diff options
authorXavier Leroy <>1995-07-11 08:51:10 +0000
committerXavier Leroy <>1995-07-11 08:51:10 +0000
commit650284680e4750dae96f8f994faa07d30b4523de (patch)
parentc226d5efeb43f25c7086e89733ec8073262aa2e0 (diff)
cmmgen: correction de Pnegfloat; modifs mineures dans l'adressage des tableaux.
proc_alpha: MAJ commentaires. selection: les ops flottantes ne sont plus considerees comme "cheap", pour leur laisser plus de temps pour se terminer. git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
3 files changed, 28 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/asmcomp/ b/asmcomp/
index 2e885183c..045f8408d 100644
--- a/asmcomp/
+++ b/asmcomp/
@@ -41,11 +41,13 @@ let add_const c n =
if n = 0 then c else Cop(Caddi, [c; Cconst_int n])
let incr_int = function
- Cop(Caddi, [c; Cconst_int n]) -> add_const c (n+1)
+ Cconst_int n -> Cconst_int(n+1)
+ | Cop(Caddi, [c; Cconst_int n]) -> add_const c (n+1)
| c -> add_const c 1
let decr_int = function
- Cop(Caddi, [c; Cconst_int n]) -> add_const c (n-1)
+ Cconst_int n -> Cconst_int(n-1)
+ | Cop(Caddi, [c; Cconst_int n]) -> add_const c (n-1)
| c -> add_const c (-1)
let add_int c1 c2 =
@@ -152,11 +154,11 @@ let array_indexing ptr ofs =
| Cop(Caddi, [Cop(Clsl, [c; Cconst_int 1]); Cconst_int 1]) ->
Cop(Cadda, [ptr; lsl_const c log2_size_addr])
| Cop(Caddi, [c; Cconst_int n]) ->
- Cop(Cadda, [ptr; add_const (lsl_const c (log2_size_addr - 1))
- ((n - 1) lsl (log2_size_addr - 1))])
+ Cop(Cadda, [Cop(Cadda, [ptr; lsl_const c (log2_size_addr - 1)]);
+ Cconst_int((n-1) lsl (log2_size_addr - 1))])
| _ ->
- Cop(Cadda, [ptr; add_const (lsl_const ofs (log2_size_addr - 1))
- ((-1) lsl (log2_size_addr - 1))])
+ Cop(Cadda, [Cop(Cadda, [ptr; lsl_const ofs (log2_size_addr - 1)]);
+ Cconst_int((-1) lsl (log2_size_addr - 1))])
(* String length *)
@@ -370,8 +372,12 @@ let rec transl = function
(bind "ref" (transl arg) (fun arg ->
[arg; add_const (Cop(Cload typ_int, [arg])) (n lsl 1)])))
+ | Uprim(Pfloatofint, [arg]) ->
+ box_float(Cop(Cfloatofint, [untag_int(transl arg)]))
+ | Uprim(Pintoffloat, [arg]) ->
+ tag_int(Cop(Cintoffloat, [transl_unbox_float arg]))
| Uprim(Pnegfloat, [arg]) ->
- box_float(Cop(Caddf, [Cconst_float "0.0";
+ box_float(Cop(Csubf, [Cconst_float "0.0";
transl_unbox_float arg]))
| Uprim(Paddfloat, [arg1; arg2]) ->
box_float(Cop(Caddf, [transl_unbox_float arg1; transl_unbox_float arg2]))
diff --git a/asmcomp/ b/asmcomp/
index d06b69139..1fd47742a 100644
--- a/asmcomp/
+++ b/asmcomp/
@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ let is_immediate (n:int) = true
$15 trap pointer
$16 - $23 13 - 20 function arguments
$24, $25 temporaries
- $26-$30 stack ptr, global ptr, etc
- $31 21 always zero
+ $26 - $30 stack ptr, global ptr, etc
+ $31 always zero
$f0 - $f7 100 - 107 function results
$f8 - $f15 108 - 115 general purpose ($f2 - $f9 preserved by C)
diff --git a/asmcomp/ b/asmcomp/
index 71daa753b..b2c4a4f9b 100644
--- a/asmcomp/
+++ b/asmcomp/
@@ -48,11 +48,20 @@ let rec size_expr env = function
| _ ->
fatal_error "Selection.size_expr"
-(* Says if an operation is "safe", i.e. without side-effects *)
-let safe_operation = function
+(* Says if an operation is "cheap". A "cheap" operation is an operation
+ without side-effects and whose execution can be delayed until its value
+ is really needed. In the case of e.g. an [alloc] instruction,
+ the non-cheap parts of arguments are computed in right-to-left order
+ first, then the block is allocated, then the cheap parts are evaluated
+ and stored. *)
+let cheap_operation = function
+ (* The following may have side effects *)
Capply _ | Cextcall(_, _, _) | Calloc | Cstore | Cstorechunk _ |
Cmodify | Craise -> false
+ (* The following are expensive to compute, better start them early *)
+ | Caddf | Csubf | Cmulf | Cdivf | Cfloatofint | Cintoffloat -> false
+ (* The remaining operations are cheap *)
| _ -> true
(* Default instruction selection for operators *)
@@ -463,7 +472,7 @@ and emit_parts env exp seq =
(Ctuple explist, env)
| Clet(id, arg, body) ->
emit_parts (emit_let env id arg seq) body seq
- | Cop(op, args) when safe_operation op ->
+ | Cop(op, args) when cheap_operation op ->
let (new_args, new_env) = emit_parts_list env args seq in
(Cop(op, new_args), new_env)
| _ ->