diff options
authorNicolas Pouillard <>2006-07-08 16:52:30 +0000
committerNicolas Pouillard <>2006-07-08 16:52:30 +0000
commit3f0cb35acd9b78612156e9986b9fc69bd3892d6a (patch)
parent63d8318a00f7e3a829ff51577290538f6a8c5d21 (diff)
Improve the profiler by providing a separate tool to analyse results
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
3 files changed, 55 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/ b/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
index 218b284a7..d4c881889 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
@@ -52,29 +52,26 @@ module Make (AstFilters : Camlp4.Sig.AstFilters.S) = struct
| e -> super#expr e ];
- value rec decorate_fun id =
+ value decorate_this_expr e id =
let buf = Buffer.create 42 in
- let decorate_expr = (decorate decorate_fun)#expr in
+ let _loc = Ast.loc_of_expr e in
+ let () = Format.bprintf buf "%s @@ %a@?" id Loc.dump _loc in
+ let s = Buffer.contents buf in
+ <:expr< let () = Camlp4Profiler.count $`str:s$ in $e$ >>;
+ value rec decorate_fun id =
+ let decorate = decorate decorate_fun in
+ let decorate_expr = decorate#expr in
+ let decorate_match_case = decorate#match_case in
[ <:expr@_loc< fun $p$ -> $e$ >> ->
<:expr< fun $p$ -> $decorate_fun id e$ >>
- | e ->
- let _loc = Ast.loc_of_expr e in
- let () = Format.bprintf buf "%s @@ %a@?" id Loc.dump _loc in
- let s = Buffer.contents buf in
- <:expr< let () = Camlp4Filters.Profiler.count $`str:s$
- in $decorate_expr e$ >> ];
+ | <:expr@_loc< fun [ $m$ ] >> ->
+ decorate_this_expr <:expr< fun [ $decorate_match_case m$ ] >> id
+ | e -> decorate_this_expr (decorate_expr e) id ];
register_str_item_filter (decorate decorate_fun)#str_item;
-value count =
- let h = Hashtbl.create 1007 in
- let () = at_exit (fun () ->
- Hashtbl.iter (fun k v -> Format.eprintf "%s: %d@." k v.val) h) in
- fun s ->
- try incr (Hashtbl.find h s)
- with [ Not_found -> Hashtbl.add h s (ref 1) ];
let module M = Camlp4.Register.AstFilter Id Make in ();
diff --git a/camlp4/ b/camlp4/
index c180de4f3..52d075b12 100644
--- a/camlp4/
+++ b/camlp4/
@@ -44,12 +44,14 @@ let camlp4_modules =
if debug_mode then "env STATIC_CAMLP4_DEBUG=\\*" :: camlp4_modules
else camlp4_modules
+let debug_opt x = if debug_mode && Sys.file_exists x then [x] else []
+let filter_opt x = if Sys.file_exists x then [x] else []
let camlp4boot = "'" ^ String.concat " " camlp4_modules ^ "'"
let camlp4boot_may_debug mods =
- let tracer = "./boot/ExceptionTracer.cmo" in
- let tracer_opt =
- if debug_mode && Sys.file_exists tracer then [tracer] else [] in
- let camlp4_modules = camlp4_modules @ tracer_opt @ mods
+ let camlp4_modules = camlp4_modules @
+ debug_opt "./boot/ExceptionTracer.cmo" @
+ filter_opt "./boot/Profiler.cmo" @ mods
in "'" ^ String.concat " " camlp4_modules ^ "'"
let () =
@@ -67,7 +69,7 @@ let () =
let options_without_camlp4 = new_scope (lazy !options)
let () =
- !options.ocaml_Flags ^= "-w Ale -warn-error Ale";
+ !options.ocaml_Flags ^= "-w Ale -warn-error Ale";
!options.ocaml_P4 := camlp4boot_may_debug [];
!options.ocaml_P4_opt := camlp4boot_may_debug ["-D OPT"];
@@ -80,6 +82,7 @@ and typing = "../typing"
and toplevel = "../toplevel"
and utils = "../utils"
and dynlink = "../otherlibs/dynlink"
+and unix = "../otherlibs/unix"
and build = "build"
let ocaml_Module_with_meta =
@@ -209,6 +212,7 @@ let camlp4_printers =
ocaml_Module "OCaml";
ocaml_Module "OCamlr";
ocaml_Module "Null";
+ ocaml_Module ~includes:[unix] "Auto";
let camlp4_filters =
@@ -218,6 +222,7 @@ let camlp4_filters =
ocaml_Module "StripLocations";
ocaml_Module "LiftCamlp4Ast";
ocaml_Module "GenerateMap";
+ ocaml_Module "Profiler";
let camlp4_top =
@@ -243,6 +248,7 @@ let pa_debug = ocaml_Module "Camlp4Parsers/Debug"
let pr_dump = ocaml_Module "Camlp4Printers/DumpOCamlAst"
let pr_r = ocaml_Module "Camlp4Printers/OCamlr"
let pr_o = ocaml_Module "Camlp4Printers/OCaml"
+let pr_a = ocaml_Module "Camlp4Printers/Auto"
let fi_exc = ocaml_Module "Camlp4Filters/ExceptionTracer"
let fi_tracer = ocaml_Module "Camlp4Filters/Tracer"
let camlp4_bin = ocaml_Module "Camlp4Bin"
@@ -254,16 +260,23 @@ let opt_programs = ref []
let byte_libraries = ref []
let opt_libraries = ref []
+let special_modules =
+ if Sys.file_exists "./boot/Profiler.cmo" then
+ [ocaml_IModule "Camlp4Profiler"]
+ else []
let mk_camlp4_top_lib name modules =
byte_libraries += (name ^ ".cma");
opt_libraries @= [name ^ ".cmxa"; name ^ ".a"];
- ocaml_Library ~default:`Byte ~libraries:["Camlp4"] ~flags:"-linkall" name (modules @ [top_camlp4_top])
+ ocaml_Library ~default:`Byte ~libraries:["Camlp4"] ~flags:"-linkall" name
+ (special_modules @ modules @ [top_camlp4_top])
let mk_camlp4 name modules =
byte_programs += (name ^ ".run");
opt_programs += (name ^ ".opt");
- ocaml_Program ~default:`Byte ~libraries:["Camlp4"] ~flags:"-linkall" name
- (modules @ [camlp4_bin])
+ ocaml_Program ~default:`Byte ~includes:[unix] ~libraries:["unix"; "Camlp4"] ~flags:"-linkall" name
+ (special_modules @ modules @ [camlp4_bin])
let mk_camlp4_tool name modules =
byte_programs += (name ^ ".run");
@@ -383,21 +396,21 @@ let other_byte_objs = String.concat " " ( (fun x -> x ^ ".cmo") other_ob
let other_opt_objs = String.concat " " ( (fun x -> x ^ ".cmx") other_objs)
let all =
[ocaml_Library ~default:`Byte
- ~includes:["../otherlibs/dynlink"]
+ ~includes:[dynlink]
~byte_flags:("dynlink.cma"^^other_byte_objs) ~opt_flags:other_opt_objs
- ~flags:"-linkall" "Camlp4" (misc_modules @ [camlp4_package]);
- (* ocaml_Library ~default:`Byte ~flags:"-linkall" "Camlp4Parsers" []; *)
+ ~flags:"-linkall" "Camlp4" (misc_modules @ special_modules @ [camlp4_package]);
mk_camlp4 "camlp4" [];
- mk_camlp4 "camlp4boot" [pa_r; pa_qb; pa_q; pa_rp; pa_g; pa_macro; pa_debug; pr_o; pr_dump];
- mk_camlp4 "camlp4r" [pa_r; pa_rp; pr_dump];
- mk_camlp4 "camlp4rf" [pa_r; pa_qb; pa_q; pa_rp; pa_g; pa_macro; pr_dump];
- mk_camlp4 "camlp4o" [pa_r; pa_o; pa_rp; pa_op; pr_dump];
- mk_camlp4 "camlp4of" [pa_r; pa_qb; pa_rq; pa_o; pa_rp; pa_op; pa_g; pa_macro; pr_dump];
+ mk_camlp4 "camlp4boot" [pa_r; pa_qb; pa_q; pa_rp; pa_g; pa_macro; pa_debug; pr_o; pr_a];
+ mk_camlp4 "camlp4r" [pa_r; pa_rp; pr_a];
+ mk_camlp4 "camlp4rf" [pa_r; pa_qb; pa_q; pa_rp; pa_g; pa_macro; pr_a];
+ mk_camlp4 "camlp4o" [pa_r; pa_o; pa_rp; pa_op; pr_a];
+ mk_camlp4 "camlp4of" [pa_r; pa_qb; pa_rq; pa_o; pa_rp; pa_op; pa_g; pa_macro; pr_a];
mk_camlp4_tool "mkcamlp4" [ocaml_Module ~o:(options_without_debug ()) "mkcamlp4"];
- mk_camlp4_top_lib "camlp4r" [pa_r; pa_rp; (* pr_r; *) top_rprint];
- mk_camlp4_top_lib "camlp4rf" [pa_r; pa_rp; pa_qb; pa_q; pa_g; pa_macro; (* pr_r; *) top_rprint];
- mk_camlp4_top_lib "camlp4o" [pa_r; pa_o; pa_rp; pa_op; (* pr_o; *)];
- mk_camlp4_top_lib "camlp4of" [pa_r; pa_qb; pa_rq; pa_o; pa_rp; pa_op; pa_g; pa_macro; (* pr_o; *)];
+ mk_camlp4_tool "camlp4prof" [ocaml_Module ~o:(options_without_debug ()) "camlp4prof"];
+ mk_camlp4_top_lib "camlp4r" [pa_r; pa_rp; top_rprint];
+ mk_camlp4_top_lib "camlp4rf" [pa_r; pa_rp; pa_qb; pa_q; pa_g; pa_macro; top_rprint];
+ mk_camlp4_top_lib "camlp4o" [pa_r; pa_o; pa_rp; pa_op];
+ mk_camlp4_top_lib "camlp4of" [pa_r; pa_qb; pa_rq; pa_o; pa_rp; pa_op; pa_g; pa_macro];
] @ extensions
diff --git a/camlp4/ b/camlp4/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..26123873a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/camlp4/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+open Camlp4Profiler;
+value profile = load stdin;
+value profile = List.sort (fun (_, v1) (_, v2) -> compare v1 v2) profile;
+ (fun (k, v) -> Format.printf "%-75s: %d@." k v)
+ profile;