diff options
authorWojciech Meyer <>2012-12-29 04:34:30 +0000
committerWojciech Meyer <>2012-12-29 04:34:30 +0000
commit21735ad37520e466ff6b32474964d3206ab4dbef (patch)
parent25343aa241ace456a75301f6deb39ce8349e45ff (diff)
New testing infrastructure for ocamlbuild (PR#5755)
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
2 files changed, 497 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/testsuite/ b/ocamlbuild/testsuite/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8642ba914
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamlbuild/testsuite/
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#use "topfind";;
+#require "unix";;
+#use "";;
+module M = Match;;
+module T = Tree;;
+let _build = M.d "_build";;
+test "BasicNativeTree"
+ ~description:"Output tree for native compilation"
+ ~tree:(T.f "")
+ ~matching:(M.Exact
+ (_build
+ (M.lf
+ ["_digests";
+ "dummy.cmi";
+ "dummy.cmo";
+ "dummy.cmx";
+ "";
+ "";
+ "dummy.native";
+ "dummy.o";
+ "_log"])))
+ ~targets:("dummy.native",[]);;
+test "BasicByteTree"
+ ~description:"Output tree for byte compilation"
+ ~tree:(T.f "")
+ ~matching:(M.Exact
+ (_build
+ (M.lf
+ ["_digests";
+ "dummy.cmi";
+ "dummy.cmo";
+ "";
+ "";
+ "dummy.byte";
+ "_log"])))
+ ~targets:("dummy.byte",[]);;
+test "SeveralTargets"
+ ~description:"Several targets"
+ ~tree:(T.f "")
+ ~matching:(_build (M.lf ["dummy.byte"; "dummy.native"]))
+ ~targets:("dummy.byte",["dummy.native"]);;
+let alt_build_dir = "BuIlD2";;
+test "BuildDir"
+ ~options:[`build_dir alt_build_dir]
+ ~description:"Different build directory"
+ ~tree:(T.f "")
+ ~matching:(M.d alt_build_dir (M.lf ["dummy.byte"]))
+ ~targets:("dummy.byte",[]);;
+run ~root:"_test";;
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/testsuite/ b/ocamlbuild/testsuite/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8ec1ebbd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamlbuild/testsuite/
@@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
+(* *)
+(* OCaml *)
+(* *)
+(* Wojciech Meyer *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+open Format
+external (|>) : 'a -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b = "%revapply"
+let print_list ~sep f ppf = function
+| [] -> ()
+| x :: [] -> f ppf x
+| x :: xs -> f ppf x; sep ppf (); List.iter (f ppf) xs
+let print_list_com f = print_list ~sep:(fun ppf () -> pp_print_string ppf ",") f
+let print_list_blank f = print_list ~sep:(fun ppf () -> pp_print_string ppf " ") f
+let print_string_list = print_list_com pp_print_string
+let print_string_list_com = print_list_com pp_print_string
+let print_string_list_blank = print_list_blank pp_print_string
+module Match = struct
+ type atts = unit
+ (* File consists of file attribute and name *)
+ type file = atts * string
+ (* Result is an outcome of execution, if consists of returned exit code,
+ and stream from stdout *)
+ type result = int * string
+ type t =
+ (* Represents file in the tree *)
+ | F of file
+ (* Directory, consists of name and sub entries *)
+ | D of file * t list
+ (* Like file, but will be executed, and the result will compared *)
+ | X of file * result
+ (* Symlink *)
+ | L of file * file
+ (* We request that everything below should match exactly *)
+ | Exact of t
+ (* Here we want just the tree contained entities but we allow some
+ other stuff to be there too *)
+ | Contains of t
+ (* Any means that we match anything *)
+ | Any
+ (* Empty a tree leaf that don't match at all *)
+ | Empty
+ (* Type of error, we either expect something or something is un-expected *)
+ type error =
+ Expected of string
+ | Unexpected of string
+ | Structure of string * string list
+ (* This will print the tree *)
+ let print ppf tree =
+ let rec lines ppf lst =
+ List.iter (fun line -> pp_print_space ppf (); item ppf line) lst
+ and item ppf = function
+ | F (_, name) -> fprintf ppf "@[<h>%s@]" name
+ | D ((_, name), children) -> fprintf ppf "@[<v 1>@[<h>%s/@]%a@]" name lines children
+ | X ((_,name), _) -> fprintf ppf "@[<h>%s@]" name
+ | L ((_,src), (_,dst)) -> fprintf ppf "@[<h>%s->%s@]@" src dst
+ | Exact content -> fprintf ppf "{%a}" item content
+ | Contains content -> fprintf ppf "<%a>" item content
+ | Any -> pp_print_char ppf '*'
+ | Empty -> pp_print_char ppf '#'
+ in
+ pp_open_vbox ppf 0;
+ item ppf tree;
+ pp_close_box ppf ()
+ let f ?(atts=()) name = F (atts, name)
+ let d ?(atts=()) name children = D ((atts, name), children)
+ let lf ?(atts=()) lst = (fun nm -> F (atts,nm)) lst
+ let match_with_fs ~root m =
+ let errors = ref [] in
+ let rec visit ~exact path m =
+ let file name =
+ List.rev (name :: path)
+ |> String.concat "/"
+ in
+ let exists filename =
+ let name = file filename in
+ try ignore(Unix.stat name); true
+ with Unix.Unix_error ((Unix.ENOENT),_,_) -> false
+ in
+ let exists_assert filename =
+ if not (exists filename) then
+ errors := Expected filename :: !errors;
+ in
+ let take_name = function
+ | F (_, name)
+ | D ((_, name),_) -> [name]
+ | _ -> []
+ in
+ match m with
+ | F ((),name) ->
+ exists_assert name
+ | D (((),name), sub) ->
+ exists_assert name;
+ let lst = List.flatten ( take_name sub) in
+ let lst' = Sys.readdir name |> Array.to_list in
+ let lst' = List.filter (fun x -> not (List.mem x lst)) lst' in
+ (if exact && lst' <> [] then
+ errors := Structure ((file name), lst') :: !errors);
+ List.iter (visit ~exact (name :: path)) sub
+ | Exact sub -> visit ~exact:true path sub
+ | Contains sub -> visit ~exact:false path sub
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ let dir = Sys.getcwd () in
+ Unix.chdir root;
+ visit ~exact:false [] m;
+ Unix.chdir dir;
+ List.rev !errors
+ let string_of_error = function
+ | Expected s -> Printf.sprintf "expected '%s' on a file system" s
+ | Unexpected s -> Printf.sprintf "un-expected '%s' on a file system" s
+ | Structure (s,l) -> Printf.sprintf "directory structure '%s' has un-expected files %s" s (String.concat ", " l)
+module Option = struct
+ type flag = string
+ type path = string
+ type level = int
+ type package = string
+ type file = string
+ type command = string
+ type _module = string
+ type t =
+ [ `version
+ | `vnum
+ | `quiet
+ | `verbose of level
+ | `documentation
+ | `log of file
+ | `no_log
+ | `clean
+ | `r
+ | `I of path
+ | `Is of path list
+ | `X of path
+ | `Xs of path list
+ | `lib of flag
+ | `libs of flag list
+ | `_mod of _module
+ | `mods of _module list
+ | `pkg of package
+ | `pkgs of package list
+ | `package of package
+ | `lflag of flag
+ | `lflags of flag list
+ | `cflag of flag
+ | `cflags of flag list
+ | `docflag of flag
+ | `docflags of flag list
+ | `yaccflag of flag
+ | `yaccflags of flag list
+ | `lexflag of flag
+ | `lexflags of flag list
+ | `ppflag of flag
+ | `pp of flag list
+ | `tag of tag
+ | `tags of tag list
+ | `tag_line of tag
+ | `show_tags of path
+ | `ignore of _module list
+ | `no_links
+ | `no_skip
+ | `no_hygiene
+ | `no_plugin
+ | `no_stdlib
+ | `dont_catch_errors
+ | `just_plugin
+ | `byte_plugin
+ | `plugin_option
+ | `sanitization_script
+ | `no_sanitize
+ | `nothing_should_be_rebuilt
+ | `classic_display
+ | `use_menhir
+ | `use_jocaml
+ | `use_ocamlfind
+ | `j of level
+ | `build_dir of path
+ | `install_lib_dir of path
+ | `install_bin_dir of path
+ | `where
+ | `ocamlc of command
+ | `ocamlopt of command
+ | `ocamldep of command
+ | `ocamldoc of command
+ | `ocamlyacc of command
+ | `menhir of command
+ | `ocamllex of command
+ | `ocamlmktop of command
+ | `ocamlrun of command
+ | `help ]
+ type arg = string * string list
+ let print_level = pp_print_int
+ let print_flag = pp_print_string
+ let print_package = pp_print_string
+ let print_tag = pp_print_string
+ let print_tags = print_string_list_com
+ let print_path = pp_print_string
+ let print_paths = print_string_list_com
+ let print_flags = print_string_list_com
+ let print_module = pp_print_string
+ let print_modules = print_string_list_com
+ let print_packages = print_string_list_com
+ let print_command = pp_print_string
+ let print_opt ppf o =
+ fprintf ppf "-";
+ match o with
+ | `version -> fprintf ppf "version"
+ | `vnum -> fprintf ppf "vnum"
+ | `quiet -> fprintf ppf "quiet"
+ | `verbose level -> fprintf ppf "verbose %a" print_level level
+ | `documentation -> fprintf ppf "documentation"
+ | `log file -> fprintf ppf "log"
+ | `no_log -> fprintf ppf "no-log"
+ | `clean -> fprintf ppf "clean"
+ | `r -> fprintf ppf "r"
+ | `I path -> fprintf ppf "I %a" print_path path
+ | `Is paths -> fprintf ppf "Is %a" print_paths paths
+ | `X path -> fprintf ppf "X %a" print_path path
+ | `Xs paths -> fprintf ppf "Xs %a" print_paths paths
+ | `lib flag -> fprintf ppf "lib %a" print_flag flag
+ | `libs flags -> fprintf ppf "libs %a" print_flags flags
+ | `_mod _module -> fprintf ppf "mod %a" print_module _module
+ | `mods _modules -> fprintf ppf "mods %a" print_modules _modules
+ | `pkg package -> fprintf ppf "pkg %a" print_package package
+ | `pkgs packages -> fprintf ppf "pkgs %a" print_packages packages
+ | `package package -> fprintf ppf "package %a" print_package package
+ | `lflag flag -> fprintf ppf "lflag %a" print_flag flag
+ | `lflags flags -> fprintf ppf "lflags %a" print_flags flags
+ | `cflag flag -> fprintf ppf "cflag %a" print_flag flag
+ | `cflags flags -> fprintf ppf "cflags %a" print_flags flags
+ | `docflag flag -> fprintf ppf "docflag %a" print_flag flag
+ | `docflags flags -> fprintf ppf "docflags %a" print_flags flags
+ | `yaccflag flag -> fprintf ppf "yaccflag %a" print_flag flag
+ | `yaccflags flags -> fprintf ppf "yaccflags %a" print_flags flags
+ | `lexflag flag -> fprintf ppf "lexflag %a" print_flag flag
+ | `lexflags flags -> fprintf ppf "lexflags %a" print_flags flags
+ | `ppflag flag -> fprintf ppf "ppflag %a" print_flag flag
+ | `pp flags -> fprintf ppf "pp %a" print_flags flags
+ | `tag tag -> fprintf ppf "tag %a" print_tag tag
+ | `tags tags -> fprintf ppf "tags %a" print_tags tags
+ | `tag_line tag -> fprintf ppf "tag-line %a" print_tag tag
+ | `show_tags path -> fprintf ppf "show-tags %a" print_path path
+ | `ignore _modules -> fprintf ppf "ignore %a" print_modules _modules
+ | `no_links -> fprintf ppf "no-links"
+ | `no_skip -> fprintf ppf "no-skip"
+ | `no_hygiene -> fprintf ppf "no-hygiene"
+ | `no_plugin -> fprintf ppf "no-pluging"
+ | `no_stdlib -> fprintf ppf "no-stdlib"
+ | `dont_catch_errors -> fprintf ppf "dont"
+ | `just_plugin -> fprintf ppf "just-plugin"
+ | `byte_plugin -> fprintf ppf "byte-plugin"
+ | `plugin_option -> fprintf ppf "plugin-option"
+ | `sanitization_script -> fprintf ppf "sanitization-script"
+ | `no_sanitize -> fprintf ppf "no-sanitze"
+ | `nothing_should_be_rebuilt -> fprintf ppf "nothing_should_be_rebuilt"
+ | `classic_display -> fprintf ppf "classic-display"
+ | `use_menhir -> fprintf ppf "use-menhir"
+ | `use_jocaml -> fprintf ppf "use-jocaml"
+ | `use_ocamlfind -> fprintf ppf "use-ocamlfind"
+ | `j level -> fprintf ppf "j %a" print_level level
+ | `build_dir path -> fprintf ppf "build-dir %a" print_path path
+ | `install_lib_dir path -> fprintf ppf "install %a" print_path path
+ | `install_bin_dir path -> fprintf ppf "install %a" print_path path
+ | `where -> fprintf ppf "where"
+ | `ocamlc command -> fprintf ppf "ocamlc %a" print_command command
+ | `ocamlopt command -> fprintf ppf "ocamlopt %a" print_command command
+ | `ocamldep command -> fprintf ppf "ocamldep %a" print_command command
+ | `ocamldoc command -> fprintf ppf "ocamldoc %a" print_command command
+ | `ocamlyacc command -> fprintf ppf "ocamlyacc %a" print_command command
+ | `menhir command -> fprintf ppf "menhir %a" print_command command
+ | `ocamllex command -> fprintf ppf "ocamllex %a" print_command command
+ | `ocamlmktop command -> fprintf ppf "ocamlmktop %a" print_command command
+ | `ocamlrun command -> fprintf ppf "ocamlrun %a" print_command command
+ | `help -> fprintf ppf "help"
+module Tree = struct
+ type name = string
+ type content = string
+ type t =
+ F of name * content
+ | D of name * t list
+ | E
+ let f ?(content="") name = F (name, content)
+ let d name children = D (name, children)
+ let create_on_fs ~root f =
+ let rec visit path f =
+ let file name =
+ List.rev (name :: path)
+ |> String.concat "/"
+ in
+ match f with
+ | F (name, content) ->
+ let ch = file name |> open_out in
+ output_string ch content;
+ close_out ch
+ | D (name, sub) ->
+ (* print_endline ("mking " ^ (file name)); *)
+ Unix.mkdir (file name) 0o750;
+ List.iter (visit (name :: path)) sub
+ | E -> ()
+ in
+ ignore(Sys.command (Printf.sprintf "rm -r ./%s" root));
+ Unix.mkdir root 0o750;
+ let dir = Sys.getcwd () in
+ Unix.chdir root;
+ visit [] f;
+ Unix.chdir dir
+type content = string
+type filename = string
+type run = filename * content
+type test = { name : string
+ ; description : string
+ ; tree : Tree.t
+ ; matching : Match.t
+ ; options : Option.t list
+ ; targets : string * string list
+ ; pre_cmd : string option
+ ; run : run list }
+let tests = ref []
+let test ?(options=[]) ?(run=[]) ?pre_cmd
+ name
+ ~description
+ ~tree
+ ~matching
+ ~targets =
+ tests := !tests @ [{ name; description; tree; matching; options; targets; pre_cmd; run }]
+let run ~root =
+ let execute cmd =
+ let ic = Unix.open_process_in cmd and lst = ref [] in
+ try while true do lst := input_line ic :: !lst done; assert false
+ with End_of_file ->
+ let ret_code = Unix.close_process_in ic
+ in ret_code, List.rev !lst
+ in
+ let command opts args =
+ let b = Buffer.create 127 in
+ let f = Format.formatter_of_buffer b in
+ fprintf f "ocamlbuild %a %a" (print_list_blank Option.print_opt) opts (print_list_blank pp_print_string) args;
+ Format.pp_print_flush f ();
+ Buffer.contents b
+ in
+ let one_test
+ { name
+ ; description
+ ; tree
+ ; matching
+ ; options
+ ; targets
+ ; pre_cmd
+ ; run } =
+ let dir = Sys.getcwd () in
+ Unix.chdir root;
+ Tree.create_on_fs ~root:name tree;
+ Unix.chdir name;
+ (match pre_cmd with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some str -> ignore(Sys.command str));
+ let log_name = name ^ ".log" in
+ let cmd = command options (fst targets :: snd targets) in
+ Unix.(match execute cmd with
+ | WEXITED n,lines
+ | WSIGNALED n,lines
+ | WSTOPPED n,lines when n <> 0 ->
+ let ch = open_out log_name in
+ List.iter (fun l -> output_string ch l; output_string ch "\n") lines;
+ close_out ch;
+ Printf.printf "\x1b[0;31m\x1b[1m[FAILED]\x1b[0m \x1b[1m%-20s\x1b[0;33m%s.\n" name
+ (Printf.sprintf "Command '%s' with error code %n output written to %s" cmd n log_name);
+ Unix.chdir dir;
+ | _ ->
+ Unix.chdir dir;
+ Unix.chdir root;
+ let errors = Match.match_with_fs ~root:name matching in
+ begin if errors == [] then
+ Printf.printf "\x1b[0;32m\x1b[1m[PASSED]\x1b[0m \x1b[1m%s\n" name
+ else begin
+ let ch = open_out log_name in
+ output_string ch ("Run '" ^ cmd ^ "'\n");
+ List.iter (fun e -> output_string ch (Match.string_of_error e); output_string ch ".\n") errors;
+ close_out ch;
+ Printf.printf "\x1b[0;31m\x1b[1m[FAILED]\x1b[0m \x1b[1m%-20s\x1b[0;33m%s.\n" name
+ (Printf.sprintf "Some system checks failed, output written to %s" log_name)
+ end
+ end;
+ Unix.chdir dir)
+ in
+ List.iter one_test !tests