(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* Good test for loops. Best compiled with -unsafe. *) let rec qsort lo hi (a : int array) = if lo < hi then begin let i = ref lo in let j = ref hi in let pivot = a.(hi) in while !i < !j do while !i < hi && a.(!i) <= pivot do incr i done; while !j > lo && a.(!j) >= pivot do decr j done; if !i < !j then begin let temp = a.(!i) in a.(!i) <- a.(!j); a.(!j) <- temp end done; let temp = a.(!i) in a.(!i) <- a.(hi); a.(hi) <- temp; qsort lo (!i-1) a; qsort (!i+1) hi a end (* Same but abstract over the comparison to force spilling *) let cmp i j = i - j let rec qsort2 lo hi (a : int array) = if lo < hi then begin let i = ref lo in let j = ref hi in let pivot = a.(hi) in while !i < !j do while !i < hi && cmp a.(!i) pivot <= 0 do incr i done; while !j > lo && cmp a.(!j) pivot >= 0 do decr j done; if !i < !j then begin let temp = a.(!i) in a.(!i) <- a.(!j); a.(!j) <- temp end done; let temp = a.(!i) in a.(!i) <- a.(hi); a.(hi) <- temp; qsort2 lo (!i-1) a; qsort2 (!i+1) hi a end (* Test *) let seed = ref 0 let random() = seed := !seed * 25173 + 17431; !seed land 0xFFF exception Failed let test_sort sort_fun size = let a = Array.make size 0 in let check = Array.make 4096 0 in for i = 0 to size-1 do let n = random() in a.(i) <- n; check.(n) <- check.(n)+1 done; sort_fun 0 (size-1) a; try check.(a.(0)) <- check.(a.(0)) - 1; for i = 1 to size-1 do if a.(i-1) > a.(i) then raise Failed; check.(a.(i)) <- check.(a.(i)) - 1 done; for i = 0 to 4095 do if check.(i) <> 0 then raise Failed done; print_string "OK"; print_newline() with Failed -> print_string "failed"; print_newline() let main () = test_sort qsort 500000; test_sort qsort2 500000 let _ = main(); exit 0