(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) open Bigarray open Printf open Complex (* Test harness *) let error_occurred = ref false let function_tested = ref "" let testing_function s = function_tested := s; print_newline(); print_string s; print_newline() let test test_number answer correct_answer = flush stdout; flush stderr; if answer <> correct_answer then begin eprintf "*** Bad result (%s, test %d)\n" !function_tested test_number; flush stderr; error_occurred := true end else begin printf " %d..." test_number end (* One-dimensional arrays *) let _ = testing_function "------ Array1 --------"; testing_function "create/set/get"; let test_setget kind vals = let rec set a i = function [] -> () | (v1, v2) :: tl -> a.{i} <- v1; set a (i+1) tl in let rec test a i = function [] -> true | (v1, v2) :: tl -> a.{i} = v2 && test a (i+1) tl in let ca = Array1.create kind c_layout (List.length vals) in let fa = Array1.create kind fortran_layout (List.length vals) in set ca 0 vals; set fa 1 vals; test ca 0 vals && test fa 1 vals in test 1 true (test_setget int8_signed [0, 0; 123, 123; -123, -123; 456, -56; 0x101, 1]); test 2 true (test_setget int8_unsigned [0, 0; 123, 123; -123, 133; 456, 0xc8; 0x101, 1]); test 3 true (test_setget int16_signed [0, 0; 123, 123; -123, -123; 31456, 31456; -31456, -31456; 65432, -104; 0x10001, 1]); test 4 true (test_setget int16_unsigned [0, 0; 123, 123; -123, 65413; 31456, 31456; -31456, 34080; 65432, 65432; 0x10001, 1]); test 5 true (test_setget int [0, 0; 123, 123; -456, -456; max_int, max_int; min_int, min_int; 0x12345678, 0x12345678; -0x12345678, -0x12345678]); test 6 true (test_setget int32 [Int32.zero, Int32.zero; Int32.of_int 123, Int32.of_int 123; Int32.of_int (-456), Int32.of_int (-456); Int32.max_int, Int32.max_int; Int32.min_int, Int32.min_int; Int32.of_string "0x12345678", Int32.of_string "0x12345678"]); test 7 true (test_setget int64 [Int64.zero, Int64.zero; Int64.of_int 123, Int64.of_int 123; Int64.of_int (-456), Int64.of_int (-456); Int64.max_int, Int64.max_int; Int64.min_int, Int64.min_int; Int64.of_string "0x123456789ABCDEF0", Int64.of_string "0x123456789ABCDEF0"]); test 8 true (test_setget nativeint [Nativeint.zero, Nativeint.zero; Nativeint.of_int 123, Nativeint.of_int 123; Nativeint.of_int (-456), Nativeint.of_int (-456); Nativeint.max_int, Nativeint.max_int; Nativeint.min_int, Nativeint.min_int; Nativeint.of_string "0x12345678", Nativeint.of_string "0x12345678"]); test 9 true (test_setget float32 [0.0, 0.0; 4.0, 4.0; -0.5, -0.5; 655360.0, 655360.0]); test 10 true (test_setget float64 [0.0, 0.0; 4.0, 4.0; -0.5, -0.5; 1.2345678, 1.2345678; 3.1415e10, 3.1415e10]); test 11 true (test_setget complex32 [Complex.zero, Complex.zero; Complex.one, Complex.one; Complex.i, Complex.i; {im = 0.5; re = -2.0}, {im = 0.5; re = -2.0}]); test 12 true (test_setget complex64 [Complex.zero, Complex.zero; Complex.one, Complex.one; Complex.i, Complex.i; {im=0.5;re= -2.0}, {im=0.5;re= -2.0}; {im=3.1415;re=1.2345678}, {im=3.1415;re=1.2345678}]); let from_list kind vals = let a = Array1.create kind c_layout (List.length vals) in let rec set i = function [] -> () | hd :: tl -> a.{i} <- hd; set (i+1) tl in set 0 vals; a in let from_list_fortran kind vals = let a = Array1.create kind fortran_layout (List.length vals) in let rec set i = function [] -> () | hd :: tl -> a.{i} <- hd; set (i+1) tl in set 1 vals; a in testing_function "set/get (specialized)"; let a = Array1.create int c_layout 3 in for i = 0 to 2 do a.{i} <- i done; for i = 0 to 2 do test (i+1) a.{i} i done; test 4 true (try ignore a.{3}; false with Invalid_argument _ -> true); test 5 true (try ignore a.{-1}; false with Invalid_argument _ -> true); let b = Array1.create float64 fortran_layout 3 in for i = 1 to 3 do b.{i} <- float i done; for i = 1 to 3 do test (5 + i) b.{i} (float i) done; test 8 true (try ignore b.{4}; false with Invalid_argument _ -> true); test 9 true (try ignore b.{0}; false with Invalid_argument _ -> true); let c = Array1.create complex64 c_layout 3 in for i = 0 to 2 do c.{i} <- {re=float i; im=0.0} done; for i = 0 to 2 do test (10 + i) c.{i} {re=float i; im=0.0} done; test 13 true (try ignore c.{3}; false with Invalid_argument _ -> true); test 14 true (try ignore c.{-1}; false with Invalid_argument _ -> true); let d = Array1.create complex32 fortran_layout 3 in for i = 1 to 3 do d.{i} <- {re=float i; im=0.0} done; for i = 1 to 3 do test (14 + i) d.{i} {re=float i; im=0.0} done; test 18 true (try ignore d.{4}; false with Invalid_argument _ -> true); test 19 true (try ignore d.{0}; false with Invalid_argument _ -> true); testing_function "set/get (unsafe, specialized)"; let a = Array1.create int c_layout 3 in for i = 0 to 2 do Array1.unsafe_set a i i done; for i = 0 to 2 do test (i+1) (Array1.unsafe_get a i) i done; let b = Array1.create float64 fortran_layout 3 in for i = 1 to 3 do Array1.unsafe_set b i (float i) done; for i = 1 to 3 do test (5 + i) (Array1.unsafe_get b i) (float i) done; testing_function "comparisons"; let normalize_comparison n = if n = 0 then 0 else if n < 0 then -1 else 1 in test 1 0 (normalize_comparison (compare (from_list int8_signed [1;2;3;-4;127;-128]) (from_list int8_signed [1;2;3;-4;127;-128]))); test 2 (-1) (normalize_comparison (compare (from_list int8_signed [1;2;3;-4;127;-128]) (from_list int8_signed [1;2;3;4;127;-128]))); test 3 1 (normalize_comparison (compare (from_list int8_signed [1;2;3;-4;127;-128]) (from_list int8_signed [1;2;3;-4;42;-128]))); test 4 (-1) (normalize_comparison (compare (from_list int8_signed [1;2;3;-4]) (from_list int8_signed [1;2;3;4;127;-128]))); test 5 1 (normalize_comparison (compare (from_list int8_signed [1;2;3;4;127;-128]) (from_list int8_signed [1;2;3;-4]))); test 6 0 (normalize_comparison (compare (from_list int8_unsigned [1;2;3;-4;127;-128]) (from_list int8_unsigned [1;2;3;-4;127;-128]))); test 7 1 (normalize_comparison (compare (from_list int8_unsigned [1;2;3;-4;127;-128]) (from_list int8_unsigned [1;2;3;4;127;-128]))); test 8 1 (normalize_comparison (compare (from_list int8_unsigned [1;2;3;-4;127;-128]) (from_list int8_unsigned [1;2;3;-4;42;-128]))); test 9 0 (normalize_comparison (compare (from_list int16_signed [1;2;3;-4;127;-128]) (from_list int16_signed [1;2;3;-4;127;-128]))); test 10 (-1) (normalize_comparison (compare (from_list int16_signed [1;2;3;-4;127;-128]) (from_list int16_signed [1;2;3;4;127;-128]))); test 11 1 (normalize_comparison (compare (from_list int16_signed [1;2;3;-4;127;-128]) (from_list int16_signed [1;2;3;-4;42;-128]))); test 12 0 (normalize_comparison (compare (from_list int16_unsigned [1;2;3;-4;127;-128]) (from_list int16_unsigned [1;2;3;-4;127;-128]))); test 13 (-1) (normalize_comparison (compare (from_list int16_unsigned [1;2;3;4;127;-128]) (from_list int16_unsigned [1;2;3;0xFFFF;127;-128]))); test 14 1 (normalize_comparison (compare (from_list int16_unsigned [1;2;3;-4;127;-128]) (from_list int16_unsigned [1;2;3;-4;42;-128]))); test 15 0 (normalize_comparison (compare (from_list int [1;2;3;-4;127;-128]) (from_list int [1;2;3;-4;127;-128]))); test 16 (-1) (normalize_comparison (compare (from_list int [1;2;3;-4;127;-128]) (from_list int [1;2;3;4;127;-128]))); test 17 1 (normalize_comparison (compare (from_list int [1;2;3;-4;127;-128]) (from_list int [1;2;3;-4;42;-128]))); test 18 0 (normalize_comparison (compare (from_list int32 (List.map Int32.of_int [1;2;3;-4;127;-128])) (from_list int32 (List.map Int32.of_int [1;2;3;-4;127;-128])))); test 19 (-1) (normalize_comparison (compare (from_list int32 (List.map Int32.of_int [1;2;3;-4;127;-128])) (from_list int32 (List.map Int32.of_int [1;2;3;4;127;-128])))); test 20 1 (normalize_comparison (compare (from_list int32 (List.map Int32.of_int [1;2;3;-4;127;-128])) (from_list int32 (List.map Int32.of_int [1;2;3;-4;42;-128])))); test 21 0 (normalize_comparison (compare (from_list int64 (List.map Int64.of_int [1;2;3;-4;127;-128])) (from_list int64 (List.map Int64.of_int [1;2;3;-4;127;-128])))); test 22 (-1) (normalize_comparison (compare (from_list int64 (List.map Int64.of_int [1;2;3;-4;127;-128])) (from_list int64 (List.map Int64.of_int [1;2;3;4;127;-128])))); test 23 1 (normalize_comparison (compare (from_list int64 (List.map Int64.of_int [1;2;3;-4;127;-128])) (from_list int64 (List.map Int64.of_int [1;2;3;-4;42;-128])))); test 24 0 (normalize_comparison (compare (from_list nativeint (List.map Nativeint.of_int [1;2;3;-4;127;-128])) (from_list nativeint (List.map Nativeint.of_int [1;2;3;-4;127;-128])))); test 25 (-1) (normalize_comparison (compare (from_list nativeint (List.map Nativeint.of_int [1;2;3;-4;127;-128])) (from_list nativeint (List.map Nativeint.of_int [1;2;3;4;127;-128])))); test 26 1 (normalize_comparison (compare (from_list nativeint (List.map Nativeint.of_int [1;2;3;-4;127;-128])) (from_list nativeint (List.map Nativeint.of_int [1;2;3;-4;42;-128])))); test 27 0 (normalize_comparison (compare (from_list float32 [0.0; 0.25; -4.0; 3.141592654]) (from_list float32 [0.0; 0.25; -4.0; 3.141592654]))); test 28 (-1) (normalize_comparison (compare (from_list float32 [0.0; 0.25; -4.0]) (from_list float32 [0.0; 0.25; 3.14159]))); test 29 1 (normalize_comparison (compare (from_list float32 [0.0; 2.718; -4.0]) (from_list float32 [0.0; 0.25; 3.14159]))); test 30 0 (normalize_comparison (compare (from_list float64 [0.0; 0.25; -4.0; 3.141592654]) (from_list float64 [0.0; 0.25; -4.0; 3.141592654]))); test 31 (-1) (normalize_comparison (compare (from_list float64 [0.0; 0.25; -4.0]) (from_list float64 [0.0; 0.25; 3.14159]))); test 32 1 (normalize_comparison (compare (from_list float64 [0.0; 2.718; -4.0]) (from_list float64 [0.0; 0.25; 3.14159]))); test 44 0 (normalize_comparison (compare (from_list complex32 [Complex.zero; Complex.one; Complex.i]) (from_list complex32 [Complex.zero; Complex.one; Complex.i]))); test 45 (-1) (normalize_comparison (compare (from_list complex32 [Complex.zero; Complex.one; Complex.i]) (from_list complex32 [Complex.zero; Complex.one; Complex.one]))); test 46 1 (normalize_comparison (compare (from_list complex32 [Complex.zero; Complex.one; Complex.one]) (from_list complex32 [Complex.zero; Complex.one; Complex.i]))); test 47 0 (normalize_comparison (compare (from_list complex64 [Complex.zero; Complex.one; Complex.i]) (from_list complex64 [Complex.zero; Complex.one; Complex.i]))); test 48 (-1) (normalize_comparison (compare (from_list complex64 [Complex.zero; Complex.one; Complex.i]) (from_list complex64 [Complex.zero; Complex.one; Complex.one]))); test 49 1 (normalize_comparison (compare (from_list complex64 [Complex.zero; Complex.one; Complex.one]) (from_list complex64 [Complex.zero; Complex.one; Complex.i]))); testing_function "dim"; test 1 (Array1.dim (from_list int [1;2;3;4;5])) 5; test 2 (Array1.dim (from_list_fortran int [1;2;3])) 3; testing_function "kind & layout"; let a = from_list int [1;2;3] in test 1 (Array1.kind a) int; test 2 (Array1.layout a) c_layout; let a = from_list_fortran float32 [1.0;2.0;3.0] in test 1 (Array1.kind a) float32; test 2 (Array1.layout a) fortran_layout; testing_function "sub"; let a = from_list int [1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8] in test 1 (Array1.sub a 2 5) (from_list int [3;4;5;6;7]); test 2 (Array1.sub a 0 2) (from_list int [1;2]); test 3 (Array1.sub a 0 8) (from_list int [1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8]); let a = from_list float64 [1.0;2.0;3.0;4.0;5.0;6.0;7.0;8.0] in test 4 (Array1.sub a 2 5) (from_list float64 [3.0;4.0;5.0;6.0;7.0]); test 5 (Array1.sub a 0 2) (from_list float64 [1.0;2.0]); test 6 (Array1.sub a 0 8) (from_list float64 [1.0;2.0;3.0;4.0;5.0;6.0;7.0;8.0]); let a = from_list_fortran float64 [1.0;2.0;3.0;4.0;5.0;6.0;7.0;8.0] in test 7 (Array1.sub a 2 5) (from_list_fortran float64 [2.0;3.0;4.0;5.0;6.0]); test 8 (Array1.sub a 1 2) (from_list_fortran float64 [1.0;2.0]); test 9 (Array1.sub a 1 8) (from_list_fortran float64 [1.0;2.0;3.0;4.0;5.0;6.0;7.0;8.0]); Gc.full_major(); (* test GC of proxies *) testing_function "blit, fill"; let test_blit_fill kind data initval ofs len = let a = from_list kind data in let b = Array1.create kind c_layout (List.length data) in Array1.blit a b; (a = b) && (Array1.fill (Array1.sub b ofs len) initval; let rec check i = function [] -> true | hd :: tl -> b.{i} = (if i >= ofs && i < ofs + len then initval else hd) && check (i+1) tl in check 0 data) in test 1 true (test_blit_fill int8_signed [1;2;5;8;-100;127] 7 3 2); test 2 true (test_blit_fill int8_unsigned [1;2;5;8;-100;212] 7 3 2); test 3 true (test_blit_fill int16_signed [1;2;5;8;-100;212] 7 3 2); test 4 true (test_blit_fill int16_unsigned [1;2;5;8;-100;212] 7 3 2); test 5 true (test_blit_fill int [1;2;5;8;-100;212] 7 3 2); test 6 true (test_blit_fill int32 (List.map Int32.of_int [1;2;5;8;-100;212]) (Int32.of_int 7) 3 2); test 7 true (test_blit_fill int64 (List.map Int64.of_int [1;2;5;8;-100;212]) (Int64.of_int 7) 3 2); test 8 true (test_blit_fill nativeint (List.map Nativeint.of_int [1;2;5;8;-100;212]) (Nativeint.of_int 7) 3 2); test 9 true (test_blit_fill float32 [1.0;2.0;0.5;0.125;256.0;512.0] 0.25 3 2); test 10 true (test_blit_fill float64 [1.0;2.0;5.0;8.123;-100.456;212e19] 3.1415 3 2); test 11 true (test_blit_fill complex32 [Complex.zero; Complex.one; Complex.i] Complex.i 1 1); test 12 true (test_blit_fill complex64 [Complex.zero; Complex.one; Complex.i] Complex.i 1 1); (* Bi-dimensional arrays *) print_newline(); testing_function "------ Array2 --------"; testing_function "create/set/get"; let make_array2 kind layout ind0 dim1 dim2 fromint = let a = Array2.create kind layout dim1 dim2 in for i = ind0 to dim1 - 1 + ind0 do for j = ind0 to dim2 - 1 + ind0 do a.{i,j} <- (fromint (i * 1000 + j)) done done; a in let check_array2 a ind0 dim1 dim2 fromint = try for i = ind0 to dim1 - 1 + ind0 do for j = ind0 to dim2 - 1 + ind0 do if a.{i,j} <> (fromint (i * 1000 + j)) then raise Exit done done; true with Exit -> false in let id x = x in test 1 true (check_array2 (make_array2 int16_signed c_layout 0 10 20 id) 0 10 20 id); test 2 true (check_array2 (make_array2 int c_layout 0 10 20 id) 0 10 20 id); test 3 true (check_array2 (make_array2 int32 c_layout 0 10 20 Int32.of_int) 0 10 20 Int32.of_int); test 4 true (check_array2 (make_array2 float32 c_layout 0 10 20 float) 0 10 20 float); test 5 true (check_array2 (make_array2 float64 c_layout 0 10 20 float) 0 10 20 float); test 6 true (check_array2 (make_array2 int16_signed fortran_layout 1 10 20 id) 1 10 20 id); test 7 true (check_array2 (make_array2 int fortran_layout 1 10 20 id) 1 10 20 id); test 8 true (check_array2 (make_array2 int32 fortran_layout 1 10 20 Int32.of_int) 1 10 20 Int32.of_int); test 9 true (check_array2 (make_array2 float32 fortran_layout 1 10 20 float) 1 10 20 float); test 10 true (check_array2 (make_array2 float64 fortran_layout 1 10 20 float) 1 10 20 float); let makecomplex i = {re = float i; im = float (-i)} in test 11 true (check_array2 (make_array2 complex32 c_layout 0 10 20 makecomplex) 0 10 20 makecomplex); test 12 true (check_array2 (make_array2 complex64 c_layout 0 10 20 makecomplex) 0 10 20 makecomplex); test 13 true (check_array2 (make_array2 complex32 fortran_layout 1 10 20 makecomplex) 1 10 20 makecomplex); test 14 true (check_array2 (make_array2 complex64 fortran_layout 1 10 20 makecomplex) 1 10 20 makecomplex); testing_function "set/get (specialized)"; let a = Array2.create int16_signed c_layout 3 3 in for i = 0 to 2 do for j = 0 to 2 do a.{i,j} <- i-j done done; let ok = ref true in for i = 0 to 2 do for j = 0 to 2 do if a.{i,j} <> i-j then ok := false done done; test 1 true !ok; test 2 true (try ignore a.{3,0}; false with Invalid_argument _ -> true); test 3 true (try ignore a.{-1,0}; false with Invalid_argument _ -> true); test 4 true (try ignore a.{0,3}; false with Invalid_argument _ -> true); test 5 true (try ignore a.{0,-1}; false with Invalid_argument _ -> true); let b = Array2.create float32 fortran_layout 3 3 in for i = 1 to 3 do for j = 1 to 3 do b.{i,j} <- float(i-j) done done; let ok = ref true in for i = 1 to 3 do for j = 1 to 3 do if b.{i,j} <> float(i-j) then ok := false done done; test 6 true !ok; test 7 true (try ignore b.{4,1}; false with Invalid_argument _ -> true); test 8 true (try ignore b.{0,1}; false with Invalid_argument _ -> true); test 9 true (try ignore b.{1,4}; false with Invalid_argument _ -> true); test 10 true (try ignore b.{1,0}; false with Invalid_argument _ -> true); testing_function "set/get (unsafe, specialized)"; let a = Array2.create int16_signed c_layout 3 3 in for i = 0 to 2 do for j = 0 to 2 do Array2.unsafe_set a i j (i-j) done done; let ok = ref true in for i = 0 to 2 do for j = 0 to 2 do if Array2.unsafe_get a i j <> i-j then ok := false done done; test 1 true !ok; let b = Array2.create float32 fortran_layout 3 3 in for i = 1 to 3 do for j = 1 to 3 do Array2.unsafe_set b i j (float(i-j)) done done; let ok = ref true in for i = 1 to 3 do for j = 1 to 3 do if Array2.unsafe_get b i j <> float(i-j) then ok := false done done; test 2 true !ok; testing_function "dim"; let a = (make_array2 int c_layout 0 4 6 id) in test 1 (Array2.dim1 a) 4; test 2 (Array2.dim2 a) 6; let b = (make_array2 int fortran_layout 1 4 6 id) in test 3 (Array2.dim1 b) 4; test 4 (Array2.dim2 b) 6; testing_function "sub"; let a = make_array2 int c_layout 0 5 3 id in let b = Array2.sub_left a 2 2 in test 1 true (b.{0,0} = 2000 && b.{0,1} = 2001 && b.{0,2} = 2002 && b.{1,0} = 3000 && b.{1,1} = 3001 && b.{1,2} = 3002); let a = make_array2 int fortran_layout 1 5 3 id in let b = Array2.sub_right a 2 2 in test 2 true (b.{1,1} = 1002 && b.{1,2} = 1003 && b.{2,1} = 2002 && b.{2,2} = 2003 && b.{3,1} = 3002 && b.{3,2} = 3003 && b.{4,1} = 4002 && b.{4,2} = 4003 && b.{5,1} = 5002 && b.{5,2} = 5003); testing_function "slice"; let a = make_array2 int c_layout 0 5 3 id in test 1 (Array2.slice_left a 0) (from_list int [0;1;2]); test 2 (Array2.slice_left a 1) (from_list int [1000;1001;1002]); test 3 (Array2.slice_left a 2) (from_list int [2000;2001;2002]); test 4 (Array2.slice_left a 3) (from_list int [3000;3001;3002]); test 5 (Array2.slice_left a 4) (from_list int [4000;4001;4002]); let a = make_array2 int fortran_layout 1 5 3 id in test 6 (Array2.slice_right a 1) (from_list_fortran int [1001;2001;3001;4001;5001]); test 7 (Array2.slice_right a 2) (from_list_fortran int [1002;2002;3002;4002;5002]); test 8 (Array2.slice_right a 3) (from_list_fortran int [1003;2003;3003;4003;5003]); (* Tri-dimensional arrays *) print_newline(); testing_function "------ Array3 --------"; testing_function "create/set/get"; let make_array3 kind layout ind0 dim1 dim2 dim3 fromint = let a = Array3.create kind layout dim1 dim2 dim3 in for i = ind0 to dim1 - 1 + ind0 do for j = ind0 to dim2 - 1 + ind0 do for k = ind0 to dim3 - 1 + ind0 do a.{i, j, k} <- (fromint (i * 100 + j * 10 + k)) done done done; a in let check_array3 a ind0 dim1 dim2 dim3 fromint = try for i = ind0 to dim1 - 1 + ind0 do for j = ind0 to dim2 - 1 + ind0 do for k = ind0 to dim3 - 1 + ind0 do if a.{i, j, k} <> (fromint (i * 100 + j * 10 + k)) then raise Exit done done done; true with Exit -> false in let id x = x in test 1 true (check_array3 (make_array3 int16_signed c_layout 0 4 5 6 id) 0 4 5 6 id); test 2 true (check_array3 (make_array3 int c_layout 0 4 5 6 id) 0 4 5 6 id); test 3 true (check_array3 (make_array3 int32 c_layout 0 4 5 6 Int32.of_int) 0 4 5 6 Int32.of_int); test 4 true (check_array3 (make_array3 float32 c_layout 0 4 5 6 float) 0 4 5 6 float); test 5 true (check_array3 (make_array3 float64 c_layout 0 4 5 6 float) 0 4 5 6 float); test 6 true (check_array3 (make_array3 int16_signed fortran_layout 1 4 5 6 id) 1 4 5 6 id); test 7 true (check_array3 (make_array3 int fortran_layout 1 4 5 6 id) 1 4 5 6 id); test 8 true (check_array3 (make_array3 int32 fortran_layout 1 4 5 6 Int32.of_int) 1 4 5 6 Int32.of_int); test 9 true (check_array3 (make_array3 float32 fortran_layout 1 4 5 6 float) 1 4 5 6 float); test 10 true (check_array3 (make_array3 float64 fortran_layout 1 4 5 6 float) 1 4 5 6 float); test 11 true (check_array3 (make_array3 complex32 c_layout 0 4 5 6 makecomplex) 0 4 5 6 makecomplex); test 12 true (check_array3 (make_array3 complex64 c_layout 0 4 5 6 makecomplex) 0 4 5 6 makecomplex); test 13 true (check_array3 (make_array3 complex32 fortran_layout 1 4 5 6 makecomplex) 1 4 5 6 makecomplex); test 14 true (check_array3 (make_array3 complex64 fortran_layout 1 4 5 6 makecomplex) 1 4 5 6 makecomplex); testing_function "set/get (specialized)"; let a = Array3.create int32 c_layout 2 3 4 in for i = 0 to 1 do for j = 0 to 2 do for k = 0 to 3 do a.{i,j,k} <- Int32.of_int((i lsl 4) + (j lsl 2) + k) done done done; let ok = ref true in for i = 0 to 1 do for j = 0 to 2 do for k = 0 to 3 do if Int32.to_int a.{i,j,k} <> (i lsl 4) + (j lsl 2) + k then ok := false done done done; test 1 true !ok; let b = Array3.create int64 fortran_layout 2 3 4 in for i = 1 to 2 do for j = 1 to 3 do for k = 1 to 4 do b.{i,j,k} <- Int64.of_int((i lsl 4) + (j lsl 2) + k) done done done; let ok = ref true in for i = 1 to 2 do for j = 1 to 3 do for k = 1 to 4 do if Int64.to_int b.{i,j,k} <> (i lsl 4) + (j lsl 2) + k then ok := false done done done; test 2 true !ok; testing_function "set/get (unsafe, specialized)"; let a = Array3.create int32 c_layout 2 3 4 in for i = 0 to 1 do for j = 0 to 2 do for k = 0 to 3 do Array3.unsafe_set a i j k (Int32.of_int((i lsl 4) + (j lsl 2) + k)) done done done; let ok = ref true in for i = 0 to 1 do for j = 0 to 2 do for k = 0 to 3 do if Int32.to_int (Array3.unsafe_get a i j k) <> (i lsl 4) + (j lsl 2) + k then ok := false done done done; test 1 true !ok; testing_function "dim"; let a = (make_array3 int c_layout 0 4 5 6 id) in test 1 (Array3.dim1 a) 4; test 2 (Array3.dim2 a) 5; test 3 (Array3.dim3 a) 6; let b = (make_array3 int fortran_layout 1 4 5 6 id) in test 4 (Array3.dim1 b) 4; test 5 (Array3.dim2 b) 5; test 6 (Array3.dim3 b) 6; testing_function "slice1"; let a = make_array3 int c_layout 0 3 3 3 id in test 1 (Array3.slice_left_1 a 0 0) (from_list int [0;1;2]); test 2 (Array3.slice_left_1 a 0 1) (from_list int [10;11;12]); test 3 (Array3.slice_left_1 a 0 2) (from_list int [20;21;22]); test 4 (Array3.slice_left_1 a 1 1) (from_list int [110;111;112]); test 5 (Array3.slice_left_1 a 2 1) (from_list int [210;211;212]); let a = make_array3 int fortran_layout 1 3 3 3 id in test 6 (Array3.slice_right_1 a 1 2) (from_list_fortran int [112;212;312]); test 7 (Array3.slice_right_1 a 3 1) (from_list_fortran int [131;231;331]); (* Reshaping *) print_newline(); testing_function "------ Reshaping --------"; testing_function "reshape_1"; let a = make_array2 int c_layout 0 3 4 id in let b = make_array2 int fortran_layout 1 3 4 id in let c = reshape_1 (genarray_of_array2 a) 12 in test 1 c (from_list int [0;1;2;3;1000;1001;1002;1003;2000;2001;2002;2003]); let d = reshape_1 (genarray_of_array2 b) 12 in test 2 d (from_list_fortran int [1001;2001;3001;1002;2002;3002;1003;2003;3003;1004;2004;3004]); testing_function "reshape_2"; let c = reshape_2 (genarray_of_array2 a) 4 3 in test 1 (Array2.slice_left c 0) (from_list int [0;1;2]); test 2 (Array2.slice_left c 1) (from_list int [3;1000;1001]); test 3 (Array2.slice_left c 2) (from_list int [1002;1003;2000]); test 4 (Array2.slice_left c 3) (from_list int [2001;2002;2003]); let d = reshape_2 (genarray_of_array2 b) 4 3 in test 5 (Array2.slice_right d 1) (from_list_fortran int [1001;2001;3001;1002]); test 6 (Array2.slice_right d 2) (from_list_fortran int [2002;3002;1003;2003]); test 7 (Array2.slice_right d 3) (from_list_fortran int [3003;1004;2004;3004]); (* I/O *) print_newline(); testing_function "------ I/O --------"; testing_function "output_value/input_value"; let test_structured_io testno value = let tmp = Filename.temp_file "bigarray" ".data" in let oc = open_out_bin tmp in output_value oc value; close_out oc; let ic = open_in_bin tmp in let value' = input_value ic in close_in ic; Sys.remove tmp; test testno value value' in test_structured_io 1 (from_list int8_signed [1;2;3;-4;127;-128]); test_structured_io 2 (from_list int16_signed [1;2;3;-4;127;-128]); test_structured_io 3 (from_list int [1;2;3;-4;127;-128]); test_structured_io 4 (from_list int32 (List.map Int32.of_int [1;2;3;-4;127;-128])); test_structured_io 5 (from_list int64 (List.map Int64.of_int [1;2;3;-4;127;-128])); test_structured_io 6 (from_list nativeint (List.map Nativeint.of_int [1;2;3;-4;127;-128])); test_structured_io 7 (from_list float32 [0.0; 0.25; -4.0; 3.141592654]); test_structured_io 8 (from_list float64 [0.0; 0.25; -4.0; 3.141592654]); test_structured_io 9 (make_array2 int c_layout 0 100 100 id); test_structured_io 10 (make_array2 float64 fortran_layout 1 200 200 float); test_structured_io 11 (make_array3 int32 c_layout 0 20 30 40 Int32.of_int); test_structured_io 12 (make_array3 float32 fortran_layout 1 10 50 100 float); test_structured_io 13 (make_array2 complex32 c_layout 0 100 100 makecomplex); test_structured_io 14 (make_array3 complex64 fortran_layout 1 10 20 30 makecomplex); testing_function "map_file"; let mapped_file = Filename.temp_file "bigarray" ".data" in begin let fd = Unix.openfile mapped_file [Unix.O_RDWR; Unix.O_TRUNC; Unix.O_CREAT] 0o666 in let a = Array1.map_file fd float64 c_layout true 10000 in Unix.close fd; for i = 0 to 9999 do a.{i} <- float i done; let fd = Unix.openfile mapped_file [Unix.O_RDONLY] 0 in let b = Array2.map_file fd float64 fortran_layout false 100 (-1) in Unix.close fd; let ok = ref true in for i = 0 to 99 do for j = 0 to 99 do if b.{j+1,i+1} <> float (100 * i + j) then ok := false done done; test 1 !ok true; b.{50,50} <- (-1.0); let fd = Unix.openfile mapped_file [Unix.O_RDONLY] 0 in let c = Array2.map_file fd float64 c_layout false (-1) 100 in Unix.close fd; let ok = ref true in for i = 0 to 99 do for j = 0 to 99 do if c.{i,j} <> float (100 * i + j) then ok := false done done; test 2 !ok true; let fd = Unix.openfile mapped_file [Unix.O_RDONLY] 0 in let c = Array2.map_file fd ~pos:800L float64 c_layout false (-1) 100 in Unix.close fd; let ok = ref true in for i = 1 to 99 do for j = 0 to 99 do if c.{i-1,j} <> float (100 * i + j) then ok := false done done; test 3 !ok true; let fd = Unix.openfile mapped_file [Unix.O_RDONLY] 0 in let c = Array2.map_file fd ~pos:79200L float64 c_layout false (-1) 100 in Unix.close fd; let ok = ref true in for j = 0 to 99 do if c.{0,j} <> float (100 * 99 + j) then ok := false done; test 4 !ok true end; (* Force garbage collection of the mapped bigarrays above, otherwise Win32 doesn't let us erase the file. Notice the begin...end above so that the VM doesn't keep stack references to the mapped bigarrays. *) Gc.full_major(); Sys.remove mapped_file; () (********* End of test *********) let _ = print_newline(); if !error_occurred then begin prerr_endline "************* TEST FAILED ****************"; exit 2 end else exit 0