diff options
authorJacques Le Normand <>2010-09-22 07:52:36 +0000
committerJacques Le Normand <>2010-09-22 07:52:36 +0000
commit5a750b3e54fee65a1cc3cdb805576fffdc247eb8 (patch)
parent10214937fee0c28cdf98d9c15c52ae0057de998e (diff)
existentials are now treated correctly in patterns
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
3 files changed, 207 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 333e350c7..17e084542 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -10,6 +10,180 @@
(* *)
+module Printtyp_ =
+open Misc
+open Format
+open Longident
+open Path
+open Asttypes
+open Types
+open Btype
+open Outcometree
+(* Print a long identifier *)
+let rec longident ppf = function
+ | Lident s -> fprintf ppf "%s" s
+ | Ldot(p, s) -> fprintf ppf "%a.%s" longident p s
+ | Lapply(p1, p2) -> fprintf ppf "%a(%a)" longident p1 longident p2
+(* Print an identifier *)
+let unique_names = ref Ident.empty
+let ident_name id =
+ try Ident.find_same id !unique_names with Not_found -> id
+let add_unique id =
+ try ignore (Ident.find_same id !unique_names)
+ with Not_found ->
+ unique_names := Ident.add id (Ident.unique_toplevel_name id) !unique_names
+let ident ppf id = fprintf ppf "%s" (ident_name id)
+(* Print a path *)
+let ident_pervasive = Ident.create_persistent "Pervasives"
+let rec tree_of_path = function
+ | Pident id ->
+ Oide_ident (ident_name id)
+ | Pdot(Pident id, s, pos) when Ident.same id ident_pervasive ->
+ Oide_ident s
+ | Pdot(p, s, pos) ->
+ Oide_dot (tree_of_path p, s)
+ | Papply(p1, p2) ->
+ Oide_apply (tree_of_path p1, tree_of_path p2)
+let rec path ppf = function
+ | Pident id ->
+ ident ppf id
+ | Pdot(Pident id, s, pos) when Ident.same id ident_pervasive ->
+ fprintf ppf "%s" s
+ | Pdot(p, s, pos) ->
+ fprintf ppf "%a.%s" path p s
+ | Papply(p1, p2) ->
+ fprintf ppf "%a(%a)" path p1 path p2
+(* Print a recursive annotation *)
+let tree_of_rec = function
+ | Trec_not -> Orec_not
+ | Trec_first -> Orec_first
+ | Trec_next -> Orec_next
+(* Print a raw type expression, with sharing *)
+let raw_list pr ppf = function
+ [] -> fprintf ppf "[]"
+ | a :: l ->
+ fprintf ppf "@[<1>[%a%t]@]" pr a
+ (fun ppf -> List.iter (fun x -> fprintf ppf ";@,%a" pr x) l)
+let rec safe_kind_repr v = function
+ Fvar {contents=Some k} ->
+ if List.memq k v then "Fvar loop" else
+ safe_kind_repr (k::v) k
+ | Fvar _ -> "Fvar None"
+ | Fpresent -> "Fpresent"
+ | Fabsent -> "Fabsent"
+let rec safe_commu_repr v = function
+ Cok -> "Cok"
+ | Cunknown -> "Cunknown"
+ | Clink r ->
+ if List.memq r v then "Clink loop" else
+ safe_commu_repr (r::v) !r
+let rec safe_repr v = function
+ {desc = Tlink t} when not (List.memq t v) ->
+ safe_repr (t::v) t
+ | t -> t
+let rec list_of_memo = function
+ Mnil -> []
+ | Mcons (priv, p, t1, t2, rem) -> p :: list_of_memo rem
+ | Mlink rem -> list_of_memo !rem
+let visited = ref []
+let rec raw_type ppf ty =
+ let ty = safe_repr [] ty in
+ if List.memq ty !visited then fprintf ppf "{id=%d}" else begin
+ visited := ty :: !visited;
+ fprintf ppf "@[<1>{id=%d;level=%d;desc=@,%a}@]" ty.level
+ raw_type_desc ty.desc
+ end
+and raw_type_list tl = raw_list raw_type tl
+and raw_type_desc ppf = function
+ Tvar -> fprintf ppf "Tvar"
+ | Tarrow(l,t1,t2,c) ->
+ fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tarrow(%s,@,%a,@,%a,@,%s)@]"
+ l raw_type t1 raw_type t2
+ (safe_commu_repr [] c)
+ | Ttuple tl ->
+ fprintf ppf "@[<1>Ttuple@,%a@]" raw_type_list tl
+ | Tconstr (p, tl, abbrev) ->
+ fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tconstr(@,%a,@,%a,@,%a)@]" path p
+ raw_type_list tl
+ (raw_list path) (list_of_memo !abbrev)
+ | Tobject (t, nm) ->
+ fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tobject(@,%a,@,@[<1>ref%t@])@]" raw_type t
+ (fun ppf ->
+ match !nm with None -> fprintf ppf " None"
+ | Some(p,tl) ->
+ fprintf ppf "(Some(@,%a,@,%a))" path p raw_type_list tl)
+ | Tfield (f, k, t1, t2) ->
+ fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tfield(@,%s,@,%s,@,%a,@;<0 -1>%a)@]" f
+ (safe_kind_repr [] k)
+ raw_type t1 raw_type t2
+ | Tnil -> fprintf ppf "Tnil"
+ | Tlink t -> fprintf ppf "@[<1>Tlink@,%a@]" raw_type t
+ | Tsubst t -> fprintf ppf "@[<1>Tsubst@,%a@]" raw_type t
+ | Tunivar -> fprintf ppf "Tunivar"
+ | Tpoly (t, tl) ->
+ fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tpoly(@,%a,@,%a)@]"
+ raw_type t
+ raw_type_list tl
+ | Tvariant row ->
+ fprintf ppf
+ "@[<hov1>{@[%s@,%a;@]@ @[%s@,%a;@]@ %s%b;@ %s%b;@ @[<1>%s%t@]}@]"
+ "row_fields="
+ (raw_list (fun ppf (l, f) ->
+ fprintf ppf "@[%s,@ %a@]" l raw_field f))
+ row.row_fields
+ "row_more=" raw_type row.row_more
+ "row_closed=" row.row_closed
+ "row_fixed=" row.row_fixed
+ "row_name="
+ (fun ppf ->
+ match row.row_name with None -> fprintf ppf "None"
+ | Some(p,tl) ->
+ fprintf ppf "Some(@,%a,@,%a)" path p raw_type_list tl)
+ | Tpackage (p, _, tl) ->
+ fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tpackage(@,%a@,%a)@]" path p
+ raw_type_list tl
+and raw_field ppf = function
+ Rpresent None -> fprintf ppf "Rpresent None"
+ | Rpresent (Some t) -> fprintf ppf "@[<1>Rpresent(Some@,%a)@]" raw_type t
+ | Reither (c,tl,m,e) ->
+ fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Reither(%b,@,%a,@,%b,@,@[<1>ref%t@])@]" c
+ raw_type_list tl m
+ (fun ppf ->
+ match !e with None -> fprintf ppf " None"
+ | Some f -> fprintf ppf "@,@[<1>(%a)@]" raw_field f)
+ | Rabsent -> fprintf ppf "Rabsent"
+let raw_type_expr ppf t =
+ visited := [];
+ raw_type ppf t;
+ visited := []
(* $Id$ *)
(* Operations on core types *)
@@ -866,9 +1040,38 @@ let instance_list schl =
cleanup_types ();
-let instance_constructor cstr =
+let reified_var_counter = ref 0
+let get_new_abstract_name () =
+ let ret = Printf.sprintf "&x%d" !reified_var_counter in
+ incr reified_var_counter;
+ ret
+let instance_constructor ?(in_pattern=None) cstr = (* GAH : how the blazes does this work?? *)
let ty_res = copy cstr.cstr_res in
let ty_args = copy cstr.cstr_args in
+ begin match in_pattern with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some env ->
+ let existentials = copy cstr.cstr_existentials in
+ let process existential =
+ let decl = {
+ type_params = [];
+ type_arity = 0;
+ type_kind = Type_abstract;
+ type_private = Public;
+ type_manifest = None;
+ type_variance = [];
+ }
+ in
+ let ty = newvar () in
+ Ident.set_current_time ty.level;
+ let (id, new_env) = Env.enter_type (get_new_abstract_name ()) decl !env in
+ let to_unify = newty2 generic_level (Tconstr (Path.Pident id,[],ref Mnil)) in (* GAH : ask garrigue, what in the world is an abbrev_memo ?? *)
+ link_type existential to_unify
+ in
+ List.iter process existentials end;
cleanup_types ();
(ty_args, ty_res)
@@ -1568,12 +1771,6 @@ let get_unification_type () =
| true -> `Pattern
| false -> `Expression
-let reified_var_counter = ref 0
-let get_new_abstract_name () =
- let ret = Printf.sprintf "&x%d" !reified_var_counter in
- incr reified_var_counter;
- ret
let reify env t = (* GAH: ask garrigue; is this right? *)
let rec iterator ty =
diff --git a/typing/ctype.mli b/typing/ctype.mli
index a126c27fa..eef51699a 100644
--- a/typing/ctype.mli
+++ b/typing/ctype.mli
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ val instance: type_expr -> type_expr
val instance_list: type_expr list -> type_expr list
(* Take an instance of a list of type schemes *)
val instance_constructor:
- constructor_description -> type_expr list * type_expr
+ ?in_pattern:Env.t ref option -> constructor_description -> type_expr list * type_expr
(* Same, for a constructor *)
val instance_parameterized_type:
type_expr list -> type_expr -> type_expr list * type_expr
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 522da3956..bc2e51a90 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -492,22 +492,15 @@ let rec type_pat (env:Env.t ref) sp expected_ty =
pat_type = expected_ty;
pat_env = !env }
|Ppat_construct(lid, sarg, explicit_arity) ->
-(* if bare_tunivar expected_ty then
- raise (Error(loc,Constructor_inhabit_tunivar(expected_ty,lid ))); (* GAH : this code is wrong, must change *)*)
let constr = Typetexp.find_constructor !env loc lid in
let _ = (* GAH : there must be an easier way to do this, ask garrigue *)
let (_, ty_res) = instance_constructor constr in
match (repr ty_res).desc with
| Tconstr(p,args,m) ->
- ty_res.desc <- Tconstr(p, (fun _ -> newvar ()) args,m);
+ ty_res.desc <- Tconstr(p, (fun _ -> newvar ()) args,m); (* GAH: ask garrigue if this is the best way to only unify the head *)
unify_pat_types loc !env expected_ty ty_res
| _ -> fatal_error "constructor type does not have correct description"
let sargs =
match sarg with
None -> []
@@ -522,7 +515,7 @@ let rec type_pat (env:Env.t ref) sp expected_ty =
if List.length sargs <> constr.cstr_arity then
raise(Error(loc, Constructor_arity_mismatch(lid,
constr.cstr_arity, List.length sargs)));
- let (ty_args, ty_res) = instance_constructor constr in
+ let (ty_args, ty_res) = instance_constructor ~in_pattern:(Some env) constr in
unify_pat_types_gadt loc env expected_ty ty_res;
let args: Typedtree.pattern list = List.map2 (fun p t -> type_pat env p t) sargs ty_args in (* GAH : might be wrong *)
rp {