(*                                                                     *)
(*                                OCaml                                *)
(*                                                                     *)
(*                       Alain Frisch, LexiFi                          *)
(*                                                                     *)
(*  Copyright 2015 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et   *)
(*  en Automatique.  All rights reserved.  This file is distributed    *)
(*  under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0.               *)
(*                                                                     *)

open Asttypes
open Typedtree

(** {2 A generic Typedtree mapper} *)

type mapper =
    case: mapper -> case -> case;
    cases: mapper -> case list -> case list;
    class_declaration: mapper -> class_declaration -> class_declaration;
    class_description: mapper -> class_description -> class_description;
    class_expr: mapper -> class_expr -> class_expr;
    class_field: mapper -> class_field -> class_field;
    class_signature: mapper -> class_signature -> class_signature;
    class_structure: mapper -> class_structure -> class_structure;
    class_type: mapper -> class_type -> class_type;
    class_type_declaration: mapper -> class_type_declaration ->
    class_type_field: mapper -> class_type_field -> class_type_field;
    env: mapper -> Env.t -> Env.t;
    expr: mapper -> expression -> expression;
    extension_constructor: mapper -> extension_constructor ->
    module_binding: mapper -> module_binding -> module_binding;
    module_coercion: mapper -> module_coercion -> module_coercion;
    module_declaration: mapper -> module_declaration -> module_declaration;
    module_expr: mapper -> module_expr -> module_expr;
    module_type: mapper -> module_type -> module_type;
      mapper -> module_type_declaration -> module_type_declaration;
    package_type: mapper -> package_type -> package_type;
    pat: mapper -> pattern -> pattern;
    row_field: mapper -> row_field -> row_field;
    signature: mapper -> signature -> signature;
    signature_item: mapper -> signature_item -> signature_item;
    structure: mapper -> structure -> structure;
    structure_item: mapper -> structure_item -> structure_item;
    typ: mapper -> core_type -> core_type;
    type_declaration: mapper -> type_declaration -> type_declaration;
    type_extension: mapper -> type_extension -> type_extension;
    type_kind: mapper -> type_kind -> type_kind;
    value_binding: mapper -> value_binding -> value_binding;
    value_bindings: mapper -> (rec_flag * value_binding list) ->
      (rec_flag * value_binding list);
    value_description: mapper -> value_description -> value_description;
    with_constraint: mapper -> with_constraint -> with_constraint;

val default: mapper