(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* Damien Doligez, projet Moscova, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 2002 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* We cannot use bignums because we don't do custom runtimes, but int64 is a bit short, so we roll our own 37-digit numbers... *) let n0 = Int64.of_int 0;; let n1 = Int64.of_int 1;; let n2 = Int64.of_int 2;; let n3 = Int64.of_int 3;; let n5 = Int64.of_int 5;; let ( % ) = Int64.rem;; let ( * ) = Int64.mul;; let ( / ) = Int64.div;; let ( + ) = Int64.add;; let digit = Int64.of_string "1000000000000000000";; let mul n (pl, ph) = ((n * pl) % digit, n * ph + (n * pl) / digit);; let cmp (nl, nh) (pl, ph) = if nh < ph then -1 else if nh > ph then 1 else if nl < pl then -1 else if nl > pl then 1 else 0 ;; let x2 = fun p -> mul n2 p;; let x3 = fun p -> mul n3 p;; let x5 = fun p -> mul n5 p;; let nn1 = (n1, n0);; let pr (nl, nh) = if compare nh n0 = 0 then Printf.printf "%Ld\n" nl else Printf.printf "%Ld%018Ld\n" nh nl ;; (* (* bignum version *) open Num;; let nn1 = num_of_int 1;; let x2 = fun p -> (num_of_int 2) */ p;; let x3 = fun p -> (num_of_int 3) */ p;; let x5 = fun p -> (num_of_int 5) */ p;; let cmp n p = sign_num (n -/ p);; let pr n = Printf.printf "%s\n" (string_of_num n);; *) (* This is where the interesting stuff begins. *) open Lazy;; type 'a lcons = Cons of 'a * 'a lcons Lazy.t;; type 'a llist = 'a lcons Lazy.t;; let rec map f l = lazy ( match force l with | Cons (x, ll) -> Cons (f x, map f ll) ) ;; let rec merge cmp l1 l2 = lazy ( match force l1, force l2 with | Cons (x1, ll1), Cons (x2, ll2) -> let c = cmp x1 x2 in if c = 0 then Cons (x1, merge cmp ll1 ll2) else if c < 0 then Cons (x1, merge cmp ll1 l2) else Cons (x2, merge cmp l1 ll2) ) ;; let rec iter_interval f l (start, stop) = if stop = 0 then () else match force l with | Cons (x, ll) -> if start <= 0 then f x; iter_interval f ll (start-1, stop-1) ;; let rec hamming = lazy (Cons (nn1, merge cmp ham2 (merge cmp ham3 ham5))) and ham2 = lazy (force (map x2 hamming)) and ham3 = lazy (force (map x3 hamming)) and ham5 = lazy (force (map x5 hamming)) ;; iter_interval pr hamming (88000, 88100);;