diff options
authorJacques Garrigue <garrigue at>2006-02-02 06:39:55 +0000
committerJacques Garrigue <garrigue at>2006-02-02 06:39:55 +0000
commit310090b591176fbe366f8573de1b95c539d9ae1b (patch)
parentf6190f3d0c49c5220d443ee8d03ca5072d68aa87 (diff)
multimatch patch 2006-02-02
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
2 files changed, 1419 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testlabl/multimatch.diffs b/testlabl/multimatch.diffs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6eb34b72e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testlabl/multimatch.diffs
@@ -0,0 +1,1418 @@
+Index: parsing/lexer.mll
+RCS file: /net/yquem/devel/caml/repository/csl/parsing/lexer.mll,v
+retrieving revision 1.73
+diff -u -r1.73 lexer.mll
+--- parsing/lexer.mll 11 Apr 2005 16:44:26 -0000 1.73
++++ parsing/lexer.mll 2 Feb 2006 06:28:32 -0000
+@@ -63,6 +63,8 @@
+ "match", MATCH;
+ "method", METHOD;
+ "module", MODULE;
++ "multifun", MULTIFUN;
++ "multimatch", MULTIMATCH;
+ "mutable", MUTABLE;
+ "new", NEW;
+ "object", OBJECT;
+Index: parsing/parser.mly
+RCS file: /net/yquem/devel/caml/repository/csl/parsing/parser.mly,v
+retrieving revision 1.123
+diff -u -r1.123 parser.mly
+--- parsing/parser.mly 23 Mar 2005 03:08:37 -0000 1.123
++++ parsing/parser.mly 2 Feb 2006 06:28:32 -0000
+@@ -257,6 +257,8 @@
+ %token MINUSDOT
+ %token MODULE
++%token MULTIFUN
+ %token MUTABLE
+ %token <nativeint> NATIVEINT
+ %token NEW
+@@ -325,7 +327,7 @@
+ %nonassoc SEMI /* below EQUAL ({lbl=...; lbl=...}) */
+ %nonassoc LET /* above SEMI ( ...; let ... in ...) */
+ %nonassoc below_WITH
+-%nonassoc FUNCTION WITH /* below BAR (match ... with ...) */
++%nonassoc FUNCTION WITH MULTIFUN /* below BAR (match ... with ...) */
+ %nonassoc AND /* above WITH (module rec A: SIG with ... and ...) */
+ %nonassoc THEN /* below ELSE (if ... then ...) */
+ %nonassoc ELSE /* (if ... then ... else ...) */
+@@ -804,8 +806,12 @@
+ { mkexp(Pexp_function("", None, List.rev $3)) }
+ | FUN labeled_simple_pattern fun_def
+ { let (l,o,p) = $2 in mkexp(Pexp_function(l, o, [p, $3])) }
++ | MULTIFUN opt_bar match_cases
++ { mkexp(Pexp_multifun(List.rev $3)) }
+ | MATCH seq_expr WITH opt_bar match_cases
+- { mkexp(Pexp_match($2, List.rev $5)) }
++ { mkexp(Pexp_match($2, List.rev $5, false)) }
++ | MULTIMATCH seq_expr WITH opt_bar match_cases
++ { mkexp(Pexp_match($2, List.rev $5, true)) }
+ | TRY seq_expr WITH opt_bar match_cases
+ { mkexp(Pexp_try($2, List.rev $5)) }
+ | TRY seq_expr WITH error
+@@ -1318,10 +1324,10 @@
+ | simple_core_type2 { Rinherit $1 }
+ ;
+ tag_field:
+- name_tag OF opt_ampersand amper_type_list
+- { Rtag ($1, $3, List.rev $4) }
+- | name_tag
+- { Rtag ($1, true, []) }
++ name_tag OF opt_ampersand amper_type_list amper_type_pair_list
++ { Rtag ($1, $3, List.rev $4, $5) }
++ | name_tag amper_type_pair_list
++ { Rtag ($1, true, [], $2) }
+ ;
+ opt_ampersand:
+ AMPERSAND { true }
+@@ -1331,6 +1337,11 @@
+ core_type { [$1] }
+ | amper_type_list AMPERSAND core_type { $3 :: $1 }
+ ;
++ AMPERSAND core_type EQUAL core_type amper_type_pair_list
++ { ($2, $4) :: $5 }
++ | /* empty */
++ { [] }
+ opt_present:
+ LBRACKETGREATER name_tag_list RBRACKET { List.rev $2 }
+ | /* empty */ { [] }
+Index: parsing/parsetree.mli
+RCS file: /net/yquem/devel/caml/repository/csl/parsing/parsetree.mli,v
+retrieving revision 1.42
+diff -u -r1.42 parsetree.mli
+--- parsing/parsetree.mli 23 Mar 2005 03:08:37 -0000 1.42
++++ parsing/parsetree.mli 2 Feb 2006 06:28:32 -0000
+@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
+ | Pfield_var
+ and row_field =
+- Rtag of label * bool * core_type list
++ Rtag of label * bool * core_type list * (core_type * core_type) list
+ | Rinherit of core_type
+ (* XXX Type expressions for the class language *)
+@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
+ | Pexp_let of rec_flag * (pattern * expression) list * expression
+ | Pexp_function of label * expression option * (pattern * expression) list
+ | Pexp_apply of expression * (label * expression) list
+- | Pexp_match of expression * (pattern * expression) list
++ | Pexp_match of expression * (pattern * expression) list * bool
+ | Pexp_try of expression * (pattern * expression) list
+ | Pexp_tuple of expression list
+ | Pexp_construct of Longident.t * expression option * bool
+@@ -111,6 +111,7 @@
+ | Pexp_lazy of expression
+ | Pexp_poly of expression * core_type option
+ | Pexp_object of class_structure
++ | Pexp_multifun of (pattern * expression) list
+ (* Value descriptions *)
+Index: parsing/
+RCS file: /net/yquem/devel/caml/repository/csl/parsing/,v
+retrieving revision 1.29
+diff -u -r1.29
+--- parsing/ 4 Jan 2006 16:55:50 -0000 1.29
++++ parsing/ 2 Feb 2006 06:28:32 -0000
+@@ -205,10 +205,14 @@
+ line i ppf "Pexp_apply\n";
+ expression i ppf e;
+ list i label_x_expression ppf l;
+- | Pexp_match (e, l) ->
++ | Pexp_match (e, l, b) ->
+ line i ppf "Pexp_match\n";
+ expression i ppf e;
+ list i pattern_x_expression_case ppf l;
++ bool i ppf b
++ | Pexp_multifun l ->
++ line i ppf "Pexp_multifun\n";
++ list i pattern_x_expression_case ppf l;
+ | Pexp_try (e, l) ->
+ line i ppf "Pexp_try\n";
+ expression i ppf e;
+@@ -653,7 +657,7 @@
+ and label_x_bool_x_core_type_list i ppf x =
+ match x with
+- Rtag (l, b, ctl) ->
++ Rtag (l, b, ctl, cstr) ->
+ line i ppf "Rtag \"%s\" %s\n" l (string_of_bool b);
+ list (i+1) core_type ppf ctl
+ | Rinherit (ct) ->
+Index: typing/
+RCS file: /net/yquem/devel/caml/repository/csl/typing/,v
+retrieving revision 1.38
+diff -u -r1.38
+--- typing/ 4 Jan 2006 16:55:50 -0000 1.38
++++ typing/ 2 Feb 2006 06:28:32 -0000
+@@ -66,16 +66,16 @@
+ Clink r when !r <> Cunknown -> commu_repr !r
+ | c -> c
+-let rec row_field_repr_aux tl = function
+- Reither(_, tl', _, {contents = Some fi}) ->
+- row_field_repr_aux (tl@tl') fi
+- | Reither(c, tl', m, r) ->
+- Reither(c, tl@tl', m, r)
++let rec row_field_repr_aux tl tl2 = function
++ Reither(_, tl', _, tl2', {contents = Some fi}) ->
++ row_field_repr_aux (tl@tl') (tl2@tl2') fi
++ | Reither(c, tl', m, tl2', r) ->
++ Reither(c, tl@tl', m, tl2@tl2', r)
+ | Rpresent (Some _) when tl <> [] ->
+ Rpresent (Some (List.hd tl))
+ | fi -> fi
+-let row_field_repr fi = row_field_repr_aux [] fi
++let row_field_repr fi = row_field_repr_aux [] [] fi
+ let rec rev_concat l ll =
+ match ll with
+@@ -170,7 +170,8 @@
+ (fun (_, fi) ->
+ match row_field_repr fi with
+ | Rpresent(Some ty) -> f ty
+- | Reither(_, tl, _, _) -> List.iter f tl
++ | Reither(_, tl, _, tl2, _) ->
++ List.iter f tl; List.iter (fun (t1,t2) -> f t1; f t2) tl2
+ | _ -> ())
+ row.row_fields;
+ match (repr row.row_more).desc with
+@@ -208,15 +209,17 @@
+ (fun (l, fi) -> l,
+ match row_field_repr fi with
+ | Rpresent(Some ty) -> Rpresent(Some(f ty))
+- | Reither(c, tl, m, e) ->
++ | Reither(c, tl, m, tpl, e) ->
+ let e = if keep then e else ref None in
+ let m = if row.row_fixed then fixed else m in
+ let tl = f tl in
++ let tl1 = (fun (t1,_) -> repr (f t1)) tpl
++ and tl2 = (fun (_,t2) -> repr (f t2)) tpl in
+ bound := List.filter
+ (function {desc=Tconstr(_,[],_)} -> false | _ -> true)
+- ( repr tl)
++ ( repr tl @ tl1 @ tl2)
+ @ !bound;
+- Reither(c, tl, m, e)
++ Reither(c, tl, m, List.combine tl1 tl2, e)
+ | _ -> fi)
+ row.row_fields in
+ let name =
+Index: typing/
+RCS file: /net/yquem/devel/caml/repository/csl/typing/,v
+retrieving revision 1.200
+diff -u -r1.200
+--- typing/ 6 Jan 2006 02:16:24 -0000 1.200
++++ typing/ 2 Feb 2006 06:28:32 -0000
+@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@
+ let fi = filter_row_fields erase fi in
+ match row_field_repr f with
+ Rabsent -> fi
+- | Reither(_,_,false,e) when erase -> set_row_field e Rabsent; fi
++ | Reither(_,_,false,_,e) when erase -> set_row_field e Rabsent; fi
+ | _ -> p :: fi
+ (**************************************)
+@@ -1286,6 +1286,10 @@
+ module TypeMap = Map.Make (TypeOps)
++(* A list of univars which may appear free in a type, but only if generic *)
++let allowed_univars = ref TypeSet.empty
+ (* Test the occurence of free univars in a type *)
+ (* that's way too expansive. Must do some kind of cacheing *)
+ let occur_univar env ty =
+@@ -1307,7 +1311,12 @@
+ then
+ match ty.desc with
+ Tunivar ->
+- if not (TypeSet.mem ty bound) then raise (Unify [ty, newgenvar()])
++ if TypeSet.mem ty bound then () else
++ if TypeSet.mem ty !allowed_univars &&
++ (ty.level = generic_level ||
++ ty.level = pivot_level - generic_level)
++ then ()
++ else raise (Unify [ty, newgenvar()])
+ | Tpoly (ty, tyl) ->
+ let bound = List.fold_right TypeSet.add ( repr tyl) bound in
+ occur_rec bound ty
+@@ -1393,6 +1402,7 @@
+ with exn -> univar_pairs := old_univars; raise exn
+ let univar_pairs = ref []
++let delayed_conditionals = ref []
+ (*****************)
+@@ -1691,9 +1701,11 @@
+ with Not_found -> (h,l)::hl)
+ ( (fun (l,_) -> (hash_variant l, l)) row1.row_fields)
+ ( fst r2));
++ let fixed1 = row1.row_fixed || rm1.desc <> Tvar
++ and fixed2 = row2.row_fixed || rm2.desc <> Tvar in
+ let more =
+- if row1.row_fixed then rm1 else
+- if row2.row_fixed then rm2 else
++ if fixed1 then rm1 else
++ if fixed2 then rm2 else
+ newgenvar ()
+ in update_level env (min rm1.level rm2.level) more;
+ let fixed = row1.row_fixed || row2.row_fixed
+@@ -1726,18 +1738,18 @@
+ let bound = row1.row_bound @ row2.row_bound in
+ let row0 = {row_fields = []; row_more = more; row_bound = bound;
+ row_closed = closed; row_fixed = fixed; row_name = name} in
+- let set_more row rest =
++ let set_more row row_fixed rest =
+ let rest =
+ if closed then
+ filter_row_fields row.row_closed rest
+ else rest in
+- if rest <> [] && (row.row_closed || row.row_fixed)
+- || closed && row.row_fixed && not row.row_closed then begin
++ if rest <> [] && (row.row_closed || row_fixed)
++ || closed && row_fixed && not row.row_closed then begin
+ let t1 = mkvariant [] true and t2 = mkvariant rest false in
+ raise (Unify [if row == row1 then (t1,t2) else (t2,t1)])
+ end;
+ let rm = row_more row in
+- if row.row_fixed then
++ if row_fixed then
+ if row0.row_more == rm then () else
+ if rm.desc = Tvar then link_type rm row0.row_more else
+ unify env rm row0.row_more
+@@ -1748,11 +1760,11 @@
+ in
+ let md1 = rm1.desc and md2 = rm2.desc in
+ begin try
+- set_more row1 r2;
+- set_more row2 r1;
++ set_more row1 fixed1 r2;
++ set_more row2 fixed2 r1;
+ List.iter
+ (fun (l,f1,f2) ->
+- try unify_row_field env row1.row_fixed row2.row_fixed l f1 f2
++ try unify_row_field env fixed1 fixed2 row1 row2 l f1 f2
+ with Unify trace ->
+ raise (Unify ((mkvariant [l,f1] true,
+ mkvariant [l,f2] true) :: trace)))
+@@ -1761,13 +1773,13 @@
+ log_type rm1; rm1.desc <- md1; log_type rm2; rm2.desc <- md2; raise exn
+ end
+-and unify_row_field env fixed1 fixed2 l f1 f2 =
++and unify_row_field env fixed1 fixed2 row1 row2 l f1 f2 =
+ let f1 = row_field_repr f1 and f2 = row_field_repr f2 in
+ if f1 == f2 then () else
+ match f1, f2 with
+ Rpresent(Some t1), Rpresent(Some t2) -> unify env t1 t2
+ | Rpresent None, Rpresent None -> ()
+- | Reither(c1, tl1, m1, e1), Reither(c2, tl2, m2, e2) ->
++ | Reither(c1, tl1, m1, tp1, e1), Reither(c2, tl2, m2, tp2, e2) ->
+ if e1 == e2 then () else
+ let redo =
+ (m1 || m2) &&
+@@ -1777,32 +1789,70 @@
+ List.iter (unify env t1) tl;
+ !e1 <> None || !e2 <> None
+ end in
+- if redo then unify_row_field env fixed1 fixed2 l f1 f2 else
++ let redo =
++ redo || begin
++ if tp1 = [] && fixed1 then unify_pairs env tp2;
++ if tp2 = [] && fixed2 then unify_pairs env tp1;
++ !e1 <> None || !e2 <> None
++ end
++ in
++ if redo then unify_row_field env fixed1 fixed2 row1 row2 l f1 f2 else
+ let tl1 = repr tl1 and tl2 = repr tl2 in
+ let rec remq tl = function [] -> []
+ | ty :: tl' ->
+ if List.memq ty tl then remq tl tl' else ty :: remq tl tl'
+ in
+ let tl2' = remq tl2 tl1 and tl1' = remq tl1 tl2 in
++ let repr_pairs = (fun (t1,t2) -> repr t1, repr t2) in
++ let tp1 = repr_pairs tp1 and tp2 = repr_pairs tp2 in
++ let rec rempq tp = function [] -> []
++ | (t1,t2 as p) :: tp' ->
++ if List.exists (fun (t1',t2') -> t1==t1' && t2==t2') (tp@tp') then
++ rempq tp tp'
++ else p :: rempq tp tp'
++ in
++ let tp1' =
++ if fixed2 then begin
++ delayed_conditionals :=
++ (!univar_pairs, tp1, l, row2) :: !delayed_conditionals;
++ []
++ end else rempq tp2 tp1
++ and tp2' =
++ if fixed1 then begin
++ delayed_conditionals :=
++ (!univar_pairs, tp2, l, row1) :: !delayed_conditionals;
++ []
++ end else rempq tp1 tp2
++ in
+ let e = ref None in
+- let f1' = Reither(c1 || c2, tl1', m1 || m2, e)
+- and f2' = Reither(c1 || c2, tl2', m1 || m2, e) in
+- set_row_field e1 f1'; set_row_field e2 f2';
+- | Reither(_, _, false, e1), Rabsent -> set_row_field e1 f2
+- | Rabsent, Reither(_, _, false, e2) -> set_row_field e2 f1
++ let f1' = Reither(c1 || c2, tl1', m1 || m2, tp2', e)
++ and f2' = Reither(c1 || c2, tl2', m1 || m2, tp1', e) in
++ set_row_field e1 f1'; set_row_field e2 f2'
++ | Reither(_, _, false, _, e1), Rabsent -> set_row_field e1 f2
++ | Rabsent, Reither(_, _, false, _, e2) -> set_row_field e2 f1
+ | Rabsent, Rabsent -> ()
+- | Reither(false, tl, _, e1), Rpresent(Some t2) when not fixed1 ->
++ | Reither(false, tl, _, tp, e1), Rpresent(Some t2) when not fixed1 ->
+ set_row_field e1 f2;
+- (try List.iter (fun t1 -> unify env t1 t2) tl
++ begin try
++ List.iter (fun t1 -> unify env t1 t2) tl;
++ List.iter (fun (t1,t2) -> unify env t1 t2) tp
++ with exn -> e1 := None; raise exn
++ end
++ | Rpresent(Some t1), Reither(false, tl, _, tp, e2) when not fixed2 ->
++ set_row_field e2 f1;
++ begin try
++ List.iter (unify env t1) tl;
++ List.iter (fun (t1,t2) -> unify env t1 t2) tp
++ with exn -> e2 := None; raise exn
++ end
++ | Reither(true, [], _, tpl, e1), Rpresent None when not fixed1 ->
++ set_row_field e1 f2;
++ (try List.iter (fun (t1,t2) -> unify env t1 t2) tpl
+ with exn -> e1 := None; raise exn)
+- | Rpresent(Some t1), Reither(false, tl, _, e2) when not fixed2 ->
++ | Rpresent None, Reither(true, [], _, tpl, e2) when not fixed2 ->
+ set_row_field e2 f1;
+- (try List.iter (unify env t1) tl
++ (try List.iter (fun (t1,t2) -> unify env t1 t2) tpl
+ with exn -> e2 := None; raise exn)
+- | Reither(true, [], _, e1), Rpresent None when not fixed1 ->
+- set_row_field e1 f2
+- | Rpresent None, Reither(true, [], _, e2) when not fixed2 ->
+- set_row_field e2 f1
+ | _ -> raise (Unify [])
+@@ -1920,6 +1970,166 @@
+ (* Matching between type schemes *)
+ (***********************************)
++(* Forward declaration (order should be reversed...) *)
++let equal' = ref (fun _ -> failwith "Ctype.equal'")
++let make_generics_univars tyl =
++ let polyvars = ref TypeSet.empty in
++ let rec make_rec ty =
++ let ty = repr ty in
++ if ty.level = generic_level then begin
++ if ty.desc = Tvar then begin
++ log_type ty;
++ ty.desc <- Tunivar;
++ polyvars := TypeSet.add ty !polyvars
++ end
++ else if ty.desc = Tunivar then set_level ty (generic_level - 1);
++ ty.level <- pivot_level - generic_level;
++ iter_type_expr make_rec ty
++ end
++ in
++ List.iter make_rec tyl;
++ List.iter unmark_type tyl;
++ !polyvars
++(* New version of moregeneral, using unification *)
++let copy_cond (p,tpl,l,row) =
++ let row =
++ match repr (copy (newgenty (Tvariant row))) with
++ {desc=Tvariant row} -> row
++ | _ -> assert false
++ and pairs =
++ (fun (t1,t2) -> copy t1, copy t2) tpl in
++ (p, pairs, l, row)
++let get_row_field l row =
++ try row_field_repr (List.assoc l (row_repr row).row_fields)
++ with Not_found -> Rabsent
++let rec check_conditional_list env cdtls pattvars tpls =
++ match cdtls with
++ [] ->
++ let finished =
++ List.for_all (fun (_,t1,t2) -> !equal' env false [t1] [t2]) tpls in
++ if not finished then begin
++ let polyvars = make_generics_univars pattvars in
++ delayed_conditionals := [];
++ allowed_univars := polyvars;
++ List.iter (fun (pairs, ty1, ty2) -> unify_pairs env ty1 ty2 pairs)
++ tpls;
++ check_conditionals env polyvars !delayed_conditionals
++ end
++ | (pairs, tpl1, l, row2 as cond) :: cdtls ->
++ let cont = check_conditional_list env cdtls pattvars in
++ let tpl1 =
++ List.filter (fun (t1,t2) -> not (!equal' env false [t1] [t2])) tpl1 in
++ let included =
++ List.for_all
++ (fun (t1,t2) ->
++ List.exists
++ (fun (_,t1',t2') -> !equal' env false [t1;t2] [t1';t2'])
++ tpls)
++ tpl1 in
++ if included then cont tpls else
++ match get_row_field l row2 with
++ Rpresent _ ->
++ cont ( (fun (t1,t2) -> (pairs,t1,t2)) tpl1 @ tpls)
++ | Rabsent -> cont tpls
++ | Reither (c, tl2, _, _, _) ->
++ cont tpls;
++ if c && tl2 <> [] then () (* cannot succeed *) else
++ let (pairs, tpl1, l, row2) = copy_cond cond
++ and tpls = (fun (p,t1,t2) -> p, copy t1, copy t2) tpls
++ and pattvars = copy pattvars
++ and cdtls = copy_cond cdtls in
++ cleanup_types ();
++ let tl2, tpl2, e2 =
++ match get_row_field l row2 with
++ Reither (c, tl2, _, tpl2, e2) -> tl2, tpl2, e2
++ | _ -> assert false
++ in
++ let snap = Btype.snapshot () in
++ let ok =
++ try
++ begin match tl2 with
++ [] ->
++ set_row_field e2 (Rpresent None)
++ | t::tl ->
++ set_row_field e2 (Rpresent (Some t));
++ List.iter (unify env t) tl
++ end;
++ List.iter (fun (t1,t2) -> unify_pairs env t1 t2 pairs) tpl2;
++ true
++ with exn ->
++ Btype.backtrack snap;
++ false
++ in
++ (* This is not [cont] : types have been copied *)
++ if ok then
++ check_conditional_list env cdtls pattvars
++ ( (fun (t1,t2) -> (pairs,t1,t2)) tpl1 @ tpls)
++and check_conditionals env polyvars cdtls =
++ let cdtls = copy_cond cdtls in
++ let pattvars = ref [] in
++ TypeSet.iter
++ (fun ty ->
++ let ty = repr ty in
++ match ty.desc with
++ Tsubst ty ->
++ let ty = repr ty in
++ begin match ty.desc with
++ Tunivar ->
++ log_type ty;
++ ty.desc <- Tvar;
++ pattvars := ty :: !pattvars
++ | Ttuple [tv;_] ->
++ if tv.desc = Tunivar then
++ (log_type tv; tv.desc <- Tvar; pattvars := ty :: !pattvars)
++ else if tv.desc <> Tvar then assert false
++ | Tvar -> ()
++ | _ -> assert false
++ end
++ | _ -> ())
++ polyvars;
++ cleanup_types ();
++ check_conditional_list env cdtls !pattvars []
++(* Must empty univar_pairs first *)
++let unify_poly env polyvars subj patt =
++ let old_level = !current_level in
++ current_level := generic_level;
++ delayed_conditionals := [];
++ allowed_univars := polyvars;
++ try
++ unify env subj patt;
++ check_conditionals env polyvars !delayed_conditionals;
++ current_level := old_level;
++ allowed_univars := TypeSet.empty;
++ delayed_conditionals := []
++ with exn ->
++ current_level := old_level;
++ allowed_univars := TypeSet.empty;
++ delayed_conditionals := [];
++ raise exn
++let moregeneral env _ subj patt =
++ let old_level = !current_level in
++ current_level := generic_level;
++ let subj = instance subj
++ and patt = instance patt in
++ let polyvars = make_generics_univars [patt] in
++ current_level := old_level;
++ let snap = Btype.snapshot () in
++ try
++ unify_poly env polyvars subj patt;
++ true
++ with Unify _ ->
++ Btype.backtrack snap;
++ false
+ (*
+ Update the level of [ty]. First check that the levels of generic
+ variables from the subject are not lowered.
+@@ -2072,35 +2282,101 @@
+ Rpresent(Some t1), Rpresent(Some t2) ->
+ moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env t1 t2
+ | Rpresent None, Rpresent None -> ()
+- | Reither(false, tl1, _, e1), Rpresent(Some t2) when not univ ->
++ | Reither(false, tl1, _, [], e1), Rpresent(Some t2) when not univ ->
+ set_row_field e1 f2;
+ List.iter (fun t1 -> moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env t1 t2) tl1
+- | Reither(c1, tl1, _, e1), Reither(c2, tl2, m2, e2) ->
++ | Reither(c1, tl1, _, tpl1, e1), Reither(c2, tl2, m2, tpl2, e2) ->
+ if e1 != e2 then begin
+ if c1 && not c2 then raise(Unify []);
+- set_row_field e1 (Reither (c2, [], m2, e2));
+- if List.length tl1 = List.length tl2 then
+- List.iter2 (moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env) tl1 tl2
+- else match tl2 with
+- t2 :: _ ->
++ let tpl' = if tpl1 = [] then tpl2 else [] in
++ set_row_field e1 (Reither (c2, [], m2, tpl', e2));
++ begin match tl2 with
++ [t2] ->
+ List.iter (fun t1 -> moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env t1 t2)
+ tl1
+- | [] ->
+- if tl1 <> [] then raise (Unify [])
++ | _ ->
++ if List.length tl1 <> List.length tl2 then raise (Unify []);
++ List.iter2 (moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env) tl1 tl2
++ end;
++ if tpl1 <> [] then
++ delayed_conditionals :=
++ (!univar_pairs, tpl1, l, row2) :: !delayed_conditionals
+ end
+- | Reither(true, [], _, e1), Rpresent None when not univ ->
++ | Reither(true, [], _, [], e1), Rpresent None when not univ ->
+ set_row_field e1 f2
+- | Reither(_, _, _, e1), Rabsent when not univ ->
++ | Reither(_, _, _, [], e1), Rabsent when not univ ->
+ set_row_field e1 f2
+ | Rabsent, Rabsent -> ()
+ | _ -> raise (Unify []))
+ pairs
++let check_conditional env (pairs, tpl1, l, row2) tpls cont =
++ let tpl1 =
++ List.filter (fun (t1,t2) -> not (!equal' env false [t1] [t2])) tpl1 in
++ let included =
++ List.for_all
++ (fun (t1,t2) ->
++ List.exists (fun (t1',t2') -> !equal' env false [t1;t2] [t1';t2'])
++ tpls)
++ tpl1 in
++ if tpl1 = [] || included then cont tpls else
++ match get_row_field l row2 with
++ Rpresent _ -> cont (tpl1 @ tpls)
++ | Rabsent -> cont tpls
++ | Reither (c, tl2, _, tpl2, e2) ->
++ if not c || tl2 = [] then begin
++ let snap = Btype.snapshot () in
++ let ok =
++ try
++ begin match tl2 with
++ [] ->
++ set_row_field e2 (Rpresent None)
++ | t::tl ->
++ set_row_field e2 (Rpresent (Some t));
++ List.iter (unify env t) tl
++ end;
++ List.iter (fun (t1,t2) -> unify_pairs env t1 t2 pairs) tpl2;
++ true
++ with Unify _ -> false
++ in
++ if ok then cont (tpl1 @ tpls);
++ Btype.backtrack snap
++ end;
++ cont tpls
++let rec check_conditionals inst_nongen env cdtls tpls =
++ match cdtls with
++ [] ->
++ let tpls =
++ List.filter (fun (t1,t2) -> not (!equal' env false [t1] [t2])) tpls in
++ if tpls = [] then () else begin
++ delayed_conditionals := [];
++ let tl1, tl2 = List.split tpls in
++ let type_pairs = TypePairs.create 13 in
++ List.iter2 (moregen false type_pairs env) tl2 tl1;
++ check_conditionals inst_nongen env !delayed_conditionals []
++ end
++ | cdtl :: cdtls ->
++ check_conditional env cdtl tpls
++ (check_conditionals inst_nongen env cdtls)
+ (* Must empty univar_pairs first *)
+ let moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env patt subj =
+ univar_pairs := [];
+- moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env patt subj
++ delayed_conditionals := [];
++ try
++ moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env patt subj;
++ check_conditionals inst_nongen env !delayed_conditionals [];
++ univar_pairs := [];
++ delayed_conditionals := []
++ with exn ->
++ univar_pairs := [];
++ delayed_conditionals := [];
++ raise exn
++(* old implementation
+ (*
+ Non-generic variable can be instanciated only if [inst_nongen] is
+ true. So, [inst_nongen] should be set to false if the subject might
+@@ -2128,6 +2404,7 @@
+ in
+ current_level := old_level;
+ res
+ (* Alternative approach: "rigidify" a type scheme,
+@@ -2296,30 +2573,36 @@
+ {desc=Tvariant row2} -> eqtype_row rename type_pairs subst env row1 row2
+ | _ -> raise Cannot_expand
+ with Cannot_expand ->
++ let eqtype_rec = eqtype rename type_pairs subst env in
+ let row1 = row_repr row1 and row2 = row_repr row2 in
+ let r1, r2, pairs = merge_row_fields row1.row_fields row2.row_fields in
+ if row1.row_closed <> row2.row_closed
+ || not row1.row_closed && (r1 <> [] || r2 <> [])
+ || filter_row_fields false (r1 @ r2) <> []
+ then raise (Unify []);
+- if not (static_row row1) then
+- eqtype rename type_pairs subst env row1.row_more row2.row_more;
++ if not (static_row row1) then eqtype_rec row1.row_more row2.row_more;
+ List.iter
+ (fun (_,f1,f2) ->
+ match row_field_repr f1, row_field_repr f2 with
+ Rpresent(Some t1), Rpresent(Some t2) ->
+- eqtype rename type_pairs subst env t1 t2
+- | Reither(true, [], _, _), Reither(true, [], _, _) ->
+- ()
+- | Reither(false, t1::tl1, _, _), Reither(false, t2::tl2, _, _) ->
+- eqtype rename type_pairs subst env t1 t2;
++ eqtype_rec t1 t2
++ | Reither(true, [], _, tp1, _), Reither(true, [], _, tp2, _) ->
++ List.iter2
++ (fun (t1,t1') (t2,t2') -> eqtype_rec t1 t2; eqtype_rec t1' t2')
++ tp1 tp2
++ | Reither(false, t1::tl1, _, tpl1, _),
++ Reither(false, t2::tl2, _, tpl2, _) ->
++ eqtype_rec t1 t2;
++ List.iter2
++ (fun (t1,t1') (t2,t2') -> eqtype_rec t1 t2; eqtype_rec t1' t2')
++ tpl1 tpl2;
+ if List.length tl1 = List.length tl2 then
+ (* if same length allow different types (meaning?) *)
+- List.iter2 (eqtype rename type_pairs subst env) tl1 tl2
++ List.iter2 eqtype_rec tl1 tl2
+ else begin
+ (* otherwise everything must be equal *)
+- List.iter (eqtype rename type_pairs subst env t1) tl2;
+- List.iter (fun t1 -> eqtype rename type_pairs subst env t1 t2) tl1
++ List.iter (eqtype_rec t1) tl2;
++ List.iter (fun t1 -> eqtype_rec t1 t2) tl1
+ end
+ | Rpresent None, Rpresent None -> ()
+ | Rabsent, Rabsent -> ()
+@@ -2334,6 +2617,8 @@
+ with
+ Unify _ -> false
++let () = equal' := equal
+ (* Must empty univar_pairs first *)
+ let eqtype rename type_pairs subst env t1 t2 =
+ univar_pairs := [];
+@@ -2770,14 +3055,14 @@
+ (fun (l,f as orig) -> match row_field_repr f with
+ Rpresent None ->
+ if posi then
+- (l, Reither(true, [], false, ref None)), Unchanged
++ (l, Reither(true, [], false, [], ref None)), Unchanged
+ else
+ orig, Unchanged
+ | Rpresent(Some t) ->
+ let (t', c) = build_subtype env visited loops posi level' t in
+ if posi && level > 0 then begin
+ bound := t' :: !bound;
+- (l, Reither(false, [t'], false, ref None)), c
++ (l, Reither(false, [t'], false, [], ref None)), c
+ end else
+ (l, Rpresent(Some t')), c
+ | _ -> assert false)
+@@ -2960,11 +3245,11 @@
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun cstrs (_,f1,f2) ->
+ match row_field_repr f1, row_field_repr f2 with
+- (Rpresent None|Reither(true,_,_,_)), Rpresent None ->
++ (Rpresent None|Reither(true,_,_,[],_)), Rpresent None ->
+ cstrs
+ | Rpresent(Some t1), Rpresent(Some t2) ->
+ subtype_rec env ((t1, t2)::trace) t1 t2 cstrs
+- | Reither(false, t1::_, _, _), Rpresent(Some t2) ->
++ | Reither(false, t1::_, _, [], _), Rpresent(Some t2) ->
+ subtype_rec env ((t1, t2)::trace) t1 t2 cstrs
+ | Rabsent, _ -> cstrs
+ | _ -> raise Exit)
+@@ -2977,11 +3262,11 @@
+ (fun cstrs (_,f1,f2) ->
+ match row_field_repr f1, row_field_repr f2 with
+ Rpresent None, Rpresent None
+- | Reither(true,[],_,_), Reither(true,[],_,_)
++ | Reither(true,[],_,[],_), Reither(true,[],_,[],_)
+ | Rabsent, Rabsent ->
+ cstrs
+ | Rpresent(Some t1), Rpresent(Some t2)
+- | Reither(false,[t1],_,_), Reither(false,[t2],_,_) ->
++ | Reither(false,[t1],_,[],_), Reither(false,[t2],_,[],_) ->
+ subtype_rec env ((t1, t2)::trace) t1 t2 cstrs
+ | _ -> raise Exit)
+ cstrs pairs
+@@ -3079,16 +3364,26 @@
+ let fields =
+ (fun (l,f) ->
+ let f = row_field_repr f in l,
+- match f with Reither(b, ty::(_::_ as tyl), m, e) ->
+- let tyl' =
+- List.fold_left
+- (fun tyl ty ->
+- if List.exists (fun ty' -> equal env false [ty] [ty']) tyl
+- then tyl else ty::tyl)
+- [ty] tyl
++ match f with Reither(b, tyl, m, tp, e) ->
++ let rem_dbl eq l =
++ List.rev
++ (List.fold_left
++ (fun xs x -> if List.exists (eq x) xs then xs else x::xs)
++ [] l)
++ in
++ let tyl' = rem_dbl (fun t1 t2 -> equal env false [t1] [t2]) tyl
++ and tp' =
++ List.filter
++ (fun (ty1,ty2) -> not (equal env false [ty1] [ty2])) tp
++ in
++ let tp' =
++ rem_dbl
++ (fun (t1,t2) (t1',t2') -> equal env false [t1;t2] [t1';t2'])
++ tp'
+ in
+- if List.length tyl' <= List.length tyl then
+- let f = Reither(b, List.rev tyl', m, ref None) in
++ if List.length tyl' < List.length tyl
++ || List.length tp' < List.length tp then
++ let f = Reither(b, tyl', m, tp', ref None) in
+ set_row_field e f;
+ f
+ else f
+@@ -3344,9 +3639,9 @@
+ List.iter
+ (fun (l,fi) ->
+ match row_field_repr fi with
+- Reither (c, t1::(_::_ as tl), m, e) ->
++ Reither (c, t1::(_::_ as tl), m, tp, e) ->
+ List.iter (unify env t1) tl;
+- set_row_field e (Reither (c, [t1], m, ref None))
++ set_row_field e (Reither (c, [t1], m, tp, ref None))
+ | _ ->
+ ())
+ row.row_fields;
+Index: typing/
+RCS file: /net/yquem/devel/caml/repository/csl/typing/,v
+retrieving revision 1.32
+diff -u -r1.32
+--- typing/ 8 Aug 2005 05:40:52 -0000 1.32
++++ typing/ 2 Feb 2006 06:28:32 -0000
+@@ -71,10 +71,10 @@
+ (fun (_, f1, f2) ->
+ match Btype.row_field_repr f1, Btype.row_field_repr f2 with
+ Rpresent(Some t1),
+- (Rpresent(Some t2) | Reither(false, [t2], _, _)) ->
++ (Rpresent(Some t2) | Reither(false,[t2],_,[],_)) ->
+ to_equal := (t1,t2) :: !to_equal; true
+- | Rpresent None, (Rpresent None | Reither(true, [], _, _)) -> true
+- | Reither(c1,tl1,_,_), Reither(c2,tl2,_,_)
++ | Rpresent None, (Rpresent None | Reither(true,[],_,[],_)) -> true
++ | Reither(c1,tl1,_,[],_), Reither(c2,tl2,_,[],_)
+ when List.length tl1 = List.length tl2 && c1 = c2 ->
+ to_equal := List.combine tl1 tl2 @ !to_equal; true
+ | Rabsent, (Reither _ | Rabsent) -> true
+Index: typing/
+RCS file: /net/yquem/devel/caml/repository/csl/typing/,v
+retrieving revision 1.22
+diff -u -r1.22
+--- typing/ 23 Mar 2005 03:08:37 -0000 1.22
++++ typing/ 2 Feb 2006 06:28:33 -0000
+@@ -223,14 +223,18 @@
+ print_fields rest ppf []
+ | (s, t) :: l ->
+ fprintf ppf "%s : %a;@ %a" s print_out_type t (print_fields rest) l
+-and print_row_field ppf (l, opt_amp, tyl) =
++and print_row_field ppf (l, opt_amp, tyl, tpl) =
+ let pr_of ppf =
+ if opt_amp then fprintf ppf " of@ &@ "
+ else if tyl <> [] then fprintf ppf " of@ "
+- else fprintf ppf ""
+- in
+- fprintf ppf "@[<hv 2>`%s%t%a@]" l pr_of (print_typlist print_out_type " &")
+- tyl
++ and pr_tp ppf (t1,t2) =
++ fprintf ppf "@[<hv 2>%a =@ %a@]"
++ print_out_type t1
++ print_out_type t2
++ in
++ fprintf ppf "@[<hv 2>`%s%t%a%a@]" l pr_of
++ (print_typlist print_out_type " &") tyl
++ (print_list_init pr_tp (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf " &@ ")) tpl
+ and print_typlist print_elem sep ppf =
+ function
+ [] -> ()
+Index: typing/outcometree.mli
+RCS file: /net/yquem/devel/caml/repository/csl/typing/outcometree.mli,v
+retrieving revision 1.14
+diff -u -r1.14 outcometree.mli
+--- typing/outcometree.mli 23 Mar 2005 03:08:37 -0000 1.14
++++ typing/outcometree.mli 2 Feb 2006 06:28:33 -0000
+@@ -61,7 +61,8 @@
+ bool * out_variant * bool * (string list) option
+ | Otyp_poly of string list * out_type
+ and out_variant =
+- | Ovar_fields of (string * bool * out_type list) list
++ | Ovar_fields of
++ (string * bool * out_type list * (out_type * out_type) list ) list
+ | Ovar_name of out_ident * out_type list
+ type out_class_type =
+Index: typing/
+RCS file: /net/yquem/devel/caml/repository/csl/typing/,v
+retrieving revision 1.70
+diff -u -r1.70
+--- typing/ 24 Mar 2005 17:20:54 -0000 1.70
++++ typing/ 2 Feb 2006 06:28:33 -0000
+@@ -568,11 +568,11 @@
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun nm (tag,f) ->
+ match Btype.row_field_repr f with
+- | Reither(_, _, false, e) ->
++ | Reither(_, _, false, _, e) ->
+ (* m=false means that this tag is not explicitly matched *)
+ Btype.set_row_field e Rabsent;
+ None
+- | Rabsent | Reither (_, _, true, _) | Rpresent _ -> nm)
++ | Rabsent | Reither (_, _, true, _, _) | Rpresent _ -> nm)
+ row.row_name row.row_fields in
+ if not row.row_closed || nm != row.row_name then begin
+ (* this unification cannot fail *)
+@@ -605,8 +605,8 @@
+ List.for_all
+ (fun (tag,f) ->
+ match Btype.row_field_repr f with
+- Rabsent | Reither(_, _, false, _) -> true
+- | Reither (_, _, true, _)
++ Rabsent | Reither(_, _, false, _, _) -> true
++ | Reither (_, _, true, _, _)
+ (* m=true, do not discard matched tags, rather warn *)
+ | Rpresent _ -> List.mem tag fields)
+ row.row_fields
+@@ -739,7 +739,7 @@
+ match Btype.row_field_repr f with
+ Rabsent (* | Reither _ *) -> others
+ (* This one is called after erasing pattern info *)
+- | Reither (c, _, _, _) -> make_other_pat tag c :: others
++ | Reither (c, _, _, _, _) -> make_other_pat tag c :: others
+ | Rpresent arg -> make_other_pat tag (arg = None) :: others)
+ [] row.row_fields
+ with
+Index: typing/
+RCS file: /net/yquem/devel/caml/repository/csl/typing/,v
+retrieving revision 1.140
+diff -u -r1.140
+--- typing/ 4 Jan 2006 16:55:50 -0000 1.140
++++ typing/ 2 Feb 2006 06:28:33 -0000
+@@ -157,9 +157,12 @@
+ and raw_field ppf = function
+ Rpresent None -> fprintf ppf "Rpresent None"
+ | Rpresent (Some t) -> fprintf ppf "@[<1>Rpresent(Some@,%a)@]" raw_type t
+- | Reither (c,tl,m,e) ->
+- fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Reither(%b,@,%a,@,%b,@,@[<1>ref%t@])@]" c
+- raw_type_list tl m
++ | Reither (c,tl,m,tpl,e) ->
++ fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Reither(%b,@,%a,@,%b,@,%a,@,@[<1>ref%t@])@]"
++ c raw_type_list tl m
++ (raw_list
++ (fun ppf (t1,t2) ->
++ fprintf ppf "@[%a,@,%a@]" raw_type t1 raw_type t2)) tpl
+ (fun ppf ->
+ match !e with None -> fprintf ppf " None"
+ | Some f -> fprintf ppf "@,@[<1>(%a)@]" raw_field f)
+@@ -219,8 +222,9 @@
+ List.for_all
+ (fun (_, f) ->
+ match row_field_repr f with
+- | Reither(c, l, _, _) ->
+- row.row_closed && if c then l = [] else List.length l = 1
++ | Reither(c, l, _, pl, _) ->
++ row.row_closed && pl = [] &&
++ if c then l = [] else List.length l = 1
+ | _ -> true)
+ row.row_fields
+@@ -392,13 +396,16 @@
+ and tree_of_row_field sch (l, f) =
+ match row_field_repr f with
+- | Rpresent None | Reither(true, [], _, _) -> (l, false, [])
+- | Rpresent(Some ty) -> (l, false, [tree_of_typexp sch ty])
+- | Reither(c, tyl, _, _) ->
+- if c (* contradiction: un constructeur constant qui a un argument *)
+- then (l, true, tree_of_typlist sch tyl)
+- else (l, false, tree_of_typlist sch tyl)
+- | Rabsent -> (l, false, [] (* une erreur, en fait *))
++ | Rpresent None | Reither(true, [], _, [], _) -> (l, false, [], [])
++ | Rpresent(Some ty) -> (l, false, [tree_of_typexp sch ty], [])
++ | Reither(c, tyl, _, tpl, _) ->
++ let ttpl =
++ (fun (t1,t2) -> tree_of_typexp sch t1, tree_of_typexp sch t2)
++ tpl
++ in
++ (l, c && tpl = [], tree_of_typlist sch tyl, ttpl)
++ | Rabsent -> (l, false, [], [] (* une erreur, en fait *))
+ and tree_of_typlist sch tyl =
+ (tree_of_typexp sch) tyl
+Index: typing/
+RCS file: /net/yquem/devel/caml/repository/csl/typing/,v
+retrieving revision 1.85
+diff -u -r1.85
+--- typing/ 22 Jul 2005 06:42:36 -0000 1.85
++++ typing/ 2 Feb 2006 06:28:33 -0000
+@@ -727,7 +727,7 @@
+ {pexp_loc = loc; pexp_desc =
+ Pexp_match({pexp_loc = loc; pexp_desc =
+ Pexp_ident(Longident.Lident"*opt*")},
+- scases)} in
++ scases, false)} in
+ let sfun =
+ {pcl_loc = scl.pcl_loc; pcl_desc =
+ Pcl_fun(l, None, {ppat_loc = loc; ppat_desc = Ppat_var"*opt*"},
+Index: typing/
+RCS file: /net/yquem/devel/caml/repository/csl/typing/,v
+retrieving revision 1.178
+diff -u -r1.178
+--- typing/ 6 Jan 2006 02:25:37 -0000 1.178
++++ typing/ 2 Feb 2006 06:28:33 -0000
+@@ -156,15 +156,21 @@
+ let field = row_field tag row in
+ begin match field with
+ | Rabsent -> assert false
+- | Reither (true, [], _, e) when not row.row_closed ->
+- set_row_field e (Rpresent None)
+- | Reither (false, ty::tl, _, e) when not row.row_closed ->
++ | Reither (true, [], _, tpl, e) when not row.row_closed ->
++ set_row_field e (Rpresent None);
++ List.iter
++ (fun (t1,t2) -> unify_pat pat.pat_env {pat with pat_type=t1} t2)
++ tpl
++ | Reither (false, ty::tl, _, tpl, e) when not row.row_closed ->
+ set_row_field e (Rpresent (Some ty));
++ List.iter
++ (fun (t1,t2) -> unify_pat pat.pat_env {pat with pat_type=t1} t2)
++ tpl;
+ begin match opat with None -> assert false
+ | Some pat -> List.iter (unify_pat pat.pat_env pat) (ty::tl)
+ end
+- | Reither (c, l, true, e) when not row.row_fixed ->
+- set_row_field e (Reither (c, [], false, ref None))
++ | Reither (c, l, true, tpl, e) when not row.row_fixed ->
++ set_row_field e (Reither (c, [], false, [], ref None))
+ | _ -> ()
+ end;
+ (* Force check of well-formedness *)
+@@ -307,13 +313,13 @@
+ match row_field_repr f with
+ Rpresent None ->
+ (l,None) :: pats,
+- (l, Reither(true,[], true, ref None)) :: fields
++ (l, Reither(true,[], true, [], ref None)) :: fields
+ | Rpresent (Some ty) ->
+ bound := ty :: !bound;
+ (l, Some {pat_desc=Tpat_any; pat_loc=Location.none; pat_env=env;
+ pat_type=ty})
+ :: pats,
+- (l, Reither(false, [ty], true, ref None)) :: fields
++ (l, Reither(false, [ty], true, [], ref None)) :: fields
+ | _ -> pats, fields)
+ ([],[]) fields in
+ let row =
+@@ -337,6 +343,18 @@
+ pat pats in
+ rp { r with pat_loc = loc }
++let rec flatten_or_pat pat =
++ match pat.pat_desc with
++ Tpat_or (p1, p2, _) ->
++ flatten_or_pat p1 @ flatten_or_pat p2
++ | _ ->
++ [pat]
++let all_variants pat =
++ List.for_all
++ (function {pat_desc=Tpat_variant _} -> true | _ -> false)
++ (flatten_or_pat pat)
+ let rec find_record_qual = function
+ | [] -> None
+ | (Longident.Ldot (modname, _), _) :: _ -> Some modname
+@@ -423,7 +441,7 @@
+ let arg = may_map (type_pat env) sarg in
+ let arg_type = match arg with None -> [] | Some arg -> [arg.pat_type] in
+ let row = { row_fields =
+- [l, Reither(arg = None, arg_type, true, ref None)];
++ [l, Reither(arg = None, arg_type, true, [], ref None)];
+ row_bound = arg_type;
+ row_closed = false;
+ row_more = newvar ();
+@@ -788,7 +806,7 @@
+ newty (Tarrow(p, type_option (newvar ()), type_approx env e, Cok))
+ | Pexp_function (p,_,(_,e)::_) ->
+ newty (Tarrow(p, newvar (), type_approx env e, Cok))
+- | Pexp_match (_, (_,e)::_) -> type_approx env e
++ | Pexp_match (_, (_,e)::_, false) -> type_approx env e
+ | Pexp_try (e, _) -> type_approx env e
+ | Pexp_tuple l -> newty (Ttuple( (type_approx env) l))
+ | Pexp_ifthenelse (_,e,_) -> type_approx env e
+@@ -939,17 +957,26 @@
+ exp_loc = sexp.pexp_loc;
+ exp_type = ty_res;
+ exp_env = env }
+- | Pexp_match(sarg, caselist) ->
++ | Pexp_match(sarg, caselist, multi) ->
+ let arg = type_exp env sarg in
+ let ty_res = newvar() in
+ let cases, partial =
+- type_cases env arg.exp_type ty_res (Some sexp.pexp_loc) caselist
++ type_cases env arg.exp_type ty_res (Some sexp.pexp_loc) caselist ~multi
+ in
+ re {
+ exp_desc = Texp_match(arg, cases, partial);
+ exp_loc = sexp.pexp_loc;
+ exp_type = ty_res;
+ exp_env = env }
++ | Pexp_multifun caselist ->
++ let ty_arg = newvar() and ty_res = newvar() in
++ let cases, partial =
++ type_cases env ty_arg ty_res (Some sexp.pexp_loc) caselist ~multi:true
++ in
++ { exp_desc = Texp_function (cases, partial);
++ exp_loc = sexp.pexp_loc;
++ exp_type = newty (Tarrow ("", ty_arg, ty_res, Cok));
++ exp_env = env }
+ | Pexp_try(sbody, caselist) ->
+ let body = type_exp env sbody in
+ let cases, _ =
+@@ -1758,7 +1785,7 @@
+ {pexp_loc = loc; pexp_desc =
+ Pexp_match({pexp_loc = loc; pexp_desc =
+ Pexp_ident(Longident.Lident"*opt*")},
+- scases)} in
++ scases, false)} in
+ let sfun =
+ {pexp_loc = sexp.pexp_loc; pexp_desc =
+ Pexp_function(l, None,[{ppat_loc = loc; ppat_desc = Ppat_var"*opt*"},
+@@ -1864,7 +1891,8 @@
+ (* Typing of match cases *)
+-and type_cases ?in_function env ty_arg ty_res partial_loc caselist =
++and type_cases ?in_function ?(multi=false)
++ env ty_arg ty_res partial_loc caselist =
+ let ty_arg' = newvar () in
+ let pattern_force = ref [] in
+ let pat_env_list =
+@@ -1898,10 +1926,64 @@
+ let cases =
+ List.map2
+ (fun (pat, ext_env) (spat, sexp) ->
+- let exp = type_expect ?in_function ext_env sexp ty_res in
+- (pat, exp))
+- pat_env_list caselist
+- in
++ let add_variant_case lab row ty_res ty_res' =
++ let fi = List.assoc lab (row_repr row).row_fields in
++ begin match row_field_repr fi with
++ Reither (c, _, m, _, e) ->
++ let row' =
++ { row_fields =
++ [lab, Reither(c,[],false,[ty_res,ty_res'], ref None)];
++ row_more = newvar (); row_bound = [ty_res; ty_res'];
++ row_closed = false; row_fixed = false; row_name = None }
++ in
++ unify_pat ext_env {pat with pat_type= newty (Tvariant row)}
++ (newty (Tvariant row'))
++ | _ ->
++ unify_exp ext_env
++ { exp_desc = Texp_tuple []; exp_type = ty_res;
++ exp_env = ext_env; exp_loc = sexp.pexp_loc }
++ ty_res'
++ end
++ in
++ pat,
++ match pat.pat_desc with
++ _ when multi && all_variants pat ->
++ let ty_res' = newvar () in
++ List.iter
++ (function {pat_desc=Tpat_variant(lab,_,row)} ->
++ add_variant_case lab row ty_res ty_res'
++ | _ -> assert false)
++ (flatten_or_pat pat);
++ type_expect ?in_function ext_env sexp ty_res'
++ | Tpat_alias (p, id) when multi && all_variants p ->
++ let vd = Env.find_value (Path.Pident id) ext_env in
++ let row' =
++ match repr vd.val_type with
++ {desc=Tvariant row'} -> row'
++ | _ -> assert false
++ in
++ begin_def ();
++ let tv = newvar () in
++ let env = Env.add_value id {vd with val_type=tv} ext_env in
++ let exp = type_exp env sexp in
++ end_def ();
++ generalize exp.exp_type;
++ generalize tv;
++ List.iter
++ (function {pat_desc=Tpat_variant(lab,_,row)}, [tv'; ty'] ->
++ let fi' = List.assoc lab (row_repr row').row_fields in
++ let row' =
++ {row' with row_fields=[lab,fi']; row_more=newvar()} in
++ unify_pat ext_env {pat with pat_type=tv'}
++ (newty (Tvariant row'));
++ add_variant_case lab row ty_res ty'
++ | _ -> assert false)
++ ( (fun p -> p, instance_list [tv; exp.exp_type])
++ (flatten_or_pat p));
++ {exp with exp_type = instance exp.exp_type}
++ | _ ->
++ type_expect ?in_function ext_env sexp ty_res)
++ pat_env_list caselist in
+ let partial =
+ match partial_loc with None -> Partial
+ | Some loc -> Parmatch.check_partial loc cases
+Index: typing/
+RCS file: /net/yquem/devel/caml/repository/csl/typing/,v
+retrieving revision 1.75
+diff -u -r1.75
+--- typing/ 16 Aug 2005 00:48:56 -0000 1.75
++++ typing/ 2 Feb 2006 06:28:33 -0000
+@@ -432,8 +432,10 @@
+ match Btype.row_field_repr f with
+ Rpresent (Some ty) ->
+ compute_same ty
+- | Reither (_, tyl, _, _) ->
+- List.iter compute_same tyl
++ | Reither (_, tyl, _, tpl, _) ->
++ List.iter compute_same tyl;
++ List.iter (compute_variance_rec true true true)
++ ( fst tpl @ snd tpl)
+ | _ -> ())
+ row.row_fields;
+ compute_same row.row_more
+@@ -856,8 +858,8 @@
+ explain row.row_fields
+ (fun (l,f) -> match Btype.row_field_repr f with
+ Rpresent (Some t) -> t
+- | Reither (_,[t],_,_) -> t
+- | Reither (_,tl,_,_) -> Btype.newgenty (Ttuple tl)
++ | Reither (_,[t],_,_,_) -> t
++ | Reither (_,tl,_,_,_) -> Btype.newgenty (Ttuple tl)
+ | _ -> Btype.newgenty (Ttuple[]))
+ "case" (fun (lab,_) -> "`" ^ lab ^ " of ")
+ | _ -> trivial ty'
+Index: typing/
+RCS file: /net/yquem/devel/caml/repository/csl/typing/,v
+retrieving revision 1.25
+diff -u -r1.25
+--- typing/ 9 Dec 2004 12:40:53 -0000 1.25
++++ typing/ 2 Feb 2006 06:28:33 -0000
+@@ -48,7 +48,9 @@
+ and row_field =
+ Rpresent of type_expr option
+- | Reither of bool * type_expr list * bool * row_field option ref
++ | Reither of
++ bool * type_expr list * bool *
++ (type_expr * type_expr) list * row_field option ref
+ | Rabsent
+ and abbrev_memo =
+Index: typing/types.mli
+RCS file: /net/yquem/devel/caml/repository/csl/typing/types.mli,v
+retrieving revision 1.25
+diff -u -r1.25 types.mli
+--- typing/types.mli 9 Dec 2004 12:40:53 -0000 1.25
++++ typing/types.mli 2 Feb 2006 06:28:33 -0000
+@@ -47,7 +47,9 @@
+ and row_field =
+ Rpresent of type_expr option
+- | Reither of bool * type_expr list * bool * row_field option ref
++ | Reither of
++ bool * type_expr list * bool *
++ (type_expr * type_expr) list * row_field option ref
+ (* 1st true denotes a constant constructor *)
+ (* 2nd true denotes a tag in a pattern matching, and
+ is erased later *)
+Index: typing/
+RCS file: /net/yquem/devel/caml/repository/csl/typing/,v
+retrieving revision 1.54
+diff -u -r1.54
+--- typing/ 22 Jul 2005 06:42:36 -0000 1.54
++++ typing/ 2 Feb 2006 06:28:33 -0000
+@@ -207,9 +207,9 @@
+ match Btype.row_field_repr f with
+ | Rpresent (Some ty) ->
+ bound := ty :: !bound;
+- Reither(false, [ty], false, ref None)
++ Reither(false, [ty], false, [], ref None)
+ | Rpresent None ->
+- Reither (true, [], false, ref None)
++ Reither (true, [], false, [], ref None)
+ | _ -> f)
+ row.row_fields
+ in
+@@ -273,13 +273,16 @@
+ (l, f) :: fields
+ in
+ let rec add_field fields = function
+- Rtag (l, c, stl) ->
++ Rtag (l, c, stl, stpl) ->
+ name := None;
+ let f = match present with
+ Some present when not (List.mem l present) ->
+- let tl = (transl_type env policy) stl in
+- bound := tl @ !bound;
+- Reither(c, tl, false, ref None)
++ let transl_list = (transl_type env policy) in
++ let tl = transl_list stl in
++ let stpl1, stpl2 = List.split stpl in
++ let tpl1 = transl_list stpl1 and tpl2 = transl_list stpl2 in
++ bound := tl @ tpl1 @ tpl2 @ !bound;
++ Reither(c, tl, false, List.combine tpl1 tpl2, ref None)
+ | _ ->
+ if List.length stl > 1 || c && stl <> [] then
+ raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, Present_has_conjunction l));
+@@ -311,9 +314,9 @@
+ begin match f with
+ Rpresent(Some ty) ->
+ bound := ty :: !bound;
+- Reither(false, [ty], false, ref None)
++ Reither(false, [ty], false, [], ref None)
+ | Rpresent None ->
+- Reither(true, [], false, ref None)
++ Reither(true, [], false, [], ref None)
+ | _ ->
+ assert false
+ end
+@@ -406,7 +409,8 @@
+ {row with row_fixed=true;
+ row_fields =
+ (fun (s,f as p) -> match Btype.row_field_repr f with
+- Reither (c, tl, m, r) -> s, Reither (c, tl, true, r)
++ Reither (c, tl, m, tpl, r) ->
++ s, Reither (c, tl, true, tpl, r)
+ | _ -> p)
+ row.row_fields};
+ Btype.iter_row make_fixed_univars row
+Index: typing/
+RCS file: /net/yquem/devel/caml/repository/csl/typing/,v
+retrieving revision 1.5
+diff -u -r1.5
+--- typing/ 4 Jan 2006 16:55:50 -0000 1.5
++++ typing/ 2 Feb 2006 06:28:33 -0000
+@@ -122,9 +122,11 @@
+ | Pexp_apply (e, lel) ->
+ expression ppf tbl e;
+ List.iter (fun (_, e) -> expression ppf tbl e) lel;
+- | Pexp_match (e, pel) ->
++ | Pexp_match (e, pel, _) ->
+ expression ppf tbl e;
+ match_pel ppf tbl pel;
++ | Pexp_multifun pel ->
++ match_pel ppf tbl pel;
+ | Pexp_try (e, pel) ->
+ expression ppf tbl e;
+ match_pel ppf tbl pel;
+Index: bytecomp/
+RCS file: /net/yquem/devel/caml/repository/csl/bytecomp/,v
+retrieving revision 1.67
+diff -u -r1.67
+--- bytecomp/ 7 Sep 2005 16:07:48 -0000 1.67
++++ bytecomp/ 2 Feb 2006 06:28:33 -0000
+@@ -1991,7 +1991,7 @@
+ List.iter
+ (fun (_, f) ->
+ match Btype.row_field_repr f with
+- Rabsent | Reither(true, _::_, _, _) -> ()
++ Rabsent | Reither(true, _::_, _, _, _) -> ()
+ | _ -> incr num_constr)
+ row.row_fields
+ else
+Index: toplevel/
+RCS file: /net/yquem/devel/caml/repository/csl/toplevel/,v
+retrieving revision 1.38
+diff -u -r1.38
+--- toplevel/ 13 Jun 2005 04:55:53 -0000 1.38
++++ toplevel/ 2 Feb 2006 06:28:33 -0000
+@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
+ | (l, f) :: fields ->
+ if Btype.hash_variant l = tag then
+ match Btype.row_field_repr f with
+- | Rpresent(Some ty) | Reither(_,[ty],_,_) ->
++ | Rpresent(Some ty) | Reither(_,[ty],_,_,_) ->
+ let args =
+ tree_of_val (depth - 1) (O.field obj 1) ty in
+ Oval_variant (l, Some args)
diff --git a/testlabl/ b/testlabl/
index 4add22106..7c9aa73f9 100644
--- a/testlabl/
+++ b/testlabl/
@@ -145,6 +145,7 @@ end = struct let poly = poly end;;
(* type dispatch *)
+type num = [ `Int | `Float ]
let print0 = multifun
`Int -> print_int
| `Float -> print_float