diff options
authorDidier Rémy <>2003-09-05 18:01:46 +0000
committerDidier Rémy <>2003-09-05 18:01:46 +0000
commit5e6d9962597a15468bfa72ae72b2fe7ccaf145b8 (patch)
parentd10e45fd950db9954d313b1caae0430190282f0d (diff)
Fix hilitghting of largest well-typed expr surrounding point.
Cancel exploration outside of this region. git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
1 files changed, 62 insertions, 62 deletions
diff --git a/emacs/caml-types.el b/emacs/caml-types.el
index 9b1fb1601..30cd07b87 100644
--- a/emacs/caml-types.el
+++ b/emacs/caml-types.el
@@ -71,13 +71,16 @@ For the moment, the only possible keyword is \"type\"."
(if (not (face-differs-from-default-p 'caml-types-face))
(set-face-background 'caml-types-face "#88FF44"))
-(make-face 'caml-typed-face)
-(set-face-doc-string 'caml-typed-face
+(defvar caml-types-typed-ovl (make-overlay 1 1))
+(make-face 'caml-types-typed-face)
+(set-face-doc-string 'caml-types-typed-face
"face for hilighting typed expressions")
-(if (not (face-differs-from-default-p 'caml-typed-face))
- (set-face-background 'caml-typed-face "#FF8844"))
+(if (not (face-differs-from-default-p 'caml-types-typed-face))
+ (set-face-background 'caml-types-typed-face "#FF8844"))
(overlay-put caml-types-expr-ovl 'face 'caml-types-face)
+(overlay-put caml-types-typed-ovl 'face 'caml-types-typed-face)
(defvar caml-types-annotation-tree nil)
@@ -149,7 +152,8 @@ See `caml-types-location-re' for annotation file format.
(display-buffer caml-types-buffer))
(sit-for 60)
- (delete-overlay caml-types-expr-ovl))))
+ (delete-overlay caml-types-expr-ovl)
+ )))
(defun caml-types-preprocess (type-file)
(let* ((type-date (nth 5 (file-attributes type-file)))
@@ -392,81 +396,77 @@ and its type is displayed in the minibuffer, until the move is released."
Left Right limits cnum node mes type
(tree caml-types-annotation-tree)
- (unlocked font-lock-mode)
(caml-types-preprocess type-file)
(unless caml-types-buffer
(setq caml-types-buffer (get-buffer-create caml-types-buffer-name)))
- ; (message "Drag the mouse to explore types")
+ ;; (message "Drag the mouse to explore types")
- ;(setq region (caml-types-typed-region
- ; target-buf
- ; (caml-event-point-start event)))
+ (setq region
+ (caml-types-typed-make-overlay target-buf
+ (caml-event-point-start event)))
(while (and event
(setq cnum (caml-event-point-end event))))
- (if (and limits (>= cnum (car limits)) (< cnum (cdr limits)))
- (message mes)
- (setq target-bol
- (save-excursion (goto-char cnum)
- (caml-line-beginning-position)))
- (setq target-line
- (1+ (count-lines (point-min) target-bol)))
- (setq target-pos (vector target-file target-line target-bol cnum))
- (save-excursion
- (setq node (caml-types-find-location target-pos () tree))
- (set-buffer caml-types-buffer)
- (erase-buffer)
- (cond
- (node
- (setq Left (caml-types-get-pos target-buf (elt node 0)))
- (setq Right (caml-types-get-pos target-buf (elt node 1)))
- (move-overlay caml-types-expr-ovl Left Right target-buf)
- (setq limits (caml-types-find-interval target-buf target-pos
- node))
- (setq type (elt node 2))
- )
- (t
- (delete-overlay caml-types-expr-ovl)
- (setq type "*no type information*")
- (setq limits (caml-types-find-interval target-buf target-pos
- tree))
- ))
- (message (setq mes (format "type: %s" type)))
- (insert type)
- ))
- (setq event (caml-read-event))
- (unless (mouse-movement-p event) (setq event nil))
- )
+ (if (and region (<= (car region) cnum) (<= cnum (cdr region)))
+ (if (and limits (>= cnum (car limits)) (< cnum (cdr limits)))
+ (message mes)
+ (setq target-bol
+ (save-excursion (goto-char cnum)
+ (caml-line-beginning-position)))
+ (setq target-line
+ (1+ (count-lines (point-min) target-bol)))
+ (setq target-pos (vector target-file target-line target-bol cnum))
+ (save-excursion
+ (setq node (caml-types-find-location target-pos () tree))
+ (set-buffer caml-types-buffer)
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (cond
+ (node
+ (setq Left (caml-types-get-pos target-buf (elt node 0)))
+ (setq Right (caml-types-get-pos target-buf (elt node 1)))
+ (move-overlay caml-types-expr-ovl Left Right target-buf)
+ (setq limits (caml-types-find-interval target-buf target-pos
+ node))
+ (setq type (elt node 2))
+ )
+ (t
+ (delete-overlay caml-types-expr-ovl)
+ (setq type "*no type information*")
+ (setq limits (caml-types-find-interval target-buf target-pos
+ tree))
+ ))
+ (message (setq mes (format "type: %s" type)))
+ (insert type)
+ )))
+ (setq event (caml-read-event))
+ (unless (mouse-movement-p event) (setq event nil))
+ )
(delete-overlay caml-types-expr-ovl)
- ;(if unlocked (font-lock-mode 1)
- ; (remove-text-properties (car region) (cdr region) '(face)))
+ (delete-overlay caml-types-typed-ovl)
-(defun caml-types-typed-region (target-buf pos)
+(defun caml-types-typed-make-overlay (target-buf pos)
(interactive "p")
- (if (functionp 'caml-find-phrase)
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char pos)
- (setq start (caml-find-phrase))
- (setq end (point)))
- (setq start (point-min))
- (setq end (point-max)))
- (message "%S %S" start end)
- (let (len node)
+ (let ((start pos) (end pos) len node left right)
(setq len (length caml-types-annotation-tree))
- (if font-lock-mode (font-lock-mode 0))
(while (> len 3)
(setq len (- len 1))
(setq node (aref caml-types-annotation-tree len))
- (if (caml-types-pos-contains start end node)
- (put-text-property
- (caml-types-get-pos target-buf (elt node 0))
- (caml-types-get-pos target-buf (elt node 1))
- 'face 'caml-typed-face))))
- (cons start end))
+ (if (and (equal target-buf (current-buffer))
+ (setq left (caml-types-get-pos target-buf (elt node 0))
+ right (caml-types-get-pos target-buf (elt node 1)))
+ (<= left pos) (>= right pos)
+ )
+ (setq start (min start left)
+ end (max end right))
+ ))
+ (move-overlay caml-types-typed-ovl
+ (max (point-min) (- start 1))
+ (min (point-max) (+ end 1)) target-buf)
+ (cons start end)))
(provide 'caml-types)