(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* Typechecking of type expressions for the core language *) open Types val transl_simple_type: Env.t -> bool -> Parsetree.core_type -> Typedtree.core_type val transl_simple_type_univars: Env.t -> Parsetree.core_type -> Typedtree.core_type val transl_simple_type_delayed: Env.t -> Parsetree.core_type -> Typedtree.core_type * (unit -> unit) (* Translate a type, but leave type variables unbound. Returns the type and a function that binds the type variable. *) val transl_type_scheme: Env.t -> Parsetree.core_type -> Typedtree.core_type val reset_type_variables: unit -> unit val type_variable: Location.t -> string -> type_expr val transl_type_param: Env.t -> Parsetree.core_type -> Typedtree.core_type type variable_context val narrow: unit -> variable_context val widen: variable_context -> unit exception Already_bound type error = Unbound_type_variable of string | Unbound_type_constructor of Longident.t | Unbound_type_constructor_2 of Path.t | Type_arity_mismatch of Longident.t * int * int | Bound_type_variable of string | Recursive_type | Unbound_row_variable of Longident.t | Type_mismatch of (type_expr * type_expr) list | Alias_type_mismatch of (type_expr * type_expr) list | Present_has_conjunction of string | Present_has_no_type of string | Constructor_mismatch of type_expr * type_expr | Not_a_variant of type_expr | Variant_tags of string * string | Invalid_variable_name of string | Cannot_quantify of string * type_expr | Multiple_constraints_on_type of Longident.t | Repeated_method_label of string | Unbound_value of Longident.t | Unbound_constructor of Longident.t | Unbound_label of Longident.t | Unbound_module of Longident.t | Unbound_class of Longident.t | Unbound_modtype of Longident.t | Unbound_cltype of Longident.t | Ill_typed_functor_application of Longident.t | Illegal_reference_to_recursive_module | Access_functor_as_structure of Longident.t exception Error of Location.t * Env.t * error val report_error: Env.t -> Format.formatter -> error -> unit (* Support for first-class modules. *) val transl_modtype_longident: (* from Typemod *) (Location.t -> Env.t -> Longident.t -> Path.t) ref val transl_modtype: (* from Typemod *) (Env.t -> Parsetree.module_type -> Typedtree.module_type) ref val create_package_mty: Location.t -> Env.t -> Parsetree.package_type -> (Longident.t Asttypes.loc * Parsetree.core_type) list * Parsetree.module_type val find_type: Env.t -> Location.t -> Longident.t -> Path.t * type_declaration val find_constructor: Env.t -> Location.t -> Longident.t -> constructor_description val find_all_constructors: Env.t -> Location.t -> Longident.t -> (constructor_description * (unit -> unit)) list val find_label: Env.t -> Location.t -> Longident.t -> label_description val find_all_labels: Env.t -> Location.t -> Longident.t -> (label_description * (unit -> unit)) list val find_value: Env.t -> Location.t -> Longident.t -> Path.t * value_description val find_class: Env.t -> Location.t -> Longident.t -> Path.t * class_declaration val find_module: Env.t -> Location.t -> Longident.t -> Path.t * module_declaration val lookup_module: ?load:bool -> Env.t -> Location.t -> Longident.t -> Path.t val find_modtype: Env.t -> Location.t -> Longident.t -> Path.t * modtype_declaration val find_class_type: Env.t -> Location.t -> Longident.t -> Path.t * class_type_declaration val unbound_constructor_error: Env.t -> Longident.t Location.loc -> 'a val unbound_label_error: Env.t -> Longident.t Location.loc -> 'a val check_deprecated: Location.t -> Parsetree.attributes -> string -> unit val warning_enter_scope: unit -> unit val warning_leave_scope: unit -> unit val warning_attribute: Parsetree.attributes -> unit val with_warning_attribute: Parsetree.attributes -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a val error_of_extension: Parsetree.extension -> Location.error val emit_external_warnings: Ast_mapper.mapper