(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 2002 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) open Printf let build_result ngroups input = let res = Array.make (ngroups + 1) "~" in for i = 0 to ngroups do try res.(i) <- Str.matched_group i input with Not_found -> () done; res let search_forward re ng input start = try ignore(Str.search_forward re input start); build_result ng input with Not_found -> [||] let search_backward re ng input start = try ignore(Str.search_backward re input start); build_result ng input with Not_found -> [||] let partial_match re ng input start = if Str.string_partial_match re input start then build_result ng input else [||] let start_test msg = print_newline(); printf "%s\n " msg let num_failures = ref 0 let test res1 res2 = if res1 = res2 then print_char '.' else begin print_string " FAIL "; incr num_failures end let test_search_forward r ng s exp = test (search_forward r ng s 0) exp let test_search_backward r ng s exp = test (search_backward r ng s (String.length s)) exp let test_partial_match r ng s exp = test (partial_match r ng s 0) exp let end_test () = print_newline(); if !num_failures = 0 then printf "All tests passed\n" else begin printf "TEST FAILED: %d failure(s)\n" !num_failures; exit 2 end let automated_test() = (** Forward searches *) start_test "Search for /the quick brown fox/"; let r = Str.regexp "the quick brown fox" in let n = 0 in test_search_forward r n "the quick brown fox" [|"the quick brown fox"|]; test_search_forward r n "What do you know about the quick brown fox?" [|"the quick brown fox"|]; test_search_forward r n "The quick brown FOX" [||]; test_search_forward r n "What do you know about THE QUICK BROWN FOX?" [||]; start_test "Search for /the quick brown fox/ (case-insensitive)"; let r = Str.regexp_case_fold "the quick brown fox" in let n = 0 in test_search_forward r n "the quick brown fox" [|"the quick brown fox"|]; test_search_forward r n "What do you know about the quick brown fox?" [|"the quick brown fox"|]; test_search_forward r n "The quick brown FOX" [|"The quick brown FOX"|]; test_search_forward r n "What do you know about THE QUICK BROWN FOX?" [|"THE QUICK BROWN FOX"|]; test_search_forward r n "The slow white snail" [||]; start_test "Search for /a*abc?xyz+pqrrrabbb*xyyyyy?pq?q?q?q?q?q?AB*zz/"; let r = Str.regexp "a*abc?xyz+pqrrrabbb*xyyyyy?pq?q?q?q?q?q?AB*zz" in let n = 0 in test_search_forward r n "abxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz" [|"abxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz"|]; test_search_forward r n "abxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz" [|"abxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz"|]; test_search_forward r n "aabxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz" [|"aabxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz"|]; test_search_forward r n "aaabxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz" [|"aaabxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz"|]; test_search_forward r n "aaaabxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz" [|"aaaabxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz"|]; test_search_forward r n "abcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz" [|"abcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz"|]; test_search_forward r n "aabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz" [|"aabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz"|]; test_search_forward r n "aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypAzz" [|"aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypAzz"|]; test_search_forward r n "aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz" [|"aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz"|]; test_search_forward r n "aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqqAzz" [|"aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqqAzz"|]; test_search_forward r n "aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqqqAzz" [|"aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqqqAzz"|]; test_search_forward r n "aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqqqqAzz" [|"aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqqqqAzz"|]; test_search_forward r n "aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqqqqqAzz" [|"aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqqqqqAzz"|]; test_search_forward r n "aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqqqqqqAzz" [|"aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqqqqqqAzz"|]; test_search_forward r n "aaaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz" [|"aaaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz"|]; test_search_forward r n "abxyzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz" [|"abxyzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz"|]; test_search_forward r n "aabxyzzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz" [|"aabxyzzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz"|]; test_search_forward r n "aaabxyzzzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz" [|"aaabxyzzzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz"|]; test_search_forward r n "aaaabxyzzzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz" [|"aaaabxyzzzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz"|]; test_search_forward r n "abcxyzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz" [|"abcxyzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz"|]; test_search_forward r n "aabcxyzzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz" [|"aabcxyzzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz"|]; test_search_forward r n "aaabcxyzzzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz" [|"aaabcxyzzzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz"|]; test_search_forward r n "aaaabcxyzzzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz" [|"aaaabcxyzzzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz"|]; test_search_forward r n "aaaabcxyzzzzpqrrrabbbxyyyypqAzz" [|"aaaabcxyzzzzpqrrrabbbxyyyypqAzz"|]; test_search_forward r n "aaaabcxyzzzzpqrrrabbbxyyyyypqAzz" [|"aaaabcxyzzzzpqrrrabbbxyyyyypqAzz"|]; test_search_forward r n "aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypABzz" [|"aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypABzz"|]; test_search_forward r n "aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypABBzz" [|"aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypABBzz"|]; test_search_forward r n ">>>aaabxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz" [|"aaabxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz"|]; test_search_forward r n ">aaaabxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz" [|"aaaabxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz"|]; test_search_forward r n ">>>>abcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz" [|"abcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz"|]; test_search_forward r n "abxyzpqrrabbxyyyypqAzz" [||]; test_search_forward r n "abxyzpqrrrrabbxyyyypqAzz" [||]; test_search_forward r n "abxyzpqrrrabxyyyypqAzz" [||]; test_search_forward r n "aaaabcxyzzzzpqrrrabbbxyyyyyypqAzz" [||]; test_search_forward r n "aaaabcxyzzzzpqrrrabbbxyyypqAzz" [||]; test_search_forward r n "aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqqqqqqqAzz" [||]; start_test "Search for /^abc\\(abc\\)?zz/"; let r = Str.regexp "^abc\\(abc\\)?zz" in let n = 1 in test_search_forward r n "abczz" [|"abczz"; "~"|]; test_search_forward r n "abcabczz" [|"abcabczz"; "abc"|]; test_search_forward r n "zz" [||]; test_search_forward r n "abcabcabczz" [||]; test_search_forward r n ">>abczz" [||]; start_test "Search for /^\\(b+\\|a\\)\\(b+\\|a\\)?c/"; let r = Str.regexp "^\\(b+\\|a\\)\\(b+\\|a\\)?c" in let n = 2 in test_search_forward r n "bc" [|"bc"; "b"; "~"|]; test_search_forward r n "bbc" [|"bbc"; "bb"; "~"|]; test_search_forward r n "bbbc" [|"bbbc"; "bbb"; "~"|]; test_search_forward r n "bac" [|"bac"; "b"; "a"|]; test_search_forward r n "bbac" [|"bbac"; "bb"; "a"|]; test_search_forward r n "aac" [|"aac"; "a"; "a"|]; test_search_forward r n "abbbbbbbbbbbc" [|"abbbbbbbbbbbc"; "a"; "bbbbbbbbbbb"|]; test_search_forward r n "bbbbbbbbbbbac" [|"bbbbbbbbbbbac"; "bbbbbbbbbbb"; "a"|]; test_search_forward r n "aaac" [||]; test_search_forward r n "abbbbbbbbbbbac" [||]; start_test "Search for /r\\(\\(g*\\|k\\)y?\\)*A/"; let r = Str.regexp "r\\(\\(g*\\|k\\)y?\\)*A" in let n = 2 in test_search_forward r n "ArA" [|"rA"; "~"; "~"|]; test_search_forward r n "ArkA" [|"rkA"; "k"; "k"|]; test_search_forward r n "AryA" [|"ryA"; "y"; ""|]; test_search_forward r n "ArgggkyggkA" [|"rgggkyggkA"; "k"; "k"|]; start_test "Search for /A\\(\\(t\\|v\\)\\(q?\\|n\\)\\)*A/"; let r = Str.regexp "A\\(\\(t\\|v\\)\\(q?\\|n\\)\\)*A" in let n = 3 in test_search_forward r n "AvA" [|"AvA"; "v"; "v"; ""|]; start_test "Search for /A\\(\\(b\\(\\(d\\|l*\\)?\\|w\\)\\)*a\\)A/"; let r = Str.regexp "A\\(\\(b\\(\\(d\\|l*\\)?\\|w\\)\\)*a\\)A" in let n = 4 in test_search_forward r n "AbbaA" [|"AbbaA"; "bba"; "b"; ""; ""|]; start_test "Search for /\\(\\|f\\)*x/"; let r = Str.regexp "\\(\\|f\\)*x" in let n = 1 in test_search_forward r n "abcd" [||]; test_search_forward r n "fffff" [||]; test_search_forward r n "fffxab" [|"fffx"; "f"|]; test_search_forward r n "zzzxab" [|"x"; "~"|]; start_test "Search for /\\(\\|f\\)+x/"; let r = Str.regexp "\\(\\|f\\)+x" in let n = 1 in test_search_forward r n "abcd" [||]; test_search_forward r n "fffff" [||]; test_search_forward r n "fffxab" [|"fffx"; "f"|]; test_search_forward r n "zzzxab" [|"x"; ""|]; start_test "Search for /A\\(.?\\)*A/"; let r = Str.regexp "A\\(.?\\)*A" in let n = 1 in test_search_forward r n "AA" [|"AA"; "~"|]; test_search_forward r n "AAA" [|"AAA"; "A"|]; test_search_forward r n "AbA" [|"AbA"; "b"|]; test_search_forward r n "A" [||]; start_test "Search for /\\([ab]*\\)\\1+c/"; let r = Str.regexp "\\([ab]*\\)\\1+c" in let n = 1 in test_search_forward r n "abababc" [| "abababc"; "ab" |]; test_search_forward r n "abbc" [| "bbc"; "b" |]; test_search_forward r n "abc" [| "c"; "" |]; start_test "Search for /^\\(\\(b+\\|a\\)\\(b+\\|a\\)?\\)?bc/"; let r = Str.regexp "^\\(\\(b+\\|a\\)\\(b+\\|a\\)?\\)?bc" in let n = 3 in test_search_forward r n "bbc" [|"bbc"; "b"; "b"; "~"|]; start_test "Search for /^\\(\\(b*\\|ba\\)\\(b*\\|ba\\)?\\)?bc/"; let r = Str.regexp "^\\(\\(b*\\|ba\\)\\(b*\\|ba\\)?\\)?bc" in let n = 3 in test_search_forward r n "babc" [|"babc"; "ba"; ""; "ba"|]; test_search_forward r n "bbabc" [|"bbabc"; "bba"; "b"; "ba"|]; test_search_forward r n "bababc" [|"bababc"; "baba"; "ba"; "ba"|]; test_search_forward r n "bababbc" [||]; test_search_forward r n "babababc" [||]; start_test "Search for /[^a]/"; let r = Str.regexp "[^a]" in let n = 0 in test_search_forward r n "athing" [|"t"|]; test_search_forward r n "Athing" [|"A"|]; start_test "Search for /[^a]/ (case-insensitive)"; let r = Str.regexp_case_fold "[^a]" in let n = 0 in test_search_forward r n "athing" [|"t"|]; test_search_forward r n "Athing" [|"t"|]; start_test "Search for /^[]abcde]/"; let r = Str.regexp "^[]abcde]" in let n = 0 in test_search_forward r n "athing" [|"a"|]; test_search_forward r n "bthing" [|"b"|]; test_search_forward r n "]thing" [|"]"|]; test_search_forward r n "cthing" [|"c"|]; test_search_forward r n "dthing" [|"d"|]; test_search_forward r n "ething" [|"e"|]; test_search_forward r n "fthing" [||]; test_search_forward r n "[thing" [||]; test_search_forward r n "\\\\thing" [||]; start_test "Search for /^[]cde]/"; let r = Str.regexp "^[]cde]" in let n = 0 in test_search_forward r n "]thing" [|"]"|]; test_search_forward r n "cthing" [|"c"|]; test_search_forward r n "dthing" [|"d"|]; test_search_forward r n "ething" [|"e"|]; test_search_forward r n "athing" [||]; test_search_forward r n "fthing" [||]; start_test "Search for /^[^]abcde]/"; let r = Str.regexp "^[^]abcde]" in let n = 0 in test_search_forward r n "fthing" [|"f"|]; test_search_forward r n "[thing" [|"["|]; test_search_forward r n "\\\\thing" [|"\\"|]; test_search_forward r n "athing" [||]; test_search_forward r n "bthing" [||]; test_search_forward r n "]thing" [||]; test_search_forward r n "cthing" [||]; test_search_forward r n "dthing" [||]; test_search_forward r n "ething" [||]; start_test "Search for /^[^]cde]/"; let r = Str.regexp "^[^]cde]" in let n = 0 in test_search_forward r n "athing" [|"a"|]; test_search_forward r n "fthing" [|"f"|]; test_search_forward r n "]thing" [||]; test_search_forward r n "cthing" [||]; test_search_forward r n "dthing" [||]; test_search_forward r n "ething" [||]; start_test "Search for /^ÿ/"; let r = Str.regexp "^ÿ" in let n = 0 in test_search_forward r n "ÿ" [|"ÿ"|]; start_test "Search for /^[0-9]+$/"; let r = Str.regexp "^[0-9]+$" in let n = 0 in test_search_forward r n "0" [|"0"|]; test_search_forward r n "1" [|"1"|]; test_search_forward r n "2" [|"2"|]; test_search_forward r n "3" [|"3"|]; test_search_forward r n "4" [|"4"|]; test_search_forward r n "5" [|"5"|]; test_search_forward r n "6" [|"6"|]; test_search_forward r n "7" [|"7"|]; test_search_forward r n "8" [|"8"|]; test_search_forward r n "9" [|"9"|]; test_search_forward r n "10" [|"10"|]; test_search_forward r n "100" [|"100"|]; test_search_forward r n "abc" [||]; start_test "Search for /^.*nter/"; let r = Str.regexp "^.*nter" in let n = 0 in test_search_forward r n "enter" [|"enter"|]; test_search_forward r n "inter" [|"inter"|]; test_search_forward r n "uponter" [|"uponter"|]; start_test "Search for /^xxx[0-9]+$/"; let r = Str.regexp "^xxx[0-9]+$" in let n = 0 in test_search_forward r n "xxx0" [|"xxx0"|]; test_search_forward r n "xxx1234" [|"xxx1234"|]; test_search_forward r n "xxx" [||]; start_test "Search for /^.+[0-9][0-9][0-9]$/"; let r = Str.regexp "^.+[0-9][0-9][0-9]$" in let n = 0 in test_search_forward r n "x123" [|"x123"|]; test_search_forward r n "xx123" [|"xx123"|]; test_search_forward r n "123456" [|"123456"|]; test_search_forward r n "123" [||]; test_search_forward r n "x123x" [||]; start_test "Search for /^\\([^!]+\\)!\\(.+\\)=apquxz\\.ixr\\.zzz\\.ac\\.uk$/"; let r = Str.regexp "^\\([^!]+\\)!\\(.+\\)=apquxz\\.ixr\\.zzz\\.ac\\.uk$" in let n = 2 in test_search_forward r n "abc!pqr=apquxz.ixr.zzz.ac.uk" [|"abc!pqr=apquxz.ixr.zzz.ac.uk"; "abc"; "pqr"|]; test_search_forward r n "!pqr=apquxz.ixr.zzz.ac.uk" [||]; test_search_forward r n "abc!=apquxz.ixr.zzz.ac.uk" [||]; test_search_forward r n "abc!pqr=apquxz:ixr.zzz.ac.uk" [||]; test_search_forward r n "abc!pqr=apquxz.ixr.zzz.ac.ukk" [||]; start_test "Search for /\\([0-9a-f:]+\\)$/"; let r = Str.regexp_case_fold "\\([0-9a-f:]+\\)$" in let n = 1 in test_search_forward r n "0abc" [|"0abc"; "0abc"|]; test_search_forward r n "abc" [|"abc"; "abc"|]; test_search_forward r n "fed" [|"fed"; "fed"|]; test_search_forward r n "E" [|"E"; "E"|]; test_search_forward r n "::" [|"::"; "::"|]; test_search_forward r n "5f03:12C0::932e" [|"5f03:12C0::932e"; "5f03:12C0::932e"|]; test_search_forward r n "fed def" [|"def"; "def"|]; test_search_forward r n "Any old stuff" [|"ff"; "ff"|]; test_search_forward r n "0zzz" [||]; test_search_forward r n "gzzz" [||]; test_search_forward r n "fed " [||]; test_search_forward r n "Any old rubbish" [||]; start_test "Search for /^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]*\\(\\.[a-z0-9][A-Z0-9-]*\\)*\\.$/"; let r = Str.regexp_case_fold "^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]*\\(\\.[a-z0-9][A-Z0-9-]*\\)*\\.$" in let n = 1 in test_search_forward r n "a." [|"a."; "~"|]; test_search_forward r n "Z." [|"Z."; "~"|]; test_search_forward r n "2." [|"2."; "~"|]; test_search_forward r n "ab-c." [|"ab-c."; "~"|]; test_search_forward r n "ab-c.pq-r." [|"ab-c.pq-r."; ".pq-r"|]; test_search_forward r n "sxk.zzz.ac.uk." [|"sxk.zzz.ac.uk."; ".uk"|]; test_search_forward r n "sxk.ZZZ.ac.UK." [|"sxk.ZZZ.ac.UK."; ".UK"|]; test_search_forward r n "x-.y-." [|"x-.y-."; ".y-"|]; test_search_forward r n "-abc.peq." [||]; start_test "Search for /^\\*\\.[a-z]\\([a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9]+\\)?\\(\\.[a-z]\\([a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9]+\\)?\\)*$/"; let r = Str.regexp "^\\*\\.[a-z]\\([a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9]+\\)?\\(\\.[a-z]\\([a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9]+\\)?\\)*$" in let n = 3 in test_search_forward r n "*.a" [|"*.a"; "~"; "~"; "~"|]; test_search_forward r n "*.b0-a" [|"*.b0-a"; "0-a"; "~"; "~"|]; test_search_forward r n "*.c3-b.c" [|"*.c3-b.c"; "3-b"; ".c"; "~"|]; test_search_forward r n "*.c-a.b-c" [|"*.c-a.b-c"; "-a"; ".b-c"; "-c"|]; test_search_forward r n "*.0" [||]; test_search_forward r n "*.a-" [||]; test_search_forward r n "*.a-b.c-" [||]; test_search_forward r n "*.c-a.0-c" [||]; start_test "Search for /^[0-9a-fA-F]\\(\\.[0-9a-fA-F]\\)*$/"; let r = Str.regexp "^[0-9a-fA-F]\\(\\.[0-9a-fA-F]\\)*$" in let n = 1 in test_search_forward r n "a.b.c.d" [|"a.b.c.d"; ".d"|]; test_search_forward r n "A.B.C.D" [|"A.B.C.D"; ".D"|]; test_search_forward r n "a.b.c.1.2.3.C" [|"a.b.c.1.2.3.C"; ".C"|]; test_search_forward r n "a.b.c.dz" [||]; test_search_forward r n "za" [||]; start_test "Search for /^\\\".*\\\" *\\(;.*\\)?$/"; let r = Str.regexp "^\\\".*\\\" *\\(;.*\\)?$" in let n = 1 in test_search_forward r n "\"1234\"" [|"\"1234\""; "~"|]; test_search_forward r n "\"abcd\" ;" [|"\"abcd\" ;"; ";"|]; test_search_forward r n "\"\" ; rhubarb" [|"\"\" ; rhubarb"; "; rhubarb"|]; test_search_forward r n "\"1234\" : things" [||]; start_test "Search for /^\\(a\\(b\\(c\\)\\)\\)\\(d\\(e\\(f\\)\\)\\)\\(h\\(i\\(j\\)\\)\\)$/"; let r = Str.regexp "^\\(a\\(b\\(c\\)\\)\\)\\(d\\(e\\(f\\)\\)\\)\\(h\\(i\\(j\\)\\)\\)$" in let n = 9 in test_search_forward r n "abcdefhij" [|"abcdefhij"; "abc"; "bc"; "c"; "def"; "ef"; "f"; "hij"; "ij"; "j"|]; start_test "Search for /^[.^$|()*+?{,}]+/"; let r = Str.regexp "^[.^$|()*+?{,}]+" in let n = 0 in test_search_forward r n ".^$*(+)|{?,?}" [|".^$*(+)|{?,?}"|]; start_test "Search for /\\(cat\\(a\\(ract\\|tonic\\)\\|erpillar\\)\\) \\1\\(\\)2\\(3\\)/"; let r = Str.regexp "\\(cat\\(a\\(ract\\|tonic\\)\\|erpillar\\)\\) \\1\\(\\)2\\(3\\)" in let n = 5 in test_search_forward r n "cataract cataract23" [|"cataract cataract23"; "cataract"; "aract"; "ract"; ""; "3"|]; test_search_forward r n "catatonic catatonic23" [|"catatonic catatonic23"; "catatonic"; "atonic"; "tonic"; ""; "3"|]; test_search_forward r n "caterpillar caterpillar23" [|"caterpillar caterpillar23"; "caterpillar"; "erpillar"; "~"; ""; "3"|]; start_test "Search for /^From +\\([^ ]+\\) +[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z] +[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z] +[0-9]?[0-9] +[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]/"; let r = Str.regexp "^From +\\([^ ]+\\) +[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z] +[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z] +[0-9]?[0-9] +[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]" in let n = 1 in test_search_forward r n "From abcd Mon Sep 01 12:33:02 1997" [|"From abcd Mon Sep 01 12:33"; "abcd"|]; start_test "Search for /\\ba/"; let r = Str.regexp "\\ba" in let n = 0 in test_search_forward r n "a2cd" [|"a"|]; test_search_forward r n "the a" [|"a"|]; test_search_forward r n ".ab" [|"a"|]; test_search_forward r n "bad" [||]; test_search_forward r n "the ba" [||]; test_search_forward r n "ba." [||]; start_test "Search for /a\\b/"; let r = Str.regexp "a\\b" in let n = 0 in test_search_forward r n "a" [|"a"|]; test_search_forward r n "bc_a" [|"a"|]; test_search_forward r n "a foo" [|"a"|]; test_search_forward r n "a." [|"a"|]; test_search_forward r n "bad" [||]; test_search_forward r n "ab" [||]; start_test "Search for /\\([a-z]*\\)b/"; let r = Str.regexp "\\([a-z]*\\)b" in let n = 1 in test_search_forward r n "abbb" [|"abbb"; "abb"|]; start_test "Search for /\\([a-z]+\\)b/"; let r = Str.regexp "\\([a-z]+\\)b" in let n = 1 in test_search_forward r n "abbb" [|"abbb"; "abb"|]; start_test "Search for /\\([a-z]?\\)b/"; let r = Str.regexp "\\([a-z]?\\)b" in let n = 1 in test_search_forward r n "bbbb" [|"bb"; "b"|]; start_test "Search for /^a/"; let r = Str.regexp "^a" in let n = 0 in test_search_forward r n "abcdef" [|"a"|]; test_search_forward r n "zzzz\nabcdef" [|"a"|]; start_test "Search for /a$/"; let r = Str.regexp "a$" in let n = 0 in test_search_forward r n "xyza" [|"a"|]; test_search_forward r n "xyza\nbcdef" [|"a"|]; start_test "Null characters in regexps"; let r = Str.regexp "ab\000cd" in let n = 0 in test_search_forward r n "qerpoiuab\000cdwerltkh" [| "ab\000cd" |]; let r = Str.regexp "\000cd" in let n = 0 in test_search_forward r n "qerpoiuab\000cdwerltkh" [| "\000cd" |]; (** Backward searches *) start_test "Backward search for /the quick/"; let r = Str.regexp "the quick" in let n = 0 in test_search_backward r n "the quick brown fox" [|"the quick"|]; test_search_backward r n "What do you know about the quick brown fox?" [|"the quick"|]; test_search_backward r n "The quick brown FOX" [||]; test_search_backward r n "What do you know about THE QUICK BROWN FOX?" [||]; start_test "Backward search for /a\\([0-9]+\\)/"; let r = Str.regexp "a\\([0-9]+\\)" in let n = 1 in test_search_backward r n "a123 a456zzzz" [|"a456"; "456"|]; test_search_backward r n "ab123" [||]; (** Partial match searches *) start_test "Partial match for /partial match/"; let r = Str.regexp "partial match" in let n = 0 in test_partial_match r n "" [|""|]; test_partial_match r n "partial matching" [|"partial match"|]; test_partial_match r n "partial m" [|"partial m"|]; start_test "Partial match for /\\(partial\\)\\|\\(match\\)/"; let r = Str.regexp "\\(partial\\)\\|\\(match\\)" in let n = 2 in test_partial_match r n "" [|""; "~"; "~"|]; test_partial_match r n "part" [|"part"; "~"; "~"|]; test_partial_match r n "partial" [|"partial"; "partial"; "~"|]; test_partial_match r n "matching" [|"match"; "~"; "match"|]; test_partial_match r n "mat" [|"mat"; "~"; "~"|]; test_partial_match r n "zorglub" [||]; (** Replacement *) start_test "Global replacement"; test (Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "[aeiou]") ".." "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") "..bcd..fgh..jklmn..pqrst..vwxyz"; test (Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "[0-9]\\([0-9]*\\)") "-\\0-\\1-" "abc012def3ghi45") "abc-012-12-def-3--ghi-45-5-"; test (Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "[0-9]?") "." "abc012def3ghi45") ".a.b.c....d.e.f..g.h.i..."; start_test "First replacement"; test (Str.replace_first (Str.regexp "[eiou]") ".." "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") "abcd..fghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; test (Str.replace_first (Str.regexp "[0-9]\\([0-9]*\\)") "-\\0-\\1-" "abc012def3ghi45") "abc-012-12-def3ghi45"; (** Splitting *) start_test "Splitting"; test (Str.split (Str.regexp "[ \t]+") "si non e vero") ["si"; "non"; "e"; "vero"]; test (Str.split (Str.regexp "[ \t]+") " si non\te vero\t") ["si"; "non"; "e"; "vero"]; test (Str.bounded_split (Str.regexp "[ \t]+") " si non e vero " 3) ["si"; "non"; "e vero "]; test (Str.split (Str.regexp "[ \t]*") "si non e vero") ["s"; "i"; "n"; "o"; "n"; "e"; "v"; "e"; "r"; "o"]; test (Str.split_delim (Str.regexp "[ \t]+") " si non e vero\t") [""; "si"; "non"; "e"; "vero"; ""]; test (Str.full_split (Str.regexp "[ \t]+") " si non\te vero\t") [Str.Delim " "; Str.Text "si"; Str.Delim " "; Str.Text "non"; Str.Delim "\t"; Str.Text "e"; Str.Delim " "; Str.Text "vero"; Str.Delim "\t"]; (** XML tokenization *) (* See "REX: XML Shallow Parsing with Regular Expressions", Robert D. Cameron, Simon Fraser University, CMPT TR 1998-17. *) start_test "XML tokenization"; begin let _TextSE = "[^<]+" in let _UntilHyphen = "[^-]*-" in let _Until2Hyphens = _UntilHyphen ^ "\\([^-]" ^ _UntilHyphen ^ "\\)*-" in let _CommentCE = _Until2Hyphens ^ ">?" in let _UntilRSBs = "[^]]*]\\([^]]+]\\)*]+" in let _CDATA_CE = _UntilRSBs ^ "\\([^]>]" ^ _UntilRSBs ^ "\\)*>" in let _S = "[ \n\t\r]+" in let _NameStrt = "[A-Za-z_:]\\|[^\x00-\x7F]" in let _NameChar = "[A-Za-z0-9_:.-]\\|[^\x00-\x7F]" in let _Name = "\\(" ^ _NameStrt ^ "\\)\\(" ^ _NameChar ^ "\\)*" in let _QuoteSE = "\"[^\"]*\"\\|'[^']*'" in let _DT_IdentSE = _S ^ _Name ^ "\\(" ^ _S ^ "\\(" ^ _Name ^ "\\|" ^ _QuoteSE ^ "\\)\\)*" in let _MarkupDeclCE = "\\([^]\"'><]\\|" ^ _QuoteSE ^ "\\)*>" in let _S1 = "[\n\r\t ]" in let _UntilQMs = "[^?]*\\?+" in let _PI_Tail = "\\?>\\|" ^ _S1 ^ _UntilQMs ^ "\\([^>?]" ^ _UntilQMs ^ "\\)*>" in let _DT_ItemSE = "<\\(!\\(--" ^ _Until2Hyphens ^ ">\\|[^-]" ^ _MarkupDeclCE ^ "\\)\\|\\?" ^ _Name ^ "\\(" ^ _PI_Tail ^ "\\)\\)\\|%" ^ _Name ^ ";\\|" ^ _S1 in let _DocTypeCE = _DT_IdentSE ^ "\\(" ^ _S ^ "\\)?\\(\\[\\(" ^ _DT_ItemSE ^ "\\)*]\\(" ^ _S ^ "\\)?\\)?>?" in let _DeclCE = "--\\(" ^ _CommentCE ^ "\\)?\\|\\[_CDATA\\[\\(" ^ _CDATA_CE ^ "\\)?\\|_DOCTYPE\\(" ^ _DocTypeCE ^ "\\)?" in let _PI_CE = _Name ^ "\\(" ^ _PI_Tail ^ "\\)?" in let _EndTagCE = _Name ^ "\\(" ^ _S ^ "\\)?>?" in let _AttValSE = "\"[^<\"]*\"\\|'[^<']*'" in let _ElemTagCE = _Name ^ "\\(" ^ _S ^ _Name ^ "\\(" ^ _S ^ "\\)?=\\(" ^ _S ^ "\\)?\\(" ^ _AttValSE ^ "\\)\\)*\\(" ^ _S ^ "\\)?/?>?" in let _MarkupSPE = "<\\(!\\(" ^ _DeclCE ^ "\\)?\\|\\?\\(" ^ _PI_CE ^ "\\)?\\|/\\(" ^ _EndTagCE ^ "\\)?\\|\\(" ^ _ElemTagCE ^ "\\)?\\)" in let _XML_SPE = _TextSE ^ "\\|" ^ _MarkupSPE in let input = "\ ]> 65 20 300 2400 300 25 50 Avocado Dip Sunnydale 29 11 3 5 210 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 " in let result = [ ""; "\n"; ""; "\n"; "\n "; "\n]>\n"; "\n"; " \n"; ""; "\n"; ""; "\n\t"; ""; "65"; ""; "\n\t"; ""; "20"; ""; "\n\t"; ""; "300"; ""; "\n\t"; ""; "2400"; ""; "\n\t"; ""; "300"; ""; "\n\t"; ""; "25"; ""; "\n\t"; ""; "50"; ""; "\n"; ""; "\n"; ""; "\n\t"; ""; "Avocado Dip"; ""; "\n\t"; ""; "Sunnydale"; ""; "\n\t"; ""; "29"; ""; "\n\t"; ""; "\n\t"; ""; "11"; ""; "\n\t"; ""; "3"; ""; "\n\t"; ""; "5"; ""; "\n\t"; ""; "210"; ""; "\n\t"; ""; "2"; ""; "\n\t"; ""; "0"; ""; "\n\t"; ""; "1"; ""; "\n\t"; ""; "\n\t\t"; ""; "0"; ""; "\n\t\t"; ""; "0"; ""; "\n\t"; ""; "\n\t"; ""; "\n\t\t"; ""; "0"; ""; "\n\t\t"; ""; "0"; ""; "\n\t"; ""; "\n"; ""; "\n"; ""; "\n"] in let re = Str.regexp _XML_SPE in let rec process i l = let j = try Str.search_forward re input i with Not_found -> (-1) in if j < 0 then begin test l [] end else begin match l with [] -> test 0 1 (* failure *) | hd :: tl -> test (Str.matched_string input) hd; process (Str.match_end()) tl end in process 0 result end; end_test() let manual_test regexp text = try ignore (Str.search_forward (Str.regexp regexp) text 0); printf "Matched,"; begin try for i = 0 to 31 do try let s = Str.matched_group i text in printf " \\%d=%s" i s with Not_found -> () done with Invalid_argument "Str.matched_group" -> (*yuck*) () end; print_newline() with Not_found -> printf "Not matched\n" let _ = if Array.length Sys.argv >= 3 then manual_test Sys.argv.(1) Sys.argv.(2) else automated_test()