diff options
authorNicolas Pouillard <>2007-11-28 16:06:58 +0000
committerNicolas Pouillard <>2007-11-28 16:06:58 +0000
commit114db8aaeadd15a427ef0387e2397827e206709b (patch)
parent68072dfe87e26264b47d696065659e1bf0ffbab3 (diff)
[ocamlbuild] More documentation (in particular all the PLUGIN sig is doc).
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
2 files changed, 72 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/manual/manual.tex b/ocamlbuild/manual/manual.tex
index 1f31a0670..94c0e646a 100644
--- a/ocamlbuild/manual/manual.tex
+++ b/ocamlbuild/manual/manual.tex
@@ -549,8 +549,8 @@ main.byte
Requesting the target \texttt{foo.otarget} will then build every target
-listed in the file \texttt{foo.itarget}. Blank lines and dashes to comment
-out lines are accepted.
+listed in the file \texttt{foo.itarget}. Blank lines and lines starting
+with a sharp (\texttt{#}) are ignored.
%(*** Packing subdirectories into modules
\subsection{Packing subdirectories into modules}
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/signatures.mli b/ocamlbuild/signatures.mli
index 47df94f24..4f5353f61 100644
--- a/ocamlbuild/signatures.mli
+++ b/ocamlbuild/signatures.mli
@@ -440,18 +440,60 @@ module type PLUGIN = sig
| N | S of spec list | A of string | P of string | Px of string
| Sh of string | T of Tags.t | V of string | Quote of spec
+ (** [path1/path2] Join the given path names. *)
val ( / ) : Pathname.t -> Pathname.t -> Pathname.t
+ (** [path-.-extension] Add the given extension to the given pathname. *)
val ( -.- ) : Pathname.t -> string -> Pathname.t
+ (** [tags++tag] Add the given tag to the given set of tags. *)
val ( ++ ) : Tags.t -> Tags.elt -> Tags.t
+ (** [tags--tag] Remove the given tag to the given set of tags. *)
val ( -- ) : Tags.t -> Tags.elt -> Tags.t
+ (** [tags+++optional_tag] Add the given optional tag to the given set of tags
+ if the given option is Some. *)
val ( +++ ) : Tags.t -> Tags.elt option -> Tags.t
+ (** [tags---optional_tag] Remove the given optional tag to the given set of tags
+ if the given option is Some. *)
val ( --- ) : Tags.t -> Tags.elt option -> Tags.t
+ (** The type of the builder environments. Here an environment is just the
+ lookup function of it. Basically this function will resolve path variables
+ like % or more generally %(var_name). *)
type env = Pathname.t -> Pathname.t
+ (** A builder is a function that waits for conjonction of alternative targets.
+ The alternatives are here to support some choices, for instance for an
+ OCaml module an alternatives can be foo.cmo, foo.cmi, Foo.cmo, Foo.cmi.
+ Conjonctions are here to help making parallelism, indeed commands that are
+ independant will be run concurently. *)
type builder = Pathname.t list list -> (Pathname.t, exn) Outcome.t list
+ (** This is the type for rule actions. An action receive as argument, the
+ environment lookup function (see [env]), and a function to dynamically
+ build more targets (see [builder]). An action should return the command
+ to run in order to build the rule productions using the rule dependencies. *)
type action = env -> builder -> Command.t
+ (** This is the main function for adding a rule to the ocamlbuild engine.
+ - The first argument is the name of the rule (should be unique).
+ - It takes files that the rule produces.
+ Use ~prod for one file, ~prods for list of files.
+ - It also takes files that the rule uses.
+ Use ~dep for one file, ~deps for list of files.
+ - It finally takes the action to perform in order to produce the
+ productions files using the dependencies (see [action]).
+ There is also two more options:
+ - The ~insert argument allow to insert the rules precisely between other
+ rules.
+ - The ~stamp argument specify the name of a file that will be
+ automatically produced by ocamlbuild. This file can serve as a virtual
+ target (or phony target), since it will be filled up by a digest of
+ it dependencies.
+ - The ~tags argument in deprecated, don't use it. *)
val rule : string ->
?tags:string list ->
?prods:string list ->
@@ -462,6 +504,7 @@ module type PLUGIN = sig
?insert:[`top | `before of string | `after of string | `bottom] ->
action -> unit
+ (** This function is subject to change. *)
val file_rule : string ->
?tags:string list ->
prod:string ->
@@ -477,9 +520,11 @@ module type PLUGIN = sig
?insert:[`top | `before of string | `after of string | `bottom] ->
string -> string -> unit
- (** [dep tags deps] Will build [deps] when [tags] will be activated. *)
+ (** [dep tags deps] Will build [deps] when all [tags] will be activated. *)
val dep : Tags.elt list -> Pathname.t list -> unit
+ (** [flag tags command_spec] Will inject the given piece of command
+ ([command_spec]) when all [tags] will be activated. *)
val flag : Tags.elt list -> Command.spec -> unit
(** [non_dependency module_path module_name]
@@ -520,16 +565,33 @@ module type PLUGIN = sig
val expand_module :
Pathname.t list -> Pathname.t -> string list -> Pathname.t list
+ (** Reads the given file, parse it has list of words separated by blanks.
+ It ignore lines that begins with a '#' character. *)
val string_list_of_file : Pathname.t -> string list
+ (** Takes a pathname and returns an OCaml module name. Basically it will
+ remove directories and extensions, and then capitalize the string. *)
val module_name_of_pathname : Pathname.t -> string
+ (** The Unix mv command. *)
val mv : Pathname.t -> Pathname.t -> Command.t
+ (** The Unix cp command. *)
val cp : Pathname.t -> Pathname.t -> Command.t
+ (** The Unix ln -f command. *)
val ln_f : Pathname.t -> Pathname.t -> Command.t
+ (** The Unix ln -s command. *)
val ln_s : Pathname.t -> Pathname.t -> Command.t
+ (** The Unix rm -f command. *)
val rm_f : Pathname.t -> Command.t
+ (** The Unix chmod command (almost deprecated). *)
val chmod : Command.spec -> Pathname.t -> Command.t
+ (** The Unix cmp command (almost deprecated). *)
val cmp : Pathname.t -> Pathname.t -> Command.t
(** [hide_package_contents pack_name]
@@ -544,8 +606,12 @@ module type PLUGIN = sig
(** [tag_any tag_list] Tag anything with all given tags. *)
val tag_any : Tags.elt list -> unit
+ (** Returns the set of tags that applies to the given pathname. *)
val tags_of_pathname : Pathname.t -> Tags.t
+ (** Here is the list of hooks that the dispatch function have to handle.
+ Generally one respond to one or two hooks (like After_rules) and do
+ nothing in the default case. *)
type hook =
| Before_hygiene
| After_hygiene
@@ -554,5 +620,8 @@ module type PLUGIN = sig
| Before_rules
| After_rules
+ (** [dispatch hook_handler] Is the entry point for ocamlbuild plugins. Every
+ plugin must call it with a [hook_handler] where all calls to plugin
+ functions lives. *)
val dispatch : (hook -> unit) -> unit