diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'slackware64-current/source/a/pkgtools/manpages/installpkg.8')
-rw-r--r-- | slackware64-current/source/a/pkgtools/manpages/installpkg.8 | 9 |
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/slackware64-current/source/a/pkgtools/manpages/installpkg.8 b/slackware64-current/source/a/pkgtools/manpages/installpkg.8 index 8a711fa07..d844e2b8b 100644 --- a/slackware64-current/source/a/pkgtools/manpages/installpkg.8 +++ b/slackware64-current/source/a/pkgtools/manpages/installpkg.8 @@ -90,11 +90,12 @@ the values set in the tagfile for the entire package list. .B \--tagfile /somedir/tagfile Specify a different file to use for package priorities (in this example, /somedir/tagfile will be used). The default is "tagfile" in the package's directory. -.B \--tagfile <number> -For xz/lz compressed packages, set the maximum number of threads to be used for +.TP +.B \--threads <number> +For xz/plzip compressed packages, set the maximum number of threads to be used for decompression. Only has an effect if a multithreaded compressor was used, and then -only on large packages. Default = number of physical cores. -A +only on large packages. The default for plzip is the number of CPU threads available. +The default for xz is 2. .SH EXAMPLES .TP .B Install a font package for X: |