diff options
authorAlain Frisch <>2014-09-23 10:36:28 +0000
committerAlain Frisch <>2014-09-23 10:36:28 +0000
commit11cf54b09742ac6e6794b4908d2f05aac3f99208 (patch)
parent6fe05a51a7a20a3d38d921f9986ccf250a75f513 (diff)
Use more format strings.
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
1 files changed, 35 insertions, 75 deletions
diff --git a/asmcomp/ b/asmcomp/
index 0f406bb38..787d1cdec 100644
--- a/asmcomp/
+++ b/asmcomp/
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ FDIVR ST(i), ST(0)
open Intel_ast
open Intel_proc
-let tab b = Buffer.add_char b '\t'
let bprintf = Printf.bprintf
let print_reg b f r =
@@ -53,25 +52,25 @@ let print_reg b f r =
let bprint_arg_mem b string_of_register {typ=_; idx; scale; base; sym; displ} =
begin match sym with
- | None -> bprintf b "%Ld" displ
+ | None ->
+ if displ <> 0L || scale = 0 then
+ Buffer.add_string b (Int64.to_string displ)
| Some s ->
Buffer.add_string b s;
if displ = 0L then ()
else if displ > 0L then bprintf b "+%Ld" displ
else bprintf b "%Ld" displ
- if scale <> 0 || base != None then begin
+ if scale <> 0 then begin
Buffer.add_char b '(';
begin match base with
| None -> ()
| Some base -> print_reg b string_of_register base
- if scale <> 0 then begin
- if base <> None || scale <> 1 then Buffer.add_char b ',';
- print_reg b string_of_register idx;
- if scale <> 1 then bprintf b ",%d" scale;
- Buffer.add_char b ')'
- end
+ if base != None || scale <> 1 then Buffer.add_char b ',';
+ print_reg b string_of_register idx;
+ if scale <> 1 then bprintf b ",%s" (string_of_int scale);
+ Buffer.add_char b ')'
let bprint_arg b = function
@@ -85,18 +84,18 @@ let bprint_arg b = function
| Mem32 addr -> bprint_arg_mem b string_of_register32 addr
| Mem64 addr -> bprint_arg_mem b string_of_register64 addr
-let rec cst = function
- | ConstLabel _ | Const _ | ConstThis as c -> scst c
- | ConstAdd (c1, c2) -> scst c1 ^ " + " ^ scst c2
- | ConstSub (c1, c2) -> scst c1 ^ " - " ^ scst c2
+let rec cst b = function
+ | ConstLabel _ | Const _ | ConstThis as c -> scst b c
+ | ConstAdd (c1, c2) -> bprintf b "%a + %a" scst c1 scst c2
+ | ConstSub (c1, c2) -> bprintf b "%a - %a" scst c1 scst c2
-and scst = function
- | ConstThis -> "."
- | ConstLabel l -> l
- | Const n when n <= 0x7FFF_FFFFL && n >= -0x8000_0000L -> Int64.to_string n
- | Const n -> Printf.sprintf "0x%Lx" n
- | ConstAdd (c1, c2) -> Printf.sprintf "(%s + %s)" (scst c1) (scst c2)
- | ConstSub (c1, c2) -> Printf.sprintf "(%s - %s)" (scst c1) (scst c2)
+and scst b = function
+ | ConstThis -> Buffer.add_string b "."
+ | ConstLabel l -> Buffer.add_string b l
+ | Const n when n <= 0x7FFF_FFFFL && n >= -0x8000_0000L -> Buffer.add_string b (Int64.to_string n)
+ | Const n -> bprintf b "0x%Lx" n
+ | ConstAdd (c1, c2) -> bprintf b "(%a + %a)" scst c1 scst c2
+ | ConstSub (c1, c2) -> bprintf b "(%a - %a)" scst c1 scst c2
let suffix = function
| Mem32 {typ=BYTE; _} | Mem64 {typ=BYTE; _} | Reg8 _ -> "b"
@@ -109,54 +108,25 @@ let suffix = function
| _ -> ""
let i0 b s =
- tab b;
- Buffer.add_string b s
+ bprintf b "\t%s" s
let i1 b s x =
- tab b;
- Buffer.add_string b s;
- tab b;
- bprint_arg b x
+ bprintf b "\t%s\t%a" s bprint_arg x
(* Automatically add suffix derived from argument *)
let i1_s b s x =
- tab b;
- Buffer.add_string b s;
- Buffer.add_string b (suffix x);
- tab b;
- bprint_arg b x
+ bprintf b "\t%s%s\t%a" s (suffix x) bprint_arg x
let i2 b s x y =
- tab b;
- Buffer.add_string b s;
- tab b;
- bprint_arg b x;
- Buffer.add_char b ',';
- Buffer.add_char b ' ';
- bprint_arg b y
+ bprintf b "\t%s\t%a, %a" s bprint_arg x bprint_arg y
(* Automatically add suffix derived from second argument *)
let i2_s b s x y =
- tab b;
- Buffer.add_string b s;
- Buffer.add_string b (suffix y);
- tab b;
- bprint_arg b x;
- Buffer.add_char b ',';
- Buffer.add_char b ' ';
- bprint_arg b y
+ bprintf b "\t%s%s\t%a, %a" s (suffix y) bprint_arg x bprint_arg y
(* Automatically add suffixes derived from first and second argument *)
let i2_ss b s x y =
- tab b;
- Buffer.add_string b s;
- Buffer.add_string b (suffix x);
- Buffer.add_string b (suffix y);
- tab b;
- bprint_arg b x;
- Buffer.add_char b ',';
- Buffer.add_char b ' ';
- bprint_arg b y
+ bprintf b "\t%s%s%s\t%a, %a" s (suffix x) (suffix y) bprint_arg x bprint_arg y
let i1_call_jmp b s x =
match x with
@@ -165,16 +135,8 @@ let i1_call_jmp b s x =
| Mem32 {idx=_; scale=0; base=None; sym=Some _; _} (*used?*) ->
i1 b s x
| Reg32 _ | Reg64 _ | Mem32 _ | Mem64 _ ->
- tab b;
- Buffer.add_string b s;
- tab b;
- Buffer.add_char b '*';
- bprint_arg b x
- | Sym x ->
- tab b;
- Buffer.add_string b s;
- tab b;
- Buffer.add_string b x
+ bprintf b "\t%s\t*%a" s bprint_arg x
+ | Sym x -> bprintf b "\t%s\t%s" s x
| _ ->
assert false
@@ -291,16 +253,16 @@ let bprint_instr_name b = function
(* MacOSX assembler interprets the integer n as a 2^n alignment *)
let n = if system = S_macosx then Misc.log2 n else n in
bprintf b "\t.align\t%d" n
- | Byte n -> bprintf b "\t.byte\t%s" (cst n)
+ | Byte n -> bprintf b "\t.byte\t%a" cst n
| Bytes s ->
if system = S_solaris then assert false (* TODO *)
else bprintf b "\t.ascii\t\"%s\"" (string_of_string_literal s)
| Comment s -> bprintf b "\t\t\t\t(* %s *)" s
| End -> ()
| Global s -> bprintf b "\t.globl\t%s" s;
- | Long n -> bprintf b "\t.long\t%s" (cst n)
+ | Long n -> bprintf b "\t.long\t%a" cst n
| NewLabel (s, _) -> bprintf b "%s:" s
- | Quad n -> bprintf b "\t.quad\t%s" (cst n)
+ | Quad n -> bprintf b "\t.quad\t%a" cst n
| Section ([".data" ], _, _) -> bprintf b "\"
| Section ([".text" ], _, _) -> bprintf b "\t.text"
| Section (name, flags, args) ->
@@ -317,8 +279,8 @@ let bprint_instr_name b = function
if system = S_solaris then bprintf b "\\t%d" n
else bprintf b "\\t%d" n
| Word n ->
- if system = S_solaris then bprintf b "\t.value\t%s" (cst n)
- else bprintf b "\t.word\t%s" (cst n)
+ if system = S_solaris then bprintf b "\t.value\t%a" cst n
+ else bprintf b "\t.word\t%a" cst n
(* gas only *)
| Cfi_adjust_cfa_offset n -> bprintf b "\t.cfi_adjust_cfa_offset %d" n
@@ -330,8 +292,8 @@ let bprint_instr_name b = function
| Indirect_symbol s -> bprintf b "\t.indirect_symbol %s" s
| Loc (file_num, line) -> bprintf b "\t.loc\t%d\t%d" file_num line
| Private_extern s -> bprintf b "\t.private_extern %s" s
- | Set (arg1, arg2) -> bprintf b "\t.set %s, %s" arg1 (cst arg2)
- | Size (s, c) -> bprintf b "\t.size %s,%s" s (cst c)
+ | Set (arg1, arg2) -> bprintf b "\t.set %s, %a" arg1 cst arg2
+ | Size (s, c) -> bprintf b "\t.size %s,%a" s cst c
| Type (s, typ) -> bprintf b "\t.type %s,%s" s typ
(* masm only *)
@@ -351,8 +313,6 @@ let generate_asm oc lines =
(fun i ->
Buffer.clear b;
bprint_instr b i;
- Buffer.output_buffer oc b
+ Buffer.output_buffer oc b;