diff options
authorJérôme Vouillon <>1997-03-07 22:26:29 +0000
committerJérôme Vouillon <>1997-03-07 22:26:29 +0000
commit3a88e177ede85f96f73c085091beca30b54923eb (patch)
parent2a44439fcdc2fe3bfebf728c00eb647725d998ee (diff)
L'alias (t as 'a) peut etre utilise avec tout type t (pas seulement
objet et type construit). git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
4 files changed, 82 insertions, 134 deletions
diff --git a/parsing/parser.mly b/parsing/parser.mly
index 47ff7cbe2..6973c3407 100644
--- a/parsing/parser.mly
+++ b/parsing/parser.mly
@@ -885,6 +885,8 @@ core_type:
{ mktyp(Ptyp_arrow($1, $3)) }
| core_type_tuple
{ mktyp(Ptyp_tuple(List.rev $1)) }
+ | core_type AS type_parameter
+ { mktyp(Ptyp_alias($1, $3)) }
@@ -892,32 +894,26 @@ simple_core_type:
{ mktyp(Ptyp_var $2) }
{ mktyp(Ptyp_any) }
- | type_longident alias
- { mktyp(Ptyp_constr($1, [], $2)) }
- | simple_core_type type_longident alias %prec prec_constr_appl
- { mktyp(Ptyp_constr($2, [$1], $3)) }
- | LPAREN core_type_comma_list RPAREN type_longident alias
+ | type_longident
+ { mktyp(Ptyp_constr($1, [])) }
+ | simple_core_type type_longident %prec prec_constr_appl
+ { mktyp(Ptyp_constr($2, [$1])) }
+ | LPAREN core_type_comma_list RPAREN type_longident
%prec prec_constr_appl
- { mktyp(Ptyp_constr($4, List.rev $2, $5)) }
+ { mktyp(Ptyp_constr($4, List.rev $2)) }
| LPAREN core_type RPAREN
{ $2 }
- | LESS meth_list GREATER alias
- { mktyp(Ptyp_object($2, $4)) }
- | LESS GREATER alias
- { mktyp(Ptyp_object([], $3)) }
- | SHARP class_longident alias
- { mktyp(Ptyp_class($2, [], $3)) }
- | simple_core_type SHARP class_longident alias %prec prec_constr_appl
- { mktyp(Ptyp_class($3, [$1], $4)) }
- | LPAREN core_type_comma_list RPAREN SHARP class_longident alias
+ | LESS meth_list GREATER
+ { mktyp(Ptyp_object $2) }
+ { mktyp(Ptyp_object []) }
+ | SHARP class_longident
+ { mktyp(Ptyp_class($2, [])) }
+ | simple_core_type SHARP class_longident %prec prec_constr_appl
+ { mktyp(Ptyp_class($3, [$1])) }
+ | LPAREN core_type_comma_list RPAREN SHARP class_longident
%prec prec_constr_appl
- { mktyp(Ptyp_class($5, List.rev $2, $6)) }
- AS type_parameter
- { Some $2 }
- | /* empty */
- {None}
+ { mktyp(Ptyp_class($5, List.rev $2)) }
simple_core_type STAR simple_core_type
diff --git a/parsing/parsetree.mli b/parsing/parsetree.mli
index 96fd1d2c2..7b57b7cc2 100644
--- a/parsing/parsetree.mli
+++ b/parsing/parsetree.mli
@@ -26,9 +26,10 @@ and core_type_desc =
| Ptyp_var of string
| Ptyp_arrow of core_type * core_type
| Ptyp_tuple of core_type list
- | Ptyp_constr of Longident.t * core_type list * string option
- | Ptyp_object of core_field_type list * string option
- | Ptyp_class of Longident.t * core_type list * string option
+ | Ptyp_constr of Longident.t * core_type list
+ | Ptyp_object of core_field_type list
+ | Ptyp_class of Longident.t * core_type list
+ | Ptyp_alias of core_type * string
and core_field_type =
{ pfield_desc: core_field_desc;
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index d3fb2c04d..f636966c4 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -139,66 +139,73 @@ let reset_loop_marks () =
let reset () =
reset_names (); reset_loop_marks ()
-let rec typexp sch prio ty =
+let rec typexp sch prio0 ty =
let ty = repr ty in
List.assq ty !names;
print_string "'";
print_string (name_of_type ty)
with Not_found ->
- match ty.desc with
+ let alias = List.memq ty !aliased in
+ if alias then begin
+ name_of_type ty;
+ if prio0 >= 1 then begin open_box 1; print_string "(" end
+ else open_box 0
+ end;
+ let prio = if alias then 0 else prio0 in
+ begin match ty.desc with
Tvar ->
if (not sch) or ty.level = generic_level
then print_string "'"
else print_string "'_";
print_string(name_of_type ty)
| Tarrow(ty1, ty2) ->
- if prio >= 1 then begin open_box 1; print_string "(" end
+ if prio >= 2 then begin open_box 1; print_string "(" end
else open_box 0;
- typexp sch 1 ty1;
+ typexp sch 2 ty1;
print_string " ->"; print_space();
- typexp sch 0 ty2;
- if prio >= 1 then print_string ")";
+ typexp sch 1 ty2;
+ if prio >= 2 then print_string ")";
| Ttuple tyl ->
- if prio >= 2 then begin open_box 1; print_string "(" end
+ if prio >= 3 then begin open_box 1; print_string "(" end
else open_box 0;
- typlist sch 2 " *" tyl;
- if prio >= 2 then print_string ")";
+ typlist sch 3 " *" tyl;
+ if prio >= 3 then print_string ")";
| Tconstr(p, tyl, abbrev) ->
open_box 0;
- if List.memq ty !aliased then begin
- name_of_type ty;
- if prio >= 1 then begin open_box 1; print_string "(" end
- end;
- open_box 0;
begin match tyl with
[] -> ()
| [ty1] ->
- typexp sch 2 ty1; print_space()
+ typexp sch 3 ty1; print_space()
| tyl ->
open_box 1; print_string "("; typlist sch 0 "," tyl;
print_string ")"; close_box(); print_space()
path p;
- if List.memq ty !aliased then begin
- print_string " as ";
- print_string "'";
- print_string (name_of_type ty);
- remove_name_of_type ty;
- if prio >= 1 then begin print_string ")"; close_box () end
- end;
- close_box()
| Tobject (fi, nm) ->
- typobject sch prio ty fi nm
+ typobject sch ty fi nm
-| Tfield _ -> typobject sch prio ty ty (ref None)
-| Tnil -> typobject sch prio ty ty (ref None)
+| Tfield _ -> typobject sch ty ty (ref None)
+| Tnil -> typobject sch ty ty (ref None)
| _ ->
fatal_error "Printtyp.typexp"
+ end;
+ if alias then begin
+ print_string " as ";
+ print_string "'";
+ print_string (name_of_type ty);
+ if not (opened_object ty) then
+ remove_name_of_type ty;
+ if prio0 >= 1 then print_string ")";
+ close_box()
+ end
+; print_string "[";
+ print_int ty.level;
+ print_string "]"
and typlist sch prio sep = function
[] -> ()
@@ -207,11 +214,7 @@ and typlist sch prio sep = function
typexp sch prio ty; print_string sep; print_space();
typlist sch prio sep tyl
-and typobject sch prio ty fi nm =
- if List.memq ty !aliased then begin
- name_of_type ty;
- if prio >= 1 then begin open_box 1; print_string "(" end
- end;
+and typobject sch ty fi nm =
begin match !nm with
None ->
open_box 2;
@@ -225,7 +228,7 @@ and typobject sch prio ty fi nm =
begin match tyl with
[] -> ()
| [ty1] ->
- typexp sch 2 ty1; print_space()
+ typexp sch 3 ty1; print_space()
| tyl ->
open_box 1; print_string "("; typlist sch 0 "," tyl;
print_string ")"; close_box(); print_space()
@@ -237,14 +240,6 @@ and typobject sch prio ty fi nm =
| _ ->
fatal_error "Printtyp.typobject"
- end;
- if List.memq ty !aliased then begin
- print_string " as ";
- print_string "'";
- print_string (name_of_type ty);
- if not (opened_object ty) then
- remove_name_of_type ty;
- if prio >= 1 then begin print_string ")"; close_box () end
and typfields sch rest =
@@ -353,7 +348,7 @@ and constructor (name, args) =
match args with
[] -> ()
| _ -> print_string " of ";
- open_box 2; typlist false 2 " *" args; close_box()
+ open_box 2; typlist false 3 " *" args; close_box()
and label (name, mut, arg) =
begin match mut with
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 3c8cc8ea2..aa9e4d168 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ let rec transl_type env policy styp =
newty (Tarrow(ty1, ty2))
| Ptyp_tuple stl ->
newty (Ttuple( (transl_type env policy) stl))
- | Ptyp_constr(lid, stl, alias) ->
+ | Ptyp_constr(lid, stl) ->
let (path, decl) =
Env.lookup_type lid env
@@ -115,30 +115,8 @@ let rec transl_type env policy styp =
if List.length stl <> decl.type_arity then
raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, Type_arity_mismatch(lid, decl.type_arity,
List.length stl)));
- let (cstr, args) =
- begin match alias with
- None ->
- let tl = (transl_type env policy) stl in
- (newty (Tconstr(path, tl, ref Mnil)), tl)
- | Some alias ->
- let cstr = newvar () in
- begin try
- Tbl.find alias !type_variables;
- raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, Bound_type_variable alias))
- with Not_found -> try
- Tbl.find alias !aliases;
- raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, Bound_type_variable alias))
- with Not_found ->
- aliases := Tbl.add alias cstr !aliases
- end;
- let tl = (transl_type env policy) stl in
- let cstr' = newty (Tconstr(path, tl, ref Mnil)) in
- begin try unify env cstr' cstr with Unify trace ->
- raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, Alias_type_mismatch trace))
- end;
- (cstr, tl)
- end
- in
+ let args = (transl_type env policy) stl in
+ let cstr = newty (Tconstr(path, args, ref Mnil)) in
let params = Ctype.instance_list decl.type_params in
(fun (sty, ty) ty' ->
@@ -146,26 +124,9 @@ let rec transl_type env policy styp =
raise (Error(sty.ptyp_loc, Type_mismatch trace)))
(List.combine stl args) params;
- | Ptyp_object(fields, None) ->
+ | Ptyp_object fields ->
newobj (transl_fields env policy fields)
- | Ptyp_object(fields, Some alias) ->
- begin try
- Tbl.find alias !type_variables;
- raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, Bound_type_variable alias))
- with Not_found -> try
- Tbl.find alias !aliases;
- raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, Bound_type_variable alias))
- with Not_found ->
- let obj = newvar () in
- aliases := Tbl.add alias obj !aliases;
- let obj' =
- newty (Tobject (transl_fields env policy fields, ref None)) in
- begin try unify env obj' obj with Unify trace ->
- raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, Alias_type_mismatch trace))
- end;
- obj
- end
- | Ptyp_class(lid, stl, alias) ->
+ | Ptyp_class(lid, stl) ->
if policy = Fixed then
raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, Unbound_row_variable lid));
let lid2 =
@@ -182,30 +143,9 @@ let rec transl_type env policy styp =
if List.length stl <> decl.type_arity then
raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, Type_arity_mismatch(lid, decl.type_arity,
List.length stl)));
- let cstr = new_global_var () in
- let (ty, args) =
- begin match alias with
- None ->
- let tl = (transl_type env policy) stl in
- (expand_abbrev env path tl (ref Mnil) cstr.level, tl)
- | Some alias ->
- begin try
- Tbl.find alias !type_variables;
- raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, Bound_type_variable alias))
- with Not_found -> try
- Tbl.find alias !aliases;
- raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, Bound_type_variable alias))
- with Not_found ->
- aliases := Tbl.add alias cstr !aliases
- end;
- let tl = (transl_type env policy) stl in
- let cstr' = expand_abbrev env path tl (ref Mnil) cstr.level in
- begin try unify env cstr' cstr with Unify trace ->
- raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, Alias_type_mismatch trace))
- end;
- (cstr, tl)
- end
- in
+ let cstr' = new_global_var () in
+ let args = (transl_type env policy) stl in
+ let ty = expand_abbrev env path args (ref Mnil) cstr'.level in
let params = Ctype.instance_list decl.type_params in
(fun (sty, ty') ty ->
@@ -213,6 +153,22 @@ let rec transl_type env policy styp =
raise (Error(sty.ptyp_loc, Type_mismatch trace)))
(List.combine stl args) params;
+ | Ptyp_alias(st, alias) ->
+ begin try
+ Tbl.find alias !type_variables;
+ raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, Bound_type_variable alias))
+ with Not_found -> try
+ Tbl.find alias !aliases;
+ raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, Bound_type_variable alias))
+ with Not_found ->
+ let ty' = newvar () in
+ aliases := Tbl.add alias ty' !aliases;
+ let ty = transl_type env policy st in
+ begin try unify env ty ty' with Unify trace ->
+ raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, Alias_type_mismatch trace))
+ end;
+ ty
+ end
and transl_fields env policy =