diff options
authorHongbo Zhang <bobzhang1988 AT>2013-02-22 04:04:16 +0000
committerHongbo Zhang <bobzhang1988 AT>2013-02-22 04:04:16 +0000
commit23994ac6dea98805f9077b9b7fc74cfa13a80a7f (patch)
parent4d7a8f8bd3e6e13b6a8012d6bdca98d11405811a (diff) fix a bug for printing private types and tune some identations
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
1 files changed, 9 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/parsing/ b/parsing/
index c7f7949dd..f27a1da0c 100644
--- a/parsing/
+++ b/parsing/
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ class printer ()= object(self:'self)
| xs ->
let rec loop f = function
| [x] -> fu f x
- | x::xs -> pp f "%a%(%)%a" fu x sep loop xs
+ | x::xs -> pp f "%a%(%)%a" fu x sep loop xs
| _ -> assert false in begin
pp f "%(%)%a%(%)" first loop xs last;
end in
@@ -328,13 +328,13 @@ class printer ()= object(self:'self)
else pp f "%s" s.txt ) s (* RA*)
| Ppat_or (p1, p2) -> (* *)
(match p1 with
- | {ppat_desc=Ppat_constant (Const_char a);_} -> begin
- match pattern_or_helper a p2 with
+ | {ppat_desc=Ppat_constant (Const_char a);_} ->
+ (match pattern_or_helper a p2 with
|Some b -> pp f "@[<2>%C..%C@]" a b
|None ->
- self#list ~sep:"|" self#pattern f (list_of_pattern [] x) end
+ pp f "@[<hov0>%a@]" (self#list ~sep:"@,|" self#pattern ) (list_of_pattern [] x))
| _ ->
- self#list ~sep:"|" self#pattern f (list_of_pattern [] x)
+ pp f "@[<hov0>%a@]" (self#list ~sep:"@,|" self#pattern) (list_of_pattern [] x)
| _ -> self#pattern1 f x
method pattern1 (f:Format.formatter) (x:pattern) :unit =
@@ -914,8 +914,8 @@ class printer ()= object(self:'self)
method module_expr f x =
match x.pmod_desc with
| Pmod_structure (s) ->
- pp f "struct@\n%a@\nend"
- (self#list self#structure_item ) s;
+ pp f "@[<hv2>struct@;@[<0>%a@]@;<1 -2>end@]"
+ (self#list self#structure_item ~sep:"@\n") s;
| Pmod_constraint (me, mt) ->
pp f "@[<hov2>(%a@ :@ %a)@]"
self#module_expr me
@@ -1018,7 +1018,7 @@ class printer ()= object(self:'self)
pp f " =@ %a" self#module_expr me
)) me
| Pstr_open (li) ->
- pp f "open %a" self#longident_loc li;
+ pp f "@[<2>open@;%a@]" self#longident_loc li;
| Pstr_modtype (s, mt) ->
pp f "@[<2>module type %s =@;%a@]" s.txt self#module_type mt
| Pstr_class l ->
@@ -1117,6 +1117,7 @@ class printer ()= object(self:'self)
pp f "%a%a@ %a"
(fun f x -> match (x.ptype_manifest,x.ptype_kind,x.ptype_private) with
| (None,_,Public) -> pp f "@;"
+ | (None,Ptype_abstract,Private) -> pp f "@;" (* private type without print*)
| (None,_,Private) -> pp f "private@;"
| (Some y, Ptype_abstract,Private) ->
pp f "private@;%a" self#core_type y;