(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* Test for output_value / input_value *) let max_data_depth = 500000 type t = A | B of int | C of float | D of string | E of char | F of t | G of t * t | H of int * t | I of t * float | J let longstring = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" let verylongstring = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\ 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\ 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\ 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\ 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\ 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\ 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\ 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" let bigint = Int64.to_int 0x123456789ABCDEF0L let rec fib n = if n < 2 then 1 else fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) let test_out filename = let oc = open_out_bin filename in output_value oc 1; output_value oc (-1); output_value oc 258; output_value oc 20000; output_value oc 0x12345678; output_value oc bigint; output_value oc "foobargeebuz"; output_value oc longstring; output_value oc verylongstring; output_value oc 3.141592654; output_value oc (); output_value oc A; output_value oc (B 1); output_value oc (C 2.718); output_value oc (D "hello, world!"); output_value oc (E 'l'); output_value oc (F(B 1)); output_value oc (G(A, G(B 2, G(C 3.14, G(D "glop", E 'e'))))); output_value oc (H(1, A)); output_value oc (I(B 2, 1e-6)); let x = D "sharing" in let y = G(x, x) in let z = G(y, G(x, y)) in output_value oc z; output_value oc [|1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16|]; let rec big n = if n <= 0 then A else H(n, big(n-1)) in output_value oc (big 1000); Marshal.to_channel oc y [Marshal.No_sharing]; Marshal.to_channel oc fib [Marshal.Closures]; output_value oc (Int32.of_string "0"); output_value oc (Int32.of_string "123456"); output_value oc (Int32.of_string "-123456"); output_value oc (Int64.of_string "0"); output_value oc (Int64.of_string "123456789123456"); output_value oc (Int64.of_string "-123456789123456"); output_value oc (Nativeint.of_string "0"); output_value oc (Nativeint.of_string "123456"); output_value oc (Nativeint.of_string "-123456"); output_value oc (Nativeint.shift_left (Nativeint.of_string "123456789") 32); output_value oc (Nativeint.shift_left (Nativeint.of_string "-123456789") 32); let i = Int64.of_string "123456789123456" in output_value oc (i,i); close_out oc let test n b = print_string "Test "; print_int n; if b then print_string " passed.\n" else print_string " FAILED.\n"; flush stderr let test_in filename = let ic = open_in_bin filename in test 1 (input_value ic = 1); test 2 (input_value ic = (-1)); test 3 (input_value ic = 258); test 4 (input_value ic = 20000); test 5 (input_value ic = 0x12345678); test 6 (input_value ic = bigint); test 7 (input_value ic = "foobargeebuz"); test 8 (input_value ic = longstring); test 9 (input_value ic = verylongstring); test 10 (input_value ic = 3.141592654); test 11 (input_value ic = ()); test 12 (match input_value ic with A -> true | _ -> false); test 13 (match input_value ic with (B 1) -> true | _ -> false); test 14 (match input_value ic with (C f) -> f = 2.718 | _ -> false); test 15 (match input_value ic with (D "hello, world!") -> true | _ -> false); test 16 (match input_value ic with (E 'l') -> true | _ -> false); test 17 (match input_value ic with (F(B 1)) -> true | _ -> false); test 18 (match input_value ic with (G(A, G(B 2, G(C 3.14, G(D "glop", E 'e'))))) -> true | _ -> false); test 19 (match input_value ic with (H(1, A)) -> true | _ -> false); test 20 (match input_value ic with (I(B 2, 1e-6)) -> true | _ -> false); test 21 (match input_value ic with G((G((D "sharing" as t1), t2) as t3), G(t4, t5)) -> t1 == t2 && t3 == t5 && t4 == t1 | _ -> false); test 22 (input_value ic = [|1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16|]); let rec check_big n t = if n <= 0 then test 23 (match t with A -> true | _ -> false) else match t with H(m, s) -> if m = n then check_big (n-1) s else test 23 false | _ -> test 23 false in check_big 1000 (input_value ic); test 24 (match input_value ic with G((D "sharing" as t1), (D "sharing" as t2)) -> t1 != t2 | _ -> false); test 25 (let fib = (input_value ic : int -> int) in fib 5 = 8 && fib 10 = 89); test 26 (input_value ic = Int32.of_string "0"); test 27 (input_value ic = Int32.of_string "123456"); test 28 (input_value ic = Int32.of_string "-123456"); test 29 (input_value ic = Int64.of_string "0"); test 30 (input_value ic = Int64.of_string "123456789123456"); test 31 (input_value ic = Int64.of_string "-123456789123456"); test 32 (input_value ic = Nativeint.of_string "0"); test 33 (input_value ic = Nativeint.of_string "123456"); test 34 (input_value ic = Nativeint.of_string "-123456"); test 35 (input_value ic = Nativeint.shift_left (Nativeint.of_string "123456789") 32); test 36 (input_value ic = Nativeint.shift_left (Nativeint.of_string "-123456789") 32); let ((i, j) : int64 * int64) = input_value ic in test 37 (i = Int64.of_string "123456789123456"); test 38 (j = Int64.of_string "123456789123456"); test 39 (i == j); close_in ic let test_string () = let s = Marshal.to_string 1 [] in test 101 (Marshal.from_string s 0 = 1); let s = Marshal.to_string (-1) [] in test 102 (Marshal.from_string s 0 = (-1)); let s = Marshal.to_string 258 [] in test 103 (Marshal.from_string s 0 = 258); let s = Marshal.to_string 20000 [] in test 104 (Marshal.from_string s 0 = 20000); let s = Marshal.to_string 0x12345678 [] in test 105 (Marshal.from_string s 0 = 0x12345678); let s = Marshal.to_string bigint [] in test 106 (Marshal.from_string s 0 = bigint); let s = Marshal.to_string "foobargeebuz" [] in test 107 (Marshal.from_string s 0 = "foobargeebuz"); let s = Marshal.to_string longstring [] in test 108 (Marshal.from_string s 0 = longstring); let s = Marshal.to_string verylongstring [] in test 109 (Marshal.from_string s 0 = verylongstring); let s = Marshal.to_string 3.141592654 [] in test 110 (Marshal.from_string s 0 = 3.141592654); let s = Marshal.to_string () [] in test 111 (Marshal.from_string s 0 = ()); let s = Marshal.to_string A [] in test 112 (match Marshal.from_string s 0 with A -> true | _ -> false); let s = Marshal.to_string (B 1) [] in test 113 (match Marshal.from_string s 0 with (B 1) -> true | _ -> false); let s = Marshal.to_string (C 2.718) [] in test 114 (match Marshal.from_string s 0 with (C f) -> f = 2.718 | _ -> false); let s = Marshal.to_string (D "hello, world!") [] in test 115 (match Marshal.from_string s 0 with (D "hello, world!") -> true | _ -> false); let s = Marshal.to_string (E 'l') [] in test 116 (match Marshal.from_string s 0 with (E 'l') -> true | _ -> false); let s = Marshal.to_string (F(B 1)) [] in test 117 (match Marshal.from_string s 0 with (F(B 1)) -> true | _ -> false); let s = Marshal.to_string (G(A, G(B 2, G(C 3.14, G(D "glop", E 'e'))))) [] in test 118 (match Marshal.from_string s 0 with (G(A, G(B 2, G(C 3.14, G(D "glop", E 'e'))))) -> true | _ -> false); let s = Marshal.to_string (H(1, A)) [] in test 119 (match Marshal.from_string s 0 with (H(1, A)) -> true | _ -> false); let s = Marshal.to_string (I(B 2, 1e-6)) [] in test 120 (match Marshal.from_string s 0 with (I(B 2, 1e-6)) -> true | _ -> false); let x = D "sharing" in let y = G(x, x) in let z = G(y, G(x, y)) in let s = Marshal.to_string z [] in test 121 (match Marshal.from_string s 0 with G((G((D "sharing" as t1), t2) as t3), G(t4, t5)) -> t1 == t2 && t3 == t5 && t4 == t1 | _ -> false); let s = Marshal.to_string [|1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16|] [] in test 122 (Marshal.from_string s 0 = [|1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16|]); let rec big n = if n <= 0 then A else H(n, big(n-1)) in let s = Marshal.to_string (big 1000) [] in let rec check_big n t = if n <= 0 then test 123 (match t with A -> true | _ -> false) else match t with H(m, s) -> if m = n then check_big (n-1) s else test 123 false | _ -> test 123 false in check_big 1000 (Marshal.from_string s 0) let marshal_to_buffer s start len v flags = ignore (Marshal.to_buffer s start len v flags) ;; let test_buffer () = let s = Bytes.create 512 in marshal_to_buffer s 0 512 1 []; test 201 (Marshal.from_bytes s 0 = 1); marshal_to_buffer s 0 512 (-1) []; test 202 (Marshal.from_bytes s 0 = (-1)); marshal_to_buffer s 0 512 258 []; test 203 (Marshal.from_bytes s 0 = 258); marshal_to_buffer s 0 512 20000 []; test 204 (Marshal.from_bytes s 0 = 20000); marshal_to_buffer s 0 512 0x12345678 []; test 205 (Marshal.from_bytes s 0 = 0x12345678); marshal_to_buffer s 0 512 bigint []; test 206 (Marshal.from_bytes s 0 = bigint); marshal_to_buffer s 0 512 "foobargeebuz" []; test 207 (Marshal.from_bytes s 0 = "foobargeebuz"); marshal_to_buffer s 0 512 longstring []; test 208 (Marshal.from_bytes s 0 = longstring); test 209 (try marshal_to_buffer s 0 512 verylongstring []; false with Failure "Marshal.to_buffer: buffer overflow" -> true); marshal_to_buffer s 0 512 3.141592654 []; test 210 (Marshal.from_bytes s 0 = 3.141592654); marshal_to_buffer s 0 512 () []; test 211 (Marshal.from_bytes s 0 = ()); marshal_to_buffer s 0 512 A []; test 212 (match Marshal.from_bytes s 0 with A -> true | _ -> false); marshal_to_buffer s 0 512 (B 1) []; test 213 (match Marshal.from_bytes s 0 with (B 1) -> true | _ -> false); marshal_to_buffer s 0 512 (C 2.718) []; test 214 (match Marshal.from_bytes s 0 with (C f) -> f = 2.718 | _ -> false); marshal_to_buffer s 0 512 (D "hello, world!") []; test 215 (match Marshal.from_bytes s 0 with (D "hello, world!") -> true | _ -> false); marshal_to_buffer s 0 512 (E 'l') []; test 216 (match Marshal.from_bytes s 0 with (E 'l') -> true | _ -> false); marshal_to_buffer s 0 512 (F(B 1)) []; test 217 (match Marshal.from_bytes s 0 with (F(B 1)) -> true | _ -> false); marshal_to_buffer s 0 512 (G(A, G(B 2, G(C 3.14, G(D "glop", E 'e'))))) []; test 218 (match Marshal.from_bytes s 0 with (G(A, G(B 2, G(C 3.14, G(D "glop", E 'e'))))) -> true | _ -> false); marshal_to_buffer s 0 512 (H(1, A)) []; test 219 (match Marshal.from_bytes s 0 with (H(1, A)) -> true | _ -> false); marshal_to_buffer s 0 512 (I(B 2, 1e-6)) []; test 220 (match Marshal.from_bytes s 0 with (I(B 2, 1e-6)) -> true | _ -> false); let x = D "sharing" in let y = G(x, x) in let z = G(y, G(x, y)) in marshal_to_buffer s 0 512 z []; test 221 (match Marshal.from_bytes s 0 with G((G((D "sharing" as t1), t2) as t3), G(t4, t5)) -> t1 == t2 && t3 == t5 && t4 == t1 | _ -> false); marshal_to_buffer s 0 512 [|1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16|] []; test 222 (Marshal.from_bytes s 0 = [|1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16|]); let rec big n = if n <= 0 then A else H(n, big(n-1)) in test 223 (try marshal_to_buffer s 0 512 (big 1000) []; false with Failure "Marshal.to_buffer: buffer overflow" -> true) let test_size() = let s = Marshal.to_string (G(A, G(B 2, G(C 3.14, G(D "glop", E 'e'))))) [] in test 300 (Marshal.header_size + Marshal.data_size s 0 = String.length s) external marshal_to_block : string -> int -> 'a -> Marshal.extern_flags list -> unit = "marshal_to_block" external marshal_from_block : string -> int -> 'a = "marshal_from_block" external static_alloc : int -> string = "caml_static_alloc" let test_block () = let s = static_alloc 512 in marshal_to_block s 512 1 []; test 401 (marshal_from_block s 512 = 1); marshal_to_block s 512 (-1) []; test 402 (marshal_from_block s 512 = (-1)); marshal_to_block s 512 258 []; test 403 (marshal_from_block s 512 = 258); marshal_to_block s 512 20000 []; test 404 (marshal_from_block s 512 = 20000); marshal_to_block s 512 0x12345678 []; test 405 (marshal_from_block s 512 = 0x12345678); marshal_to_block s 512 bigint []; test 406 (marshal_from_block s 512 = bigint); marshal_to_block s 512 "foobargeebuz" []; test 407 (marshal_from_block s 512 = "foobargeebuz"); marshal_to_block s 512 longstring []; test 408 (marshal_from_block s 512 = longstring); test 409 (try marshal_to_block s 512 verylongstring []; false with Failure "Marshal.to_buffer: buffer overflow" -> true); marshal_to_block s 512 3.141592654 []; test 410 (marshal_from_block s 512 = 3.141592654); marshal_to_block s 512 () []; test 411 (marshal_from_block s 512 = ()); marshal_to_block s 512 A []; test 412 (match marshal_from_block s 512 with A -> true | _ -> false); marshal_to_block s 512 (B 1) []; test 413 (match marshal_from_block s 512 with (B 1) -> true | _ -> false); marshal_to_block s 512 (C 2.718) []; test 414 (match marshal_from_block s 512 with (C f) -> f = 2.718 | _ -> false); marshal_to_block s 512 (D "hello, world!") []; test 415 (match marshal_from_block s 512 with (D "hello, world!") -> true | _ -> false); marshal_to_block s 512 (E 'l') []; test 416 (match marshal_from_block s 512 with (E 'l') -> true | _ -> false); marshal_to_block s 512 (F(B 1)) []; test 417 (match marshal_from_block s 512 with (F(B 1)) -> true | _ -> false); marshal_to_block s 512 (G(A, G(B 2, G(C 3.14, G(D "glop", E 'e'))))) []; test 418 (match marshal_from_block s 512 with (G(A, G(B 2, G(C 3.14, G(D "glop", E 'e'))))) -> true | _ -> false); marshal_to_block s 512 (H(1, A)) []; test 419 (match marshal_from_block s 512 with (H(1, A)) -> true | _ -> false); marshal_to_block s 512 (I(B 2, 1e-6)) []; test 420 (match marshal_from_block s 512 with (I(B 2, 1e-6)) -> true | _ -> false); let x = D "sharing" in let y = G(x, x) in let z = G(y, G(x, y)) in marshal_to_block s 512 z []; test 421 (match marshal_from_block s 512 with G((G((D "sharing" as t1), t2) as t3), G(t4, t5)) -> t1 == t2 && t3 == t5 && t4 == t1 | _ -> false); marshal_to_block s 512 [|1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16|] []; test 422 (marshal_from_block s 512 = [|1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16|]); let rec big n = if n <= 0 then A else H(n, big(n-1)) in test 423 (try marshal_to_block s 512 (big 1000) []; false with Failure _ -> true); test 424 (try marshal_to_block s 512 "Hello, world!" []; ignore (marshal_from_block s 8); false with Failure _ -> true) (* Test for really big objects *) let counter = ref 0 let rec make_big n = if n <= 0 then begin incr counter; B !counter end else begin let l = make_big (n-1) in let r = make_big (n-1) in G(l, r) end let rec check_big n x = if n <= 0 then begin match x with B k -> incr counter; k = !counter | _ -> false end else begin match x with G(l, r) -> check_big (n-1) l && check_big (n-1) r | _ -> false end (* Test for really deep data structures *) let test_deep () = (* Right-leaning *) let rec loop acc i = if i < max_data_depth then loop (i :: acc) (i+1) else acc in let x = loop [] 0 in let s = Marshal.to_string x [] in test 425 (Marshal.from_string s 0 = x); (* Left-leaning *) let rec loop acc i = if i < max_data_depth then loop (G(acc, B i)) (i+1) else acc in let x = loop A 0 in let s = Marshal.to_string x [] in test 426 (Marshal.from_string s 0 = x) (* Test for objects *) class foo = object (self : 'self) val data1 = "foo" val data2 = "bar" val data3 = 42L method test1 = data1 ^ data2 method test2 = false method test3 = self#test1 method test4 = data3 end class bar = object (self : 'self) inherit foo as super val! data2 = "test5" val data4 = "test3" val data5 = "test4" method test1 = data1 ^ data2 ^ data4 ^ data5 ^ Int64.to_string self#test4 end class foobar = object (self : 'self) inherit foo as super inherit! bar end (* Test for objects *) let test_objects () = let x = new foo in let s = Marshal.to_string x [Marshal.Closures] in let x = Marshal.from_string s 0 in test 500 (x#test1 = "foobar"); test 501 (x#test2 = false); test 502 (x#test3 = "foobar"); test 503 (x#test4 = 42L); let x = new bar in let s = Marshal.to_string x [Marshal.Closures] in let x = Marshal.from_string s 0 in test 504 (x#test1 = "footest5test3test442"); test 505 (x#test2 = false); test 506 (x#test3 = "footest5test3test442"); test 507 (x#test4 = 42L); let x0 = new foobar in let s = Marshal.to_string x0 [Marshal.Closures] in let x = Marshal.from_string s 0 in test 508 (x#test1 = "footest5test3test442"); test 509 (x#test2 = false); test 510 (x#test3 = "footest5test3test442"); test 511 (x#test4 = 42L); test 512 (Oo.id x = Oo.id x0 + 1) (* PR#5610 *) (* Test for infix pointers *) let test_infix () = let t = true and f = false in let rec odd n = if n = 0 then f else even (n-1) and even n = if n = 0 then t else odd (n-1) in let s = Marshal.to_string (odd, even) [Marshal.Closures] in let (odd', even': (int -> bool) * (int -> bool)) = Marshal.from_string s 0 in test 600 (odd' 41 = true); test 601 (odd' 41 = odd 41); test 602 (odd' 142 = false); test 603 (odd' 142 = odd 142); test 604 (even' 41 = false); test 605 (even' 41 = even 41); test 606 (even' 142 = true); test 607 (even' 142 = even 142) let test_mutual_rec_regression () = (* this regression was reported by Cedric Pasteur in PR#5772 *) let rec test_one q x = x > 3 and test_list q = List.for_all (test_one q) q in let g () = () in let f q = if test_list q then g () in test 700 (try ignore (Marshal.to_string f [Marshal.Closures]); true with _ -> false) let main() = if Array.length Sys.argv <= 2 then begin test_out "intext.data"; test_in "intext.data"; test_out "intext.data"; test_in "intext.data"; Sys.remove "intext.data"; test_string(); test_buffer(); test_size(); test_block(); test_deep(); test_objects(); test_infix (); test_mutual_rec_regression (); end else if Sys.argv.(1) = "make" then begin let n = int_of_string Sys.argv.(2) in let oc = open_out_bin "intext.data" in counter := 0; output_value oc (make_big n); close_out oc end else if Sys.argv.(1) = "test" then begin let n = int_of_string Sys.argv.(2) in let ic = open_in_bin "intext.data" in let b = (input_value ic : t) in Gc.full_major(); close_in ic; counter := 0; if check_big n b then Printf.printf "Test big %d passed" n else Printf.printf "Test big %d FAILED" n; print_newline() end let _ = Printexc.catch main (); exit 0