diff options
authorWojciech Meyer <>2013-01-16 07:36:07 +0000
committerWojciech Meyer <>2013-01-16 07:36:07 +0000
commit5cb2518dd78ce888c86857e7c1bb7eb444b711dd (patch)
parentd9fec1107d61a2c8580fbea5757233955c629d6c (diff)
Implement memoization for expand_module to improve performance
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
3 files changed, 32 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/ b/ocamlbuild/
index aa25ecb13..764341b71 100644
--- a/ocamlbuild/
+++ b/ocamlbuild/
@@ -403,3 +403,19 @@ let memo f =
with Not_found ->
let res = f x in
(Hashtbl.add cache x res; res)
+let memo2 f =
+ let cache = Hashtbl.create 103 in
+ fun x y ->
+ try Hashtbl.find cache (x,y)
+ with Not_found ->
+ let res = f x y in
+ (Hashtbl.add cache (x,y) res; res)
+let memo3 f =
+ let cache = Hashtbl.create 103 in
+ fun x y z ->
+ try Hashtbl.find cache (x,y,z)
+ with Not_found ->
+ let res = f x y z in
+ (Hashtbl.add cache (x,y,z) res; res)
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/ b/ocamlbuild/
index dd74e1048..b35ad679e 100644
--- a/ocamlbuild/
+++ b/ocamlbuild/
@@ -65,17 +65,18 @@ let path_importance path x =
else if ignore_stdlib x then `just_try else `mandatory
-let expand_module include_dirs module_name exts =
- let dirname = Pathname.dirname module_name in
- let basename = Pathname.basename module_name in
- let module_name_cap = dirname/(String.capitalize basename) in
- let module_name_uncap = dirname/(String.uncapitalize basename) in
- List.fold_right begin fun include_dir ->
- List.fold_right begin fun ext acc ->
- include_dir/(module_name_uncap-.-ext) ::
- include_dir/(module_name_cap-.-ext) :: acc
- end exts
- end include_dirs []
+let expand_module =
+ memo3 (fun include_dirs module_name exts ->
+ let dirname = Pathname.dirname module_name in
+ let basename = Pathname.basename module_name in
+ let module_name_cap = dirname/(String.capitalize basename) in
+ let module_name_uncap = dirname/(String.uncapitalize basename) in
+ List.fold_right begin fun include_dir ->
+ List.fold_right begin fun ext acc ->
+ include_dir/(module_name_uncap-.-ext) ::
+ include_dir/(module_name_cap-.-ext) :: acc
+ end exts
+ end include_dirs [])
let string_list_of_file file =
with_input_file file begin fun ic ->
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/signatures.mli b/ocamlbuild/signatures.mli
index f1b038857..42590a00d 100644
--- a/ocamlbuild/signatures.mli
+++ b/ocamlbuild/signatures.mli
@@ -348,6 +348,10 @@ module type MISC = sig
val ( @:= ) : 'a list ref -> 'a list -> unit
val memo : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a -> 'b)
+ val memo2 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c)
+ val memo3 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd) -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd)
module type OPTIONS = sig