unsafe_get : string -> int -> char = "%string_unsafe_get" external unsafe_set : bytes -> int -> char -> unit = "%string_unsafe_set" external unsafe_blit : string -> int -> bytes -> int -> int -> unit = "caml_blit_string" "noalloc" external unsafe_fill : bytes -> int -> int -> char -> unit = "caml_fill_string" "noalloc" module B = Bytes let bts = B.unsafe_to_string let bos = B.unsafe_of_string let make n c = B.make n c |> bts let init n f = B.init n f |> bts let copy s = B.copy (bos s) |> bts let sub s ofs len = B.sub (bos s) ofs len |> bts let fill = B.fill let blit = B.blit_string let concat sep l = match l with | [] -> "" | hd :: tl -> let num = ref 0 and len = ref 0 in List.iter (fun s -> incr num; len := !len + length s) l; let r = B.create (!len + length sep * (!num - 1)) in unsafe_blit hd 0 r 0 (length hd); let pos = ref(length hd) in List.iter (fun s -> unsafe_blit sep 0 r !pos (length sep); pos := !pos + length sep; unsafe_blit s 0 r !pos (length s); pos := !pos + length s) tl; Bytes.unsafe_to_string r let iter f s = B.iter f (bos s) let iteri f s = B.iteri f (bos s) let map f s = B.map f (bos s) |> bts let mapi f s = B.mapi f (bos s) |> bts (* Beware: we cannot use B.trim or B.escape because they always make a copy, but String.mli spells out some cases where we are not allowed to make a copy. *) external is_printable: char -> bool = "caml_is_printable" let is_space = function | ' ' | '\012' | '\n' | '\r' | '\t' -> true | _ -> false let trim s = if s = "" then s else if is_space (unsafe_get s 0) || is_space (unsafe_get s (length s - 1)) then bts (B.trim (bos s)) else s let escaped s = let rec needs_escape i = if i >= length s then false else match unsafe_get s i with | '"' | '\\' | '\n' | '\t' | '\r' | '\b' -> true | c when is_printable c -> needs_escape (i+1) | _ -> true in if needs_escape 0 then bts (B.escaped (bos s)) else s let index s c = B.index (bos s) c let rindex s c = B.rindex (bos s) c let index_from s i c= B.index_from (bos s) i c let rindex_from s i c = B.rindex_from (bos s) i c let contains s c = B.contains (bos s) c let contains_from s i c = B.contains_from (bos s) i c let rcontains_from s i c = B.rcontains_from (bos s) i c let uppercase s = B.uppercase (bos s) |> bts let lowercase s = B.lowercase (bos s) |> bts let capitalize s = B.capitalize (bos s) |> bts let uncapitalize s = B.uncapitalize (bos s) |> bts type t = string let compare (x: t) (y: t) = Pervasives.compare x y