let edit_distance = Misc.edit_distance let show_cutoff n = if n = max_int then "max_int" else Printf.sprintf "%d" n ;; let test = let counter = ref 0 in fun a b cutoff expected -> let show_result = function | None -> "None" | Some d -> "Some " ^ string_of_int d in incr counter; Printf.printf "[%02d] (edit_distance %S %S %s), expected %s\n" !counter a b (show_cutoff cutoff) (show_result expected); let result = edit_distance a b cutoff in if result = expected then print_endline "OK" else Printf.printf "FAIL: got %s\n%!" (show_result result) let () = test "a" "a" 1 (Some 0); test "a" "a" 0 (Some 0); test "a" "b" 1 (Some 1); test "a" "b" 0 None; test "add" "adad" 3 (Some 1); test "delete" "delte" 3 (Some 1); test "subst" "sabst" 3 (Some 1); test "swap" "sawp" 3 (Some 1); test "abbb" "bbba" 3 (Some 2); test "abbb" "bbba" 1 None; (* check for bugs where a small common suffix, or common prefix, is enough to make the distance goes down *) test "xyzwabc" "mnpqrabc" 10 (Some 5); test "abcxyzw" "abcmnpqr" 10 (Some 5); (* check that using "max_int" as cutoff works *) test "a" "a" max_int (Some 0); test "a" "b" max_int (Some 1); test "abc" "ade" max_int (Some 2); (* check empty strings*) test "" "" 3 (Some 0); test "" "abc" 3 (Some 3); test "abcd" "" 3 None; ()