diff options
authorMaxence Guesdon <>2008-07-23 11:14:22 +0000
committerMaxence Guesdon <>2008-07-23 11:14:22 +0000
commit2a1bc6f15e7f64cceb54e810b2409fbbd26d69b4 (patch)
parenta6ae8b88a50edf9a54eee11aa905aa20d2169601 (diff)
fix bug #4587: unescaping escaped '@' in @-tags
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
1 files changed, 55 insertions, 54 deletions
diff --git a/ocamldoc/odoc_lexer.mll b/ocamldoc/odoc_lexer.mll
index 353ddfbe1..44ba7bc3e 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/odoc_lexer.mll
+++ b/ocamldoc/odoc_lexer.mll
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ let ajout_string = Buffer.add_string string_buffer
let lecture_string () = Buffer.contents string_buffer
-(** The variable which will contain the description string.
+(** The variable which will contain the description string.
Is initialized when we encounter the start of a special comment. *)
let description = ref ""
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ let remove_blanks s =
let rec iter liste =
match liste with
h :: q ->
- let h2 = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp ("^"^blank^"+")) "" h in
+ let h2 = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp ("^"^blank^"+")) "" h in
if h2 = "" then
print_DEBUG2 (h^" n'a que des blancs");
@@ -66,11 +66,11 @@ let remove_blanks s =
in iter l
- let l3 =
- let rec iter liste =
+ let l3 =
+ let rec iter liste =
match liste with
h :: q ->
- let h2 = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp (blank^"+$")) "" h in
+ let h2 = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp (blank^"+$")) "" h in
if h2 = "" then
print_DEBUG2 (h^" n'a que des blancs");
@@ -91,16 +91,16 @@ let remove_blanks s =
let remove_stars s =
let s2 = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp ("^"^blank^"*\\*")) "" s in
let lowercase = ['a'-'z' '\223'-'\246' '\248'-'\255' '_']
let uppercase = ['A'-'Z' '\192'-'\214' '\216'-'\222']
-let identchar =
+let identchar =
['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_' '\192'-'\214' '\216'-'\246' '\248'-'\255' '\'' '0'-'9']
rule main = parse
[' ' '\013' '\009' '\012'] +
- {
+ {
Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars := !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars + (String.length (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf));
main lexbuf
@@ -109,36 +109,36 @@ rule main = parse
incr line_number;
incr Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars;
- main lexbuf
+ main lexbuf
| "(**)"
Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars := !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars + (String.length (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf));
Description ("", None)
- }
+ }
| "(**"("*"+)")"
Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars := !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars + (String.length (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf));
main lexbuf
- }
+ }
| "(***"
Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars := !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars + (String.length (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf));
incr comments_level;
main lexbuf
- }
+ }
| "(**"
- {
+ {
Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars := !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars + (String.length (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf));
incr comments_level;
if !comments_level = 1 then
reset_string_buffer ();
description := "";
- special_comment lexbuf
+ special_comment lexbuf
main lexbuf
@@ -152,24 +152,24 @@ rule main = parse
Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars := !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars + (String.length (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf));
decr comments_level ;
main lexbuf
- }
+ }
| "(*"
Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars := !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars + (String.length (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf));
incr comments_level ;
main lexbuf
- }
+ }
| _
- {
+ {
incr Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars;
main lexbuf
and special_comment = parse
| "*)"
- {
+ {
let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars := !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars + (String.length s);
if !comments_level = 1 then
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ and special_comment = parse
(* there is just a description *)
let s2 = lecture_string () in
let s3 = remove_blanks s2 in
- let s4 =
+ let s4 =
if !Odoc_args.remove_stars then
remove_stars s3
@@ -200,16 +200,16 @@ and special_comment = parse
incr comments_level ;
ajout_string s;
special_comment lexbuf
- }
+ }
| "\\@"
- {
+ {
let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
let c = (Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 1) in
ajout_char_string c;
Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars := !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars + (String.length s);
- special_comment lexbuf
- }
+ special_comment lexbuf
+ }
| "@"lowercase+
@@ -219,38 +219,38 @@ and special_comment = parse
reset_string_buffer ();
let len = String.length (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) in
lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos <- lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos - len;
- lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p <-
+ lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p <-
{ lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p with
pos_cnum = lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p.pos_cnum - len
} ;
(* we don't increment the Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars *)
special_comment_part2 lexbuf
- }
+ }
| _
- {
+ {
let c = (Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 0) in
ajout_char_string c;
if c = '\010' then incr line_number;
incr Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars;
- special_comment lexbuf
- }
+ special_comment lexbuf
+ }
and special_comment_part2 = parse
| "*)"
- {
+ {
let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars := !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars + (String.length s);
if !comments_level = 1 then
(* finally we return the description we kept *)
- let desc =
+ let desc =
if !Odoc_args.remove_stars then
remove_stars !description
let remain = lecture_string () in
- let remain2 =
+ let remain2 =
if !Odoc_args.remove_stars then
remove_stars remain
@@ -272,20 +272,20 @@ and special_comment_part2 = parse
ajout_string s;
incr comments_level ;
special_comment_part2 lexbuf
- }
+ }
| _
- {
+ {
let c = (Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 0) in
ajout_char_string c;
if c = '\010' then incr line_number;
incr Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars;
- special_comment_part2 lexbuf
- }
+ special_comment_part2 lexbuf
+ }
and elements = parse
| [' ' '\013' '\009' '\012'] +
- {
+ {
Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars := !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars + (String.length (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf));
elements lexbuf
@@ -297,14 +297,14 @@ and elements = parse
elements lexbuf }
| "@"lowercase+
- {
+ {
let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars := !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars + (String.length s);
let s2 = String.sub s 1 ((String.length s) - 1) in
print_DEBUG2 s2;
match s2 with
"param" ->
| "author" ->
| "version" ->
@@ -324,25 +324,26 @@ and elements = parse
raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.not_a_valid_tag s))
- }
+ }
| ("\\@" | [^'@'])+
Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars := !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars + (String.length (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf));
let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
- let s2 = remove_blanks s in
- print_DEBUG2 ("Desc "^s2);
- Desc s2
- }
+ let s = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp_string "\\@") "@" s in
+ let s = remove_blanks s in
+ print_DEBUG2 ("Desc "^s);
+ Desc s
+ }
| eof
- }
+ }
and simple = parse
[' ' '\013' '\009' '\012'] +
- {
+ {
Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars := !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars + (String.length (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf));
simple lexbuf
@@ -350,32 +351,32 @@ and simple = parse
| [ '\010' ]
{ incr line_number;
incr Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars;
- simple lexbuf
+ simple lexbuf
- | "(**"("*"+)
+ | "(**"("*"+)
Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars := !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars + (String.length (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf));
incr comments_level;
simple lexbuf
- }
+ }
| "(*"("*"+)")"
let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars := !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars + (String.length s);
simple lexbuf
- }
+ }
| "(**"
let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars := !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars + (String.length s);
incr comments_level;
simple lexbuf
- }
+ }
| "(*"
- {
+ {
let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars := !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars + (String.length s);
incr comments_level;
@@ -383,7 +384,7 @@ and simple = parse
reset_string_buffer ();
description := "";
- special_comment lexbuf
+ special_comment lexbuf
@@ -401,7 +402,7 @@ and simple = parse
Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars := !Odoc_comments_global.nb_chars + (String.length s);
decr comments_level ;
simple lexbuf
- }
+ }
| _