(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* Test for "include " inside structures *) module A = struct type t = int let x = (1 : t) let y = (2 : t) let f (z : t) = (x + z : t) end module B = struct include A type u = t * t let p = ((x, y) : u) let g ((x, y) : u) = ((f x, f y) : u) end let _ = let print_pair (x,y) = print_int x; print_string ", "; print_int y; print_newline() in print_pair B.p; print_pair (B.g B.p); print_pair (B.g (123, 456)) module H = struct include A let f (z : t) = (x - 1 : t) end let _ = print_int (H.f H.x); print_newline() module C = struct include (A : sig type t val f : t -> int val x : t end) let z = f x end let _ = print_int C.z; print_newline(); print_int (C.f C.x); print_newline() (* Toplevel inclusion *) include A let _ = print_int x; print_newline(); print_int (f y); print_newline() (* With a functor *) module F(X: sig end) = struct let _ = print_string "F is called"; print_newline() type t = A | B of int let print_t = function A -> print_string "A" | B x -> print_int x end module D = struct include F(struct end) let test() = print_t A; print_newline(); print_t (B 42); print_newline() end let _ = D.test(); D.print_t D.A; print_newline(); D.print_t (D.B 42); print_newline() (* Exceptions and classes *) module E = struct exception Exn of string class c = object method m = 1 end end module G = struct include E let _ = begin try raise (Exn "foo") with Exn s -> print_string s end; print_int ((new c)#m); print_newline() end let _ = begin try raise (G.Exn "foo") with G.Exn s -> print_string s end; print_int ((new G.c)#m); print_newline()