diff options
authorAlain Frisch <>2013-09-11 18:10:59 +0000
committerAlain Frisch <>2013-09-11 18:10:59 +0000
commit6ad98b3d0927ab206eec09aeaa3d7f776e1d2c0e (patch)
parent47be69c2b065d1cb11a73146289ab0ca56792a9e (diff)
Port Syntaxerr.Error to the new system. Trickier, because of special way to report some errors in the toplevel (is it really worth the trouble?).
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
8 files changed, 81 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/driver/ b/driver/
index 5faa274da..f7864ccd0 100644
--- a/driver/
+++ b/driver/
@@ -24,8 +24,6 @@ let report_error ppf exn =
| Lexer.Error(err, loc) ->
Location.print_error ppf loc;
Lexer.report_error ppf err
- | Syntaxerr.Error err ->
- Syntaxerr.report_error ppf err
| Pparse.Error err ->
Pparse.report_error ppf err
| Env.Error err ->
diff --git a/driver/ b/driver/
index 965844c92..7a519b79b 100644
--- a/driver/
+++ b/driver/
@@ -23,8 +23,6 @@ let report_error ppf exn =
| Lexer.Error(err, l) ->
Location.print_error ppf l;
Lexer.report_error ppf err
- | Syntaxerr.Error err ->
- Syntaxerr.report_error ppf err
| Pparse.Error err ->
Pparse.report_error ppf err
| Env.Error err ->
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
index 846724c06..4b2af7f97 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -111,8 +111,6 @@ let process_error exn =
| Lexer.Error(err, loc) ->
Location.print_error ppf loc;
Lexer.report_error ppf err
- | Syntaxerr.Error err ->
- Syntaxerr.report_error ppf err
| Env.Error err ->
Location.print_error_cur_file ppf;
Env.report_error ppf err
diff --git a/parsing/ b/parsing/
index 14d2f9513..0fbfd95f0 100644
--- a/parsing/
+++ b/parsing/
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ let num_loc_lines = ref 0 (* number of lines already printed after input *)
(* Highlight the locations using standout mode. *)
-let highlight_terminfo ppf num_lines lb loc1 loc2 =
+let highlight_terminfo ppf num_lines lb locs =
Format.pp_print_flush ppf (); (* avoid mixing Format and normal output *)
(* Char 0 is at offset -lb.lex_abs_pos in lb.lex_buffer. *)
let pos0 = -lb.lex_abs_pos in
@@ -94,9 +94,9 @@ let highlight_terminfo ppf num_lines lb loc1 loc2 =
print_string "# ";
for pos = 0 to lb.lex_buffer_len - pos0 - 1 do
if !bol then (print_string " "; bol := false);
- if pos = loc1.loc_start.pos_cnum || pos = loc2.loc_start.pos_cnum then
+ if List.exists (fun loc -> pos = loc.loc_start.pos_cnum) locs then
Terminfo.standout true;
- if pos = loc1.loc_end.pos_cnum || pos = loc2.loc_end.pos_cnum then
+ if List.exists (fun loc -> pos = loc.loc_end.pos_cnum) locs then
Terminfo.standout false;
let c = lb.lex_buffer.[pos + pos0] in
print_char c;
@@ -176,10 +176,10 @@ let highlight_dumb ppf lb loc =
(* Highlight the location using one of the supported modes. *)
-let rec highlight_locations ppf loc1 loc2 =
+let rec highlight_locations ppf locs =
match !status with
Terminfo.Uninitialised ->
- status := Terminfo.setup stdout; highlight_locations ppf loc1 loc2
+ status := Terminfo.setup stdout; highlight_locations ppf locs
| Terminfo.Bad_term ->
begin match !input_lexbuf with
None -> false
@@ -187,6 +187,7 @@ let rec highlight_locations ppf loc1 loc2 =
let norepeat =
try Sys.getenv "TERM" = "norepeat" with Not_found -> false in
if norepeat then false else
+ let loc1 = List.hd locs in
try highlight_dumb ppf lb loc1; true
with Exit -> false
@@ -194,7 +195,7 @@ let rec highlight_locations ppf loc1 loc2 =
begin match !input_lexbuf with
None -> false
| Some lb ->
- try highlight_terminfo ppf num_lines lb loc1 loc2; true
+ try highlight_terminfo ppf num_lines lb locs; true
with Exit -> false
@@ -237,7 +238,7 @@ let print_loc ppf loc =
let (file, line, startchar) = get_pos_info loc.loc_start in
let endchar = loc.loc_end.pos_cnum - loc.loc_start.pos_cnum + startchar in
if file = "//toplevel//" then begin
- if highlight_locations ppf loc none then () else
+ if highlight_locations ppf [loc] then () else
fprintf ppf "Characters %i-%i"
loc.loc_start.pos_cnum loc.loc_end.pos_cnum
end else begin
@@ -249,7 +250,7 @@ let print_loc ppf loc =
let print ppf loc =
if loc.loc_start.pos_fname = "//toplevel//"
- && highlight_locations ppf loc none then ()
+ && highlight_locations ppf [loc] then ()
else fprintf ppf "%a%s@." print_loc loc msg_colon
@@ -293,9 +294,14 @@ type error =
loc: t;
msg: string;
sub: error list;
+ if_highlight: string; (* alternative message if locations are highlighted *)
-let error ?(loc = none) ?(sub = []) msg = {loc; msg; sub}
+let errorf ?(loc = none) ?(sub = []) ?(if_highlight = "") =
+ Printf.ksprintf (fun msg -> {loc; msg; sub; if_highlight})
+let error ?(loc = none) ?(sub = []) ?(if_highlight = "") msg =
+ {loc; msg; sub; if_highlight}
let error_of_exn : (exn -> error option) list ref = ref []
@@ -311,16 +317,29 @@ let error_of_exn exn =
loop !error_of_exn
-let rec report_error ppf {loc; msg; sub} =
- print ppf loc;
- Format.pp_print_string ppf msg;
- List.iter (fun err -> Format.fprintf ppf "@\n@[<2>%a@]" report_error err) sub
+let rec report_error ppf ({loc; msg; sub; if_highlight} as err) =
+ let highlighted =
+ if if_highlight <> "" then
+ let rec collect_locs locs {loc; sub; if_highlight; _} =
+ List.fold_left collect_locs (loc :: locs) sub
+ in
+ let locs = collect_locs [] err in
+ highlight_locations ppf locs
+ else
+ false
+ in
+ if highlighted then
+ Format.pp_print_string ppf if_highlight
+ else begin
+ print ppf loc;
+ Format.pp_print_string ppf msg;
+ List.iter (fun err -> Format.fprintf ppf "@\n@[<2>%a@]" report_error err) sub
+ end
let error_of_printer loc print x =
let buf = Buffer.create 64 in
let ppf = Format.formatter_of_buffer buf in
- Format.fprintf ppf "Error: ";
print ppf x;
pp_print_flush ppf ();
let msg = Buffer.contents buf in
- error ~loc msg
+ errorf ~loc "Error: %s" msg
diff --git a/parsing/location.mli b/parsing/location.mli
index a465b8a1f..09e065952 100644
--- a/parsing/location.mli
+++ b/parsing/location.mli
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ val prerr_warning: t -> Warnings.t -> unit
val echo_eof: unit -> unit
val reset: unit -> unit
-val highlight_locations: formatter -> t -> t -> bool
+val highlight_locations: formatter -> t list -> bool
type 'a loc = {
txt : 'a;
@@ -84,9 +84,12 @@ type error =
loc: t;
msg: string;
sub: error list;
+ if_highlight: string; (* alternative message if locations are highlighted *)
-val error: ?loc:t -> ?sub:error list -> string -> error
+val error: ?loc:t -> ?sub:error list -> ?if_highlight:string -> string -> error
+val errorf: ?loc:t -> ?sub:error list -> ?if_highlight:string -> ('a, unit, string, error) format4 -> 'a
val error_of_printer: t -> (formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a -> error
diff --git a/parsing/ b/parsing/
index b19a382d4..13212eecd 100644
--- a/parsing/
+++ b/parsing/
@@ -12,8 +12,6 @@
(* Auxiliary type for reporting syntax errors *)
-open Format
type error =
Unclosed of Location.t * string * Location.t * string
| Expecting of Location.t * string
@@ -22,44 +20,48 @@ type error =
| Variable_in_scope of Location.t * string
| Other of Location.t
exception Error of error
exception Escape_error
-let report_error ppf = function
+let prepare_error = function
| Unclosed(opening_loc, opening, closing_loc, closing) ->
- if !Location.input_name = "//toplevel//"
- && Location.highlight_locations ppf opening_loc closing_loc
- then fprintf ppf "Syntax error: '%s' expected, \
- the highlighted '%s' might be unmatched" closing opening
- else begin
- fprintf ppf "%aSyntax error: '%s' expected@."
- Location.print_error closing_loc closing;
- fprintf ppf "%aThis '%s' might be unmatched"
- Location.print_error opening_loc opening
- end
+ Location.errorf ~loc:closing_loc
+ ~sub:[
+ Location.error ~loc:opening_loc
+ (Printf.sprintf "Error: This '%s' might be unmatched" opening)
+ ]
+ ~if_highlight:
+ (Printf.sprintf "Syntax error: '%s' expected, \
+ the highlighted '%s' might be unmatched"
+ closing opening)
+ "Error: Syntax error: '%s' expected" closing
| Expecting (loc, nonterm) ->
- fprintf ppf
- "%a@[Syntax error: %s expected.@]"
- Location.print_error loc nonterm
+ Location.errorf ~loc "Error: Syntax error: %s expected." nonterm
| Not_expecting (loc, nonterm) ->
- fprintf ppf
- "%a@[Syntax error: %s not expected.@]"
- Location.print_error loc nonterm
+ Location.errorf ~loc "Error: Syntax error: %s not expected." nonterm
| Applicative_path loc ->
- fprintf ppf
- "%aSyntax error: applicative paths of the form F(X).t \
+ Location.errorf ~loc
+ "Error: Syntax error: applicative paths of the form F(X).t \
are not supported when the option -no-app-func is set."
- Location.print_error loc
| Variable_in_scope (loc, var) ->
- fprintf ppf
- "%a@[In this scoped type, variable '%s@ \
- is reserved for the local type %s.@]"
- Location.print_error loc var var
+ Location.errorf ~loc
+ "Error: In this scoped type, variable '%s@ \
+ is reserved for the local type %s."
+ var var
| Other loc ->
- fprintf ppf "%aSyntax error" Location.print_error loc
+ Location.error ~loc "Error: Syntax error"
+let () =
+ Location.register_error_of_exn
+ (function
+ | Error err -> Some (prepare_error err)
+ | _ -> None
+ )
+let report_error ppf err =
+ Location.report_error ppf (prepare_error err)
let location_of_error = function
| Unclosed(l,_,_,_)
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 2b0b9513c..233dba34d 100644
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -211,9 +211,6 @@ let report_err source_file exn =
| Lexer.Error(err, range) ->
Format.fprintf Format.err_formatter "@[%a%a@]@."
Location.print_error range Lexer.report_error err
- | Syntaxerr.Error err ->
- Format.fprintf Format.err_formatter "@[%a@]@."
- Syntaxerr.report_error err
| Sys_error msg ->
Format.fprintf Format.err_formatter "@[I/O error:@ %s@]@." msg
| Pparse.Error err ->
@@ -221,7 +218,12 @@ let report_err source_file exn =
"@[Preprocessing error on file %s@]@.@[%a@]@."
Pparse.report_error err
- | x -> raise x
+ | x ->
+ match Location.error_of_exn x with
+ | Some err ->
+ Format.fprintf Format.err_formatter "@[%a@]@."
+ Location.report_error err
+ | None -> raise x
let read_parse_and_extract parse_function extract_function magic source_file =
Depend.free_structure_names := Depend.StringSet.empty;
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 77c50168a..acd99f200 100644
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -504,14 +504,15 @@ let main () =
| Lexer.Error(err, range) ->
fprintf ppf "@[%a%a@]@."
Location.print_error range Lexer.report_error err
- | Syntaxerr.Error err ->
- fprintf ppf "@[%a@]@."
- Syntaxerr.report_error err
| Profiler msg ->
fprintf ppf "@[%s@]@." msg
| Sys_error msg ->
fprintf ppf "@[I/O error:@ %s@]@." msg
- | x -> raise x in
+ | x ->
+ match Location.error_of_exn x with
+ | Some err -> fprintf ppf "@[%a@]@." Location.report_error err
+ | None -> raise x
+ in
report_error Format.err_formatter x;
exit 2