(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) let pi = 3.14159265358979323846 let tpi = 2.0 *. pi let fft px py np = let i = ref 2 in let m = ref 1 in while (!i < np) do i := !i + !i; m := !m + 1 done; let n = !i in if n <> np then begin for i = np+1 to n do px.(i) <- 0.0; py.(i) <- 0.0 done; print_string "Use "; print_int n; print_string " point fft"; print_newline() end; let n2 = ref(n+n) in for k = 1 to !m-1 do n2 := !n2 / 2; let n4 = !n2 / 4 in let e = tpi /. float !n2 in for j = 1 to n4 do let a = e *. float(j - 1) in let a3 = 3.0 *. a in let cc1 = cos(a) in let ss1 = sin(a) in let cc3 = cos(a3) in let ss3 = sin(a3) in let is = ref j in let id = ref(2 * !n2) in while !is < n do let i0r = ref !is in while !i0r < n do let i0 = !i0r in let i1 = i0 + n4 in let i2 = i1 + n4 in let i3 = i2 + n4 in let r1 = px.(i0) -. px.(i2) in px.(i0) <- px.(i0) +. px.(i2); let r2 = px.(i1) -. px.(i3) in px.(i1) <- px.(i1) +. px.(i3); let s1 = py.(i0) -. py.(i2) in py.(i0) <- py.(i0) +. py.(i2); let s2 = py.(i1) -. py.(i3) in py.(i1) <- py.(i1) +. py.(i3); let s3 = r1 -. s2 in let r1 = r1 +. s2 in let s2 = r2 -. s1 in let r2 = r2 +. s1 in px.(i2) <- r1*.cc1 -. s2*.ss1; py.(i2) <- -.s2*.cc1 -. r1*.ss1; px.(i3) <- s3*.cc3 +. r2*.ss3; py.(i3) <- r2*.cc3 -. s3*.ss3; i0r := i0 + !id done; is := 2 * !id - !n2 + j; id := 4 * !id done done done; (************************************) (* Last stage, length=2 butterfly *) (************************************) let is = ref 1 in let id = ref 4 in while !is < n do let i0r = ref !is in while !i0r <= n do let i0 = !i0r in let i1 = i0 + 1 in let r1 = px.(i0) in px.(i0) <- r1 +. px.(i1); px.(i1) <- r1 -. px.(i1); let r1 = py.(i0) in py.(i0) <- r1 +. py.(i1); py.(i1) <- r1 -. py.(i1); i0r := i0 + !id done; is := 2 * !id - 1; id := 4 * !id done; (*************************) (* Bit reverse counter *) (*************************) let j = ref 1 in for i = 1 to n - 1 do if i < !j then begin let xt = px.(!j) in px.(!j) <- px.(i); px.(i) <- xt; let xt = py.(!j) in py.(!j) <- py.(i); py.(i) <- xt end; let k = ref(n / 2) in while !k < !j do j := !j - !k; k := !k / 2 done; j := !j + !k done; n let test np = print_int np; print_string "... "; flush stdout; let enp = float np in let npm = np / 2 - 1 in let pxr = Array.make (np+2) 0.0 and pxi = Array.make (np+2) 0.0 in let t = pi /. enp in pxr.(1) <- (enp -. 1.0) *. 0.5; pxi.(1) <- 0.0; let n2 = np / 2 in pxr.(n2+1) <- -0.5; pxi.(n2+1) <- 0.0; for i = 1 to npm do let j = np - i in pxr.(i+1) <- -0.5; pxr.(j+1) <- -0.5; let z = t *. float i in let y = -0.5*.(cos(z)/.sin(z)) in pxi.(i+1) <- y; pxi.(j+1) <- -.y done; (** print_newline(); for i=0 to 15 do Printf.printf "%d %f %f\n" i pxr.(i+1) pxi.(i+1) done; **) let _ = fft pxr pxi np in (** for i=0 to 15 do Printf.printf "%d %f %f\n" i pxr.(i+1) pxi.(i+1) done; **) let zr = ref 0.0 in let zi = ref 0.0 in let kr = ref 0 in let ki = ref 0 in for i = 0 to np-1 do let a = abs_float(pxr.(i+1) -. float i) in if !zr < a then begin zr := a; kr := i end; let a = abs_float(pxi.(i+1)) in if !zi < a then begin zi := a; ki := i end done; if abs_float !zr <= 1e-9 && abs_float !zi <= 1e-9 then print_string "ok" else print_string "ERROR"; print_newline() let _ = let np = ref 16 in for i = 1 to 16 do test !np; np := !np*2 done