diff options
authorXavier Leroy <>1996-04-04 15:54:25 +0000
committerXavier Leroy <>1996-04-04 15:54:25 +0000
commit5dda3ea3b600bb36393e0b032ee4c2464b3cc6a4 (patch)
parentc1898e706fe8f7a51bd80dd359c258227fb723d9 (diff)
Rectifications du switch (ajout d'un test de borne).
Ajout de Pbittest. git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
4 files changed, 60 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/asmcomp/ b/asmcomp/
index b0ea552c6..ae5cf6297 100644
--- a/asmcomp/
+++ b/asmcomp/
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ type ulambda =
| Ulet of Ident.t * ulambda * ulambda
| Uletrec of (Ident.t * ulambda) list * ulambda
| Uprim of primitive * ulambda list
- | Uswitch of ulambda * int array * ulambda array * int array * ulambda array
+ | Uswitch of ulambda * ulambda_switch
| Ustaticfail
| Ucatch of ulambda * ulambda
| Utrywith of ulambda * Ident.t * ulambda
@@ -40,6 +40,13 @@ type ulambda =
| Ufor of Ident.t * ulambda * ulambda * direction_flag * ulambda
| Uassign of Ident.t * ulambda
+and ulambda_switch =
+ { us_index_consts: int array;
+ us_cases_consts: ulambda array;
+ us_index_blocks: int array;
+ us_cases_blocks: ulambda array;
+ us_checked: bool }
(* Description of known functions *)
type function_description =
diff --git a/asmcomp/clambda.mli b/asmcomp/clambda.mli
index b0ea552c6..ae5cf6297 100644
--- a/asmcomp/clambda.mli
+++ b/asmcomp/clambda.mli
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ type ulambda =
| Ulet of Ident.t * ulambda * ulambda
| Uletrec of (Ident.t * ulambda) list * ulambda
| Uprim of primitive * ulambda list
- | Uswitch of ulambda * int array * ulambda array * int array * ulambda array
+ | Uswitch of ulambda * ulambda_switch
| Ustaticfail
| Ucatch of ulambda * ulambda
| Utrywith of ulambda * Ident.t * ulambda
@@ -40,6 +40,13 @@ type ulambda =
| Ufor of Ident.t * ulambda * ulambda * direction_flag * ulambda
| Uassign of Ident.t * ulambda
+and ulambda_switch =
+ { us_index_consts: int array;
+ us_cases_consts: ulambda array;
+ us_index_blocks: int array;
+ us_cases_blocks: ulambda array;
+ us_checked: bool }
(* Description of known functions *)
type function_description =
diff --git a/asmcomp/ b/asmcomp/
index 21d41c153..f06844e62 100644
--- a/asmcomp/
+++ b/asmcomp/
@@ -47,8 +47,9 @@ let occurs_var var u =
| Uletrec(decls, body) ->
List.exists (fun (id, u) -> occurs u) decls or occurs body
| Uprim(p, args) -> List.exists occurs args
- | Uswitch(arg, const_index, const_cases, block_index, block_cases) ->
- occurs arg or occurs_array const_cases or occurs_array block_cases
+ | Uswitch(arg, s) ->
+ occurs arg or occurs_array s.us_cases_consts
+ or occurs_array s.us_cases_blocks
| Ustaticfail -> false
| Ucatch(body, hdlr) -> occurs body or occurs hdlr
| Utrywith(body, exn, hdlr) -> occurs body or occurs hdlr
@@ -183,11 +184,18 @@ let rec close fenv cenv = function
| Lprim(p, args) ->
(Uprim(p, close_list fenv cenv args), Value_unknown)
- | Lswitch(arg, nconst, consts, nblock, blocks) ->
+ | Lswitch(arg, sw) ->
let (uarg, _) = close fenv cenv arg in
- let (const_index, const_cases) = close_switch fenv cenv nconst consts in
- let (block_index, block_cases) = close_switch fenv cenv nblock blocks in
- (Uswitch(uarg, const_index, const_cases, block_index, block_cases),
+ let (const_index, const_cases) =
+ close_switch fenv cenv sw.sw_numconsts sw.sw_consts in
+ let (block_index, block_cases) =
+ close_switch fenv cenv sw.sw_numblocks sw.sw_blocks in
+ (Uswitch(uarg,
+ {us_index_consts = const_index;
+ us_cases_consts = const_cases;
+ us_index_blocks = block_index;
+ us_cases_blocks = block_cases;
+ us_checked = sw.sw_checked}),
| Lstaticfail ->
(Ustaticfail, Value_unknown)
@@ -217,8 +225,6 @@ let rec close fenv cenv = function
let (uhi, _) = close fenv cenv hi in
let (ubody, _) = close fenv cenv body in
(Ufor(id, ulo, uhi, dir, ubody), Value_unknown)
- | Lshared(lam, _) ->
- close fenv cenv lam
| Lassign(id, lam) ->
let (ulam, _) = close fenv cenv lam in
(Uassign(id, ulam), Value_unknown)
@@ -315,26 +321,21 @@ and close_one_function fenv cenv id funct =
(clos, (id, pos, approx) :: _) -> (clos, approx)
| _ -> fatal_error "Closure.close_one_function"
-(* Close a switch, preserving sharing between cases. *)
+(* Close a switch *)
and close_switch fenv cenv num_keys cases =
let index = num_keys 0 in
let ucases = ref []
- and num_cases = ref 0
- and cases_processed = ref [] in
+ and num_cases = ref 0 in
if List.length cases < num_keys then begin
num_cases := 1;
ucases := [Ustaticfail]
(function (key, lam) ->
- try
- index.(key) <- List.assq lam !cases_processed
- with Not_found ->
let (ulam, _) = close fenv cenv lam in
ucases := ulam :: !ucases;
index.(key) <- !num_cases;
- cases_processed := (lam, !num_cases) :: !cases_processed;
incr num_cases)
(index, Array.of_list(List.rev !ucases))
diff --git a/asmcomp/ b/asmcomp/
index 42d06937c..828b42934 100644
--- a/asmcomp/
+++ b/asmcomp/
@@ -671,37 +671,42 @@ let rec transl = function
float_array_set arr idx (transl_unbox_float arg3))))
- (* Compaction of sparse switches *)
- | Uprim(Ptranslate tbl, [arg]) ->
- bind "transl" (transl arg) (fun arg ->
- let rec transl_tests lo hi =
- if lo > hi then int_const 0 else begin
- let i = (lo + hi) / 2 in
- let (first_val, last_val, ofs) = tbl.(i) in
- Cifthenelse(
- Cop(Ccmpi Clt, [arg; int_const first_val]),
- transl_tests lo (i-1),
- Cifthenelse(
- Cop(Ccmpi Cgt, [arg; int_const last_val]),
- transl_tests (i+1) hi,
- add_const arg ((ofs - first_val) * 2)))
- end in
- transl_tests 0 (Array.length tbl - 1))
+ (* Operations on bitvects *)
+ | Uprim(Pbittest, [arg1; arg2]) ->
+ bind "index" (untag_int(transl arg2)) (fun idx ->
+ tag_int(
+ Cop(Cand, [Cop(Clsr, [Cop(Cloadchunk Byte_unsigned,
+ [add_int (transl arg1)
+ (Cop(Clsr, [idx; Cconst_int 3]))]);
+ Cop(Cand, [idx; Cconst_int 7])]);
+ Cconst_int 1])))
| Uprim(_, _) ->
fatal_error "Cmmgen.transl"
- | Uswitch(arg, const_index, const_cases, block_index, block_cases) ->
- if Array.length block_index = 0 then
- transl_switch (untag_int (transl arg)) const_index const_cases
- else if Array.length const_index = 0 then
- transl_switch (get_tag (transl arg)) block_index block_cases
+ | Uswitch(arg, s) ->
+ (* As in the bytecode interpreter, only matching against constants
+ can be checked *)
+ if Array.length s.us_index_blocks = 0 then
+ if s.us_checked then
+ bind "switch" (untag_int (transl arg)) (fun idx ->
+ Cifthenelse(
+ Cop(Ccmpa Cge,
+ [idx; Cconst_pointer(Array.length s.us_index_consts)]),
+ Cexit,
+ transl_switch idx s.us_index_consts s.us_cases_consts))
+ else
+ transl_switch (untag_int (transl arg))
+ s.us_index_consts s.us_cases_consts
+ else if Array.length s.us_index_consts = 0 then
+ transl_switch (get_tag (transl arg))
+ s.us_index_blocks s.us_cases_blocks
bind "switch" (transl arg) (fun arg ->
Cop(Cand, [arg; Cconst_int 1]),
- transl_switch (untag_int arg) const_index const_cases,
- transl_switch (get_tag arg) block_index block_cases))
+ transl_switch (untag_int arg) s.us_index_consts s.us_cases_consts,
+ transl_switch (get_tag arg) s.us_index_blocks s.us_cases_blocks))
| Ustaticfail ->
| Ucatch(body, handler) ->