diff options
authorXavier Leroy <>2012-02-17 10:12:09 +0000
committerXavier Leroy <>2012-02-17 10:12:09 +0000
commit339bcbb2c603c22b99cf07daf5f8296d5ea8e940 (patch)
parentd6029c574f0914e5bc3fb608bdedb2c3f2c186ab (diff)
PR#5064, PR#5485: try to ensure that 4K words of stack are available
before calling into C functions, raising a Stack_overflow exception otherwise. This reduces (but does not eliminate) the risk of segmentation faults due to stack overflow in C code. Implemented for i386, amd64 and power, under Linux and MacOSX. Plus: remove some more stuff related to obsoleted platforms (IA64, SunOS 4). git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
11 files changed, 171 insertions, 689 deletions
diff --git a/Changes b/Changes
index d2c287ded..69ead6ddb 100644
--- a/Changes
+++ b/Changes
@@ -51,6 +51,10 @@ Bug Fixes:
- PR#4549: Filename.dirname is not handling multiple / on Unix
- PR#4869: rare collisions between assembly labels for code and data
- PR#4880: "assert" constructs now show up in the exception stack backtrace
+- PR#5064, PR#5485: try to ensure that 4K words of stack are available
+ before calling into C functions, raising a Stack_overflow exception
+ otherwise. This reduces (but does not eliminate) the risk of
+ segmentation faults due to stack overflow in C code
- PR#5313: ocamlopt -g misses optimizations
- PR#5322: type abbreviations expanding to a universal type variable
- PR#5325: (Windows) blocked Unix.recv in one thread blocks Unix.send in
diff --git a/asmrun/amd64.S b/asmrun/amd64.S
index 5208fa83f..40716e019 100644
--- a/asmrun/amd64.S
+++ b/asmrun/amd64.S
@@ -220,11 +220,21 @@
+ .globl G(caml_system__code_begin)
/* Allocation */
+#ifndef SYS_mingw64
+ /* Touch the stack to trigger a recoverable segfault
+ if insufficient space remains */
+ subq $32768, %rsp
+ movq %rax, 0(%rsp)
+ addq $32768, %rsp
/* Build array of registers, save it into caml_gc_regs */
pushq %r13
pushq %r12
@@ -363,6 +373,13 @@ LBL(caml_c_call):
popq %r12
STORE_VAR(%r12, caml_last_return_address)
STORE_VAR(%rsp, caml_bottom_of_stack)
+#ifndef SYS_mingw64
+ /* Touch the stack to trigger a recoverable segfault
+ if insufficient space remains */
+ subq $32768, %rsp
+ movq %rax, 0(%rsp)
+ addq $32768, %rsp
/* Make the exception handler and alloc ptr available to the C code */
STORE_VAR(%r15, caml_young_ptr)
STORE_VAR(%r14, caml_exception_pointer)
@@ -518,6 +535,9 @@ FUNCTION(G(caml_ml_array_bound_error))
leaq GCALL(caml_array_bound_error)(%rip), %rax
jmp LBL(caml_c_call)
+ .globl G(caml_system__code_end)
.globl G(caml_system__frametable)
diff --git a/asmrun/arm.S b/asmrun/arm.S
index ce32a40f1..6fa7eb16d 100644
--- a/asmrun/arm.S
+++ b/asmrun/arm.S
@@ -58,6 +58,9 @@ alloc_limit .req r11
/* Allocation functions and GC interface */
+ .globl caml_system__code_begin
.align 2
.globl caml_call_gc
@@ -415,6 +418,9 @@ caml_ml_array_bound_error:
.type caml_ml_array_bound_error, %function
.size caml_ml_array_bound_error, .-caml_ml_array_bound_error
+ .globl caml_system__code_end
/* GC roots for callback */
diff --git a/asmrun/i386.S b/asmrun/i386.S
index 663d61753..6c86de05a 100644
--- a/asmrun/i386.S
+++ b/asmrun/i386.S
@@ -81,6 +81,9 @@
/* Allocation */
+ .globl G(caml_system__code_begin)
.globl G(caml_call_gc)
.globl G(caml_alloc1)
.globl G(caml_alloc2)
@@ -95,8 +98,15 @@ G(caml_call_gc):
movl %eax, G(caml_last_return_address)
leal 4(%esp), %eax
movl %eax, G(caml_bottom_of_stack)
- /* Build array of registers, save it into caml_gc_regs */
+#if !defined(SYS_mingw) && !defined(SYS_cygwin)
+ /* Touch the stack to trigger a recoverable segfault
+ if insufficient space remains */
+ subl $16384, %esp
+ movl %eax, 0(%esp)
+ addl $16384, %esp
+ /* Build array of registers, save it into caml_gc_regs */
pushl %ebp
pushl %edi
pushl %esi
@@ -211,6 +221,13 @@ G(caml_c_call):
movl %edx, G(caml_last_return_address)
leal 4(%esp), %edx
movl %edx, G(caml_bottom_of_stack)
+#if !defined(SYS_mingw) && !defined(SYS_cygwin)
+ /* Touch the stack to trigger a recoverable segfault
+ if insufficient space remains */
+ subl $16384, %esp
+ movl %eax, 0(%esp)
+ addl $16384, %esp
/* Call the function (address in %eax) */
jmp *%eax
@@ -396,6 +413,9 @@ G(caml_ml_array_bound_error):
/* Branch to [caml_array_bound_error] (never returns) */
call G(caml_array_bound_error)
+ .globl G(caml_system__code_end)
.globl G(caml_system__frametable)
diff --git a/asmrun/ia64.S b/asmrun/ia64.S
deleted file mode 100644
index f7bd90c5f..000000000
--- a/asmrun/ia64.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,524 +0,0 @@
-/* */
-/* OCaml */
-/* */
-/* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt */
-/* */
-/* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et */
-/* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed */
-/* under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with */
-/* the special exception on linking described in file ../LICENSE. */
-/* */
-/* $Id$ */
-/* Asm part of the runtime system, IA64 processor */
-#define ADDRGLOBAL(reg,symb) \
- add reg = @ltoff(symb), gp;; ld8 reg = [reg]
-#define LOADGLOBAL(reg,symb) \
- add r3 = @ltoff(symb), gp;; ld8 r3 = [r3];; ld8 reg = [r3]
-#define STOREGLOBAL(reg,symb) \
- add r3 = @ltoff(symb), gp;; ld8 r3 = [r3];; st8 [r3] = reg
-#define ST8OFF(a,b,d) st8 [a] = b, d
-#define LD8OFF(a,b,d) ld8 a = [b], d
-#define STFDOFF(a,b,d) stfd [a] = b, d
-#define LDFDOFF(a,b,d) ldfd a = [b], d
-#define STFSPILLOFF(a,b,d) stf.spill [a] = b, d
-#define LDFFILLOFF(a,b,d) ldf.fill a = [b], d
-#define SAVE2(a,b) ST8OFF(r2, a, 16); ST8OFF(r3, b, 16)
-#define SAVE4(a,b,c,d) SAVE2(a,b);; SAVE2(c,d)
-#define SAVE8(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) SAVE4(a,b,c,d);; SAVE4(e,f,g,h)
-#define LOAD2(a,b) LD8OFF(a, r2, 16); LD8OFF(b, r3, 16)
-#define LOAD4(a,b,c,d) LOAD2(a,b);; LOAD2(c,d)
-#define LOAD8(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) LOAD4(a,b,c,d);; LOAD4(e,f,g,h)
-#define FSAVE2(a,b) STFDOFF(r2, a, 16); STFDOFF(r3, b, 16)
-#define FSAVE4(a,b,c,d) FSAVE2(a,b);; FSAVE2(c,d)
-#define FSAVE8(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) FSAVE4(a,b,c,d);; FSAVE4(e,f,g,h)
-#define FLOAD2(a,b) LDFDOFF(a, r2, 16); LDFDOFF(b, r3, 16)
-#define FLOAD4(a,b,c,d) FLOAD2(a,b);; FLOAD2(c,d)
-#define FLOAD8(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) FLOAD4(a,b,c,d);; FLOAD4(e,f,g,h)
-#define FSPILL2(a,b) STFSPILLOFF(r2, a, 32); STFSPILLOFF(r3, b, 32)
-#define FSPILL4(a,b,c,d) FSPILL2(a,b);; FSPILL2(c,d)
-#define FSPILL8(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) FSPILL4(a,b,c,d);; FSPILL4(e,f,g,h)
-#define FFILL2(a,b) LDFFILLOFF(a, r2, 32); LDFFILLOFF(b, r3, 32)
-#define FFILL4(a,b,c,d) FFILL2(a,b);; FFILL2(c,d)
-#define FFILL8(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) FFILL4(a,b,c,d);; FFILL4(e,f,g,h)
-/* Allocation */
- .text
- .global caml_allocN#
- .proc caml_allocN#
- .align 16
-/* caml_allocN: all code generator registers preserved,
- gp preserved, r2 = requested size */
- sub r4 = r4, r2 ;;
- cmp.ltu p0, p6 = r4, r5
- (p6) br.ret.sptk b0 ;;
- /* Fall through caml_call_gc */
- br.sptk.many caml_call_gc#
- .endp caml_allocN#
-/* caml_call_gc: all code generator registers preserved,
- gp preserved, r2 = requested size */
- .global caml_call_gc#
- .proc caml_call_gc#
- .align 16
- /* Allocate stack frame */
- add sp = -(16 + 16 + 80*8 + 42*8), sp ;;
- /* Save requested size and GP on stack */
- add r3 = 16, sp ;;
- ST8OFF(r3, r2, 8) ;;
- st8 [r3] = gp
- /* Record lowest stack address, return address, GC regs */
- mov r2 = b0 ;;
- STOREGLOBAL(r2, caml_last_return_address#)
- add r2 = (16 + 16 + 80*8 + 42*8), sp ;;
- STOREGLOBAL(r2, caml_bottom_of_stack#)
- add r2 = (16 + 16), sp ;;
- STOREGLOBAL(r2, caml_gc_regs#)
- /* Save all integer regs used by the code generator in the context */
-.L100: add r3 = 8, r2 ;;
- SAVE4(r8,r9,r10,r11) ;;
- SAVE8(r16,r17,r18,r19,r20,r21,r22,r23) ;;
- SAVE8(r24,r25,r26,r27,r28,r29,r30,r31) ;;
- SAVE8(r32,r33,r34,r35,r36,r37,r38,r39) ;;
- SAVE8(r40,r41,r42,r43,r44,r45,r46,r47) ;;
- SAVE8(r48,r49,r50,r51,r52,r53,r54,r55) ;;
- SAVE8(r56,r57,r58,r59,r60,r61,r62,r63) ;;
- SAVE8(r64,r65,r66,r67,r68,r69,r70,r71) ;;
- SAVE8(r72,r73,r74,r75,r76,r77,r78,r79) ;;
- SAVE8(r80,r81,r82,r83,r84,r85,r86,r87) ;;
- SAVE4(r88,r89,r90,r91) ;;
- /* Save all floating-point registers not preserved by C */
- FSAVE2(f6,f7) ;;
- FSAVE8(f8,f9,f10,f11,f12,f13,f14,f15) ;;
- FSAVE8(f32,f33,f34,f35,f36,f37,f38,f39) ;;
- FSAVE8(f40,f41,f42,f43,f44,f45,f46,f47) ;;
- FSAVE8(f48,f49,f50,f51,f52,f53,f54,f55) ;;
- FSAVE8(f56,f57,f58,f59,f60,f61,f62,f63) ;;
- /* Save current allocation pointer for debugging purposes */
- STOREGLOBAL(r4, caml_young_ptr#)
- /* Save trap pointer in case an exception is raised */
- STOREGLOBAL(r6, caml_exception_pointer#)
- /* Call the garbage collector */
- b0 = caml_garbage_collection# ;;
- /* Restore gp */
- add r3 = 24, sp ;;
- ld8 gp = [r3]
- /* Restore all integer regs from GC context */
- add r2 = (16 + 16), sp ;;
- add r3 = 8, r2 ;;
- LOAD4(r8,r9,r10,r11) ;;
- LOAD8(r16,r17,r18,r19,r20,r21,r22,r23) ;;
- LOAD8(r24,r25,r26,r27,r28,r29,r30,r31) ;;
- LOAD8(r32,r33,r34,r35,r36,r37,r38,r39) ;;
- LOAD8(r40,r41,r42,r43,r44,r45,r46,r47) ;;
- LOAD8(r48,r49,r50,r51,r52,r53,r54,r55) ;;
- LOAD8(r56,r57,r58,r59,r60,r61,r62,r63) ;;
- LOAD8(r64,r65,r66,r67,r68,r69,r70,r71) ;;
- LOAD8(r72,r73,r74,r75,r76,r77,r78,r79) ;;
- LOAD8(r80,r81,r82,r83,r84,r85,r86,r87) ;;
- LOAD4(r88,r89,r90,r91) ;;
- /* Restore all floating-point registers not preserved by C */
- FLOAD2(f6,f7) ;;
- FLOAD8(f8,f9,f10,f11,f12,f13,f14,f15) ;;
- FLOAD8(f32,f33,f34,f35,f36,f37,f38,f39) ;;
- FLOAD8(f40,f41,f42,f43,f44,f45,f46,f47) ;;
- FLOAD8(f48,f49,f50,f51,f52,f53,f54,f55) ;;
- FLOAD8(f56,f57,f58,f59,f60,f61,f62,f63) ;;
- /* Reload new allocation pointer and allocation limit */
- LOADGLOBAL(r4, caml_young_ptr#)
- LOADGLOBAL(r5, caml_young_limit#)
- /* Allocate space for the block */
- add r3 = 16, sp ;;
- ld8 r2 = [r3] ;;
- sub r4 = r4, r2 ;;
- cmp.ltu p6, p0 = r4, r5 /* enough space? */
- (p6) br.cond.spnt .L100 ;; /* no: call GC again */
- /* Reload return address and say that we are back into OCaml code */
- ADDRGLOBAL(r3, caml_last_return_address#) ;;
- ld8 r2 = [r3]
- st8 [r3] = r0 ;;
- /* Return to caller */
- mov b0 = r2
- add sp = (16 + 16 + 80*8 + 42*8), sp ;;
- br.ret.sptk b0
- .endp caml_call_gc#
-/* Call a C function from OCaml */
-/* Function to call is in r2 */
- .global caml_c_call#
- .proc caml_c_call#
- .align 16
- /* The OCaml code that called us does not expect any
- code-generator registers to be preserved */
- /* Recover entry point from the function pointer in r2 */
- LD8OFF(r3, r2, 8) ;;
- mov b6 = r3
- /* Preserve gp in r7 */
- mov r7 = gp
- /* Record lowest stack address and return address */
- mov r14 = b0
- STOREGLOBAL(sp, caml_bottom_of_stack#) ;;
- STOREGLOBAL(r14, caml_last_return_address#)
- /* Make the exception handler and alloc ptr available to the C code */
- STOREGLOBAL(r4, caml_young_ptr#)
- STOREGLOBAL(r6, caml_exception_pointer#)
- /* Recover gp from the function pointer in r2 */
- ld8 gp = [r2]
- /* Call the function */
- b0 = b6 ;;
- /* Restore gp */
- mov gp = r7 ;;
- /* Reload alloc ptr and alloc limit */
- LOADGLOBAL(r4, caml_young_ptr#)
- LOADGLOBAL(r5, caml_young_limit#)
- /* Reload return address and say that we are back into OCaml code */
- ADDRGLOBAL(r3, caml_last_return_address#) ;;
- ld8 r2 = [r3]
- st8 [r3] = r0 ;;
- /* Return to caller */
- mov b0 = r2 ;;
- br.ret.sptk b0
- .endp caml_c_call#
-/* Start the OCaml program */
- .global caml_start_program#
- .proc caml_start_program#
- .align 16
- ADDRGLOBAL(r2, caml_program#) ;;
- mov b6 = r2
- /* Code shared with caml_callback* */
- /* Allocate 64 "out" registers (for the OCaml code) and no locals */
- alloc r3 = ar.pfs, 0, 0, 64, 0
- add sp = -(56 * 8), sp ;;
- /* Save all callee-save registers on stack */
- add r2 = 16, sp ;;
- ST8OFF(r2, r3, 8) /* 0 : ar.pfs */
- mov r3 = b0 ;;
- ST8OFF(r2, r3, 8) ;; /* 1 : return address */
- ST8OFF(r2, gp, 8) /* 2 : gp */
- mov r3 = pr ;;
- ST8OFF(r2, r3, 8) /* 3 : predicates */
- mov r3 = ar.fpsr ;;
- ST8OFF(r2, r3, 8) /* 4 : ar.fpsr */
- mov r3 = ar.unat ;;
- ST8OFF(r2, r3, 8) /* 5 : ar.unat */
- mov r3 = ;;
- ST8OFF(r2, r3, 8) /* 6 : */
- mov r3 = b1 ;;
- ST8OFF(r2, r3, 8) /* 7 - 11 : b1 - b5 */
- mov r3 = b2 ;;
- ST8OFF(r2, r3, 8)
- mov r3 = b3 ;;
- ST8OFF(r2, r3, 8)
- mov r3 = b4 ;;
- ST8OFF(r2, r3, 8)
- mov r3 = b5 ;;
- ST8OFF(r2, r3, 8) ;;
- add r3 = 8, r2 ;;
- SAVE4(r4,r5,r6,r7) ;; /* 12 - 15 : r4 - r7 */
- add r3 = 16, r2 ;; /* 16 - 55 : f2 - f5, f16 - f31 */
- FSPILL4(f2,f3,f4,f5) ;;
- FSPILL8(f16,f17,f18,f19,f20,f21,f22,f23) ;;
- FSPILL8(f24,f25,f26,f27,f28,f29,f30,f31) ;;
- /* Set up a callback link on the stack. In addition to
- the normal callback link contents (saved values of
- caml_bottom_of_stack, caml_last_return_address and
- caml_gc_regs), we also save there caml_saved_bsp
- and caml_saved_rnat */
- add sp = -48, sp
- LOADGLOBAL(r3, caml_bottom_of_stack#)
- add r2 = 16, sp ;;
- ST8OFF(r2, r3, 8)
- LOADGLOBAL(r3, caml_last_return_address#) ;;
- ST8OFF(r2, r3, 8)
- LOADGLOBAL(r3, caml_gc_regs#) ;;
- ST8OFF(r2, r3, 8)
- LOADGLOBAL(r3, caml_saved_bsp#) ;;
- ST8OFF(r2, r3, 8)
- LOADGLOBAL(r3, caml_saved_rnat#) ;;
- ST8OFF(r2, r3, 8)
- /* Set up a trap frame to catch exceptions escaping the OCaml code */
- mov r6 = sp
- add sp = -16, sp ;;
- LOADGLOBAL(r3, caml_exception_pointer#)
- add r2 = 16, sp ;;
- ST8OFF(r2, r3, 8)
-.L110: mov r3 = ip ;;
- add r3 = .L101 - .L110, r3 ;;
- ST8OFF(r2, r3, 8) ;;
- /* Save ar.bsp, flush register window, and save ar.rnat */
- mov r2 = ar.bsp ;;
- STOREGLOBAL(r2, caml_saved_bsp#) ;;
- mov r14 = ar.rsc ;;
- and r2 = ~0x3, r14;; /* set rsc.mode = 0 */
- mov ar.rsc = r2 ;; /* RSE is in enforced lazy mode */
- flushrs ;; /* must be first instr in group */
- mov r2 = ar.rnat ;;
- STOREGLOBAL(r2, caml_saved_rnat#)
- mov ar.rsc = r14 /* restore original RSE mode */
- /* Reload allocation pointers */
- LOADGLOBAL(r4, caml_young_ptr#)
- LOADGLOBAL(r5, caml_young_limit#)
- /* We are back into OCaml code */
- STOREGLOBAL(r0, caml_last_return_address#)
- /* Call the OCaml code */
- b0 = b6 ;;
- /* Pop the trap frame, restoring caml_exception_pointer */
- add sp = 16, sp ;;
- ld8 r2 = [sp] ;;
- STOREGLOBAL(r2, caml_exception_pointer#)
- /* Pop the callback link, restoring the global variables */
- add r14 = 16, sp ;;
- LD8OFF(r2, r14, 8) ;;
- STOREGLOBAL(r2, caml_bottom_of_stack#)
- LD8OFF(r2, r14, 8) ;;
- STOREGLOBAL(r2, caml_last_return_address#)
- LD8OFF(r2, r14, 8) ;;
- STOREGLOBAL(r2, caml_gc_regs#)
- LD8OFF(r2, r14, 8) ;;
- STOREGLOBAL(r2, caml_saved_bsp#)
- LD8OFF(r2, r14, 8) ;;
- STOREGLOBAL(r2, caml_saved_rnat#)
- add sp = 48, sp
- /* Update allocation pointer */
- STOREGLOBAL(r4, caml_young_ptr#)
- /* Restore all callee-save registers from stack */
- add r2 = 16, sp ;;
- LD8OFF(r3, r2, 8) ;; /* 0 : ar.pfs */
- mov ar.pfs = r3
- LD8OFF(r3, r2, 8) ;; /* 1 : return address */
- mov b0 = r3
- LD8OFF(gp, r2, 8) ;; /* 2 : gp */
- LD8OFF(r3, r2, 8) ;; /* 3 : predicates */
- mov pr = r3, -1
- LD8OFF(r3, r2, 8) ;; /* 4 : ar.fpsr */
- mov ar.fpsr = r3
- LD8OFF(r3, r2, 8) ;; /* 5 : ar.unat */
- mov ar.unat = r3
- LD8OFF(r3, r2, 8) ;; /* 6 : */
- mov = r3
- LD8OFF(r3, r2, 8) ;; /* 7 - 11 : b1 - b5 */
- mov b1 = r3
- LD8OFF(r3, r2, 8) ;;
- mov b2 = r3
- LD8OFF(r3, r2, 8) ;;
- mov b3 = r3
- LD8OFF(r3, r2, 8) ;;
- mov b4 = r3
- LD8OFF(r3, r2, 8) ;;
- mov b5 = r3
- add r3 = 8, r2 ;;
- LOAD4(r4,r5,r6,r7) ;; /* 12 - 15 : r4 - r7 */
- add r3 = 16, r2 ;; /* 16 - 55 : f2 - f5, f16 - f31 */
- FFILL4(f2,f3,f4,f5) ;;
- FFILL8(f16,f17,f18,f19,f20,f21,f22,f23) ;;
- FFILL8(f24,f25,f26,f27,f28,f29,f30,f31) ;;
- /* Pop stack frame and return */
- add sp = (56 * 8), sp
- br.ret.sptk.many b0 ;;
- /* The trap handler */
- /* Save exception pointer */
- STOREGLOBAL(r6, caml_exception_pointer#)
- /* Encode exception bucket as exception result */
- or r8 = 2, r8
- /* Return it */
- br.sptk .L104 ;;
- .endp caml_start_program#
-/* Raise an exception from C */
- .global caml_raise_exception#
- .proc caml_raise_exception#
- .align 16
- /* Allocate 64 "out" registers (for the OCaml code) and no locals */
- /* Since we don't return, don't bother saving the PFS */
- alloc r2 = ar.pfs, 0, 0, 64, 0
- /* Move exn bucket where OCaml expects it */
- mov r8 = r32 ;;
- /* Perform "context switch" as per the Software Conventions Guide,
- chapter 10 */
- flushrs ;; /* flush dirty registers to stack */
- mov r14 = ar.rsc ;;
- and r2 = ~0x3, r14;; /* set rsc.mode = 0 */
- dep r2 = r0, r2, 16, 4 ;; /* clear rsc.loadrs */
- mov ar.rsc = r2 ;; /* RSE is in enforced lazy mode */
- invala ;; /* Invalidate ALAT */
- LOADGLOBAL(r2, caml_saved_bsp#) ;;
- mov ar.bspstore = r2 /* Restore ar.bspstore */
- LOADGLOBAL(r2, caml_saved_rnat#) ;;
- mov ar.rnat = r2 /* Restore ar.rnat */
- mov ar.rsc = r14 ;; /* Restore original RSE mode */
- /* Reload allocation pointers and exception pointer */
- LOADGLOBAL(r4, caml_young_ptr#)
- LOADGLOBAL(r5, caml_young_limit#)
- LOADGLOBAL(r6, caml_exception_pointer#)
- /* Say that we're back into OCaml */
- STOREGLOBAL(r0, caml_last_return_address#)
- /* Raise the exception proper */
- mov sp = r6
- add r2 = 8, r6 ;;
- ld8 r6 = [r6]
- ld8 r2 = [r2] ;;
- mov b6 = r2 ;;
- /* Branch to handler. Must use a call so as to set up the
- CFM and PFS correctly. */
- b0 = b6
- .endp caml_raise_exception
-/* Callbacks from C to OCaml */
- .global caml_callback_exn#
- .proc caml_callback_exn#
- .align 16
- /* Initial shuffling of arguments */
- ld8 r3 = [r32] /* code pointer */
- mov r2 = r32
- mov r32 = r33 ;; /* first arg */
- mov r33 = r2 /* environment */
- mov b6 = r3
- br.sptk .L103 ;;
- .endp caml_callback_exn#
- .global caml_callback2_exn#
- .proc caml_callback2_exn#
- .align 16
- /* Initial shuffling of arguments */
- ADDRGLOBAL(r3, caml_apply2) /* code pointer */
- mov r2 = r32
- mov r32 = r33 /* first arg */
- mov r33 = r34 ;; /* second arg */
- mov r34 = r2 /* environment */
- mov b6 = r3
- br.sptk .L103 ;;
- .endp caml_callback2_exn#
- .global caml_callback3_exn#
- .proc caml_callback3_exn#
- .align 16
- /* Initial shuffling of arguments */
- ADDRGLOBAL(r3, caml_apply3) /* code pointer */
- mov r2 = r32
- mov r32 = r33 /* first arg */
- mov r33 = r34 /* second arg */
- mov r34 = r35 ;; /* third arg */
- mov r35 = r2 /* environment */
- mov b6 = r3
- br.sptk .L103 ;;
- .endp caml_callback3_exn#
-/* Glue code to call [caml_array_bound_error] */
- .global caml_ml_array_bound_error#
- .proc caml_ml_array_bound_error#
- .align 16
- ADDRGLOBAL(r2, @fptr(caml_array_bound_error#))
- br.sptk caml_c_call /* never returns */
- .rodata
- .global caml_system__frametable#
- .type caml_system__frametable#, @object
- .size caml_system__frametable#, 8
- data8 1 /* one descriptor */
- data8 .L102 /* return address into callback */
- data2 -1 /* negative frame size => use callback link */
- data2 0 /* no roots here */
- .align 8
-/* Global variables used by caml_raise_exception */
- .common caml_saved_bsp#, 8, 8
- .common caml_saved_rnat#, 8, 8
diff --git a/asmrun/power-elf.S b/asmrun/power-elf.S
index 0b3493688..338afbed9 100644
--- a/asmrun/power-elf.S
+++ b/asmrun/power-elf.S
@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@
/* Invoke the garbage collector. */
+ .globl caml_system__code_begin
.globl caml_call_gc
.type caml_call_gc, @function
@@ -39,6 +42,11 @@ caml_call_gc:
/* Record lowest stack address */
addi 0, 1, 0x1A0
Storeglobal(0, caml_bottom_of_stack, 11)
+ /* Touch the stack to trigger a recoverable segfault
+ if insufficient space remains */
+ addi 1, 1, -16384
+ stw 0, 0(1)
+ addi 1, 1, 16384
/* Record pointer to register array */
addi 0, 1, 8*32 + 32
Storeglobal(0, caml_gc_regs, 11)
@@ -185,15 +193,20 @@ caml_c_call:
/* Save return address */
mflr 25
/* Get ready to call C function (address in 11) */
- mtlr 11
+ mtctr 11
/* Record lowest stack address and return address */
Storeglobal(1, caml_bottom_of_stack, 12)
Storeglobal(25, caml_last_return_address, 12)
+ /* Touch the stack to trigger a recoverable segfault
+ if insufficient space remains */
+ addi 1, 1, -16384
+ stw 0, 0(1)
+ addi 1, 1, 16384
/* Make the exception handler and alloc ptr available to the C code */
Storeglobal(31, caml_young_ptr, 11)
Storeglobal(29, caml_exception_pointer, 11)
- /* Call the function (address in link register) */
- blrl
+ /* Call the function (address in CTR register) */
+ bctrl
/* Restore return address (in 25, preserved by the C function) */
mtlr 25
/* Reload allocation pointer and allocation limit*/
@@ -408,6 +421,9 @@ caml_callback3_exn:
Addrglobal(12, caml_apply3)
b .L102
+ .globl caml_system__code_end
/* Frame table */
.section ".data"
diff --git a/asmrun/power-rhapsody.S b/asmrun/power-rhapsody.S
index 334d6a31a..843e056af 100644
--- a/asmrun/power-rhapsody.S
+++ b/asmrun/power-rhapsody.S
@@ -41,6 +41,9 @@
+ .globl _caml_system__code_begin
/* Invoke the garbage collector. */
.globl _caml_call_gc
@@ -54,6 +57,11 @@ _caml_call_gc:
/* Record lowest stack address */
addi r0, r1, FRAMESIZE
Storeglobal r0, _caml_bottom_of_stack, r11
+ /* Touch the stack to trigger a recoverable segfault
+ if insufficient space remains */
+ addi r1, r1, -4096*WORD
+ stg r0, 0(r1)
+ addi r1, r1, 4096*WORD
/* Record pointer to register array */
addi r0, r1, 8*32 + 32
Storeglobal r0, _caml_gc_regs, r11
@@ -204,6 +212,11 @@ _caml_c_call:
/* Record lowest stack address and return address */
Storeglobal r1, _caml_bottom_of_stack, r12
Storeglobal r25, _caml_last_return_address, r12
+ /* Touch the stack to trigger a recoverable segfault
+ if insufficient space remains */
+ addi r1, r1, -4096*WORD
+ stg r0, 0(r1)
+ addi r1, r1, 4096*WORD
/* Make the exception handler and alloc ptr available to the C code */
Storeglobal r31, _caml_young_ptr, r11
Storeglobal r29, _caml_exception_pointer, r11
@@ -462,6 +475,9 @@ _caml_callback3_exn:
Addrglobal r12, _caml_apply3
b L102
+ .globl _caml_system__code_end
/* Frame table */
diff --git a/asmrun/signals_asm.c b/asmrun/signals_asm.c
index 09bc8abc1..9d42718b8 100644
--- a/asmrun/signals_asm.c
+++ b/asmrun/signals_asm.c
@@ -46,11 +46,14 @@ extern void caml_win32_overflow_detection();
extern char * caml_code_area_start, * caml_code_area_end;
+extern char caml_system__code_begin, caml_system__code_end;
#define Is_in_code_area(pc) \
( ((char *)(pc) >= caml_code_area_start && \
(char *)(pc) <= caml_code_area_end) \
- || (Classify_addr(pc) & In_code_area) )
+|| ((char *)(pc) >= &caml_system__code_begin && \
+ (char *)(pc) <= &caml_system__code_end) \
+|| (Classify_addr(pc) & In_code_area) )
/* This routine is the common entry point for garbage collection
and signal handling. It can trigger a callback to OCaml code.
diff --git a/asmrun/sparc.S b/asmrun/sparc.S
index ed4e34987..261743159 100644
--- a/asmrun/sparc.S
+++ b/asmrun/sparc.S
@@ -16,60 +16,6 @@
/* Asm part of the runtime system for the Sparc processor. */
/* Must be preprocessed by cpp */
-/* SunOS 4 prefixes identifiers with _ */
-#if defined(SYS_sunos)
-#define Caml_young_limit _caml_young_limit
-#define Caml_young_ptr _caml_young_ptr
-#define Caml_bottom_of_stack _caml_bottom_of_stack
-#define Caml_last_return_address _caml_last_return_address
-#define Caml_gc_regs _caml_gc_regs
-#define Caml_exception_pointer _caml_exception_pointer
-#define Caml_allocN _caml_allocN
-#define Caml_call_gc _caml_call_gc
-#define Caml_garbage_collection _caml_garbage_collection
-#define Caml_c_call _caml_c_call
-#define Caml_start_program _caml_start_program
-#define Caml_program _caml_program
-#define Caml_raise_exception _caml_raise_exception
-#define Caml_callback_exn _caml_callback_exn
-#define Caml_callback2_exn _caml_callback2_exn
-#define Caml_callback3_exn _caml_callback3_exn
-#define Caml_apply2 _caml_apply2
-#define Caml_apply3 _caml_apply3
-#define Caml_raise _caml_raise
-#define Caml_system__frametable _caml_system__frametable
-#define Caml_ml_array_bound_error _caml_ml_array_bound_error
-#define Caml_array_bound_error _caml_array_bound_error
-#define Caml_young_limit caml_young_limit
-#define Caml_young_ptr caml_young_ptr
-#define Caml_bottom_of_stack caml_bottom_of_stack
-#define Caml_last_return_address caml_last_return_address
-#define Caml_gc_regs caml_gc_regs
-#define Caml_exception_pointer caml_exception_pointer
-#define Caml_allocN caml_allocN
-#define Caml_call_gc caml_call_gc
-#define Caml_garbage_collection caml_garbage_collection
-#define Caml_c_call caml_c_call
-#define Caml_start_program caml_start_program
-#define Caml_program caml_program
-#define Caml_raise_exception caml_raise_exception
-#define Caml_callback_exn caml_callback_exn
-#define Caml_callback2_exn caml_callback2_exn
-#define Caml_callback3_exn caml_callback3_exn
-#define Caml_apply2 caml_apply2
-#define Caml_apply3 caml_apply3
-#define Caml_raise caml_raise
-#define Caml_system__frametable caml_system__frametable
-#define Caml_ml_array_bound_error caml_ml_array_bound_error
-#define Caml_array_bound_error caml_array_bound_error
#ifndef SYS_solaris
@@ -85,11 +31,15 @@
/* Allocation functions */
- .global Caml_allocN
- .global Caml_call_gc
+ .global caml_system__code_begin
+ .global caml_allocN
+ .global caml_call_gc
/* Required size in %g2 */
ld [Alloc_limit], %g1
sub Alloc_ptr, %g2, Alloc_ptr
@@ -98,22 +48,22 @@ Caml_allocN:
sub Alloc_ptr, %g2, Alloc_ptr
cmp Alloc_ptr, Alloc_limit
- /*blu,pt %icc, Caml_call_gc*/
- blu Caml_call_gc
+ /*blu,pt %icc, caml_call_gc*/
+ blu caml_call_gc
/* Required size in %g2 */
/* Save exception pointer if GC raises */
- Store(Exn_ptr, Caml_exception_pointer)
+ Store(Exn_ptr, caml_exception_pointer)
/* Save current allocation pointer for debugging purposes */
- Store(Alloc_ptr, Caml_young_ptr)
+ Store(Alloc_ptr, caml_young_ptr)
/* Record lowest stack address */
- Store(%sp, Caml_bottom_of_stack)
+ Store(%sp, caml_bottom_of_stack)
/* Record last return address */
- Store(%o7, Caml_last_return_address)
+ Store(%o7, caml_last_return_address)
/* Allocate space on stack for caml_context structure and float regs */
sub %sp, 20*4 + 15*8, %sp
/* Save int regs on stack and save it into caml_gc_regs */
@@ -139,7 +89,7 @@ L100: add %sp, 96 + 15*8, %g1
st %g4, [%g1 + 0x48]
st %g2, [%g1 + 0x4C] /* Save required size */
mov %g1, %g2
- Store(%g2, Caml_gc_regs)
+ Store(%g2, caml_gc_regs)
/* Save the floating-point registers */
add %sp, 96, %g1
std %f0, [%g1]
@@ -158,7 +108,7 @@ L100: add %sp, 96 + 15*8, %g1
std %f26, [%g1 + 0x68]
std %f28, [%g1 + 0x70]
/* Call the garbage collector */
- call Caml_garbage_collection
+ call caml_garbage_collection
/* Restore all regs used by the code generator */
add %sp, 96 + 15*8, %g1
@@ -199,116 +149,116 @@ L100: add %sp, 96 + 15*8, %g1
ldd [%g1 + 0x68], %f26
ldd [%g1 + 0x70], %f28
/* Reload alloc ptr */
- Load(Caml_young_ptr, Alloc_ptr)
+ Load(caml_young_ptr, Alloc_ptr)
/* Allocate space for block */
ld [Alloc_limit], %g1
sub Alloc_ptr, %g2, Alloc_ptr
cmp Alloc_ptr, %g1 /* Check that we have enough free space */
- Load(Caml_young_limit,Alloc_limit)
+ Load(caml_young_limit,Alloc_limit)
sub Alloc_ptr, %g2, Alloc_ptr
cmp Alloc_ptr, Alloc_limit
blu L100 /* If not, call GC again */
/* Return to caller */
- Load(Caml_last_return_address, %o7)
+ Load(caml_last_return_address, %o7)
add %sp, 20*4 + 15*8, %sp /* in delay slot */
-/* Call a C function from OCaml */
+/* Call a C function from Ocaml */
- .global Caml_c_call
+ .global caml_c_call
/* Function to call is in %g2 */
/* Record lowest stack address and return address */
- Store(%sp, Caml_bottom_of_stack)
- Store(%o7, Caml_last_return_address)
+ Store(%sp, caml_bottom_of_stack)
+ Store(%o7, caml_last_return_address)
/* Save the exception handler and alloc pointer */
- Store(Exn_ptr, Caml_exception_pointer)
- sethi %hi(Caml_young_ptr), %g1
+ Store(Exn_ptr, caml_exception_pointer)
+ sethi %hi(caml_young_ptr), %g1
/* Call the C function */
call %g2
- st Alloc_ptr, [%g1 + %lo(Caml_young_ptr)] /* in delay slot */
+ st Alloc_ptr, [%g1 + %lo(caml_young_ptr)] /* in delay slot */
/* Reload return address */
- Load(Caml_last_return_address, %o7)
+ Load(caml_last_return_address, %o7)
/* Reload alloc pointer */
- sethi %hi(Caml_young_ptr), %g1
+ sethi %hi(caml_young_ptr), %g1
/* Return to caller */
- ld [%g1 + %lo(Caml_young_ptr)], Alloc_ptr /* in delay slot */
+ ld [%g1 + %lo(caml_young_ptr)], Alloc_ptr /* in delay slot */
-/* Start the OCaml program */
+/* Start the Ocaml program */
- .global Caml_start_program
+ .global caml_start_program
/* Save all callee-save registers */
save %sp, -96, %sp
/* Address of code to call */
- Address(Caml_program, %l2)
+ Address(caml_program, %l2)
/* Code shared with caml_callback* */
/* Set up a callback link on the stack. */
sub %sp, 16, %sp
- Load(Caml_bottom_of_stack, %l0)
- Load(Caml_last_return_address, %l1)
- Load(Caml_gc_regs, %l3)
+ Load(caml_bottom_of_stack, %l0)
+ Load(caml_last_return_address, %l1)
+ Load(caml_gc_regs, %l3)
st %l0, [%sp + 96]
st %l1, [%sp + 100]
- /* Set up a trap frame to catch exceptions escaping the OCaml code */
+ /* Set up a trap frame to catch exceptions escaping the Ocaml code */
call L111
st %l3, [%sp + 104]
b L110
L111: sub %sp, 8, %sp
- Load(Caml_exception_pointer, Exn_ptr)
+ Load(caml_exception_pointer, Exn_ptr)
st %o7, [%sp + 96]
st Exn_ptr, [%sp + 100]
mov %sp, Exn_ptr
/* Reload allocation pointers */
- Load(Caml_young_ptr, Alloc_ptr)
+ Load(caml_young_ptr, Alloc_ptr)
- Address(Caml_young_limit, Alloc_limit)
+ Address(caml_young_limit, Alloc_limit)
- Load(Caml_young_limit, Alloc_limit)
+ Load(caml_young_limit, Alloc_limit)
- /* Call the OCaml code */
+ /* Call the Ocaml code */
L109: call %l2
/* Pop trap frame and restore caml_exception_pointer */
ld [%sp + 100], Exn_ptr
add %sp, 8, %sp
- Store(Exn_ptr, Caml_exception_pointer)
+ Store(Exn_ptr, caml_exception_pointer)
/* Pop callback link, restoring the global variables */
L112: ld [%sp + 96], %l0
ld [%sp + 100], %l1
ld [%sp + 104], %l2
- Store(%l0, Caml_bottom_of_stack)
- Store(%l1, Caml_last_return_address)
- Store(%l2, Caml_gc_regs)
+ Store(%l0, caml_bottom_of_stack)
+ Store(%l1, caml_last_return_address)
+ Store(%l2, caml_gc_regs)
add %sp, 16, %sp
/* Save allocation pointer */
- Store(Alloc_ptr, Caml_young_ptr)
+ Store(Alloc_ptr, caml_young_ptr)
/* Reload callee-save registers and return */
restore %o0, 0, %o0 /* copy %o0 in this window to caller's %o0 */
/* The trap handler */
- Store(Exn_ptr, Caml_exception_pointer)
+ Store(Exn_ptr, caml_exception_pointer)
/* Encode exception bucket as an exception result */
b L112
or %o0, 2, %o0
/* Raise an exception from C */
- .global Caml_raise_exception
+ .global caml_raise_exception
/* Save exception bucket in a register outside the reg windows */
mov %o0, %g2
/* Load exception pointer in a register outside the reg windows */
- Load(Caml_exception_pointer, %g3)
+ Load(caml_exception_pointer, %g3)
/* Pop some frames until the trap pointer is in the current frame. */
cmp %g3, %fp
blt L107 /* if Exn_ptr < %fp, over */
@@ -319,11 +269,11 @@ L106: restore
/* Reload allocation registers */
- Load(Caml_young_ptr, Alloc_ptr)
+ Load(caml_young_ptr, Alloc_ptr)
- Address(Caml_young_limit, Alloc_limit)
+ Address(caml_young_limit, Alloc_limit)
- Load(Caml_young_limit, Alloc_limit)
+ Load(caml_young_limit, Alloc_limit)
/* Branch to exception handler */
mov %g3, %sp
@@ -336,8 +286,8 @@ L107:
/* Callbacks C -> ML */
- .global Caml_callback_exn
+ .global caml_callback_exn
/* Save callee-save registers and return address */
save %sp, -96, %sp
/* Initial shuffling of arguments */
@@ -347,8 +297,8 @@ Caml_callback_exn:
b L108
ld [%g1], %l2 /* code pointer */
- .global Caml_callback2_exn
+ .global caml_callback2_exn
/* Save callee-save registers and return address */
save %sp, -104, %sp
/* Initial shuffling of arguments */
@@ -356,12 +306,12 @@ Caml_callback2_exn:
mov %i1, %i0 /* first arg */
mov %i2, %i1 /* second arg */
mov %g1, %i2 /* environment */
- sethi %hi(Caml_apply2), %l2
+ sethi %hi(caml_apply2), %l2
b L108
- or %l2, %lo(Caml_apply2), %l2
+ or %l2, %lo(caml_apply2), %l2
- .global Caml_callback3_exn
+ .global caml_callback3_exn
/* Save callee-save registers and return address */
save %sp, -104, %sp
/* Initial shuffling of arguments */
@@ -370,38 +320,41 @@ Caml_callback3_exn:
mov %i2, %i1 /* second arg */
mov %i3, %i2 /* third arg */
mov %g1, %i3 /* environment */
- sethi %hi(Caml_apply3), %l2
+ sethi %hi(caml_apply3), %l2
b L108
- or %l2, %lo(Caml_apply3), %l2
+ or %l2, %lo(caml_apply3), %l2
#ifndef SYS_solaris
/* Glue code to call [caml_array_bound_error] */
- .global Caml_ml_array_bound_error
- Address(Caml_array_bound_error, %g2)
- b Caml_c_call
+ .global caml_ml_array_bound_error
+ Address(caml_array_bound_error, %g2)
+ b caml_c_call
+ .global caml_system__code_end
#ifdef SYS_solaris
.section ".rodata"
- .global Caml_system__frametable
+ .global caml_system__frametable
.align 4 /* required for gas? */
.word 1 /* one descriptor */
.word L109 /* return address into callback */
.half -1 /* negative frame size => use callback link */
.half 0 /* no roots */
#ifdef SYS_solaris
- .type Caml_allocN, #function
- .type Caml_call_gc, #function
- .type Caml_c_call, #function
- .type Caml_start_program, #function
- .type Caml_raise_exception, #function
- .type Caml_system__frametable, #object
+ .type caml_allocN, #function
+ .type caml_call_gc, #function
+ .type caml_c_call, #function
+ .type caml_start_program, #function
+ .type caml_raise_exception, #function
+ .type caml_system__frametable, #object
diff --git a/asmrun/stack.h b/asmrun/stack.h
index 907d51c79..9b575cb70 100644
--- a/asmrun/stack.h
+++ b/asmrun/stack.h
@@ -19,13 +19,6 @@
#define CAML_STACK_H
/* Macros to access the stack frame */
-#ifdef TARGET_alpha
-#define Saved_return_address(sp) *((intnat *)((sp) - 8))
-#define Already_scanned(sp, retaddr) ((retaddr) & 1L)
-#define Mark_scanned(sp, retaddr) (*((intnat *)((sp) - 8)) = (retaddr) | 1L)
-#define Mask_already_scanned(retaddr) ((retaddr) & ~1L)
-#define Callback_link(sp) ((struct caml_context *)((sp) + 16))
#ifdef TARGET_sparc
#define Saved_return_address(sp) *((intnat *)((sp) + 92))
@@ -41,17 +34,6 @@
-#ifdef TARGET_mips
-#define Saved_return_address(sp) *((intnat *)((sp) - 4))
-#define Callback_link(sp) ((struct caml_context *)((sp) + 16))
-#ifdef TARGET_hppa
-#define Stack_grows_upwards
-#define Saved_return_address(sp) *((intnat *)(sp))
-#define Callback_link(sp) ((struct caml_context *)((sp) - 24))
#ifdef TARGET_power
#define Saved_return_address(sp) *((intnat *)((sp) - SIZEOF_PTR))
#define Already_scanned(sp, retaddr) ((retaddr) & 1)
@@ -65,24 +47,11 @@
#define Callback_link(sp) ((struct caml_context *)((sp) + Trap_frame_size))
-#ifdef TARGET_m68k
-#define Saved_return_address(sp) *((intnat *)((sp) - 4))
-#define Callback_link(sp) ((struct caml_context *)((sp) + 8))
#ifdef TARGET_arm
#define Saved_return_address(sp) *((intnat *)((sp) - 4))
#define Callback_link(sp) ((struct caml_context *)((sp) + 8))
-#ifdef TARGET_ia64
-#define Saved_return_address(sp) *((intnat *)((sp) + 8))
-#define Already_scanned(sp, retaddr) ((retaddr) & 1L)
-#define Mark_scanned(sp, retaddr) (*((intnat *)((sp) + 8)) = (retaddr) | 1L)
-#define Mask_already_scanned(retaddr) ((retaddr) & ~1L)
-#define Callback_link(sp) ((struct caml_context *)((sp) + 32))
#ifdef TARGET_amd64
#define Saved_return_address(sp) *((intnat *)((sp) - 8))
#define Callback_link(sp) ((struct caml_context *)((sp) + 16))
diff --git a/configure b/configure
index ecc9241e4..8e537bd61 100755
--- a/configure
+++ b/configure
@@ -663,7 +663,6 @@ model=default
case "$host" in
- sparc*-*-sunos4.*) arch=sparc; system=sunos;;
sparc*-*-solaris2.*) arch=sparc; system=solaris;;
sparc*-*-*bsd*) arch=sparc; system=bsd;;
sparc*-*-linux*) arch=sparc; system=linux;;
@@ -1149,7 +1148,7 @@ fi
# Determine if system stack overflows can be detected
case "$arch,$system" in
- i386,linux_elf|amd64,linux|power,rhapsody|amd64,macosx|i386,macosx|amd64,macosx)
+ i386,linux_elf|amd64,linux|power,elf|power,rhapsody|amd64,macosx|i386,macosx)
echo "System stack overflow can be detected."
echo "#define HAS_STACK_OVERFLOW_DETECTION" >> s.h;;