diff options
authorXavier Leroy <>1998-06-23 10:06:50 +0000
committerXavier Leroy <>1998-06-23 10:06:50 +0000
commit19d79cd6aca36ea74e50f3c608a188d81c79f6b3 (patch)
parentebc71b0f80af6f02b4867c1211c2a05b81650b57 (diff)
Meilleurs noms pour les exceptions
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
6 files changed, 66 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 3b8cf04f2..7d4f29343 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ exception Error of Location.t * error
(* Forward declaration -- to be filled in by Translmod.transl_module *)
let transl_module =
- ref((fun cc modl -> assert false) : module_coercion -> module_expr -> lambda)
+ ref((fun cc rootpath modl -> assert false) :
+ module_coercion -> Path.t option -> module_expr -> lambda)
(* Translation of primitives *)
@@ -463,7 +464,7 @@ let rec transl_exp e =
(Lvar cpy))
| Texp_letmodule(id, modl, body) ->
- Llet(Strict, id, !transl_module Tcoerce_none modl, transl_exp body)
+ Llet(Strict, id, !transl_module Tcoerce_none None modl, transl_exp body)
| _ ->
fatal_error "Translcore.transl"
@@ -538,9 +539,12 @@ and transl_setinstvar self var expr =
(* Compile an exception definition *)
-let transl_exception id decl =
- Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable),
- [Lconst(Const_base(Const_string( id)))])
+let transl_exception id path decl =
+ let name =
+ match path with
+ None -> id
+ | Some p -> p in
+ Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable), [Lconst(Const_base(Const_string name))])
(* Error report *)
diff --git a/bytecomp/translcore.mli b/bytecomp/translcore.mli
index 86626fa1d..498a3bdd3 100644
--- a/bytecomp/translcore.mli
+++ b/bytecomp/translcore.mli
@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ val transl_exp: expression -> lambda
val transl_let:
rec_flag -> (pattern * expression) list -> lambda -> lambda
val transl_primitive: Primitive.description -> lambda
-val transl_exception: Ident.t -> exception_declaration -> lambda
+val transl_exception:
+ Ident.t -> Path.t option -> exception_declaration -> lambda
type error =
@@ -37,4 +38,5 @@ exception Error of Location.t * error
val report_error: error -> unit
(* Forward declaration -- to be filled in by Translmod.transl_module *)
-val transl_module : (module_coercion -> module_expr -> lambda) ref
+val transl_module :
+ (module_coercion -> Path.t option -> module_expr -> lambda) ref
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 7f6a8b312..27de35863 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
open Misc
open Asttypes
+open Path
open Types
open Typedtree
open Lambda
@@ -71,33 +72,48 @@ let rec compose_coercions c1 c2 =
let primitive_declarations = ref ([] : string list)
+(* Keep track of the root path (from the root of the namespace to the
+ currently compiled module expression). Useful for naming exceptions. *)
+let global_path glob = Some(Pident glob)
+let functor_path path param =
+ match path with
+ None -> None
+ | Some p -> Some(Papply(p, Pident param))
+let field_path path field =
+ match path with
+ None -> None
+ | Some p -> Some(Pdot(p, field, Path.nopos))
(* Compile a module expression *)
-let rec transl_module cc mexp =
+let rec transl_module cc rootpath mexp =
match mexp.mod_desc with
Tmod_ident path ->
apply_coercion cc (transl_path path)
| Tmod_structure str ->
- transl_structure [] cc str
+ transl_structure [] cc rootpath str
| Tmod_functor(param, mty, body) ->
+ let bodypath = functor_path rootpath param in
begin match cc with
Tcoerce_none ->
- Lfunction(Curried, [param], transl_module Tcoerce_none body)
+ Lfunction(Curried, [param], transl_module Tcoerce_none bodypath body)
| Tcoerce_functor(ccarg, ccres) ->
let param' = Ident.create "funarg" in
Lfunction(Curried, [param'],
Llet(Alias, param, apply_coercion ccarg (Lvar param'),
- transl_module ccres body))
+ transl_module ccres bodypath body))
| _ ->
fatal_error "Translmod.transl_module"
| Tmod_apply(funct, arg, ccarg) ->
apply_coercion cc
- (Lapply(transl_module Tcoerce_none funct, [transl_module ccarg arg]))
+ (Lapply(transl_module Tcoerce_none None funct,
+ [transl_module ccarg None arg]))
| Tmod_constraint(arg, mty, ccarg) ->
- transl_module (compose_coercions cc ccarg) arg
+ transl_module (compose_coercions cc ccarg) rootpath arg
-and transl_structure fields cc = function
+and transl_structure fields cc rootpath = function
[] ->
begin match cc with
Tcoerce_none ->
@@ -116,29 +132,31 @@ and transl_structure fields cc = function
fatal_error "Translmod.transl_structure"
| Tstr_eval expr :: rem ->
- Lsequence(transl_exp expr, transl_structure fields cc rem)
+ Lsequence(transl_exp expr, transl_structure fields cc rootpath rem)
| Tstr_value(rec_flag, pat_expr_list) :: rem ->
let ext_fields = rev_let_bound_idents pat_expr_list @ fields in
- transl_let rec_flag pat_expr_list (transl_structure ext_fields cc rem)
+ transl_let rec_flag pat_expr_list
+ (transl_structure ext_fields cc rootpath rem)
| Tstr_primitive(id, descr) :: rem ->
begin match descr.val_kind with
Val_prim p -> primitive_declarations :=
p.Primitive.prim_name :: !primitive_declarations
| _ -> ()
- transl_structure fields cc rem
+ transl_structure fields cc rootpath rem
| Tstr_type(decls) :: rem ->
- transl_structure fields cc rem
+ transl_structure fields cc rootpath rem
| Tstr_exception(id, decl) :: rem ->
- Llet(Strict, id, transl_exception id decl,
- transl_structure (id :: fields) cc rem)
+ Llet(Strict, id, transl_exception id (field_path rootpath id) decl,
+ transl_structure (id :: fields) cc rootpath rem)
| Tstr_module(id, modl) :: rem ->
- Llet(Strict, id, transl_module Tcoerce_none modl,
- transl_structure (id :: fields) cc rem)
+ Llet(Strict, id,
+ transl_module Tcoerce_none (field_path rootpath id) modl,
+ transl_structure (id :: fields) cc rootpath rem)
| Tstr_modtype(id, decl) :: rem ->
- transl_structure fields cc rem
+ transl_structure fields cc rootpath rem
| Tstr_open path :: rem ->
- transl_structure fields cc rem
+ transl_structure fields cc rootpath rem
| Tstr_class cl_list :: rem ->
(fun (id, cl) re ->
@@ -149,7 +167,7 @@ and transl_structure fields cc = function
Lsequence(transl_class id cl, re))
- ((List.rev ( fst cl_list)) @ fields) cc rem))
+ ((List.rev ( fst cl_list)) @ fields) cc rootpath rem))
(* Update forward declaration in Translcore *)
let _ =
@@ -161,7 +179,9 @@ let transl_implementation module_name (str, cc) =
reset_labels ();
primitive_declarations := [];
let module_id = Ident.create_persistent module_name in
- Lprim(Psetglobal module_id, [transl_label_init (transl_structure [] cc str)])
+ Lprim(Psetglobal module_id,
+ [transl_label_init
+ (transl_structure [] cc (global_path module_id) str)])
(* A variant of transl_structure used to compile toplevel structure definitions
for the native-code compiler. Store the defined values in the fields
@@ -190,10 +210,12 @@ let transl_store_structure glob map prims str =
| Tstr_type(decls) :: rem ->
transl_store rem
| Tstr_exception(id, decl) :: rem ->
- Llet(Strict, id, transl_exception id decl,
+ Llet(Strict, id,
+ transl_exception id (field_path (global_path glob) id) decl,
store_ident glob map id (transl_store rem))
| Tstr_module(id, modl) :: rem ->
- Llet(Strict, id, transl_module Tcoerce_none modl,
+ Llet(Strict, id,
+ transl_module Tcoerce_none (field_path (global_path glob) id) modl,
store_ident glob map id (transl_store rem))
| Tstr_modtype(id, decl) :: rem ->
transl_store rem
@@ -315,10 +337,10 @@ let transl_toplevel_item = function
| Tstr_exception(id, decl) ->
Ident.make_global id;
- Lprim(Psetglobal id, [transl_exception id decl])
+ Lprim(Psetglobal id, [transl_exception id None decl])
| Tstr_module(id, modl) ->
Ident.make_global id;
- Lprim(Psetglobal id, [transl_module Tcoerce_none modl])
+ Lprim(Psetglobal id, [transl_module Tcoerce_none None modl])
| Tstr_modtype(id, decl) ->
| Tstr_open path ->
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 1445564a7..d18022b0f 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -34,3 +34,8 @@ let rec binding_time = function
Pident id -> Ident.binding_time id
| Pdot(p, s, pos) -> binding_time p
| Papply(p1, p2) -> max (binding_time p1) (binding_time p2)
+let rec name = function
+ Pident id -> id
+ | Pdot(p, s, pos) -> name p ^ "." ^ s
+ | Papply(p1, p2) -> name p1 ^ "(" ^ name p2 ^ ")"
diff --git a/typing/path.mli b/typing/path.mli
index 4583c3cf1..fa71787ad 100644
--- a/typing/path.mli
+++ b/typing/path.mli
@@ -23,3 +23,5 @@ val isfree: Ident.t -> t -> bool
val binding_time: t -> int
val nopos: int
+val name: t -> string
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 05b2ca295..d7f6df65c 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ let rec bound_idents pat =
| Tpat_construct(cstr, patl) -> List.iter bound_idents patl
| Tpat_record lbl_pat_list ->
List.iter (fun (lbl, pat) -> bound_idents pat) lbl_pat_list
+ | Tpat_array patl -> List.iter bound_idents patl
| Tpat_or(p1, p2) -> bound_idents p1; bound_idents p2
let pat_bound_idents pat =