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authorDamien Doligez <>2000-04-24 15:14:49 +0000
committerDamien Doligez <>2000-04-24 15:14:49 +0000
commit26f96299d2c6e3ad20a184dadc94eb8a8d3cb044 (patch)
parentf78f0a2c6e4e2cb7218fc87708d2005009f2f648 (diff)
changements cosmetiques
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/graph/graphics.mli b/otherlibs/graph/graphics.mli
index 6de1b18bc..8e4d250cb 100644
--- a/otherlibs/graph/graphics.mli
+++ b/otherlibs/graph/graphics.mli
@@ -78,11 +78,12 @@ val foreground: color
external plot : x:int -> y:int -> unit = "gr_plot"
(* Plot the given point with the current drawing color. *)
external point_color : x:int -> y:int -> color = "gr_point_color"
- (* Return the color of the given point. *)
+ (* Return the color of the given point in the backing store
+ (see "Double buffering" below). *)
external moveto : x:int -> y:int -> unit = "gr_moveto"
(* Position the current point. *)
val rmoveto : x:int -> y:int -> unit
- (* [rmoveto x y] translates the current point of the given vector. *)
+ (* [rmoveto x y] translates the current point by the given vector. *)
external current_x : unit -> int = "gr_current_x"
(* Return the abscissa of the current point. *)
external current_y : unit -> int = "gr_current_y"
@@ -94,7 +95,7 @@ external lineto : x:int -> y:int -> unit = "gr_lineto"
and move the current point to the given point. *)
val rlineto : x:int -> y:int -> unit
(* Draws a line with endpoints the current point and the
- current point translated of the given vector,
+ current point translated by the given vector,
and move the current point to this point. *)
external draw_rect : x:int -> y:int -> w:int -> h:int -> unit = "gr_draw_rect"
(* [draw_rect x y w h] draws the rectangle with lower left corner
@@ -246,7 +247,7 @@ external sound : freq:int -> ms:int -> unit = "gr_sound"
(*** Double buffering *)
val auto_synchronize : bool -> unit
- (* By default, drawings takes place both on the window displayed
+ (* By default, drawing takes place both on the window displayed
on screen, and in a memory area (the ``backing store'').
The backing store image is used to re-paint the on-screen
window when necessary.
@@ -276,13 +277,12 @@ external display_mode : bool -> unit = "gr_display_mode"
(* Set display mode on or off. When turned on, drawings are done
in the graphics window; when turned off, drawings do not affect
the graphics window. This occurs independently of
- drawings into the backing store (see the function [remember_mode]
+ drawing into the backing store (see the function [remember_mode]
below). Default display mode is on. *)
external remember_mode : bool -> unit = "gr_remember_mode"
(* Set remember mode on or off. When turned on, drawings are done
in the backing store; when turned off, the backing store is
- unaffected by drawings. This
- occurs independently of drawings onto the graphics window
- (see the function [display_mode] above).
+ unaffected by drawings. This occurs independently of drawing
+ onto the graphics window (see the function [display_mode] above).
Default remember mode is on. *)