path: root/net/bluetooth/mgmt.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-10-20Bluetooth: Check for flag instead of features in update_adv_data()Johan Hedberg
2013-10-20Bluetooth: Check for flag instead of features in update_scan_rsp_data()Johan Hedberg
2013-10-19Bluetooth: Select the own address type during initial setup phaseMarcel Holtmann
2013-10-16Bluetooth: Fix updating the right variable in update_scan_rsp_data()Johan Hedberg
2013-10-16Bluetooth: Rename update_ad into update_adv_dataMarcel Holtmann
2013-10-16Bluetooth: Store device name in scan response dataMarcel Holtmann
2013-10-16Bluetooth: Set the scan response data when neededMarcel Holtmann
2013-10-16Bluetooth: Rename create_ad into create_adv_dataMarcel Holtmann
2013-10-15Bluetooth: Make mgmt_new_ltk() return voidMarcel Holtmann
2013-10-15Bluetooth: Make mgmt_read_local_oob_data_reply_complete() return voidMarcel Holtmann
2013-10-15Bluetooth: Make mgmt_set_local_name_complete() return voidMarcel Holtmann
2013-10-15Bluetooth: Make mgmt_set_class_of_dev_complete() return voidMarcel Holtmann
2013-10-15Bluetooth: Make mgmt_ssp_enable_complete() return voidMarcel Holtmann
2013-10-15Bluetooth: Make mgmt_auth_enable_complete() return voidMarcel Holtmann
2013-10-15Bluetooth: Make mgmt_auth_failed() return voidMarcel Holtmann
2013-10-15Bluetooth: Make mgmt_pin_code_neg_reply_complete() return voidMarcel Holtmann
2013-10-15Bluetooth: Make mgmt_pin_code_reply_complete() return voidMarcel Holtmann
2013-10-15Bluetooth: Make mgmt_pin_code_request() return voidMarcel Holtmann
2013-10-15Bluetooth: Update class of device on discoverable timeoutMarcel Holtmann
2013-10-15Bluetooth: Move eir_append_data() function into mgmt.cMarcel Holtmann
2013-10-15Bluetooth: Make mgmt_new_link_key() return voidMarcel Holtmann
2013-10-15Bluetooth: Add support for entering limited discoverable modeMarcel Holtmann
2013-10-15Bluetooth: Simplify the code for re-arming discoverable timeoutMarcel Holtmann
2013-10-15Bluetooth: Move arming of discoverable timeout to complete handlerMarcel Holtmann
2013-10-15Bluetooth: Update class of device after changing discoverable modeMarcel Holtmann
2013-10-15Bluetooth: Make mgmt_write_scan_failed() return voidMarcel Holtmann
2013-10-15Bluetooth: Make mgmt_connectable() return voidMarcel Holtmann
2013-10-15Bluetooth: Make mgmt_discoverable() return voidMarcel Holtmann
2013-10-15Bluetooth: Introduce flag for limited discoverable modeMarcel Holtmann
2013-10-15Bluetooth: Update advertising data based on management commandsMarcel Holtmann
2013-10-15Bluetooth: Fix minor coding style issue in set_connectable()Marcel Holtmann
2013-10-14Bluetooth: Check that scan window is smaller or equal than scan intervalMarcel Holtmann
2013-10-14Bluetooth: Convert Set Discoverable to use an asynchronous requestJohan Hedberg
2013-10-14Bluetooth: Fix updating scan mode in set_bredr()Johan Hedberg
2013-10-14Bluetooth: Move set_bredr_scan() to avoid forward declarationJohan Hedberg
2013-10-14Bluetooth: Make Set Connectable also update the LE advertising typeJohan Hedberg
2013-10-14Bluetooth: Move static advertising functions to avoid forward declarationsJohan Hedberg
2013-10-14Bluetooth: Add missing error handling for Set ConnectableJohan Hedberg
2013-10-14Bluetooth: Move more logic into set_connectable complete callbackJohan Hedberg
2013-10-14Bluetooth: Reorganize set_connectable HCI command sendingJohan Hedberg
2013-10-13Bluetooth: Remove pointless bdaddr_to_le() helper functionMarcel Holtmann
2013-10-12Bluetooth: Add MGMT_OP_SET_SCAN_PARAMS to supported commands listMarcel Holtmann
2013-10-11Bluetooth: Don't advertise high speed support without SSPMarcel Holtmann
2013-10-11Bluetooth: Add management command for setting LE scan parametersMarcel Holtmann
2013-10-11Bluetooth: Move smp.h header file into net/bluetooth/Marcel Holtmann
2013-10-10Bluetooth: Use hci_conn_num() for checking number of LE connectionsMarcel Holtmann
2013-10-10Bluetooth: Fix too long line with set_advertising() functionMarcel Holtmann
2013-10-10Bluetooth: Fix checking for HCI_SETUP flag when receiving mgmt commandsJohan Hedberg
2013-10-10Bluetooth: Restrict high speed support to SSP enabled controllersMarcel Holtmann
2013-10-10Bluetooth: Remove unneeded val variable when setting SSPMarcel Holtmann