(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (****************** Equation manipulations *************) open Terms type rule = { number: int; numvars: int; lhs: term; rhs: term } (* standardizes an equation so its variables are 1,2,... *) let mk_rule num m n = let all_vars = union (vars m) (vars n) in let counter = ref 0 in let subst = List.map (fun v -> incr counter; (v, Var !counter)) (List.rev all_vars) in { number = num; numvars = !counter; lhs = substitute subst m; rhs = substitute subst n } (* checks that rules are numbered in sequence and returns their number *) let check_rules rules = let counter = ref 0 in List.iter (fun r -> incr counter; if r.number <> !counter then failwith "Rule numbers not in sequence") rules; !counter let pretty_rule rule = print_int rule.number; print_string " : "; pretty_term rule.lhs; print_string " = "; pretty_term rule.rhs; print_newline() let pretty_rules rules = List.iter pretty_rule rules (****************** Rewriting **************************) (* Top-level rewriting. Let eq:L=R be an equation, M be a term such that L<=M. With sigma = matching L M, we define the image of M by eq as sigma(R) *) let reduce l m r = substitute (matching l m) r (* Test whether m can be reduced by l, i.e. m contains an instance of l. *) let can_match l m = try let _ = matching l m in true with Failure _ -> false let rec reducible l m = can_match l m || (match m with | Term(_,sons) -> List.exists (reducible l) sons | _ -> false) (* Top-level rewriting with multiple rules. *) let rec mreduce rules m = match rules with [] -> failwith "mreduce" | rule::rest -> try reduce rule.lhs m rule.rhs with Failure _ -> mreduce rest m (* One step of rewriting in leftmost-outermost strategy, with multiple rules. Fails if no redex is found *) let rec mrewrite1 rules m = try mreduce rules m with Failure _ -> match m with Var n -> failwith "mrewrite1" | Term(f, sons) -> Term(f, mrewrite1_sons rules sons) and mrewrite1_sons rules = function [] -> failwith "mrewrite1" | son::rest -> try mrewrite1 rules son :: rest with Failure _ -> son :: mrewrite1_sons rules rest (* Iterating rewrite1. Returns a normal form. May loop forever *) let rec mrewrite_all rules m = try mrewrite_all rules (mrewrite1 rules m) with Failure _ -> m